Chapter 167 (Subscribe)
The most prominent feature is that the overall volume has become smaller. The length, width and thickness of the GD-2S semi-enclosed diving suit are 800mm, 550mm and 480mm respectively, and the weight exceeds 30 kg, and the underwater weight is close to 5 kg.

It is equivalent to bumping a large suitcase on the chest, not to mention bulky, but more importantly, it affects the mobility of the combat frogman and the flexibility during combat.

It may not be obvious in normal training, but it is very prominent in the seas of Bosnia and Mesopotamia where wars are raging. There is a battle example that illustrates this problem very well.

It was a Mesopotamian combat frogman responsible for raiding merchant ships in a Bosnian port, who had been washed ashore for some reason.

The frogman, who was originally quite flexible with the help of buoyancy on the bottom of the sea, turned out to be like a dead fish after being exposed to the air, struggling to move, let alone escape.

There was no way, the weight of the GD-2S semi-enclosed diving suit was too high, and various miscellaneous equipments made the burden of that unlucky Mesopotamian combat frogman exceed 70 kilograms.

So he was captured alive.

There are many similar situations. Aside from some strange operations, the problem of the GD-2S semi-enclosed diving suit's large size and heavy weight does exist objectively.

So Zhujiang factory began to improve on the basis of GD-2S semi-closed diving equipment. The most important thing is to optimize the structure, from the original length, width and thickness of 800mm, 550mm and 480mm to 650mm, 400mm and 350mm, which is equivalent to changing from a large suitcase to a small suitcase.

The corresponding weight has also been greatly reduced, from the original specification of more than 30 kg, with an underwater weight of close to 5 kg, to a land weight of 18 kg, and an underwater weight of 1.8 kg.

It can be said that the burden of fighting frogmen is greatly reduced.

I don’t know if any unlucky Mesopotamian frogman would cry and faint in the toilet after finding out. Why didn’t he use the GD-3D semi-enclosed diving suit earlier, otherwise he wouldn’t even be able to run Lose!

Of course, it is not enough to reduce the light volume and weight, and the performance cannot be reduced. With the reduction of volume and weight, the amount of oxygen carried by the GD-3D semi-closed diving suit will naturally decrease accordingly, so a reasonable oxygen Proportion becomes the key.

In this regard, Wen Dawei's coercion played a key role. Under his patient guidance, the technicians of Zhujiang Factory quickly determined the appropriate ratio.

A mixture of 17% oxygen and 60% nitrogen is used at a depth of 40 meters.

A mixture of 22% oxygen and 50% nitrogen is used at a depth of 50 meters.

A mixture of 30% oxygen and 40% nitrogen is used at a depth of 60 meters.

A mixture of 40% oxygen and 32% nitrogen is used at a depth of 68 meters.

This not only reduces the consumption of oxygen, but also ensures the optimal breathing ratio of the frogman in different water depths. Of course, the most important thing is the extension of timeliness, which can guarantee the frogman's diving time of up to two and a half hours.

All in all, the GD-3D semi-enclosed diving suit can be regarded as a very good product. If the head of the D fleet chooses it, he will use the GD-3D semi-enclosed diving suit without hesitation.

It's just that he didn't expect that there was such an unknown history behind the GD-3D semi-enclosed diving suit, and he couldn't help but frowned and looked at Wen Dawei: "Your Zhujiang factory is not short of money. , then you are..."

"What else can I do, get shit on someone else's head!"

At this time, Lu Guowei spoke again, adding that Zhujiang Factory was responsible for the port construction, and the newly established Lidong Electric Appliance General Factory coveted the port and wanted to swallow Zhujiang Factory.

At the same time, Wen Dawei very cooperatively looked at the clear sky in the distance at a 45-degree angle, giving people a sense of loneliness like snow that I have nowhere to display although I have abilities.

"It's unreasonable that there is such a thing. They don't want the status of national defense and military industry, but they want to kill them all. With the name of a joint venture factory, they can be lawless? Don't even look at where this is!"

The head of Fleet D was furious immediately, and asked, "Does Fleet N know?"

"The head of Fleet N is clear, he really wanted to help, but was rejected!" Wen Dawei said with a sigh.

"Why?" The head of Fleet D asked puzzledly, "That's what Fleet N said."

Wen Dawei quickly explained: "The current situation of the navy is not good. Although our Zhujiang factory is facing difficulties, the difficulties of the navy are even greater and heavier. Our Zhujiang factory cannot help the navy, nor can it become a burden for the navy!"

"Good job... Comrade Dawei, you are good... Your Zhujiang factory is good!" Hearing this, the head of Fleet D quickly reached out and patted Wen Dawei on the shoulder, saying several good things in succession.

The heads of Fleet D of those companies who cry poorly and sell miserably have seen a lot. It is rare to see a manufacturer like Wen Dawei who can make money for himself and provide the military with cost-effective military equipment.

But if you have difficulties, you have to carry them yourself. It is not uncommon for manufacturers not to bother the troops, and they only exist in theory.

Although the army sometimes speaks for some companies, after all, there is a boundary between the army and the local area, and the army really can't participate too much, and Wen Dawei obviously knows how to grasp this, but it is also because of this that the head of the D fleet does not express There are some unreasonable.

Don't bother you, don't care if you ask for money, and don't care about the messy things, you just pull up your pants like a scumbag and leave like a slap?
If it gets out, which company will dare to cooperate with you in the future?

So the big hand of the head of Fleet D patted Wen Dawei's shoulder again: "Tell me, what difficulties are there, as long as we can, we will do our best!"

This is what Wen Dawei was waiting for.

The money is not coming out, the situation of the navy is like that, the main battleships of my own are all trying to support the situation, so I have no spare power to control others, but as the saying goes, a skinny camel is bigger than a horse, no matter how bad the navy is, it is still a bit overwhelming Good stuff at the bottom of the box.

So Wen Dawei complained, sold misery, and cooperated with Lu Guowei to stage the lonely snow, because of the little good stuff in the hands of the D fleet.

"We have nothing now, but too much money has been invested in military products, which has delayed the construction of the port. This has also allowed Lidong Electric Appliance General Factory to seize the opportunity to slander us for operating difficulties, and suggest that the higher-level units merge us into them There, and then use Japanese technology to achieve double profits, but if this is the case, our BBQ series of underwater ammunition may be..."

Wen Dawei didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning he expressed was very clear. We have the ability to do it, but you, the chief, will help me solve the worries.

The head of Fleet D laughed: "I thought it was a big deal, isn't it just port construction? I transferred half of the engineering brigade of Fleet D, and I sent you one of the three dredging ships, is that enough? "

(End of this chapter)

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