Great Power Ship

Chapter 141 How can this happen?

Chapter 141 How could this happen? (seeking subscription)

Yes, Sunzimei Jiji was ignored by Zheng Dexing just like that, not only the other technical backbones of Zheng Dexing’s Zhujiang factory also ignored Sunzimei Jiji, but started to prepare according to Zheng Dexing’s instructions.

Seeing this, Sun Zimei Jiji murmured, and wanted to sneer, but when the words came to his lips, they were replaced by a grin.

What's the use of sarcasm now?

It's useless in front of a group of guys who don't hit the south wall and don't look back, and it's also impossible to convince Qin Gangsheng and other Hong Kong people. Yes the effect will be better.

So Sun Zimei Jiji folded his arms around his chest and put on a gesture of watching the show.

Zheng Dexing has no time to worry about what Sun Zimei Jiji thinks, because there are a lot of supporting equipment that need to be installed and debugged, not only that, Zhang Yongping also needs to replace new diving equipment.

Even though the equipment used just now can last for more than an hour underwater, Zheng Dexing still suggested Zhang Yongping to replace the spare set of GD-2S semi-closed diving equipment for the sake of safety.

After working like this for about half an hour, Zhang Yongping, who replaced the spare GD-2S semi-enclosed diving gear, held a welding device similar to a steering wheel of a car, and two wires each 200 meters long hung behind him. The cable jumped into the sea again, and then it was plunged down with a slam.

At this time, Zheng Dexing on the shore was sitting on a small horse, in front of him was a monitor similar to a TV screen, and a welding console like a suitcase.

Two strands of wires were pulled out from the back of the two sets of equipment, extending all the way underwater.

"Mr. Zheng, what is this?" Looking at the battle, Qin Gangsheng couldn't help asking curiously.

Zheng Dexing, who was sitting in front of the two sets of equipment, just replied indifferently: "Working things!"

He stopped talking to Qin Gangsheng, but concentrated on adjusting the current output of the electric welding console. Qin Gangsheng thought it was boring, so he retreated resentfully, and continued to watch the excitement.

Zheng Dexing didn't have time to talk to Qin Gangsheng, who was mentally assaulted. After debugging the electric welding console, Zheng Dexing said to the microphone next to the monitor: "How is it?"

"It's here!" Zhang Yongping's slightly hoarse voice came from the speaker next to the monitor.

Seeing this, Captain Jafari's eyes lit up immediately, but he obviously learned Qin Gangsheng's lesson, and instead of touching Zheng Dexing's bad luck, he asked Liu Chengzhi next to him: "Your diving equipment still has communication capabilities?" Function?"

What Jafari meant was not the call itself, but that Zhang Yongping, who had dived into the water, was able to speak freely.

You must know that ordinary diving equipment cannot make a sound because the respirator is stuffed into the mouth. Underwater communication can only rely on gestures and movements.

It’s fine in daily life, but it’s obviously very troublesome in rapidly changing combat operations, but the problem is that the breathing mask that can speak freely is also a technical thing, not to mention anyone can handle it.

I didn't expect that there were also people from Zhujiang Factory.

Of course, Liu Chengzhi knew what Captain Jafari meant, and responded with a smile: "Of course, what is scuba, isn't it that people can be in the water like on land, if they can't even talk, what is it called?" Scuba?"

"Is there any wireless?" Captain Jafari asked expectantly.

"Underwater wireless communication?" Liu Chengzhi asked.

Captain Jafari nodded: "It's too inconvenient to carry cables, it's better to be wireless!"

"Yes, yes..." Liu Chengzhi hesitated for a moment, and then solemnly explained: "But you have to pay more!"

Captain Jafari was choked all of a sudden, and at this time Liu Chengzhi didn't bother to accompany Jafari here, but stared at the monitor nervously, because the monitor started to flicker at this time, obviously carrying Zhang Yongping of the underwater camera began to transmit the damaged picture of the hull.

Soon the monitor stopped flickering and a blurry picture appeared.

That was the connection between cabins 5 and 6 of the Bosnian cargo ship. Although the monitor displayed a black and white picture, it was still possible to see a gap as thick as a little finger winding through it, with a total length of more than 60 centimeters.

"This is the seam. The inside of the boat should be reinforced with water, so there is no trace of water leakage for the time being, but if it is not repaired in time, the seam will gradually spread!"

Zhang Yongping, who was underwater, was suspended beside the hull, pointed the underwater camera on his chest at the part where the crack spread, and pointed his finger: "It's right here, and there are obvious cracks!"

Zheng Dexing looked through the monitor, and immediately said into the microphone: "No problem, the No. 20 welding rod should be able to solve it!"

"Then I will start!" Zhang Yongping said.

"Let's start!" Zheng Dexing nodded.

Immediately, a device similar to a steering wheel of a car appeared on the screen of the monitor. After the position was fixed, Zhang Yongping said: "Give me the power!"

"Okay!" Zheng Dexing responded, and immediately pressed the switch of the electric welding console beside him, and the current was quickly transmitted through the electric welding controller and the cable to the welding torch in Zhang Yongping's hand underwater.

Zhang Yongping immediately started the welding torch, and immediately brought the torch head close to the crack in the hull. The next moment, a cool light lit up in the crack of the hull. From a distance, it looked like lighting a fairy wand in the water. Bright but not dazzling, and even a hint of mystery.

And as Zhang Yongping fell slowly, a weld like cast metal appeared on the hull.

In this way, Zhang Yongping manipulated the welding torch and dived continuously with his body, and quickly repaired the cracks on the bottom of the ship.

If someone can shoot from a distance at this time, they will see such a picture, the huge hull lies across the pier, and Zhang Yongping, who is wearing a diving suit, looks extremely small in front of it.

But even such a small Zhang Yongping used that weak to somewhat icy light to gather the huge hull together again.

And this kind of shock, whether it is visual or spiritual, cannot be described in words.

"Okay, very good, keep going... Slow down here, yes, don't give too much energy..."

Zheng Dexing was obviously not that kind of emotional person, let alone imagined that kind of magnificence, but stared at the equipment meticulously, and informed Zhang Yongping underwater through the communication system.

Seeing that the underwater welding was about to be completed, the shore side also began to get busy, and various flaw detection equipment and testing equipment were moved to the ship one after another.

Sun Zimei Jiji looked at all this with a faint smile on his face. He looked like all the masters who had mastered it early were waiting for the moment when the results were announced. Although the specific scores were not known, the approximate range was still determined.

The interval determined by Sun Zimei Jiji is that the hull welded by the Zhujiang factory steel is not qualified at all.

The reason is very simple. Even Japan has no achievements in underwater wet welding. It can only rely on the big brother of the United States. Poor people who can't even afford meat can do it in China?

Soon one of his Japanese assistants hurried down from the boat, and Sun Zimei Jiji smiled even more intensely when he saw this: "Don't worry, talk slowly, how about the ultrasonic flaw detection? Is the effect good?"

The assistant didn't answer, but approached Sun Zimei Jiji and whispered something in Sun Zimei Jiji's ear. Sun Zimei Jiji's face suddenly changed when he heard the words: "Why is this happening?"

(End of this chapter)

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