Great Power Ship

Chapter 137 We Take This Job

Chapter 137 We Take This Job (Please Subscribe)
Sun Zimei Jiji said this very bluntly, and he didn't shy away from everyone present.

No way, the Japanese shipbuilding industry in this year can definitely be called the world's No. [-] brother, both in terms of technical level and new ship orders and shipments.

Thanks to the strong demand, Japan is also outstanding in terms of related special shipbuilding equipment, talent pool and supporting technology. Although there is still some distance from the first-class level of aircraft carriers in Europe and the United States that can be produced in minutes, on the ground in Asia Still very much you can play.

So Sun Zimei's arrogance really has the capital of arrogance.

At least it was a different feeling to Liu Chengzhi and others' ears when they heard these words.

Hong Kong Island can only do it in the next life, what about other countries and regions?
So Liu Chengzhi and the others looked uglier each time.

Qin Gangsheng is not much better, but the mentality of Hong Kong people these days is still very flexible, and after a slight change of color, he quickly returned to normal, and continued to persuade: "Mr. Sun Zimei Jiji, I know you are a professional, but I have to listen to the orders of the Port Authority. Such a large ship occupies the deepest pier in the port. Those ships with a capacity of more than 5 tons cannot enter, which will greatly affect the business of the port. So please, Sunzi Mr. Mei Jiji thinks of a way again, the way, I am willing to add another 2 Hong Kong dollars..."

"This one……"

Hearing that he could get another 2 Hong Kong dollars for nothing, Sun Zimei Jiji hesitated: "Otherwise, I know some people in Japan and find them. The efficiency may be faster, but it will take a week!"

"One week……"

Qin Gangsheng frowned when he heard the words, although it took a little longer, but considering that it would take this time to repair a different bulk ship in general, he was ready to nod reluctantly.

But at this moment, a voice of "NO, NO, NO~~~" came from not far away, which seemed very hurried.

When everyone heard the sound, it turned out that Jafari, the captain of the Bosnian cargo ship, walked over quickly, and before everyone could speak, he said straightforwardly in English: "One week is too long, we can't wait that long, and we The crack is not big, but due to the thickness of the steel plate, the electric welding machine on the ship cannot completely fill the crack inside the cabin, and compensation welding needs to be carried out under the water surface. This is very simple. I think that with the technical strength of the Hong Kong Island port conditions of."

Captain Jafari said it very lightly. It seems that he has long been used to similar repair techniques. Coupled with his identity as a captain and his experience of traveling around the world, his words seem very credible.

However, Sun Zimei Jiji sneered: "It's very simple? Captain Jafari, I wonder if you have such a simple technical condition in Bosnia's port?

If it is only a shallow water port with a water depth of seven or eight meters, the method you mentioned is an option, but now you are docking at a deep water port with a water depth of 20 meters. Let alone whether it can withstand the general diving equipment, the key is to use it. It takes less than an hour to carry out underwater construction work with ordinary diving equipment and lack of perfect communication tools, so do you think you can complete the repair task you mentioned? "

As he said that, Sun Zimei Jiji couldn't help but sneered: "Besides, why are you in such a hurry? Could it be that something shameful was loaded on the boat, so you're in a hurry to return to Bosnia?"

Hearing this, Captain Jafari's heart skipped a beat. Just as Zhang Yongping expected, the Bosnian-registered cargo ship did contain some unspeakable things.

That is a sample of a short-range launch vehicle and its supporting bulk parts from North Korea.

No way, the war between Bosnia and Mesopotamia is intensifying, and it has now developed to the stage of short-range rocket attack on the city.

It’s cool that the two sides fight each other, but the consumption is also very huge

With the support of oil-producing countries in the Middle East, Mesopotamia can indirectly purchase short-range rockets from other parts of the world to make up for the shortfall. Bosnia is not so lucky. Seek related supplements in specific countries like North Korea.

This is how this 2-ton Bosnian-registered cargo ship made its trip to Northeast Asia. In name, it went to Japan to load home appliances, automobiles and other light industrial products destined for the Middle East. I made a big circle to North Korea, loaded a considerable part of the short-range rocket supplies, and prepared to go all the way back to Bosnia.

As a result, cracks appeared in the hull halfway, and it could have docked at other ports for processing, but the things on board were too sensitive. Jafari worried that if it was inspected, it would be finished, so he chose to choose Hong Kong Island, a free port.

But I didn't expect to be entangled here by the technical dilemma of repairing.

Captain Jafari was lying when he said that he was not depressed, but the problem was that he could not tell the truth about the depressed ship, so he did not argue with Sun Zimei Jiji, and simply took out gold and dollars to attack: "Anyway, I don't care, as long as I can Fix it for me, $, $8!"

"You can't help it even if you pay 100 million US dollars. You have to wait for a week, because the whole Asia also has long-term heavy-duty diving equipment that we have in Japan. It is called deep-water port welding construction, which can not only support 4 hours of construction. The most important thing is that our heavy-duty diving suits in Japan are half the weight of traditional heavy-duty diving suits, which can better support personnel's underwater operations, so...huh?"

Sun Zimei Jiji was really talking here, when suddenly there was a murmur in his ear, Sun Zimei Jiji turned his head to look, it turned out that it was your domestic boatmen who came to Hong Kong Island for training, his face sank immediately, Ask the Hong Kong interpreter next to you: "What did the people over there say?"

The Hong Kong Island translator quickly listened carefully...

"Old Zheng, are you sure our stuff is okay?"

"En!" Zheng Dexing nodded.

Immediately Liu Chengzhi looked at Zhang Yongping: "Old Zhang, are you sure you have done diving in the army?"

Zhang Yongping proudly puffed up his chest: "I was the backbone of the logistics department of a certain submarine detachment back then, and what I did was dive to check the underwater situation of the submarine."

"Then is our success rate high?" Liu Chengzhi looked at Zheng Dexing again.

"Eighty percent!" Zheng Dexing remained expressionless and said little.

"Then do it?" Liu Chengzhi seemed hesitant.

Zheng Dexing didn't speak, but stared blankly at Liu Chengzhi with dead fish eyes, as if to say, is there such a need for so much nonsense?

"Then let's do it!" Liu Chengzhi was also unambiguous, and made a decision directly.

"What are you doing?" Sun Zimei Jiji understood all the conversations between Liu Chengzhi and the others through the interpreter beside him, and his brows furrowed, "Don't tell me, you want to accept this order! "

"That's right!" Liu Chengzhi, who had made up his mind, smiled faintly at Sun Zimei Jiji: "We'll take over the job!"

(End of this chapter)

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