Great Power Ship

Chapter 300 There is nothing that an aircraft carrier can't solve

Chapter 300 There's Nothing That An Aircraft Carrier Can't Solve
Wen Dawei smiled when he heard the words, and gave Qin Gangsheng a goose wing: "If you say so earlier, it will be over!"

"It's just you, it's still over? It would be strange if you didn't pick me up!" Qin Gangsheng gave Wen Dawei a hard look, and even changed the tone of his mouth.

Wen Dawei didn't care, he drank a dry bowl of ginkgo duck soup into his stomach, and then said slowly: "Who can be blamed? It's not because you are stingy, the Malaysian shipyard reconstruction project, the 30 tons of the new factory in Kuala Lumpur Port For the new construction of the dock, when did you, Qin Gangsheng, have such a big stomach that you can eat two projects by yourself?"

As he said that, Wen Dawei put down his chopsticks: "To be honest, would you be able to survive without our Zhujiang factory?"

Qin Gangsheng didn't show weakness either: "Without me to help you make peace, do you think you can get the Brunei shipyard? The Buddha said that if you receive a favor from someone, you should repay it with a spring. I didn't expect you to give too much. But you can’t eat alone, right?”

Seeing that the two started a new round of Rashomon, Wen Dawei hurriedly waved his hands to stop: "Okay, the previous story has been reversed, and we are still good brothers right now, don't be like little Japan, it's not too bad In this way, the peaches were picked."

Qin Gangsheng couldn't help but nodded when he heard the words: "Who says it's not? You and I are Jiaobulimeng, Mengbulijiao, and we can't play without anyone. Don't think about anything, just put the money in your pocket first." .”

Qin Gangsheng was really right when he said this. You must know that their old Qin family was not a native of Hong Kong Island, but an overseas Chinese living in Southeast Asia.

It was just that Qin Gangsheng's father responded to the call during the Anti-Japanese War and returned to China as a member of Nanyang technicians to serve as a maintenance engineer for the Yunnan-Burma Road Transport Brigade.

After the Anti-Japanese War ended, he came to Hong Kong Island and got married to live and die.

Therefore, Qin Gangsheng can't be called a big boss on Hong Kong Island, but he is quite popular in Southeast Asian countries.

Because as early as the Daoguang period of the Qing Dynasty, Qin Gangsheng’s ancestors moved to today’s Malaysia with his family. After more than a hundred years of reproduction and management, the Qin family has spread out in Southeast Asia and has become several relatively powerful Chinese. One of the giants.

Because of this, although Qin Gangsheng's business in Hong Kong Island is bleak, he can always breathe a sigh of relief. The reason is the blood transfusion from his uncles and brothers in Southeast Asia.

But now Qin Gangsheng is no longer a small character who guarded the pier to eat some ship repair fees, but a big man with considerable financial resources. Coupled with this network of contacts, the projects in Southeast Asian countries are not only simple, but also difficult. what is too difficult
Not to mention anything else, after the equipment export list between Zhujiang Factory and Brunei was finalized, Wen Dawei wanted to use this to win the construction project of the Brunei Shipyard and get another wave of bonuses.

However, there are also several professional shipyard construction companies in Japan, South Korea, Australia, and Norway that are also eyeing this piece of fat. Among them, Japan is the most powerful, and it is Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. supported by the two major consortiums of Sumitomo and Mitsubishi.

Not only the technical strength is the top, but also the conditions given are even more generous, that is, once Offshore Engineering Co., Ltd. wins the bid, Sumitomo and financial institutions under Mitsubishi will immediately give Brunei a 30-year low-interest Japanese yen loan. Construction projects in shipyards.

In other words, Brunei does not need to take a penny, just sign the loan agreement, and the Japanese side will help you make it clear from the inside to the outside.

In addition, it undertakes some low-end ship repairing business eliminated by Japan.

Give the money and give the list, let alone Brunei, Wen Dawei wants to go to the Japanese and tell them to go to the Zhujiang factory to have a look, I can do it too.

However, after digging through all the details, it is discovered that under all the beautiful appearance, there are one dark pit after another.

After all, money is not given in vain, especially for a 30-year project with a total investment of hundreds of millions of dollars, there are too many uncertainties, and Japanese financial institutions deliberately amplify this uncertainty, through various operations, The ultimate goal is to hold Brunei's shipyards.

Make it a starting point for the transfer of the low-end shipbuilding industry, and continue to provide Japan with a steady stream of blood transfusions through the low-end labor force in Southeast Asia.

In other words, this is economic colonization in reverse.

The problem is that not everyone can see this thing, especially wrapped in a layer of psychedelic candy, it is easy to get addicted to it, and it will be too late when you realize it, because your core assets have already Being eroded by people in sevens and eights.

Therefore, it was really difficult for the Zhujiang factory to compete with Japanese companies, let alone them. Australia and Norway were also beaten to the ground and had to give up bidding.

Originally, there was almost no suspense about this matter, but Ocean Engineering Co., Ltd. had its own problems. The reason was that Sumitomo and Mitsubishi had disagreements on future macroeconomic policies.

Sumitomo's economists believe that the appreciation of the yen within the year is a high probability event. Based on this, you should hoard more yen and prepare your own ammunition. After the yen appreciates, you will take the initiative to go to developed countries in Europe and the United States to harvest their core assets. .

Mitsubishi's economists believe that although the yen has appreciated, the fundamentals of Japan's industrial policy have not changed. Because of this, it is necessary to continue to invest in entities and take the road of building a country through industry.

The two sides are you come and I will not give in to each other, and several small and medium-sized Japanese banks in partnership hope to make a wave of quick money under the background of the appreciation of the yen.

What kind of Brunei shipyard is it? It’s a 30-year thing at every turn. I might die before I enjoy it in my life. It’s not a loss!

So they opposed Mitsubishi's policy one after another.

In addition, Mitsubishi's internal differences are also very large, so the matter of the Brunei shipyard has been put on hold.

You Japanese are hesitant, so don’t blame other people for taking advantage of it, so Qin Gangsheng came out and relied on the prestige rooted in the Malaysian Qin family to persuade the Brunei royal family to hand over the construction of the shipyard to him.

The same operation also appeared in the two projects of the reconstruction of the Malaysian shipyard and the 30 dry dock of the new plant in the Port of Kuala Lumpur.

However, although Qin Gangsheng has connections, connections, and some bad money in his hands, he doesn't understand how to repair a captain or how to build a shipyard.

Conversely, Wen Dawei's Zhujiang factory has technology, experience, and ability, but he is not familiar with the place in Southeast Asia, and it is also difficult to move forward without Qin Gangsheng's cover.

So when the two combined, they had to work together, but the early distribution did not agree. Qin Gangsheng gave the smallest Brunei shipyard to Zhujiang factory, and kept the two largest ones for Zhujiang factory. matching.

How could Wen Dawei be capable, so the two of you came and went to fight a lot during this time.

Unexpectedly, it was finally solved by a scrapped and dilapidated aircraft carrier.

In fact, the two of them also knew that the monsters behind them didn't want the two of them to be in a stalemate, and the two of them were not ignorant young people, so they naturally wanted to give the boss face. Anyway, there is nothing that an aircraft carrier can't solve. Get two if you have one!
(End of this chapter)

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