Great Power Ship

Chapter 302 The "Melbourne" calls at the port

Chapter 302 The "Melbourne" calls at the port
As soon as this remark was made, before Fan Jiahang could reply, Shao Zhong, who was present at the meeting, took the lead and said, "That is to say, we can all board the ship?"

"Why not?" Wen Dawei took a sip from his teacup, put it down again and continued, "If we are not allowed to board the ship, how can we dismantle the ship? Could it be that those experts and scholars should do it themselves?"

Hearing this, Shao Zhong felt as if he was drunk, his face was flushed, and the excitement went straight to his head. If he didn't know that the occasion was wrong and held back, Shao Zhong would have wanted to have a good time on the spot di.

There is no way, Shao Zhong's obsession with the aircraft carrier is almost to the point of bewilderment.

When I was still serving as a cadre stationed abroad in the Middle East, I saw the USS Kennedy aircraft carrier crossing the Suez Canal and heading south to the Indian Ocean in the Red Sea region. I was shocked by this domineering and mighty ship type.

It was as if seeing the person he likes for the first time, and in just a short moment, he was sure that this person would live a lifetime like him. The moment he saw the US aircraft carrier, Shao Zhong firmly believed that the aircraft carrier was the direction of his life's exploration and research.

The problem is that it's easy to determine the direction, but it's hard to know where to start when you really want to do research.

If there is no aircraft carrier in the country, we cannot talk about the experience and training level; if there is no relevant construction plan, we cannot talk about the technical characteristics and operational requirements of construction.

Nothing, what to do?
Some people say go abroad.

The problem is that the aircraft carrier is an important weapon of the country everywhere, is it something you can get on it if you want?
Therefore, in China at present, although aircraft carrier research is called the so-called "development direction" and has the support of some leaders, due to various constraints in reality, there is really no research on submarines, large surface ships, or even small and medium-sized surface ships.

After all, there are already relevant models in these fields in China. Although they are not advanced, there are always some basics.

On the other hand, in the research of aircraft carriers, apart from following the opinions of foreign publications, they can't produce anything, so many people ridicule Shao Zhong's research direction as parroting.

I don’t have anything of my own, so I can only translate foreign documents and make up things, what is it if it’s not a parrot?
Every time he encounters such a possible thing, Shao Zhong will fight with reason, and sometimes he is even alone, and those who are robbed will shed tears.

If not, he would not be willing to stay in the Zhujiang factory. He was really annoyed. He planned to settle down for a few years and then make a comeback. The dismantling plant of the HMS Melbourne.

This happiness is like the long-awaited goddess who suddenly promised to stay at your house tonight and not go back. It almost didn't make Shao Zhong's little heart thump out.

The same goes for the others. Looking at the excited crowd, Wen Dawei coughed, and the venue fell silent. Then, in the name of the factory party committee, Wen Dawei talked about the key directions for the dismantling of the "Melbourne".

The heads of each executive department hurriedly recorded the spirit of the meeting, and after the meeting adjourned, they each conveyed the content of the factory party committee this time and arranged the subdivision work of each department.

In this way, in the next few days, Zhujiang Factory inspected the newly built [-]-ton dry dock inside and out, and at the same time overhauled the supporting equipment in the shipbuilding factory.

Other supporting brother factories also started to get busy around the dismantling of the "Melbourne".

At the same time, many ship experts, fluid mechanics experts, heads of naval forces, heads of relevant scientific research institutes or researchers from all over the country came to the guest house of the factory headquarters one after another. They all aimed at "Melbourne" No. to.

And as the time for the "Melbourne" to port is getting closer, the Zhujiang factory is becoming more and more lively. Experts and scholars in the shipbuilding field, leaders of major domestic shipbuilding factories, heads of troops, and local leaders, Together with the seven or eight entourages, the guest house on the fourth floor of the Zhujiang Factory was packed to the brim.

As long as this is not enough, there is no way, Wen Dawei vacated two meeting rooms in the factory and changed them into temporary guest rooms, so that everyone can be arranged clearly.

Fortunately, these experts, scholars, leaders, chiefs and persons in charge all stared at the "Melbourne", and they were not too picky about the things in life, so they barely completed the reception.

On a certain afternoon in mid-May, the experts, scholars, leaders, heads and persons in charge gathered in the Zhujiang factory all gathered by the pier of the Zhujiang factory, or set up a pergola with their hands and looked towards the junction of the sea and the sky. , or stare at a place with a telescope.

It's a pity that it was a cloudy day back then, and the dim sky made the visibility a bit poor, so I didn't see why after watching it for a long time.

Just at this moment, someone yelled, "Where... is there... right there..."

As he spoke, he pointed in the direction of 2 o'clock.

Everyone immediately looked over in unison, and indeed saw a small dot that seemed to jump out of the sea level, and a moment later a larger black dot also jumped into everyone's eyes.

"Yes, yes, it's the aircraft carrier, it's really coming, it's really coming!"

A naval unit leader holding a binoculars said excitedly, and immediately handed the binoculars to a middle-aged man who looked like an intellectual next to him. The middle-aged man's eyesight was not very good. Walked in a little bit, and after seeing the outline thoroughly, he excitedly grabbed the leader of the army next to him: "That's right, it's an aircraft carrier, it's an aircraft carrier, I saw a whole line leading directly to the deck..."


Similar situations continue to happen in the crowd. Those who wear binoculars read it by themselves, and then lend it to the people next to them to share. Those with good eyesight confirm the direction and then guide those with bad eyesight.

But no matter what, when a genuine aircraft carrier appeared in front of our eyes, the excitement of this group of experts, scholars, leaders, chiefs and persons in charge was no worse than a child getting his favorite toy.

Even if this toy is just an empty shell!

After about 40 minutes like this, under the traction and dragging of three high-powered tugboats in the factory area, the "Melbourne" slowly docked. This old ship, which was built in 1945 and is 40 years old, actually looks like very bad.

The position of the hull number that has been erased has been eroded by mottled rust. It can be said that the part above the waterline of the entire ship is horrible, especially in the middle and rear part. It is obvious that it has been cut and re- Rough traces of welding.

It was obviously a violent means to dismantle the power unit inside.

As for the superstructure, it is even more empty, only a ship island like an empty shell, standing there silently like a lifeless dead person.

But it is such an old aircraft carrier that can only be described as horrible. The moment it successfully docked in the port, people cheered.

(End of this chapter)

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