Great Power Ship

Chapter 73 Caring

Chapter 73 Caring
However, this road of superiors is not easy to walk, and earning foreign exchange is not something that ordinary companies can do.

Especially for industrial products, the quality and application standards of domestic manufacturers are quite different from those of foreign countries. Because of this, most of the companies that can create foreign exchange today are resource-based companies such as oil, coal and rare earths. Focus on labor-intensive light industrial products such as footwear, garments and textiles.

Of course, the sales of some military products are good. After all, some places are not peaceful, and they have been killed for many years, and the consumption is huge.

The problem is that the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau is not the only one in the country, so it has to be coordinated by the top, which is embarrassing for the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau.

In theory, third-tier factories can produce a full set of military products, aiming to support the normal development of national defense construction after all production factories in the eastern region are shut down.

However, with the development of the times, the possibility of large-scale military conflicts has been greatly reduced, so third-line factories like Lidong Factory have exposed serious problems of redundant construction.

In the case that the eastern production plants of most existing models are fully capable of independent production and the quality is stable, it is not easy for third-line factories like the Lidong plant to intervene horizontally.

There is no way, it can only be a pretentious package, producing some key components of key equipment.

And this brings about a problem, that is, some military product factories of the Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau are very profitable, even the production capacity cannot keep up, but they receive very little foreign exchange.

Because the eastern finished product factory that settles foreign exchange is not the third-tier factory in the southwest.

Without foreign exchange, there is no ability to upgrade production equipment and process quality, and the gap with the eastern factories will gradually widen.

As the saying goes, stand tall and see far, you may not be able to experience it in a position similar to Lidong Factory, but Deputy Director Wang, who is the leader of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, can indeed feel it personally.

So Deputy Director Wang decided to change the track. Since the eastern production plant could not compete in other fields, he would try other products. After all, a living person cannot be suffocated by urine. Deputy Director Wang did not believe in the huge Southwest Ordnance Industry The bureau couldn't find a good substitute in every way.

As a result, as soon as he found it, Deputy Director Wang was immediately discouraged. The huge Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau really didn't have any finished products that could be exported directly.

There is no way, it is really that the subordinate enterprises are all focused on the one-acre three-point land in China, and produce whatever is in short supply.

For example, Lidong Factory, seeing domestic TVs selling well, rushed into the market, fearing that they would be left behind and suffer losses, so that the originally planned color TV production line was not used, but a simple black-and-white TV production line was installed instead.

Because the color TV production line has to wait for a year, and the black and white TV production line can be installed at a cost. Anyway, domestic TV sets are in short supply. As long as the products are on the market, ordinary people can snap up them, so it doesn’t matter whether they are colored or not, as long as they are TVs.

There are many similar manufacturers. In addition, these manufacturers only pay attention to production and disregard quality. It is okay to sell them in China. Let’s not say that the products are not out of date for export, but they are not qualified in terms of quality.

When Deputy Director Wang was worried about the product, a "high-end" brand shaver suddenly came into his field of vision. Deputy Director Wang saw that although this thing was small, it was a real industrial product. Light industrial products have a unique advantage in export.

The most important thing is that the autonomy is very large.

Otherwise, how could all kinds of light industrial products spring up like mushrooms in the open areas along the southeast coast?

What is even more commendable is the quality of the "high-end" brand razors, which can beat other razors by several blocks, so Deputy Director Wang's gradually quiet heart came alive again, thinking of telling the superiors while going to the capital for a meeting talk about it.

But he wasn't too sure. It just so happened that this was the return of his daughter Wang Weichen who worked in the foreign trade unit of the Special Economic Zone, so Deputy Director Wang took out a "high-end" razor and asked his daughter to hold her eyes to see if it was useful. .

Wang Weichen knew what his father meant, looked at the "high-end" razor in his hand, and wanted to say something comforting, but when it came to his mouth, he didn't know how to say it, so he sighed: "Dad, I am the foreign language manager of China Merchants Bureau." Translator, I not understand the product!"

Then, he picked up the "high-end" razor in his hand: "As for this thing, I don't even understand it!"

That's right, she was assigned to the Investment Promotion Bureau of the Special Economic Zone as soon as she graduated from university. So far, how does the young girl who has never been in a relationship know what is going on with men's products?
Deputy Director Wang also knew that he was a bit abrupt, and was just about to change the subject, but suddenly there was a knock on his door, and Deputy Director Wang's lover quickly responded, "Who is it?"

"I'm Wen Dawei from the heat treatment workshop of Lidong Machinery Factory. I'm here to visit Deputy Bureau Wang!" A loud voice came from outside the door.

Deputy Director Wang's lover looked back at Deputy Director Wang, Deputy Director Wang couldn't help but frowned, and was about to refuse, but thinking it was someone from Lidong Factory, he nodded reluctantly, Deputy Director Wang's lover opened the door, and immediately A young man with a height of nearly 1.8 meters and a small crew cut, ordinary but attractive enough, suddenly appeared in front of him.

"Hello, Auntie. I'm Wen Dawei from Lidong Factory. Is Deputy Director Wang here?"

"Yes, I'm just sitting in the room..." Seeing that Wen Dawei was very polite, Deputy Director Wang's lover smiled gently, and hurriedly brought Wen Dawei a pair of slippers.

Wen Dawei hurriedly changed it, entered the house, and scanned it a little. The house was a typical two-bedroom and two-living room. It wasn't too big by the standards decades later, but it was definitely considered a mansion at this time.

As for the decoration, it is very simple and rustic, with a sense of returning to the original and free and easy.

However, Wen Dawei just glanced at it for a few moments, and then turned his attention to Deputy Director Wang with a back combed hair and gray temples: "My dad said that you want some samples of 'high-end' razors, so let me specifically send over!"

Deputy Director Wang was a little surprised when he heard the words, and quickly asked: "Your father is..."

"Wen Lin is my father!"

"Wen Lin...Wen Dawei...Oh...Look at my memory, it turns out that I am the great inventor of our bureau system, sit down, Chenchen hurry to get two cups of tea..."

Wang Weichen got up quickly, and after helping the two of them get two cups of tea, he and his mother found an excuse to go to the bedroom, leaving Deputy Director Wang and Wen Dawei in the living room talking.

At this time, Deputy Director Wang was leaning on the sofa, without the embarrassing gesture in front of his daughter just now, and said with a smile: "Someone told me before that the tiger father has no dogs and sons. I didn't quite believe it, but since I knew you father and son, I think this sentence is not enough to describe you, especially you, Comrade Dawei, the 'high-end' brand razor you made is definitely a star product in our bureau system!"

"Deputy Director Wang praised me a lot. If it weren't for your old care and care, how could we have such achievements?"

Wen Dawei's words made Deputy Director Wang a little confused, and pointed to his nose: "I care?"

"Yes!" Wen Dawei's harmless face was equally astonished, as if you didn't even know about it?So he hurriedly said: "The success of the 'high-end' razor is all due to the scientific research funds allocated to us by you. It can be said that without your support and love, there would be no 'high-end' razor today! "

(End of this chapter)

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