Great Power Ship

Chapter 84 Foreign Guests

Chapter 84 Foreign Guests
Guo Tao didn't expect that the thing in Wen Dawei's hands was so valuable, he was a little surprised for a while, but he was more puzzled, and he didn't see anything special about this knife, why is it worth 1000 US dollars?

But before Guo Tao figured it out, Lu Guowei over there emphasized very seriously: "Our army needs 48 of these knives. Before, Comrade Wen Dawei told our Comrade Jiang Xudong that we could give them away for free. I don't think this is very good, but We can't afford that much money, so the price of this knife is 800 yuan a piece, and we will purchase 96 pieces...Forget it, just make up the whole number, let's ask for 100 pieces!"

This time Guo Tao was not surprised, but dumbfounded.

Although it has dropped by several orders of magnitude from US$1000 to RMB800, it is enough to describe it as a sky-high price for a knife.

You know, this price is enough to buy hundreds of his meat-cutting kitchen knives.

The problem is that Lu Guowei has a mouthful of 100, which is 8 yuan!

And how much does a diving knife cost?This is no longer a simple high profit, but a proper robbery!

Like Guo Tao, Zhou Wei was also shocked from ear to ear, but what he didn't expect was that the people in the army were so generous, buying a knife for 800 yuan, such a good thing can't be found with a lantern .

But that's not the point, the point is...

"The factory director...the factory director..."

Just when Zhou Wei was thinking about making something out of the Marine Corps' procurement, a person came running in from the reception room. Zhou Wei frowned immediately, and reprimanded him, "Why are you panicking? Didn't you see that I'm here to receive the leaders?"

"It's a foreign guest... a foreign guest!" The staff who ran in couldn't even catch their breath, but Zhou Wei still heard the word "foreign guest" heavily behind it, and immediately looked at Guo Tao, who was on the side. I saw something called an accident in my eyes.

Foreign guests?What foreign guests?When did the Lidong Factory get involved with foreign guests?
"Director Zhou, I heard that our factory has foreign guests?" At this time, Ma Jun, the deputy director of the factory, hurried over with Zheng Yong, an economic consultant hired by the factory.

Seeing this, Zhou Wei couldn't help sneering in his heart, the leaders of the army turned a blind eye to you, and when you heard the foreign guests came, you were so anxious, I really don't know if the signboard of the Lidong Factory still has the four characters of national defense and military industry!

But thinking about it in his heart, he responded with a pleasant face: "I just got the news, and I don't know that foreign guests from that country intend to visit our factory!"

"It should be Ms. Xia Mian Mei Luanzi from Toshiba..." Zheng Yong said firmly at this time: "When we were discussing the second TV production line in RB last year, Ms. Xia Mian Mei Luanzi, who was the vice president of Toshiba Foreign Trade Co., Ltd. I once expressed my hope to visit China this year and come to our factory to check the production of TVs on the spot!"

"That's right, Ms. Xia Mian Mei Luanzi did say it!" Ma Jun also echoed, "I just didn't expect Ms. Xia Mian Mei Luanzi to be so fast!"

"This is the rigorous and realistic quality of RB people. As long as you say something, it will definitely come true. Unlike our domestic people, what you say and do is just like a joke. No wonder RB is more advanced and developed!" Zheng Yong nodded, and immediately there was a trace of longing in his eyes.

Ma Jun also nodded with some memories: "Yes, last time I went to RB, I was really shocked by their rigor and diligence. RB is indeed a nation worthy of respect..."

Seeing the two elites singing together, Zheng Guowei and others who were forgotten in the corner gritted their teeth, but this is the site of Renli East Factory after all, and they are customers, although they are not used to it, they can only pretend to turn a blind eye .

However, Lu Guowei and others can pretend not to see it, but Zhou Wei can't. Although he feels disgusted, he still patiently maintains a gentle smile on his face: "I don't know what's wrong with this... er... Ms. Xia Mian Mei Luanzi Preference? I'll let the logistics department arrange it!"

"RB people are not as poor and fastidious as we are here, they are very simple and casual!" Zheng Yong pretended to know RB's ethnicity very well, waved his hands with a smile, and then glanced at the somewhat dilapidated front, the old face Suddenly sank down, just about to ask who did this.

At this moment, there was a sound of noisy footsteps outside the door of the reception room, followed by a gentle prompt: "Mr. Weinberg, this way please!"

The people in the reception room were not deaf, and the name Weinberg and the English translation could be clearly heard. It was obvious that it was not Ms. Mei Luanzi from RB who came.

So Zhou Wei looked at Ma Jun, then at Zheng Yong: "Who is Weinberg?"


Both Ma Jun and Zheng Yong were a little embarrassed, they weren't guests of RB, so who could it be?
But before he could figure out what was going on, the door of the reception room was opened. First, a local leader from Guizhou led the way. Accompanied by an interpreter, the foreign man walked in.

Seeing this, Zhou Wei hurriedly stepped forward, and asked the leader of the Guizhou area in surprise: "Ju Shen, this is..."

"Director Zhou, let me introduce you..." Bureau Shen pulled Zhou Wei and hurriedly introduced: "This is Yang Dong, deputy director of the Provincial Planning and Reform Commission, and this..."

He pointed to the blond foreigner, "It's Mr. Ronald Weinberg, the general manager of the American F&K Trading Company!"

At this moment, Yang Dong didn't lose the opportunity to speak to Weinberg: "This is the director of the factory, you can ask him if you have anything."

"Hello, I'm Weinberg from F&K Trading Company..." Weinberg said, taking out a three-blade "high-end" brand razor from his pocket: "This product is very good, but I What I want to know is how do you do the vacuum coating technology used on the blade?"

Zhou Wei heard Weinberg's words in a cloud. It's not that Weinberg was not clear, but that the translation was really poor in terms of special technical terms, and he didn't say anything after a long time. So yes.

But no matter what, "high-end" razors cannot be faked, so Zhou Wei looked at Wen Dawei who was already squeezed in the corner, smiled and waved at him, and his words were kind like The elder called his younger generation: "Dawei, this foreign friend is looking for you!"

After speaking, he turned to Weinberg, with a more gentle smile: "Comrade Wen Dawei is the inventor of the 'high-end' razor, you should ask him about the specific situation!"

Hearing that the young man who just came here was actually the inventor of the "high-end" razor, Weinberg's face was filled with admiration, and he quickly reached out to hold Wen Dawei's hand: "Mr. Wen Dawei, your razor is really It is a genius masterpiece, I wonder if you would like to transfer the manufacturing technology of this razor to me, you can rest assured that I will give you a satisfactory price!"

(End of this chapter)

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