Great Power Ship

Chapter 178 You Can't Do This Thing

Chapter 178 You Can't Do This (Please Subscribe)

As soon as these words came out, the surrounding guests were not surprised, but completely shocked, and even many timid ones exclaimed.

What is shrinking money?

Another way is to draw a loan in advance!

Putting this matter on any company is tantamount to drawing blood directly, and it is fatal.

"Mr. Valno, we haven't breached any contract, you can't do this!" At this time, Cao Guohua didn't care about the beautiful female stars around him, and hurried forward to argue with the HSBC executives in front of him.

But Valno didn't mean to argue at all, he just shrugged his shoulders slightly: "This is not a matter of breach of contract, but that we are not optimistic about your new products at all..."

Before the words fell, the exclamation of the surrounding guests rang out again. Fengmao's new product is the hydrofoil surfboard, which was quite popular in Europe and the United States some time ago. In order to take this opportunity to establish Fengmao's leading position in the hydrofoil surfboard business in one fell swoop.

And this move is generally favored by business people in Hong Kong Island, who believe that this is the biggest opportunity for Fengmao in the past 20 years.

Unexpectedly, within a month, things have taken a turn for the worse. The hydrofoil surfboard, which Fengmao had placed high hopes on, was not favored by HSBC.

Reminiscent of Anthony from Swire Pacific who left angrily just now, the guests suddenly discovered that there seemed to be something wrong with Fengmao's product line, no... it should be a big problem!
At this time, Valno obviously lost his patience, and said coldly: "It's better to learn from other people's 'houlang' hydrofoil surfboards, maybe you still have a chance to stand up!"

Then he walked away without looking back!

"The back wave? The back wave?"

"And that Houlang? Isn't it the competitor that Fengmao Group defeated some time ago!"

"A comeback again?"


"Why don't we have any news at all?"

"I guess they are clever?"

"I remember that Qin Gangsheng has a good relationship with the manufacturer of 'Houlang'. In the past few days, it has been rumored that he is helping 'Houlang' intercede with Fengmao Company as a middleman."

"Really? Can Qin Gangsheng intercede if you can force Fengmao into such a state?"

"This is what Cao Guohua said. Hey~~ What are we talking about here? Did you just ask Qin Gangsheng in the past? He's right there..."


With Valno's departure, noisy discussions broke out again at the scene, but unlike ordinary people, those who can come here today are all quick-witted people, so I quickly analyzed from Valno's last sentence A lot of things happened, and Qin Gangsheng was naturally part of it.

So these guests cheered and surrounded Qin Gangsheng, and began to ask him about the "Houlang" hydrofoil surfboard, especially the "Houlang" pro upgrade kit that Anthony mentioned before leaving, which made everyone's attention Appetite, of course you have to ask.

Qin Gangsheng was dumbfounded, and thought that if you ask me, I still want to know what the fuck is going on!

Fortunately, Wen Dawei was by his side, leaning into his ear and underestimated a few words. Qin Gangsheng was stunned for a moment, and then explained to the guests with a gentle smile: "'Houlang' pro upgrade kit is a brand new The sales model~~~ is a bit like building blocks for children..."

Surrounded by many guests, Qin Gang talked eloquently and eloquently. Cao Guohua, who was standing not far away, was so angry that he almost vomited blood when he saw this scene.

I asked Qin Gangsheng to look good to him, but what happened?

The venue that was so hard to set up turned out to be a stage for others to preach their business model. The problem was that it was still in their Lao Cao's villa.

At this time, Cao Mao, who was sitting in a wheelchair, waved at the butler behind him, and the butler knew how to immediately find a few waiters to persuade the guests to leave politely one by one.

There is no way, this high-end reception has no meaning to continue, it is better to end it as soon as possible.

Wen Dawei and Qin Gangsheng were also politely taken away by the waiter, but unlike other guests, Qin Gangsheng gained many business cards and contact information from the villa to the parking lot, many of them were from Qin Gangsheng. The personal contact information of a Hong Kong Island business tycoon that Hong Kong students dare not think about.

So much so that when Qin Gangsheng got into his car, his old face was still flushed with excitement, as if he had finally successfully proposed to a girl and been kissed by a goddess, his old heart was beating so sourly.

"Are you okay?" Wen Nuan Dawei looked at Qin Gangsheng who was sitting in the driver's seat panting heavily, afraid that this old guy would pass by in a hurry, so he hurriedly asked, "Would you like it?" Don't send you to the hospital!"

"I'm not dreaming, am I?"

Qin Gangsheng shook his head, but his words were incoherent: "Why is it not true at all?"

He said and looked at Wen Dawei: "When did you get the 'Houlang' pro upgrade kit? By the way, what is this thing?"

Qin Gangsheng frowned in doubt, but he began to worry the next moment, because he remembered what Varno of HSBC said when he left, and asked quickly: "Will Fengmao imitate the 'Houlang'?" Pro upgrade kit? They have no bottom line in this regard, so we have to guard against it!"

In less than half a minute, Qin Gangsheng changed six or seven expressions, and what he said was even less logical, so that Wen Dawei didn't know how to answer, and finally he could only sigh: "Forget it!" I'll send you to a mental hospital!"

"I'm not sick!"

Qin Gangsheng hurriedly proved his innocence, and then hurriedly asked: "Just one question, can Fengmao imitate the 'Houlang' pro upgrade suit? If you don't explain this clearly, let's not sleep tonight!"

"Don't be so serious!" Looking at Qin Gangsheng with a straight face, Wen Dawei smiled slightly: "Fengmao and the others can't do it!"


Qin Gangsheng is not the only one who has the same idea. The Cao family father and son who are in charge of Fengmao Company are the most active among them, and they are also the two who firmly believe that Fengmao Company can imitate the "Houlang" pro upgrade kit.

Since they can learn the "Houlang" hydrofoil surfboard intact, the "Houlang" pro upgrade kit is of course not a problem. After all, as a mainland manufacturer, what high-level products can it produce?
Since mainland manufacturers can do it, then naturally Fengmao can do it too.

So Cao's father and son spent a lot of effort to buy three sets of "Houlang" hydrofoil surfboards with "Houlang" pro upgrade kit from the United States and took them back to Hong Kong Island for research and imitation.

In order to ensure the smooth imitation, Cao Mao also spent a lot of money to hire Ichiro Ozawa, the former head of a technical department of Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Japan, as the technical director of Fengmao Company, who is responsible for researching and imitating the "Houlang" pro upgrade kit.

But after everything was prepared and the purchased samples were not disassembled and studied, the conclusion Ichiro Ozawa gave was only a cold sentence: "You can't make this thing!"

(End of this chapter)

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