Great Power Ship

Chapter 51 Policy

Chapter 51 Policy
"Research...research...graduate students?"

Shocked, Zhang Dequan's mouth was a little sloppy unconsciously, and he even spoke sharply.

After graduating from a bachelor's degree, there is already a bright future, but after graduating from a master's degree, can't you just take off in place?Zhang Mingli is now the deputy chief of the technical department. In the future, a deputy factory director is inevitable. Wen Dawei, who has a graduate degree, will at least be the director of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau in the future. system leadership.

Good guy... I'm really a good guy!

Zhang Dequan was shocked in his heart, but he was more fortunate. Thanks to himself, he asked Wen Lin out because he saw something was wrong, and eased the relationship with all his heart. In addition, Wen Dawei and Zhang Mingli were already quite stable. The matter of getting married is basically a certainty.

Otherwise, as Wen Dawei's graduate student, why can't he find a good girl?
It is estimated that the leaders of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau will go to the pole to give their daughter to Wen Dawei.

"I didn't tell anyone in the factory about this, including Dawei himself. After all, he is still young and has just joined the factory. It would be very bad if he was too floating!"

At this moment, Wen Lin spoke slowly, pulling the shocked Zhang Dequan back to reality, and nodded immediately: "What is the relationship between us, Dawei's business is my business, don't worry, I won't tell anyone about it... ..."

Before the words were finished, Zhang Dequan lifted the wine glass, then put it down again, and said tentatively: "Brother, I thought, since the two children have taken a fancy to him, should we decide on the matter and let it go for a while when they are married?" Let it go, wait until Dawei gets his undergraduate degree and do it together, what do you think?"

"You also know that I don't care much about family affairs, and I don't know what to do in detail..." Wen Lin chuckled: "But I watched Mingli grow up, and I must not be wronged, so The transfer quota in my hand is reserved for Mingli."

Hearing this, Zhang Dequan's old face immediately bloomed like a chrysanthemum, and he quickly raised his wine glass: "I will take care of the chores at home, but in the past few days, we brothers go fishing by the river to relax, how much do you spend?" It's been a year, and it hasn't been so easy!"

"Yes..." Wen Lin thought of the special period when the factory shut down for various reasons, and he had nothing to do but go fishing with Zhang Dequan. He felt like a world away, and nodded immediately: "But I can't fish for a few days. Treat it as a pastime!"

"At that time, I will let Wang Rongmei cook her best pickled fish, and we can drink a few more glasses!" Zhang Dequan immediately took care of it, but Wen Lin frowned: "How long have you been with Wang Rongmei? No result yet?"

After Zhang Dequan heard this, his face immediately became sad: "There are too many twists and turns in the inside, I am not a thing, and I am not the kind of scum who pulls up his pants and refuses to recognize people, but... well... Anyway, Wang Rongmei Look at it, and say that we can just get on with each other like this, and don't expect anything else..."

As soon as the words fell, Zhang Dequan raised his glass again: "Don't talk about those troublesome things today, come and drink, and tomorrow I will get fishing rods and ground cages..."

In this way, the two drank for a while, and then went home separately. The next day, Zhang Dequan came to the door with a fishing rod and a ground cage, and then Wen Lin followed to the river.

As for Wen Dawei and Zhang Mingli, one continued to undertake the transformation of the heat treatment workshop, and by the way, they were studying the textbooks from Guizhou Radio and Television University that they had just received.

Zhang Mingli was on frequent business trips during this period.

It seems that the days have returned to the stable and paralyzing state of the past. After all, the reforms and measures in the factory can be completely smooth for Wen Lin and Zhang Dequan who have already saved their way out.

Even when fishing, they will comment on the new policies promulgated by the new leadership team.

However, this kind of life will not last long. Wen Lin is destined to go to the Southwest Ordnance Bureau. It is good to have a few days of rest, and the Bureau will have opinions if it is delayed.

So Wen Lin, who was going to leave the day after tomorrow, did not go fishing by the river, but packed his things at home, and Zhang Dequan naturally wanted to help.

Just when the two elder brothers were packing their clothes, they occasionally saw a few old things in the bottom of the box, and were generous about the changes in the world, Qin Yibin suddenly rushed in in a hurry.

Wen Lin was a little surprised when he saw this: "Old Qin? Why are you here? Just in time, let's get together at noon!"

"At this time, do you still have thoughts together? I said, old Wen, don't tell me that you just retired early without hearing anything from the window?" Qin Yibin looked at Wen Lin strangely.

Wen Lin was also very surprised, he was transferred away, and he took a few days of rest during the handover, so why did he keep his ears shut?
The problem is that even if he wants to hear it, the new leadership team will allow him to.

At this time, Zhang Dequan also realized that something was wrong, and quickly asked, "Did something happen to Lao Qin?"

"It's an accident, and it's a major event!" Qin Yibin said, unbuttoning the discipline button on his bow tie, then picked up the enamel jar and drank the water in it, wiped his mouth, and looked at Wen Lin: "Your Wen Dawei Yesterday afternoon, I submitted the contracting plan for the heat treatment workshop to the factory department, and directly offered an increase in revenue of 100 million next year, with a profit margin of no less than 20%..."

Hearing the number of 100 million, Wen Lin felt a crack of thunder above his head, which instantly knocked his soul out.

Zhang Dequan on the other side didn't feel much better. He swayed and sat down on the bed with a plop...

It’s no wonder that the old brothers reacted so strongly. It all started with a series of reform measures after Zhou Wei took over as the director of Lidong Factory, the core of which was the introduction of the contracting model.

That is to say, as long as the cadres and workers of Lidong Factory feel that they are capable, they can apply to the factory for contracting matters, as small as a department or a canteen; as large as a workshop or a branch factory.

However, the contract belongs to the contractor, and the contractor has to bear his own profits and losses when he takes over the plate. Contractors get the big bucks.

If it can’t be achieved, then the factory will have to calculate with you the loss of equipment, materials, labor, and space. You can’t cause national assets to suffer losses because of your contractor’s problems, right?

With the small size of the monthly salary of only a few tens of dollars, it is impossible to afford compensation. The only thing that can be sold is the future!
So it's okay to say that this contract is successful, once it collapses, it means that the contractor's future is ruined, and it will be difficult to turn around in this life!
The cadres and workers of the Lidong factory, who are used to ensuring their income from droughts and floods, are quite uncomfortable. Who has nothing to do to take such a big risk? No matter how bad you are, you can't just watch it collapse.

I will always find a way to maintain it. In that case, I might as well spend some dead wages!

(End of this chapter)

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