Great Power Ship

Chapter 207 New Technology

Chapter 207 New Technology

Wen Dawei smiled generously, especially when it bloomed on that clean face, giving people a feeling of being harmless to humans and animals, and innocent to all.

But Captain Mahathir doesn't think so. If anyone who can pull their cargo ship "Tutong 148" to the shore without notifying him, if he believes that he is innocent, he will be innocent. Harmful?
Captain Mahathir might as well just wipe his neck, so he hurriedly said: "Our ship owner has made a promise to your relevant department and will pay the relevant expenses!"

"You also said that you told the relevant departments, but our Zhujiang factory is not very clear. Otherwise, you are thinking..." Then he said to Qi Yongan in front of him: "Today is too late , why don't we go back and rest first?"

Qi Yong'an still nodded solemnly: "Okay, anyway, I still have something to do in the next two days, Xiao Wen, let's take care of the boat that is towed up first!"

"Don't worry, I will provide as much help as required!" After finishing speaking, Wen Dawei straightened up, repeated Qi Yongan's words in English, and then said that if you have any difficulties, you can find him. Wen Dawei pushed Qi Yongan's wheelchair to prepare leave.

What difficulties could this group of Brunei crew have for Wen Dawei to solve?Of course, it is to repair their "Tutong 148" cargo ship as soon as possible, so that they can go home as soon as possible to complete the delivery of the goods.

But now Wen Dawei's side is obviously going to quit. It would be fine if they just docked, but now the boat is pulled ashore like a salted fish to hang there, how are they going to leave?
It would be fine if Wen Dawei and the others didn't find the cargo ship "Tutong 148", but they not only found it, but also explained the maintenance situation of the cargo ship "Tutong 148" clearly, what does this mean?
Of course, people's experience and ability have reached a certain level, otherwise how could they have such vision and insight?
You know, in Europe, America, Japan, and South Korea, it is a blessing to meet such a shipbuilding expert who comes to help you personally. It is a blessing not to mention burning incense to offer the other party, that is also polite. You can give me what you want, and you can’t counter the price, otherwise you can talk about the ship now, and you will be in trouble if something goes wrong in the future, because there are such ship repair experts everywhere, and you don’t know which shipyard. have.

It’s fine if you encounter it, if you encounter it, I’m sorry, even a little stumbling can make you bleed a lot!

That being the case, why did you Captain Mahathir say those words?Is it obvious that he doesn't want the crew below to go home, or does he want this cargo ship that has been running the Northeast Asian route all year round to be put on small shoes when it calls at a domestic port?

So the few crew members who followed immediately quit, and started yelling at Captain Mahathir in Malay with a look of displeasure. The first mate persuaded both sides, but more Complain and advise Captain Mahathir.

Captain Mahathir just wanted to bargain with Wen Dawei, but he didn't even think that the other party chose to leave without even talking.

Usually when I buy food in the Mainland, I can negotiate the price, but here...

"Mr. Qi, Mr. Wen..."

Finally unable to bear the pressure from both sides, he hastily called Wen Dawei who had turned around. At this time, Wen Dawei and Qi Yongan, who were facing away from Mahathir and others, let out a long sigh of relief.

If you don't stop them, things will get worse.

There's no way, if we don't clarify the matter today and reach a fait accompli, when the real expert team arrives tomorrow, Wen Dawei will be unable to eat and walk around.

You must know that Yongjiang and the maritime department attach great importance to this Brunei-registered cargo ship, and if it is not handled well, it will bear a lot of responsibility.

But it would be a different matter if the ship was repaired before the arrival of the joint expert group. This proves that Zhujiang Factory is a collective capable of fighting. The ship repairing technology of Zhujiang Factory has reached a certain level and can independently complete the construction of small and medium-sized ships. And maintenance tasks, it can be said that it is very important to build a reputation in the industry for Zhujiang Factory.

But if it fails, it is blind and aggressive, not flexible, dogmatic, and a typical example of not seeking truth from facts, and it will be punished.

All in all, whether it is good or bad depends entirely on whether the Zhujiang factory can repair the boat tonight.

Unexpectedly, Captain Mahathir hesitated at this time. Wen Dawei had already set up Qi Yongan, a shipbuilding expert, and if he wanted to ventilate at this time, didn't he tell me clearly that we were fooling you. In fact, we are all pseudo-experts, and that is an embarrassment.

So Wen Dawei had no choice but to leave, but in fact, when the two of them turned around, their little hearts almost jumped out of their throats, and they even muttered: "Don't let go, don't let go~~~"

Fortunately, Captain Mahathir finally broke down faster than their mentality, and finally stopped them!

"What else is there, Mr. Mahathir? If it's not very urgent, let's talk about it tomorrow!" Wen Dawei panicked in his heart, but his face was as steady as an old dog.

However, Captain Mahathir didn't dare to gamble anymore, and quickly caught up and asked, "I said something wrong just now, please forgive me, so..."

"So you want to know the maintenance plan we provide?" Wen Dawei interrupted Captain Mahathir impatiently before he finished speaking.

Captain Mahathir hurriedly nodded like a chicken pecking rice: "Yes, yes, yes... I wonder if you can elaborate more?"

"It's not a matter of details, it's just some of our suggestions..." Wen Dawei didn't turn around, but said to Captain Mahathir as if he was about to leave at any time: "The safest way is to put the Remove the stern shaft seal sleeve and use a lathe to cut off the worn parts. It is not only cheap but also saves time. But we have seen the situation of your stern shaft seal sleeve. It is more serious than expected and has reached the point of being unusable. This The method obviously doesn't work.

The second is to use the old method used by South Korea for you, and use the fusion welding process to repair it. The price is also cheap. Although the method is cheap, it is a temporary solution but not the root cause, because the welded stern shaft seal sleeve will be greatly deformed, which will affect the operation of the shaft system, and eventually cause the stern shaft seal sleeve to be worn again, which will affect the normal operation of the ship..."

Speaking of this, Wen Dawei pouted at the cargo ship "Dudong 148" that had been pulled to the berth: "Mr. Captain has a deep understanding of this aspect!"

Captain Mahathir nodded: "That's true, is there any other way?"

"The third one is to replace the original Japanese stern shaft seal..." Wen Dawei said directly, "It's just that we don't have any stock in hand now, and such parts are all tailor-made. You can find someone to do it." A Japanese manufacturer customizes one, and we will install it for you after we bring it over, but the maintenance cycle will be longer, it is estimated to take one and a half months..."

"No, the time is too long, it will affect the delivery of our goods!" Captain Mahathir shook his head quickly, and immediately asked: "Is there any other convenient and efficient solution?"

Wen Dawei finally showed a familiar smile when he heard the words: "Then only the new technology that Mr. Qi has developed for three years is left..."

(End of this chapter)

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