Great Power Ship

Chapter 205 Ship air bag upper discharge? Launching process

Chapter 205 Ship air bag upper and lower water technology
Not only Captain Mahathir, but also the first officer and others who came with him were also stunned by the scene in front of them. It was a fully loaded cargo ship weighing more than 1500 tons. Zhujiang Factory used two sets of steel cables and two Is the winch pulled up?

How to do it?
Is it really magic?

"Assistant Wen, I didn't expect this method to work. Before, I was worried about whether it would be successful or not. Now it seems that a ship of about 2000 tons is no problem at all. Oh~~ If you were born a few years earlier, it would be fine. I don’t know how much money this method can save the country. Back then, the Soviets were very dogmatic and would not allow construction to start without a dock. A 2000-ton dry dock would cost more than 300 million at least, and it cost more than 50 million in the late 300s. Expensive to death!"

"Old Qi, what you said is an overstatement. This set of craftsmanship would not have achieved the current results without your help to check it. I just had a whim. Whether it can be done or not depends on you, an expert, to decide!"

"Assistant Wen, don't need to be humble. I'm really old. My head is a little rigid, and my thinking is not very active. I was a little impulsive before. Assistant Wen, don't forget to take it to heart. I am like this, and I always speak straightforwardly!"

"Where are you talking, I thank you for being too late, your words are really insightful for our Zhujiang factory... Yo~ I didn't expect these people to move so fast!"

Just when Captain Mahathir and others watched their own cargo ship "Tutong 148" being pulled up from the sea, all of them staring blankly, they heard the voice of conversation not far away, following the voice As he approached, he saw Wen Dawei pushing an old man in a wheelchair slowly walking towards this side.

Needless to say, Wen Dawei still wears a small crew cut. He looks ordinary but very attractive. The old man in a wheelchair has white hair, wrinkles and ravines on his face, sharp eyes like eagles, and a Chinese tunic suit that is as straight as a knife. The hale and hearty spirit is not a simple person at first glance.

When the two groups met each other, Wen Dawei immediately showed a very bright smile, and then said in English: "I was going to find a few people, but I didn't expect a few of them to come here. Just in time, I want you to introduce..."

He pointed to Qi Yongan on the wheelchair and said, "This is a well-known domestic ship technology expert, Qi Yongan, the chief technical consultant of our factory, Mr. Qi!"

Then he introduced Captain Mahathir and others to Qi Yongan in Chinese, but before he finished the introduction, Captain Mahathir couldn't wait to ask: "How did you get our ship?"

"You mean our ship's airbag upper and lower water technology!"

Wen Dawei's smile became brighter when he heard the words: "This is a brand-new ship launching and launching process developed by our factory based on our own suggestions. It is suitable for all kinds of small and medium-sized ships below 3000 tons. As for the principle, it is also very simple. Insert a row of inflatable airbags under the boat, and then use the load-bearing and rolling properties of the airbags to drag the boat ashore or put it into the water.

Of course, what we put forward is just an empty concept, and Mr. Qi helped us to perfect it in the end, so as to achieve the original upper and lower water technology in the world today! "

What Wen Dawei said was in English, and Qi Yongan didn't understand a word, but when he remembered Wen Dawei's previous sentence, he kept a straight face when he didn't understand, so Qi Yongan sat on the wheelchair with a serious face, Gives a sense of unfathomable vision.

Of course, even if he understands, Qi Yong'an can't refute Wen Dawei's words, because these words are really not fooling around, but a solution that Wen Dawei and other Zhujiang factory people have explored together.

To build a ship without a dock is the keynote set by Wen Dawei.

It's not that Wen Dawei doesn't want a dock, the key is how big a dock is?
If it is small, it will not be necessary to build a large ship in the future; if it is large, it cannot receive orders now, so it can only be maintained by small ships. Not to mention waste, the cost of a large dock is also an astronomical figure. I really can't bear it.

But the matter of shipbuilding has to be done, what should we do?
At this time, Wen Dawei proposed an idea, that is to use airbags as a moving tool for launching and launching the hull.

This idea is very peculiar, and many people don't quite accept it, so it is very controversial, not to mention others, Qi Yongan is a staunch opponent.

The reason is very simple. A ship can weigh at least 100 tons when it is empty, or even thousands of tons if it is large. What if the airbag blows up like a balloon and directly throws the ship to the shore?
Therefore, Qi Yongan's suggestion is to build a special mechanical slideway for the upper row and launching of small and medium-sized ships.

There are not many domestic applications of mechanical slides, but there are precedents; in foreign countries, it is a very common ship construction equipment, and it is also one of the necessary processes for ship maintenance and construction.

The "Perry" class frigate of the U.S. Navy uses this technology to realize the upper and lower water, so as to facilitate construction and maintenance.

Therefore, it is very influential in the repair of small and medium-sized ships.

But the problem is, not to mention the large investment of this type of equipment, the later maintenance is also particularly troublesome, and the life of the general product is relatively short. If you want to be stable and reliable, you must rely on imports. For example, German and American products are more durable. , the problem is that the asking prices of these two companies are not to mention expensive, and the conditions are also very harsh.

For example, prohibiting their products from being used in the production of military products.

If it's in the mainland, it's fine, the mountains are high and the emperor is far away, so I can do whatever I like.

The problem is that the Zhujiang factory is located on the coast, so what you want to do, and how to do it, you can't prevent people at all, so there are big limiting factors. What if those who produce warships are not allowed to produce military products?
Do you want to learn from Lidong Factory and take off the hat of national defense and military industry?

So Qi Yongan's suggestion is theoretically feasible, but in reality it is not very useful.

But no matter what, any disagreement must be resolved. Anyway, no matter what, any method must be tested and verified before it has the final say. This is the rule that Wen Dawei has always followed, even the method he proposed is no exception.

After all, everything must be realistic.

The result proves that although the ship airbag upper and lower water technology is not as mature as the dock or the mechanical slideway, it is also a new solution with high feasibility.

Facts speak louder than words. Although the ship airbag upper and lower water technology is immature, it can save a lot of money in terms of cost, and the labor intensity is also greatly reduced. The key is to be completely independent and not subject to others.

As for the immature craftsmanship, it would be impossible to make it mature. At this time, Qi Yongan's rich experience played a key role, because Wen Dawei only proposed the method, and he could only stare blankly at the specific method.

So Qi Yongan took the technical backbone of Zhujiang factory to solve the material problems of the airbags, the inflation equipment, the number of airbags in different ship types, and the air pressure in the airbags.

At the same time, the operating specifications and matters needing attention of the ship's air bag upper and lower discharge process have also been compiled.

When everything was ready and ready to be applied to the launching of the six ferries ordered by the Hong Kong Island Shipping Company, he did not expect that the cargo ship "Tutong 6" of Brunei nationality was inserted horizontally. For the first time, the set of craftsmanship was handed over to the cargo ship "Tutong 148"!

(End of this chapter)

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