Great Power Ship

Chapter 161 Anti Torpedo

Chapter 161 Anti-torpedo (for subscription)
It is dangerous to use a gun, but isn't it dangerous to use a cannon?

The noise in No. [-]'s heart is almost overflowing the sky!

But when Wen Dawei took out the DPZ-23 rapid mine suppression system modified based on the 23mm anti-aircraft gun that the Marine Corps is expected to equip, No. [-] finally understood that Wen Dawei's seemingly joking words were not false.

Thanks to the research on supercavitation theory, Zhujiang Factory has accumulated a lot of technical experience in this field. It may not be ready for complex supercavitation torpedoes, but the related ammunition configuration is not a problem.

Since the bullets used in underwater firearms can be made, of course small-caliber shells are not a problem.

Of course, if it was placed a year ago, even if there is a theory, the Zhujiang factory may not be able to do it. After all, the production equipment is far behind. The problem is that the old Lidong factory has been swallowed by the Guizhou factory. They are all focused on home appliances, and the original production line of Japan's Toshiba is clear in the factory. Naturally, they look down on the dilapidated old belongings of the old Lidong factory.

So it is cheaper for Zhujiang factory.

You must know that the whole set of equipment in the old Lidong factory can not only produce torpedoes, but also can produce various types of ammunition, whether it is 23mm or 37mm, it is not a problem.

In this way, the Amphibious Reconnaissance Brigade of the Marine Corps quickly obtained samples of the DPZ-23 rapid demining system, and then it was the adaptability test of the equipment. Naturally, the Amphibious Reconnaissance Brigade could not complete this alone. It's hard for the Marines to do it all.

They could only turn to the N Fleet for help, so Meng Qingdong was sent by the N Fleet Command to assist No. [-] in the adaptive test.

Meng Qingdong thought it was a DIY gadget of the amphibious reconnaissance brigade himself, and he would be able to go back in less than two days. After all, the army's funds are limited these days, and various DIYs can be described as endlessly, especially in recent years. I don't think the amphibious reconnaissance brigade can play any tricks.

As a result, I did not expect that the DPZ-23 rapid lightning suppression system showed excellent performance beyond imagination.

The muzzle velocity of the muzzle reaches 1000 m/s, and it can accurately strike any target 15 meters below the water surface.

With such a good thing, how can the N fleet not use it?

Furthermore, the overall cost of this new system based on refitting old equipment is acceptable, so Meng Qingdong hurriedly reported it to the N Fleet.

The N Fleet also attached great importance to it, but felt that the power of the 23mm anti-aircraft gun was a little weaker. After all, the situation faced by the fleet was more complicated than that of combat frogmen, so Wen Dawei proposed a larger caliber DPZ-37 shipborne rapid mine elimination system, equipped with Special 37mm anti-mine bomb.

The muzzle velocity is further increased to 1150 m/s, which can strike targets 20 to 25 meters underwater.

"So in a broad sense, our DPZ-37 shipborne rapid mine elimination system can not only deal with the threat of sea mines, but also can be applied to the protection of incoming torpedoes. The rocket, based on the DPZ-37 shipboard rapid mine suppression system modified from the 37mm anti-aircraft naval gun, has a faster rate of fire and lower ammunition costs, and can form an effective isolation barrage underwater..."

Naturally, Meng Qingdong couldn't explain all the causes and consequences one by one, but he introduced the general situation to the leaders of Fleet D. Finally, he said that when the DPZ-37 shipborne rapid mine elimination system was applied, he was somewhat helpless: "Of course, although this system is very effective, it cannot achieve both air defense, flat fire and underwater. After all, the 37mm mine-killing bomb is too special to take into account both air defense ammunition and flat fire ammunition,,.

Therefore, only one of the four 37mm anti-aircraft naval guns on our frigate was used as an adaptive modification, but it was also because of this that our already weak air defense capability was greatly weakened.

Therefore, in the next step, we will continue to cooperate with local factories to improve the ammunition structure and achieve standardization and generalization of the bomb bay, so that all four anti-aircraft guns on our ship have the ability to shoot underwater! "

Hearing Meng Qingdong say that the DPZ-37 shipborne rapid mine elimination system can carry out anti-torpedo operations, everyone, including the head of Fleet D, agreed with it, and was even a little happy.

You must know that the two types of ammunition that pose the greatest threat to maritime combat today are anti-ship missiles and torpedoes. Due to the underwater blasting of torpedoes, their power is even far greater than that of anti-ship missiles, especially heavy torpedoes above 533mm. A large surface ship with a displacement of 3000 to 5000 tons will be sent to the soul.

Because of this, navies around the world attach as much importance to torpedo defense as to air defense. However, compared with developed countries' navies, which have several sets of soft and hard defense nets, domestic surface ships currently only have two rocket launchers installed on the bow deck. The nest is used to launch deep-water rockets. In addition to dealing with mines, the main function is to lay a layer of rocket barrage in the direction of torpedoes, so as to prevent the mothership from being attacked.

This kind of torpedo release technique originated at the end of World War II was indeed effective in the early years. After all, direct-flying torpedoes are just like straight men, going straight, and there is a posture of not turning back without hitting the south wall.

But in the 80s, this kind of traditional deep-water rockets can't keep up with the rhythm, because with the development of torpedo technology, the guidance mode of this kind of weapons has become more and more sharp, which also makes torpedoes play like a scumbag underwater. All kinds of tricks were done, and the barrage laid by traditional rockets can be easily avoided by the new torpedoes.

Under such circumstances, the role of such rockets is greatly reduced, so the Navy urgently needs other methods to make up for the loopholes after the failure of deep-water rockets.

The DPZ-37 shipborne rapid mine elimination system solves this problem very well.

Although it is still far from the multi-layer protection in the Navy's mind, it is an emergency measure that can be effective after all. The most important thing is that the basis of this system is the old gun commonly equipped on naval ships such as the 37mm anti-aircraft gun. It needs to be modified, but the overall cost is still very cost-effective compared to brand new equipment, at least the navy with a small pocket is acceptable.

Of course, although many leaders of the D fleet are very excited about the performance of the DPZ-37 shipborne rapid mine elimination system, there are also many clear-headed people who have noticed that the DPZ-37 shipborne rapid mine elimination system is crowding out the anti-aircraft guns. bit problem.

Just when they were thinking about whether to increase the artillery positions or to balance the original artillery positions, Meng Qingdong's next words caught their eyes, especially the head of the D fleet. Where are we now?"

"This... depends on the situation of the local factory!" Meng Qingdong didn't know the progress, so he could only answer vaguely, but this answer obviously did not satisfy the head of Fleet D, and he couldn't help frowning: "You have a local factory on your left, and another one." Local factory, which factory is your local factory? If you don’t know, let’s ask ourselves!”


"Hesitating, like a bitch, you said it!" The head of Fleet D was in a hurry, and Meng Qingdong had no choice but to spit out a few words slowly: "It's Zhujiang Factory..."

(End of this chapter)

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