Great Power Ship

Chapter 21 The Educated Youth Factory

Chapter 21 The Educated Youth Factory

What Tang Jianming said was true.

The work at this time, especially the regular workers in regular factories, is really a radish and a pit, and there is no more.

Not to mention the rural children like the three Tang Jianming brothers, even Wen Dalin, a serious second-generation factory worker with a rural household registration, does not have such an opportunity.

Unless the older generation like Wen Lin retires early, according to relevant policies, Wen Lin will have the opportunity to take over and become a regular worker in the factory, otherwise even if he enters the factory, he will only be an informal apprentice.

Not only is the work tiring, but the wages are not high. More importantly, the welfare policies in the factory generally rarely include apprentices. For example, welfare housing allocation. Apprentices may not be able to live in a square meter of welfare housing for a lifetime. .

However, even with such apprentices, it is very difficult for the three brothers of the Tang family to join them, because the rigid conditions of an urban household registration keep the three of them from the working class, and there is no way for the three of them to be authentic rural people. If you want to change your hukou to an urban hukou, the procedures are cumbersome. Secondly, the key is that the existing policy is extremely strict on the conversion card between urban and rural areas. Without special reasons, it is generally not allowed to change from a rural hukou to an urban hukou.

Otherwise, Wen Lin would have brought Tang Jianming into the factory as an apprentice long ago.

"It doesn't necessarily have to be in the Lidong factory. Not long ago, the factory built an educated youth factory in the eastern suburbs of Guizhou. Where can I go?"

Wen Dalin said indifferently.

But Tang Jianming shook his head: "You said it was easy. The educated youth factory can really carry it. The problem is that it is a young nursing home. The people in it have nothing to do all day long, and they rely on the monthly appropriation from the factory to make ends meet. In addition, most of the educated youth who went in were apprentices rather than regular workers. Many of them had long been filled with resentment. Many of them secretly planned to go to the special zone in the province for a break. It was better than dying poor in an educated youth factory. Be strong."

Wen Dalin was a little surprised when he heard the words. The educated youth factory of Lidong Factory was mainly established to solve the employment problem of educated youths like Wen Dawei who returned to the city. matching.

It was just a task assigned by the superiors, and the factory was built hastily to temporarily relieve the employment pressure. Therefore, it lacked technology, personnel and management, so the educated youth factory was very chaotic. Wen Dawei was still aware of this, but he did not expect it It will be so chaotic, according to Tang Jianming, if the Lidong Factory is weaned, the Educated Youth Factory will collapse in minutes.

"Believe it or not, Uncle Wen arranged for me to work for two months before you came back. As a result, within a few days, I couldn't stand the overcrowded atmosphere inside, so I packed up and came back..."

Tang Jianming took the rice out of the basket and put it into a bamboo tube, filled it with water, sealed the bamboo tube, and threw it into the fire. Hearing the crackling sound of the burning pillars, Tang Jianming sighed. He took a deep breath and continued: "It doesn't matter if the salary of 15 yuan per month is as little as possible. The key is that the atmosphere inside is really not good. It's like dying from drought and dying from waterlogging. The problem is that the leaders of the educated youth factory Like a blind man, pretending you didn’t see it at all, it’s no wonder that such a factory can be successful!”

As Tang Jianming spoke, he poked the fire in the woodpile with a branch, then took the fish Tang Jianqiang handed over, put it on and put it on the fire: "So I just came back. For 15 yuan, I will go up the mountain to dig some mountain goods, and I will go down If you catch some fish from the river and sell them in the city, it’s more than that amount in a month, so there’s no need to stay there and suffer that kind of anger!”

"The main thing is that the educated youth factory bullied my brother, who has a rural household registration, and let my brother do all the dirty and tiring work. He said that those who can do more work, but they all have to fart all day long. I have never seen such a bully. Yes." Tang Jianqiang interjected at this time, and Tang Jianshe on the side also nodded honestly: "They...they... are too much!"

Wen Dawei nodded subconsciously. No wonder his father didn't even mention the educated youth factory when he came back. It turned out that he was not optimistic about it, but the problem was that he didn't want to go to college either.

Although college students are very popular, Wen Dawei wants to change his way of life for two generations, but Wen Dawei has not yet figured out how to live, but no matter how he thinks about it, one thing is certain, that is, he must live a vigorous life in this life !
But the problem is, he is an educated youth who has just returned. He has no education, no qualifications, and no qualifications. It is really not easy to be vigorous.

As for taking over from the old man, Wen Dawei didn't even think about it. Wen Lin's career is on the rise, and both age and experience are the golden age of a mature man. It's really hard to interrupt the old man's career at this time. Is not a son of man.

"Of course, if you can make outstanding contributions to the factory, as a child of your factory, you might still be able to join the factory!" Tang Jianming spoke again at this time, but just after he finished speaking, Tang Jianming looked at the factory. Wen Dawei, who is not in good shape, said, "The problem is, we guys dig out our heads and claim to be knowledgeable, so don't think about those unrealistic things.

What's more, we living people can't let the urine suffocate to death. What's the benefit of entering the factory? It's just a little dead wages. It's not as good as I can earn more by digging mountain goods. So Dawei, you might as well follow me, let's dig mountain goods and fish If you sell fish larvae to the city, you can still earn 70 yuan a month, which is no worse than you in the factory! "

"Well... people in the city can be fierce when shopping~~~" Tang Jianshe added naively: "So my brother said that in two years, I will be able to marry a wife..."

"My brother fell in love with Qin Ximei from the neighboring village. My brother said that sister Xi has a big butt, so she is very fertile and can pass on seeds..., why did you hit me!"

The youngest, Tang Jianqiang, added more details, but before he finished speaking, he was hit on the head by Tang Jianming, screaming in pain.

"Don't listen to their nonsense, Ximei and I are innocent!" Tang Jianming blushed involuntarily, explaining to Wen Dawei.

Wen Dawei nodded: "En, er~~ I also think that Ximei is very suitable for you!"

"Wen Dawei, are you still a brother?" Tang Jianming was embarrassed by Wen Dawei's words: "Brother, just say whether you will do it with me!"


Wen Dawei was about to answer when he heard a weak female voice from outside the river beach: "Brother Jianming, Brother Dawei~~~Brother Jianming, Brother Dawei~~~"

"It's sister!"

Tang Jianming trembled when he heard the words, and immediately bounced up from the spot like a spring, waving and shouting in the direction of the sound: "Xiaomei, I am here~~~ The freshly grilled fish is delicious. Already~~~"

As soon as these words came out, the other three people present were full of black lines. How about the love between these two people be so showy!

"Stop roasting, the factory leader came to the village to find Brother Dawei, and the village chief told you to go back quickly!" Ximei's voice came from afar, and Tang Jianming looked at Wen Dawei puzzled: "The factory leader asked you to do it!" Well?"

(End of this chapter)

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