Great Power Ship

Chapter 69 Leadership

Chapter 69 Leadership
As soon as this conversation came out, Jiang Xudong was stunned for a moment, then looked at Liu Chengzhi next to him and Tang Jianshe who was grilling fish behind him, then ate the fish in his hand, smiled at Wen Dawei: "Comrade Dawei, you have I can understand Jun's feelings, but you have to do what you can, seeing that you have just started working at your age, right?"

It was obvious that Jiang Xudong didn't take Wen Dawei's words into his heart.

There is no way, Liu Chengzhi, the oldest of these people, is not yet 30 years old, and Tang Jianshe, the youngest, has just turned 16, let alone Wen Dawei, who is just in his early 20s. Dabao Dalan said, "It's only a few dollars for 48 diving knives, and I will take care of them all"?
It's not that Jiang Xudong has never seen such a person before, but without exception, they are nonsense words of people who drink high at the wine table, but now there is not a drop of wine here except for a little fish and the warm and cold river wind, Wen Dawei But still saying such words, Jiang Xudong can only attribute it to youthful vigor.

However, this attitude is worth encouraging, so Jiang Xudong threw away the fish bones in his hand and continued: "But you can report to your leaders. It doesn't matter whether you can go to Chengdu or not. The main thing is Tang Jianshe. After a few years of training, I will definitely become the backbone of the frogman army in the future..."

"What leader? My Viagra is the leader!"

Jiang Xudong's words hadn't finished yet, but Tang Jianshe over there said something that made Jiang Xudong almost lose his temper. However, before he could refute, Liu Chengzhi handed a small card with exquisite printing to Liu Xudong. .

I saw the words "Sales Manager of Heat Treatment Workshop of Lidong Machinery Factory" written on it.

Below is Liu Chengzhi's name, the address, zip code and contact number of the unit, and an attacking flying fish is printed in the blank space next to it, which echoes the word "high-end" forming the base, giving people a different kind of vision shock.

But what Jiang Xudong paid attention to was not this, but the word "manager" on the card, and then looked at Liu Chengzhi in surprise: "Are you the leader?"

Liu Chengzhi shook his head, then pointed to Wen Dawei: "The real leader is him!"

At this time, Wen Dawei was also holding a card in his hand, and handed it to Jiang Xudong. Jiang Xudong took a look, and the overall style was the same as Liu Chengzhi's imitation, except that the bold words printed with the title changed to "Lidong General Manager (Workshop Director) of Heat Treatment Workshop of Machinery Factory”

With just a glance, Jiang Xudong's eyes straightened. He looked at the small card in his hand, then raised his eyes to look at Wen Dawei who had a gentle smile in front of him, looked at the card again, and looked at Wen Dawei again, his eyes full of disbelief. Is it true?is that a lie?my God?So young to be the workshop director?Mom, what's going on in this world?Such questionable screen swiping...

"Let me formally introduce..."

Just when Jiang Xudong was at a loss, Liu Chengzhi spoke again, and then pointed to Wen Dawei and introduced: "This is the youngest workshop director of our Lidong Machinery Factory so far, the inventor of a new fashion razor, and the founder of a high-end brand , Comrade Wen Dawei...

By the way, have you heard of 'high-end' brand razors? "

Jiang Xudong nodded subconsciously. He has been in Double Star City for so many days. If he didn't know the "high-end" brand razor, he wouldn't dare to say that he had been to Double Star City.

No matter the posters on the street, or newspapers and magazines, or radio stations and TV stations, they are full of advertisements, introductions and lectures of various "high-end" brand razors.

So much so that it was difficult for Jiang Xudong to know, and he even spent money to get one to try.

But when I went to the mall to inquire, I found out that the "high-end" brand razors were sold out because they were too tight.

For this reason, the staff of the mall told Jiang Xudong that they can only grab it at 8 am next Monday. Of course, if it arrives at 8 am on time, it will be impossible to get it, because many people have been queuing since midnight, and the mall will be gone as soon as it opens.

But the more this is the case, the more itchy Jiang Xudong feels. The reason is very simple, how can something that is not really good be sold out, and how can something that is not really good be snapped up by people?
The result of thinking along this line of thought is that Jiang Xudong wants to buy a high-end razor more and more.

But because he didn't have time, and because he had to go to other places this weekend, he obviously couldn't queue up. It would be a lie to say no regrets, but because of this, Jiang Xudong was very impressed with the "high-end" brand.

So when he heard the word "high-end", Jiang Xudong certainly knew what it meant, but he was surprised that the founder of the "high-end" brand was so young.

"I'm just a blade maker, not as good as what Lao Liu said!" At this time, Wen Dawei waved his hand modestly, with that gentle smile, extraordinarily harmless to humans and animals.

"My younger brother has practiced good water skills since he was a child, and he also has a heart to serve the country in the army..."

Wen Dawei was right. Both Tang Jianshe and Tang Jianqiang wanted to join the army, but Tang Jianshe didn't have any outstanding features except for his good physique.

Tang Jianming was not as spiritual as Tang Jianqiang, so Tang Jianming worried that Tang Jianshe would not be able to enjoy himself in the army, so he always wanted Tang Jianshe to stay by his side and learn something.

But Wen Dawei felt that as long as Tang Jianshe was willing, he could give it a try. Anyway, he and Tang Jianshe would back him up, so he was not afraid even if it failed. Could it be that Wen Dawei couldn't arrange a position for Tang Jianshe in the future?
The key is to live up to your youth!
Why not take a break while you are young?

It’s just that we didn’t have this opportunity before, but now that we met Jiang Xudong, who is also a frogman team that can make full use of Tang Jianshe’s strengths, Wen Dawei thinks that Tang Jianshe should give it a try, otherwise why would he take such a big shot?

Although the diving knife is not big, it is not easy to make it well.

But as the saying goes, it’s too early to be profitable, Wen Dawei’s contracting of diving knives not only helped Tang Jianshe, but also made a move in the big chess game he had drawn.

There is no way, people have short-term worries without long-term considerations. What Liu Chengzhi is worried about, Wen Dawei is also looking for a way to break the situation, but which direction to take has not yet been determined, but this does not prevent Wen Dawei from looking for more directions. It is more calm to turn around if you are tough.

Therefore, what Wen Dawei said was more like a normal operation of a brother worrying about his younger brother, and using this to establish a relationship with the army's leadership.

Jiang Xudong has seen this matter a lot, and immediately patted his chest and said, Wen Dawei really didn't worry too much, the army has the discipline of the army, and the Marine Corps also has the rules of the Marine Corps. How much trouble can Tang Jianshe cause in the Marine Corps? It depends on how capable he is.

Wen Dawei nodded to show that he understood, then turned to look at Tang Jianshe: "Do you want to join the army?"

"I think!" Tang Jianshe nodded without hesitation, but the next moment he frowned in confusion: "But what is a frogman? Is it a toad that has become a spirit?"

(End of this chapter)

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