Great Power Ship

Chapter 174 Opponents

Chapter 174 Opponent (for subscription)

"Fengmao Company?" Wen Dawei frowned: "The Fengmao Company that produces sports equipment?"

"Yes, that's them. Not long ago, they announced their entry into the water sports equipment market. Among the main products they launched are hydrofoil surfboards. Not only are they cheaper than your 'houlang', but the material is also lighter than your 'houlang'. The online underwriters are several big dealers in North America, so once it was released in North America, it quickly occupied the market..."

Epstein was half complaining, half complaining and briefly introduced the matter.

Fengmao Company was originally a British company specializing in the production of polo equipment. It was acquired by HSBC in the late 50s due to poor management, and then sold to a businessman surnamed Cao in Hong Kong Island. After nearly [-] years of development, Fengmao Company has become Become a well-known sports equipment manufacturer in Asia and even in the world.

The Cao family who acquired the company at that time also took this opportunity to become one of the top richest people on Hong Kong Island.

Now Fengmao company has been handed down to the third generation of the Cao family. Unlike the conservative parents and grandparents, the third generation of the Cao family generally have a background of studying in the West, so they hope that Fengmao’s products can be closer to the mainstream movement of the West. market.

For example, football in Europe, rugby in North America and so on.

It's just that this kind of mainstream sports that Europeans and Americans are keen on has long been completely monopolized by local manufacturers in Europe and the United States. Although Fengmao has a large family and business, it is difficult for the dominant position of related European and American companies.

So instead of achieving any results, it also caused huge losses for the company.

And this also made Fengmao's management and the majority of small and medium shareholders question the third generation of the Cao family. Thanks to the previous generation of Cao family officials who made up for the loss with their own pockets, the Cao family's equity in Fengmao was retained. , so as to continue to be in charge of Fengmao, otherwise it is very likely to be taken away by the angry management and small and medium shareholders.

But also because of this, the third generation of Fengmao also began to reflect on their previous decisions, and came to the conclusion that although the details were biased, the general direction was correct.

Otherwise, if you look at how successful the high-end "Houlang" hydrofoil surfboard is, it has earned more than 5000 million US dollars in less than half a year. Can you say that Europe and the United States do not recognize sports equipment produced in Asia?

It was because I didn’t find my way, and I encountered the monopoly of European and American manufacturers. Of course, I would suffer a lot. But it’s different for mainland manufacturers. They have no influence in Europe and the United States, and they don’t have a monopoly position. Don't you want to bully as much as you want?

What? "Houlang" hydrofoil surfboard applied for a patent in Hong Kong Island?

It's not easy. Change the aluminum alloy material of the "Houlang" hydrofoil surfboard to glass fiber, change the shape of the hydrofoil, and adjust the length and width ratio slightly. I also said that the patent of the "Fengmao" hydrofoil surfboard There are also barriers.

"That's how it happened. Some time ago, people from Fengmao approached me and asked me to represent their products, and they promised that as long as I sold their products, they would be willing to buy the 'Houlang' hydrofoil surfboard from me at the original price.

Wen, you know that although I appreciate your talent, I am only a businessman after all. I have already told you the matter, but if you can't solve it in a short time, then I can only choose your competitor.

What to do, I will listen to your answer, but don't be too late, finally tell me this weekend, and don't always call me in the early morning, the girlfriends I met yesterday were all angry because of your phone call Yes, I still have to spend time comforting, it's very troublesome...

Okay, Hani~~~My baby, I will let you know how good I am~~~Okay, let’s talk then, I’m off to work..."

Epstein talked a lot, and at the end, Wen Dawei clearly heard a lazy female voice coming through the receiver, which made Wen Dawei, who thought he was a husband, goosebumps all over his body. Obviously, Epstein was busy with other things. A kind of real busyness that can only be understood but cannot be expressed in words.

Wen Dawei didn't think much about it, after all there were cultural differences, one had to learn to be tolerant.

What's more, Wen Dawei still likes to deal with a real villain like Epstein. No matter what, this kind of person is reliable in speaking and doing things, unlike those hypocrites, who do one thing face to face and another behind the back. tired!
But no matter what, since the establishment of the Zhujiang factory, a real opponent has appeared, and Wen Dawei always stopped, so Wen Dawei, who put down the phone, sat on the sofa and thought for a while, then picked up the phone again, and dialed Qin Gangsheng. A private number left...


Hong Kong Island, Central, Plenty Office Building.

Cao Guohua, the current chairman of Fengmao's board of directors, walked out of the meeting quickly, followed by several assistants, who were very majestic, and Cao Guohua was also high-spirited and arrogant.

Just now he lost his temper in front of the company's management and representatives of small and medium shareholders, and he vented all the anger that had been pent up in his stomach for a while.

That exhilaration is more exhilarating than fighting with three or four female celebrities at night until dawn!
To say that Cao Guohua is not good?
If not, Cao Guohua can make a profit of 600 million US dollars in just one month?
As far as this achievement is concerned, Fengmao has been unique since its establishment. What does this mean?
It shows that Cao Guohua has vision, courage and determination!
To actually want to remove Cao Guohua from the position of chairman of the board of directors?
Why don't you say such things now!
On the contrary, they compared him with Li Ka-shing one by one. To be honest, Cao Guohua and He really didn't like him. What is Li Ka-shing, a middleman who is left-handed and right-handed, so Cao Guohua is good?

Take a look at the Wall Street Journal's evaluation, creating a new era of water sports. May I ask Hong Kong Island, no, in the whole of Asia, is there any entrepreneur who has such an honor?

That's why Cao Guohua scolded the board of directors just now with confidence, and scolded freely, and even directly slapped the executives who had opposed him some time ago to the end, no one dared to say no.

Strong entrepreneurs should be like this, stick to their principles until they succeed, and crush those who once doubted.

Walking to his office with a disapproving pace, an assistant hurriedly stepped forward. Cao Guohua thought it was the introduction of the pillow seat recommended by the female star, and was about to wave his hand to refuse, but unexpectedly the assistant said first: "The old man is here!"

"Daddy?" Cao Guohua frowned subconsciously, then quickly walked into his office, and saw his father Cao Mao sitting on his office chair waiting for him.

Seeing this, Cao Guohua couldn't help thinking of the scene when he was scolded when he was a child, and couldn't help but shiver, but he still stepped forward and called out respectfully: "Father!"

Cao Mao nodded, and immediately raised his eyes to look at his son: "You did a good job today, don't worry, no matter how big the problem is, my father will support you!"

(End of this chapter)

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