Great Power Ship

Chapter 186 Login

Chapter 186 Login (for Subscription)

Wen Dawei couldn't help narrowing his eyes when he heard the words: "Tell me!"

"What do you think is the future trend of our domestic TV? Will it be black and white TV or color TV?" Deng Kai asked.

"Of course it's a color TV!" Wen Dawei replied without hesitation.

"Since it is a color TV, do you think we can transplant the laser technology in our factory? I have studied our color TV. The phosphors on the screen can be replaced by rare elements in rare earths, for example Europium, under the bombardment of electron beams, can present several soft red effects..."

Deng Kai seemed to have discovered the New World. He talked with Wen Dawei about the import substitution of key components of color TV sets, and all kinds of whimsical ideas emerged one after another.

A lot of them are really feasible.

But the problem is...

"Old Deng, why don't I lend you 5000 yuan first!" Wen Dawei sighed helplessly before Deng Kai finished speaking, but Deng Kai felt that it was not enjoyable: "Why? My idea is not good?"

"According to what you said, I don't think there will be an investment of more than one billion yuan, and the light source is not something that can be solved by refining rare earths. We still have a lot of food to eat, will it work?"

Wen Dawei is right. The reason why the Zhujiang Factory established a laser research unit and belonged to Deng Kai's second research group, apart from Deng Kai's profound attainments in this area, the most important thing is that after the breakthrough in rare earth refining , a series of rare metal materials have a more obvious effect on the amplification of laser equipment.

This is not to say that Wen Dawei has no other ideas. It would be better to earn more money. The problem is that the production technology of the key components of color TV is in the hands of Japanese manufacturers.

The fledgling Zhujiang factory involved in it may not be able to compete with others in the mature and stable track.

Besides, the main business of Zhujiang Factory is already obvious, which is shipbuilding. Even if Deng Kai pays attention to the research and development of electromechanical and electronic products, it is to serve shipbuilding.

If you invest too much energy outside your main business, it will be a bit of putting the cart before the horse.

However, not doing it for the time being does not mean not getting involved in the future. After all, the ship's control system, monitoring system, and self-inspection system all need display devices, and the requirements for the overall command and control equipment are higher, so there is still a lot to do in this area. But now is not the time.

Deng Kai didn't care much about the development of the Zhujiang factory, and even how to make money was a incidental matter. The reason why he said these things to Wen Dawei was that. He liked a lot of good things, but unfortunately his wife took all the money If you want to go, you must earn some extra money.

This is the real purpose of this guy planning a new business. As for whether it will work or not, whether it will benefit the factory is simply not within the scope of this guy's consideration.

No, I heard that Wen Dawei agreed to lend him 5000 yuan, so he stopped talking about new business right away.

Instead, he began to remind his wife, don't tell his wife about borrowing money, Wen Dawei agreed very happily, brother, it is natural to show loyalty, not to mention two ribs, but also to keep the minimum bottom line .

So Wen Dawei would not tell Deng Kai's wife if he was killed.

But you can tell your wife, as for how Zhang Mingli told Du Juan, that's not Wen Dawei's business!
In this way, Wen Dawei chatted with Deng Kai for a while, and in the evening Tang Jianming was brought over again, and the three old men started a party at Wen Dawei's house. During this period, Wen Dawei asked about Tang Jianming's two younger brothers.

The youngest, Tang Jianqiang, is fine. He is doing well in school now. What worries Tang Jianming the most is Tang Jianshe. He has introduced several partners, but Tang Jianshe doesn't like any of them.

"In the past two days, my family has introduced another one to him, a teacher from Guizhou Township Middle School!" Tang Jianming said helplessly, putting down his wine glass.

"Not bad, why? Your brother didn't like it?" Deng Kai asked.

"I didn't even watch it this time. I said it was going to be an exercise. Now it's all right. I couldn't get in touch for more than a week..." Tang Jianming looked at Wen Dawei: "Dawei, tell me, their navy Why are there so many exercises in the Marine Corps? There is one every three days, and it’s not like we haven’t been in contact with the troops, and we haven’t seen them doing exercises like this for food!”

"This one……"

Wen Dawei didn't know how to answer, after all, he wasn't from the Marine Corps either!


Tang Jianshe is a member of the Marine Corps, but Tang Jianshe basically chooses to ignore his brother's problems. Isn't it good to have exercises?There are exercises to live a fulfilling life.

As for the object or something, there is no exercise to be exciting!

At this moment, Tang Jianshe had already put on a full set of frogman suits in the night, and after he had lined up with the combat team he led, No. [-] glanced at the combat team that was about to go out first, and asked in a low voice: "Are you all ready?" ?”

"Ready!" Tang Jianshe and others stood at attention and replied.

No. [-] nodded, and immediately ordered: "Let's go!"

Immediately, Tang Jianshe and the others jumped into the sea from the side of the ship with a thump, and they disappeared into the dark sea...

At this moment, a large battleship numbered 162 was docked on the sea 15 kilometers away from a certain coast, behind it were four landing ships, and on it was a marine battalion under the command of No. [-].

They will launch a landing operation on a beachhead of the Red Army at 5:15 in the morning when the tide rises. At this moment, Jiang Xudong, who is in charge of the specific landing command, is checking the preparations of the officers and soldiers on a landing ship numbered 996. When he is about to leave A soldier who had just joined the army suddenly asked: "Company commander, can't we bring in more warships? Just a destroyer, isn't the firepower a little weak?"

"Don't look at just a destroyer, but it has two 76-type twin-mounted 130mm naval guns, which is equivalent to the firepower of a reinforced artillery battalion. This is already the biggest battle I have seen since I joined the army. It is enough for those bastards in the Red Army Drink a jug!"

Jiang Xudong replied with a smile, and then patted the recruit on the shoulder: "Instead of thinking so much about what you have and what you don't have, it's better to talk about the essentials of infantry coordination. Whether you can win this game depends on how well you perform your basic functions." layer!"

"The company commander...the battalion commander is looking for you!"

At this moment, a communication staff officer with a walkie-talkie ran over and handed the headset and communicator to Jiang Xudong. Jiang Xudong took it and said quickly: "Dongsha, Dongsha, I'm Xisha!"

"You start to set off in 15 minutes, and we will prepare for the first artillery fire on the beach in half an hour!" No. 162 ordered on the [-] command ship.

"Yes!" Jiang Xudong responded, and immediately ordered his officers and soldiers to step up preparations. Fifteen minutes later, the landing ship No. 15 began to sail quickly to the northern beach with the rising tide. Half an hour later, the two ships on the 996 ship The Type 162 twin-mounted 76mm naval gun turned its muzzle to the starboard side. Following the command of the gunner, the four 130mm naval guns roared in unison, indicating that the battalion-level landing exercise officially kicked off...

(End of this chapter)

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