Great Power Ship

Chapter 71 Route

Chapter 71 Route
For Zheng Yong's judgment, most of the leadership of Lidong Factory are still convinced.

After all, Zheng Yong is one of the few economists in Yongjiang Province who has received a systematic education in Western economics, and he is quite good at judging and determining trends.

What is even more commendable is that Zheng Yong is still one of the few who have drunk foreign ink. Although the time is not long, only less than a year, but this less than a year of experience as a visiting scholar at the University of Michigan in the United States directly put Zheng Yong Pushed to Yongjiang Province, and even among the ranks of well-known domestic economists.

It is precisely because of this that the liberal economics school advocated by Zheng Yong can be said to be the top of the pyramid in Yongjiang academic circles, which is unquestionable.

If you think about it, it’s only been a few years since China started economic reforms, while others in the United States have been operating for more than 100 years. This is like an apprentice or an eighth-level worker. Want to go your own way?
What is it but daydreaming?
Therefore, Zheng Yong insisted that Lidong Factory took advantage of the moment when the United States, Europe and RB transferred some home appliance production lines and related technology patents, seized the opportunity, rushed quickly, absorbed these technologies and production lines, and then realized the civilian use of the entire factory transformation.

From the effect point of view, Zheng Yong's opinion is still very good.

The black and white TV production line imported by Lidong Factory from RB Toshiba was officially put into production a few years ago, and the first batch of 200 Lidong brand black and white TVs rolled off the assembly line was immediately ordered by state-owned department stores in the province.

That’s not to mention, in the next half month, with the increasingly hot TV sales, Lidong Factory’s TV production capacity obviously cannot meet the continuous growth of sales, so many dealers blocked their trucks at the entrance of Lidong Factory , Waiting in line day and night for Lidong factory to ship.

As long as the TV is off the assembly line, regardless of the quality or packaging, a group of dealers will go up and grab it, and the produced products can be sold in a blink of an eye.

The performance is good and the profit is high, just like picking up money.

Under such circumstances, the main energy of the Lidong factory was naturally devoted to the production of TV sets, and many unnecessary projects were cut off, even some promising civilian projects.

As for the 109 torpedo project hanging under the name of the Lidong Factory, it is even more forgotten in the corner, so that the project itself is more like the huge red five-pointed star at the factory gate, which seems to have nothing but to confirm the identity of a national defense military industry. other roles.

However, under the seemingly prosperous surface, Lidong Factory has a bank loan of nearly 3.5 million yuan and an annual import of spare parts exceeding 500 million US dollars.

After all, RB Toshiba's TV production line is not free, it needs money to buy, the key is to buy it, and you can buy the core technology together, even if it is a black and white TV, as long as everything is your own, you will have more money in the future. There is a twist and a twist.

As a result, the production line was bought back, but the key picture tube was not brought back, and had to be imported from RB Toshiba.

In other words, Lidong factory can make a TV case after working for a long time.

In this regard, Zheng Yong, the chief consultant of Lidong Factory, said that Lidong Factory was born in mechanical manufacturing, and it is a bit difficult to transform into electronic manufacturing, so some core components can be put aside first. After all, RB-related products are more mature and easier to use. , the common people are also more recognized, you can accumulate experience first, and then buy the picture tube technology from RB when conditions permit in the future.

Then he encouraged to invest huge sums of money to expand the factory building, and planned to introduce a black and white TV production line from RB Toshiba again, thereby expanding the production capacity of TV sets.

Needless to say, Ma Jun is the leader of the factory. He built the TV production line by himself. He wished the bigger the better. Zhou Wei is a good guy. .

Guo Tao is also a student of economics, and Zheng Yong's little fan will not object. As for Zhao Dong, who has just been promoted, his responsibility is to keep the three-acre land of the heat treatment workshop, and other loves can be tossed and tossed.

Therefore, the relay workshop originally used for the production of torpedo power systems received key support, and the entire workshop was expanded several times. In addition to accommodating the second TV production line, it is also planned to put the supporting capacitor production here.

In addition, because the workshop has experience in producing submarine batteries, Zheng Yong also suggested to introduce a dry battery production line from RB Panasonic, and plans to convert the torpedo motor workshop into a tape recorder production plant, so as to consolidate the main business line of Lidong Factory in household appliances. on the essence.

Of course, this series of big moves would be impossible without money, so Lidong Factory applied for a loan of 5 million yuan, and planned to follow Zheng Yong's suggestion to make big ones.

After such an operation, the Lidong factory did not sell a few TVs, but it itself carried a debt of nearly 10 billion.

The interest alone can cover most of the profits of Lidong Factory every year. The problem is that there is a payment period for the sales of TV sets, which can range from three months to a year or so.

This is still very particular. It is normal for dealers who are almost in arrears to directly write IOUs to pay for the goods. What should we do then?
Do you also learn from other factories to use new bank loans to repay old loans?

Although Zhou Wei is a good guy and inclined to reform, he is not a fool. He knows that there are hidden dangers under the fire, so he has become the pioneer of reform and has the courage to take responsibility; if he loses, it will be a serious loss of state-owned assets.

Zhou Wei has been able to enjoy himself in the Southwest Ordnance Bureau for so many years, not just pretending to be a good guy, but to be stable.

When it came to the reform of the Lidong factory, there was no one who studs all the cards in his hand.

This can be seen from his efforts to keep the 109 torpedo project. Even if it is a spiritual symbol, Zhou Wei has always held on to it, so that Zheng Yong and Ma Jun have criticized Zhou Wei more than once behind his back, and his determination to reform is not thorough. .

Another incomplete behavior of Zhou Wei is the protection of the heat treatment workshop.

You know, according to Zheng Yong's plan, the heat treatment workshop will be transformed into a washing machine production workshop in the Lidong factory in the future, but Zhou Wei did not agree to this proposal, the reason is simple and Zheng Yong and others can't find fault, that is the heat treatment workshop It is the most stable source of cash flow supply at present.

The TV is good to buy, but the repayment is a problem. It doesn’t matter if it’s slow. The key is that there are piles of white strips. The “high-end” razors in the heat treatment workshop don’t have this problem, because they are small commodities and can be directly connected to consumers. , The payment is fast and stable.

So Zhou Wei said: "I must guarantee the basic wages of the workers in the factory!" and blocked everyone's mouths.

But that's all. As for applying for funding, don't even think about it. Anyway, Wen Dawei can go to the superior to ask for it. If you don't have the ability, just make blades honestly.

This is the case with good old people. After grasping what they think is the key, let go of the rest completely.

This made it difficult for Wen Dawei. Where did he know anyone from the Southwest Ordnance Bureau?

Dad is one of them. The problem is that the Qingshui yamen can’t touch the core layer, and they may not be idiomatic in speaking, so Wen Dawei mentioned it in the letter. He really didn’t point out how many leaders Wen Lin could curry favor with. This kind of principled person can't do such a thing.

Unexpectedly, the father seemed to have achieved results, so that Wen Dawei looked at Wen Lin as if he was looking at a stranger: "Dad, you didn't wrong yourself, did you?"

(End of this chapter)

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