Chapter 79

Zhao Dong can say nothing, because what his master said is the truth.

It can be said that Zhao Dong's promotion to the deputy director of Lidong Factory is to give way to Wen Dawei, or it can be said to be a natural promotion with enough qualifications, but one thing is undeniable, if there is no heat treatment workshop. In the machinery factory, there are nine workshops, and the black gauze hat of the deputy factory manager can't fall on Zhao Dong's head no matter what.

Of course, the current Zhao Dong can ignore the life and death of the heat treatment workshop and continue to be his deaf and dumb in the leadership team of the factory. This road has come to an end.

A person who can't even keep the original workshop that trained you and created you, can such a person run a good factory?

Originally, Zhao Dong didn't have much idea. It would be enough to work as the workshop director of the heat treatment workshop until old age, and then retire with the treatment of the deputy factory director.

Unexpectedly, he was suddenly promoted to be the deputy director of the factory. He is only 42 years old this year, and he is in the prime of life, so he thought about going further. In the future, he will not only become the main leader of the Lidong factory, but also be assigned to the bureau. There is still a great opportunity for the subordinate medium-sized factory to become the top leader.

Even Qin Yibin, the former head of the technical department of the Lidong factory, can be the deputy factory director in other factories. He is a pure Lidong factory deputy factory director. If he is transferred outside, he can't get a full-time factory director?

That being the case, he really can't stay out of the matter of the heat treatment workshop, but the problem is that Ma Jun, who is in charge of this matter, has too much right to speak now, and has kidnapped the reform, and Zhao Dong really dare not offend the other party.

Under such a dilemma, Zhao Dong didn't hesitate to go to hell!

"You don't have to be so difficult!"

The apprentice is only half of him. Chen Jizu probably doesn't know what kind of character Zhao Dong is. Tone: "I also don't ask you to do anything, just stop and delay when the factory leadership discusses this matter, at least wait for that kid from Dawei to come back, there is no one above you, is there no one above Wen Dawei?"

No matter how stupid the rumors in the factory are, Wen Dawei is still stable in the leadership team. Even Ma Jun, who is eager to transform the heat treatment workshop into a washing machine production line, is right. Wen Dawei's ability was highly praised, and he was regarded as a leader in the second echelon of Lidong Factory.

In addition, Wen Dawei's father works in the bureau, whether he is cold or not, he can really talk to the bureau leader.

So Zhao Dong finally nodded after a moment of silence: "Okay, I'll try to delay it for a while!"

"It's enough to have your words, it's getting late, I have to go to the workshop to have a look!" After coming here for a long time, and finally got what he wanted, Chen Jizu also breathed a sigh of relief, and he didn't want to stay longer , Get up and leave.

"Master, let's go after eating here!"

"Forget it, you, the old man who leads me, can't afford to climb high. You should go back and take care of your own affairs. A good life is earned by yourself, not by others!"

Chen Jizu didn't give Zhao Dong any face, he left Zhao Dong's room with a single step, turned around the stairs and went downstairs, Zhao Dong wanted to stop him, but he swallowed it back.

At this time, Zhao Dong's lover came out of the bedroom, and asked in surprise, "Why did you make Master angry again?"

Zhao Dong, who was suffocating and had nowhere to vent his anger, found a place to start it, and immediately said: "What do you know, you woman? You are talking nonsense, believe it or not, I will tear your mouth to pieces!"

After saying that, he turned around and went back to the bedroom, and closed the door with a bang~~~!


Of course, Chen Jizu didn't have time to deal with Zhao Dong who lost his temper at home, so he hurried all the way back to the car processing workshop. As soon as he stepped into the workshop gate, Zhang Dingjun rushed up to him: "Master, what did Zhao Dong say?"

"What else can I say?"

Chen Jizu snorted coldly, and immediately unbuttoned the Chinese tunic suit: "Get me some water first..."

The workers in the heat treatment workshop gathered around hurriedly separated one of them to the lounge and poured a cup of warm water for Mr. Chen. Chen Jizu took a sip of the water and felt that his smoky throat felt better. , and then continued helplessly: "He has been promoted, and his vision and pattern are different. I guess he looks down on us hard-working front-line workers... So I just agreed to delay for us!"

"What's the matter? Just procrastinating, it won't solve the problem!"

"Yeah, did the old workshop director let other people ride shit on our heads?"

"I used to think that Zhao Dong was a pretty good person, but now it seems that I was blind!"


Hearing what Chen Jizu said, the cadres and workers in the heat treatment workshop were immediately blown away. You must know that their good life is only a few days away, and they will face increasingly fierce product competition outside. At this time, the factory will not support them. Drawing blood from the back, isn't this forcing the heat treatment workshop to a dead end?

He even licked his face and said that washing machines sell better and can improve the lives of cadres and workers.

If people in other workshops hear this, some people may believe that the old and young men in the heat treatment workshop really all take it as fart.

It's not that they don't know what's going on with the TV production line. They are all young people in their 20s recruited locally from Guizhou. It's one aspect to ease local employment. What's more important is that young people can accept new knowledge faster, with a clear mind and More flexible hands, suitable for high-intensity assembly work.

As for the elderly workers of the Lidong factory, they were gradually marginalized. Although the welfare benefits had increased compared to before, the rate was not exaggerated, and it could only be said to have improved slightly.

And as the plan to sell Lidong brand TVs across provinces came to an end without a problem, it is unknown whether they will be beaten back to their original form in the future and only receive a basic salary.

Under such circumstances, once the heat treatment workshop is converted into a washing machine production line, these old and young men who only know how to burn furnaces, quench, and watch temperature changes are probably not even qualified to screw screws.

That's all, the key is that no one can bear the feeling of being beaten back to before liberation with a stick.

You must know that now they earn more in a month than in the past year. As the saying goes, the money of many people is like killing parents. Changing the heat treatment workshop into a washing machine production line is tantamount to killing the collective parents of the hundred and ten young and old.

There was no need for Wen Dawei to express anything. From old masters like Chen Jizu to ordinary firemen, they all jumped to their feet to object, but the problem was that ordinary front-line workers like them were soft-spoken.

So he pinned his hopes on the old workshop director Zhao Dong, and it turned out...

"It's better to ask for help than to ask for yourself. Anyway, I don't want to live through the miserable days before. Now that the workshop is in trouble, we can't just ignore it..."

At this time, Chen Jizu's hands were empty, he pressed down the noisy voices around him, and said with a stern expression: "Then I will make a statement first. In order to save money, except for keeping the basic salary, I don't want anything else..."

 I sincerely ask for a recommendation ticket, I beg you guys~~~

(End of this chapter)

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