Great Power Ship

Chapter 203 Freighter

Chapter 203 Freighter
Hearing this, Wen Dawei hurriedly looked towards the open sea opposite the factory department, and indeed saw a cargo ship slowly approaching the factory department under the push of a tugboat.

At this time, Wen Dawei couldn't care whether to eat crabs or prawns at night, so he quickly ordered Zhang Dingjun: "Old Zhang, go to the communication room and ask, what's going on?"

"Okay!" Zhang Dingjun rushed back to the factory when he heard the words, and came back soon: "A cargo ship from Brunei had a mechanical failure while passing through the sea off Zhujiang River, and asked our Maritime Safety Administration for help. D Fleet Engineering Brigade sent a tugboat over there, and they heard that we have a shipyard here, so they came here.”

"He's here to repair the ship!" Wen Dawei nodded slightly. At this time, the staff of the factory office came over in a hurry and told Wen Dawei that there was a phone call from the provincial capital for him. When I picked up the phone, it turned out that the call was from Bureau Shen, who had been transferred to the provincial capital. The central idea was just one sentence: "Do a good job of guaranteeing foreign ships according to the requirements of the leaders!"

As soon as the phone on this side was put down, the telegram on the other side was delivered, and soon the leaders of the provincial capital, the local area, the maritime affairs, and the army all gave instructions, without exception: "Do a good job in safeguarding foreign ships!"

Not only that, the leaders of relevant departments have also formed a working group and set off to the Zhujiang factory to guide the rescue, security and aftermath of foreign ships!

Seeing that the battle is getting bigger and bigger, Wen Dawei is madly complaining in his heart, just a 1500-ton freighter has a mechanical failure, that is, there is no oil leakage, and there is no shipwreck, so there is no need for such a big battle ?
But thinking about it, this is the most serious ship accident that happened off Zhujiang in recent years, and it is a foreigner. If it is not handled properly, it may cause unnecessary disputes, so Wen Dawei is relieved.

But regardless of the size of the battle, domestic and foreign, it is certain that this Brunei-registered cargo ship is heading for Zhujiang Shipbuilding Factory, so Wen Dawei hurriedly asked the shipyard to make preparations and carry out repairs immediately if possible.

Because in Wen Dawei's view, the best guarantee is to let the ship that has encountered a breakdown run on the sea again.

So the Zhujiang factory quickly mobilized and quickly vacated a ship space to arrange for the upcoming Brunei-registered cargo ship.


Captain Emir Mahathir was a little depressed, because he really didn't expect that the "Tutong 148" cargo ship could not sail for some reason in less than two days after leaving the Panyu Port in China.

You must know that this ship had just undergone comprehensive maintenance at Busan Daewoo Shipbuilding Company in South Korea, where it was born, last month, but it turned out that something went wrong in less than a month.

So much so that in the past 6 hours, Captain Mahathir has greeted Daewoo with Brunei's national curse no less than 100 times ah 100 times.

But no matter how much you scold, it won't help. If the ship can't sail, it won't sail. Otherwise, the cargo ship "Tutong 148" will probably sink into the vast ocean before it reaches Brunei.

You must know that all the exquisite porcelain from domestic JDZ and fine silk from Suzhou are loaded on the ship. These are the favorite things of the Brunei royal family and dignitaries. If this is lost, the owner of the ship will suffer heavy losses. , It will also offend the royal family and dignitaries.

Therefore, Captain Mahathir did not dare to return home hastily, and could only seek help from the surrounding maritime authorities. Thanks to the "Tutong 148" cargo ship traveling along the continental shelf, he quickly received a reply from the domestic maritime authority.

Originally, Captain Mahathir breathed a sigh of relief and planned to spend a few days to return to Panyu Port. The port there is not only large, but also the surrounding facilities are also very late. It is absolutely possible to carry out systematic maintenance on the "Tudong 148". It's time to get on the road again, safe and secure.

But when he reported this plan to his shipowner, he was opposed by the shipowner.

The shipowner's reason is also very simple. The cargo on the ship has been reserved by him, and he must abide by the delivery time, otherwise he will bear a large amount of liquidated damages.

Now Captain Mahathir is in a dilemma. The port in Panyu has the best conditions in this area, and recently, where can he find a shipyard that can repair it in other places?
Just when Captain Mahathir was in a dilemma, the tugboat of the D Fleet Engineering Team who came to the rescue was approaching. After asking Captain Mahathir, he learned that there was a new shipyard less than 80 nautical miles from the front and back. Captain Mahathir did not hesitate to choose to tow the cargo ship "Tutong 148" to Zhujiang Shipbuilding Factory.

As a result, when Captain Mahathir, who was full of hope, saw the scene of Zhujiang factory clearly through the telescope, his hopeful heart suddenly became half cold.

Where is this shipyard? It's clearly a big construction site!

That's all, the key is the so-called shipyard part. Except for a few parts that can clearly see the factory building, there is not even a dock. It is obviously an unfinished shipyard.

How could such a shipyard provide maintenance services for the "Tutong 148" cargo ship?

Captain Mahathir was about to repent immediately, but at this time the captain of the tugboat told him that Zhujiang had organized relevant experts and leaders to come over and should be able to solve the problem of the cargo ship "Dutong 148".

At the same time, Ismail ***, the first officer in charge of equipment maintenance on the ship, also suggested that Captain Mahathir should go to Zhujiang factory for a try. It's better to be a dead horse here as a living horse doctor.

Captain Mahathir also had no choice but to bite the bullet and was dragged by the tugboat into the berth of the unfinished Zhujiang Shipbuilding Factory. When he landed and saw, it was not only Captain Mahathir who wanted to vomit blood, but even insisted on The first mate who came over almost regretted it.

What kind of shipyard is this? It's just a handicraft workshop, no~~ According to the standards of Captain Mahathir and the first mate, it's not even a handicraft workshop.

Because except for a large factory building in the whole area, there are only a few high-powered excavators imported from Japan, and there are no gantry cranes, cranes, or scaffolding in the rest.

Then he asked about the achievements of this Zhujiang factory, and the results made the two of them almost stumble.

So far, not a single ship has been built!
But looking at the situation, it's just like this, it's a hell to be able to build a boat!
So Captain Mahathir and the first mate quarreled and wanted to leave without saying a word, turning around and boarding the ship.

Wen Dawei had no choice but to continue to tentatively say to the two foreigners who refused to enter, "You two can put your heart in your stomach, our Zhujiang Factory will definitely repair your ship... "

 I have something to do at home, Chapter 3 will be released later

(End of this chapter)

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