Great Power Ship

Chapter 127 Shipbuilding

Chapter 127 Shipbuilding (Subscribe)

Of course, the most important thing is to open up the industrial chain between the product side and the material side, and form a preliminary linkage model, thus solving the employment and food problems of most of the Zhujiang factory workers, which is a good start.

But this does not mean that Wen Dawei can sit on the "Houlang" hydrofoil surfboard and sit back and relax.

After all, the technical barriers to hydrofoil surfboards are still too low. It may take a little effort for small and medium-sized factories, but it is still easy for large factories to do so.

What's more, if this thing sells well, it will inevitably attract foreign manufacturers to join the competition.

Although Wen Dawei reached a consensus on the intellectual property rights of hydrofoil surfboards when he signed the contract with Epstein, there is still a lot of room for maneuverable variants.

After all, today's "Houlang" is still too primitive, but it is a new type of aluminum alloy frame wood. Foreign manufacturers can completely replace it with lighter materials such as plastic, and then slightly change the shape to become their own unique product.

Because of this, the business of "Houlang" can be done, but it is difficult to obtain high profits for a long time, so it is necessary to iterate and upgrade, and build up the "Houlang" product line step by step.

Only in this way can we obtain the right to formulate standards while obtaining high product returns, so as to obtain greater profits!

It takes a process to achieve this effect, but no matter what, there is nothing wrong with having as many cards as possible.

Only in this way, the consumption of aluminum products will be reduced again, which will affect the development of high-end aluminum industry, and then affect the more than 1000 cadres and workers of the Zhujiang factory who rely on high-end aluminum industry for food.

No way, the hydrofoil surfboard must take the lightweight route. Nowadays, the use of a large amount of aluminum alloy has made the structural weight of the "Houlang" hydrofoil surfboard a bit too heavy.

It's okay for a strong man to move it with a little effort, but it's a bit difficult for a woman.

This has caused many female consumers to be discouraged from heavy hydrofoil surfboards, which in turn affects popularity and sales, so lightweight is inevitable.

The question is what should a large user of aluminum alloy do without such a piece of aluminum alloy?
So we still have to build ships, not only to build but also to build aluminum alloy ships that are relatively rare in China today.

Only in this way, the amount of materials used can be guaranteed, and the remaining cadres and workers of the Zhujiang factory can also be guaranteed. Labor-intensive work is not covered, and it is not clear whether the remaining people will be enough by then.


"Zhujiang factory wants to build ships?"

In the local compound of Zhujiang, Yang Dong was sitting in the office listening to the report of his subordinates, almost spouting the tea he just drank in his mouth: "Say it again, what are they going to do?"

"Shipbuilding!" The subordinate spit out two words with certainty.

"Boom~~~" Yang Dong put the teacup in his hand on the table, stood up and took two steps in the office: "It's just been on the right track for a few days, and it started to float. Shipbuilding, the whole Zhujiang River There is no dock, how to build a ship?

We must know that the investment in a shipyard is very large, and it cannot be paid off every two or three years. Could it be that Zhujiang Factory has done everything in such a long time? "

It is no wonder that Yang Dong reacted so strongly. Relying on the export of hydrofoil surfboards, he finally has a sum of money in his hand. He is preparing to plan the construction of Zhujiang Port. He hopes that Zhujiang Factory will continue to make persistent efforts to make hydrofoil surfboards bigger. To become stronger, so as to accumulate funds for the construction of Zhujiang Port.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the results were obtained, the Zhujiang factory began to transform into shipbuilding. Yang Dong felt like a poor student who insisted on challenging the Olympic mathematics competition. He didn't know how much he was.

So he didn't care about the work at hand, and pointed at his subordinates outside the door: "It just so happens that everyone who is talking is here today, let's go over here and see what Zhujiang Factory can say!"


At the same time, on the way to Zhujiang factory, a jeep drove quickly. Deputy Director Wang was sitting in the back seat with a gloomy face, while Fang Hua who was accompanying him was like an angry little daughter-in-law. Bumping back and forth.

"Comrade Fang Hua, don't have any emotions. I'm just discussing the matter. You are the superior unit of the Zhujiang factory, so you should be restrained and restrained. You can make guns and cannons, but the Zhujiang factory actually wants to build ships?"

Deputy Director Wang looked at Fang Hua who looked aggrieved. At first, his words were mild, but he became agitated: "Could it be that they really rely on the sea to eat the sea when they are close to the sea? They also have to be capable. A dock How much will it cost? Moreover, many equipments are not available in China and need to be imported from abroad. How much foreign exchange will it cost?

Well... even if I can solve all these, there are so many shipyards in the country waiting for the rice to be cooked, and there is no shipbuilding, how can the Zhujiang factory get work..."

Deputy Director Wang started nagging like a resentful woman in menopause. Fang Hua was on pins and needles, wishing to take out the sewing box from the trunk and sew up Deputy Director Wang's broken mouth.

Can he manage the Zhujiang factory now?
Even if he, the director of the Lidong Factory and a senior party official, wants to take care of it, the Southwest Ordnance Bureau can let them intervene?

I wish they could roll as far away as possible from the Lidong factory, for fear that the precious foreign exchange would be taken away by the Lidong factory!
As a result, the Zhujiang factory suddenly prepared to enter the shipbuilding industry, and it was expected to occupy a large part of the profits and foreign exchange quota. Now the Southwest Ordnance Bureau quit, fearing that he would come forward to offend the leadership of the Zhujiang factory, so he called him the so-called The director of the higher-level factory and a senior party official took it out to help you sing bad faces?

Think beautiful!
But the problem was that Fang Hua didn't dare to say these words even if Fang Hua was killed. Not only was it not a matter of offending people, but a matter of principle.

So I can only continue to be an angry little daughter-in-law, and just listen to the mother-in-law above rambling all the way to Zhujiang Factory.

However, when Deputy Director Wang got out of the car and saw the members of the leading team of the Zhujiang factory who came to greet him, the old face that was calm in the car just now was like a warm sea breeze, and he smiled so blindly that he pulled the factory director Zhao Dong. And the Secretary Shen Ju is quite a compliment.

Not to mention when Wen Dawei, the assistant to the factory director, was here, it was completely like an elder meeting a younger generation, and he almost said to Wen Dawei: "What's the matter, your Uncle Wang will help you!"

Seeing Fang Hua's old face twitching beside him, he thought to himself, can't you, Deputy Director Wang, have some old face?Do you have to let yourself be this villain?
"Oh~~~Lao Yang, long time no see, Yo~~ You've gained weight, it seems that Zhujiang is a place to support people!" Just as Fang Hua was complaining, Deputy Director Wang saw Yang Dong who had just arrived Wait, hurry forward.

Yang Dong stretched out his hand with a smile on his face and shook hands with Deputy Director Wang who came over with a smile: "Zhujiang is really good, why don't you come over too, Old Wang? It just so happens that there have been some business adjustments at the Zhujiang factory recently. How about you come over and help check?"

As soon as Deputy Director Wang heard it, he knew that Yang Dong was the one who asked him to suppress the Zhujiang factory, and said to himself, if you don't go on your site, let me go?Bah~~~ I don’t want to offend the big family who can make more than 600 million US dollars in foreign exchange for the bureau in a year!
So Deputy Director Wang pretended not to understand, looked left and right, and asked, "By the way, where is the leader of the Marine Corps? Haven't come yet?"

Before the words were finished, three jeeps with military badges were parked at the gate of the newly completed Zhujiang factory. Lu Guowei jumped out of the first car and rushed to the second car, opened the back door and covered it with his hand. On the roof of the car, a half-century old man in a navy uniform stepped out of the car.

When Deputy Director Wang and Yang Dong saw the visitor, they couldn't help but look at each other, and immediately saw something called surprise in each other's eyes...

(End of this chapter)

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