Great Power Ship

Chapter 190 Laser Guidance

Chapter 190 Laser Guidance (for Subscription)
"Is the No. 2 support point gone?"

On the viewing platform, all the army leaders looked shocked. You must know that just a few minutes ago, the red team began to mobilize troops to block the breakthrough, and the No. 2 support point is the key and core point of the blockade.

Seeing that the defense system built on the No. 2 support point has withstood the Blue Army's offensive, the army leaders finally breathed a sigh of relief. How could they imagine that this crucial support point would be knocked down by the Blue Army in a blink of an eye? It dropped, and it was still a direct hit!
This time the situation is quite different, because since then the Red Army's second line of defense has been completely opened, and the Red Army's reserve team has not been filled in time, giving the attacking Blue Army a chance to drive straight in.

The blue army took this fleeting opportunity very well, and began to use the 107mm rocket launchers it carried to launch a covering fire attack on the third line of defense of the red army, and even the red army command post arranged in front was affected. , leading to the death of several staff officers.

However, at this time, the army leaders who were watching at the scene no longer paid much attention to the affairs of the exercise field, but focused all their attention on the 130mm shells that could directly hit the defensive support points.

It was also because of this that several naval leaders present became the gathering point of eyes, and even the head of the leader turned his head to look over.

The meaning is obvious, let's talk about it quickly, what good things does your navy have?

The problem is that the leaders of the navy are also stunned. They also saw the process of roll call of the Red Army's defensive support points one by one by a few rounds of 130mm naval gun shells. To be honest, they were also very shocked.

Similarly, I also really want to know what kind of shells are used on the 162 ship and how they are so accurate!
How can I think that I haven't figured out what's going on, so I have become the focus of other people's inquiries.

"This thing seems to be... a laser-guided shell?"

At this time, a naval leader suddenly remembered something, said something noncommittal, and then nodded in an affirmative tone: "Yes, it is a laser-guided shell!"

"Laser-guided shells?" An army leader was taken aback when he heard the words, and asked immediately, "Is it the same thing as the 'Copperhead' guided shells equipped by the US Army?"

After hearing this, the eyes of other army leaders suddenly became eager, and even the eyes of the leader showed a trace of expectation.

It is no wonder that these army leaders have such a performance. It is indeed the American "Copperhead" guided artillery shell that has created a precedent, that is, traditional artillery can accurately damage high-speed moving targets.

Although the conceptual description is very pale, but in actual combat, this function can have extremely terrifying tactical and even strategic effects.

What was the high-speed moving target that the U.S. Army faced in the 80s and [-]s?
Of course, it is the torrent of armor that the Soviet Union can sweep across Europe at all times, and the "Copperhead" guided shells can use artillery to accurately strike such targets, and the significance is simply subversive.

Because this means that the tank armor of the artillery facing the assault is no longer a support weapon for other arms, but a medium and long-range hard-kill equipment that is no less than other anti-tank weapons.

In this way, it will play a vital role in the delay and elimination of the Soviet armor torrent.

Like the main opponent of the US Army, the main threat to the domestic army also comes from the armored torrent in the north. Because of this, the anti-tank equipment of the Army has always been given high priority by leaders at all levels.

Artillery is one of the indispensable important weapons.

Because of this, the regiment-level units of the army still have the relevant establishment of anti-tank guns. Not only that, other new anti-tank guns and self-propelled anti-tank guns are also actively being developed.

As for the field artillery, of course, it also wants to be included in the entire anti-tank system, but due to reasons such as funding, organization, and equipment, improvements in this area have not kept up.

This also led to the army field artillery still maintaining the basic state of the 70s and [-]s.

It is not impossible to fight against the high-speed impact of the Soviet Union's armored torrent, but the effect is mediocre. After calculation, about 2500 shells can destroy a high-speed moving main battle tank.

This kind of efficiency is estimated to be less than a few rounds, and the Soviet tanks rushed to the bottom of their eyes.

It is not that the relevant aspects of the Army have not thought about changes. For example, Cheng Jun and the American "Copperhead" guided artillery shells in the late 70s have long been in the sight of the relevant leaders of the Army.

In the early 80s, we also had contact with suppliers in the United States, but in the end no purchase agreement was reached.

There are two main reasons for this. One is the caliber of the artillery. At present, the domestic large-caliber artillery is mainly 152mm; the U.S. Army’s is 155mm; the other is that the two sides have great differences in related technology transfer.

However, these two reasons are actually a fundamental problem, that is, American products are too expensive, and a "Copperhead" guided shell costs 8 US dollars, which does not include other supporting after-sales costs.

If you want to change it to 152mm, it is not impossible, but in this way, you must first pay a production line modification fee of 3600 million US dollars, because American manufacturers need to replace the original 155mm shell production line to 152mm. New production processes and retraining of workers.

American manufacturers of these things will not pay for them out of their own pockets, and all of them have to be borne domestically.

Calculated in this way, the unit price of a "Copperhead" guided shell equipped with a Type 66 152mm howitzer will exceed 12 US dollars.

Although this price is already close to that of anti-tank missiles, compared with the Soviet tanks that started at 200 million US dollars, the consumption ratio of their damage is still very high.

The problem is, it's one thing to have a high damage effect, but it's another thing to have enough funds in your pocket.

So after some struggles, the Army finally gave up the purchase plan of the "Copperhead" guided shells, and wanted to save some money to make one by itself.

But the funds have not been collected yet, and the navy has the same fund.

This makes the leaders of the army not excited. Good products will be delivered to their door without spending their own money. It is almost like picking up two Italian cannons for nothing during the Anti-Japanese War.

What's more, in addition to the threat from the north, there is also a strong demand for this type of equipment in the border areas of southern Xinjiang, especially in battles where overwhelming artillery fire is sometimes ineffective. May have unexpected effects.

So this group of army leaders looked at the navy leaders next to them, just like seeing their future mother-in-law, their eager and expectant little eyes seemed to say: "Tell me where this thing came from, I want it, I want it all!"

"This laser-guided projectile is not specially developed for our navy!"

The tone of the naval leader who spoke seemed a little helpless, and an impatient army leader immediately frowned: "It's not for you, so whose name is it that was typed on the 162 ship?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should be from Bosnia!" The naval leader replied with a strange look.

(End of this chapter)

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