Great Power Ship

Chapter 87 Make the Cake Bigger

Chapter 87 Make the Cake Bigger

Deputy Director Wang hurriedly turned his head, and saw Yang Dong walking over with a blank face, he didn't even intend to talk to Deputy Director Wang, and stood in front of Wen Dawei: "I can provide you with a government loan of less than 100 million, but you have to Promise me one condition, and make Guizhou Marine Machinery Factory a profit of 300 million within one year!"


As soon as Yang Dong finished speaking, Deputy Director Wang spat directly: "Old Yang, do you still want that old face of yours? 100 million, the repayment is a fucking loan, you have the nerve to say it?"

As he said that, he turned to look at Wen Dawei: "Dawei, don't listen to him, I'll help you with your lack of funds. It just so happens that the bureau just got special funds from the military industry system. I'll give you 50 yuan without any conditions. Spend your money however you like!"

At this time, Lu Guowei and Song Zhe didn't know when they came out from the front, and looked at Wen Dawei with a smile: "Money is still a small problem, the key is the site, equipment and the approval of various raw materials. In this regard, Lidong Factory is very good. It can be solved, but the location of the Lidong factory is too remote, in a valley, and the traffic is too inconvenient.

We have a repair shop in the upper reaches of the Zhujiang River in the Marine Corps. We can take it out. We don’t need a penny, there are no tasks, and there are no conditions. We just hope that Comrade Wen Dawei can bring the technology to help us repair the equipment. , make some diving knives by the way! "

"Comrade in this army, Comrade Wen Dawei's various relationships are with the Southwest Ordnance Bureau. Isn't it appropriate for you to come here to snatch people like this?" Deputy Director Wang looked at Lu Guowei vigilantly like an old hen guarding chickens.

Lu Guowei smiled meaningfully: "As long as Comrade Wen Dawei is willing, we have plenty of ways to transfer his relationship to the Marine Corps!"

"Old Wang, I advise you not to be stubborn. The Amphibious Reconnaissance Brigade of the Marine Corps has the qualifications to select personnel from all branches of the army!" Seeing Deputy Director Wang's unfriendly eyes, Song Zhe hurriedly warned.

But before Deputy Director Wang could speak, Yang Dong over there quit: "The whole army is not the whole country. Comrade Wen Dawei is not only a member of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, he is also a native of Yongjiang. The young cadres that Jiang strives to train shoulder the hope of Yongjiang’s future development, so why do you take them away when you say so?”

Now Deputy Director Wang is also in a hurry: "Why did Dawei become a cadre of your Yongjiang? He is obviously a cadre of our Southwest Ordnance Industry Bureau, okay? And he is still the second echelon that is focused on training, Lao Yang, during the war You are thick-skinned, it’s all about dealing with the enemy, let’s not say anything, why do you still have this virtue after work? Can’t you change it?”

"Then you give me Wen Dawei, and I'll change it!" Yang Dong spread his hands as if he was a bachelor!
"What do you think the two of you are arguing about? It's not worth it to hurt one person, let's leave it to our army!" Song Zhe persuaded like a peacemaker, but Deputy Director Wang and Yang Dong went to court at the same time. Looking at Song Zhe's unfriendly eyes, he said in unison, "If you hurt, you will hurt, why don't you care?"

Song Zhe was also furious, and not to be outdone, he said: "It's unreasonable, anyway, Wen Dawei is a talent that the army urgently needs, and I have to make an appointment for this person today!"

As a result, these words were like a fuse, and directly blew up Deputy Bureau Wang and Yang Dong, who were already suppressing their tempers. Immediately, the three of them had a fierce quarrel over Wen Dawei's ownership.

So much so that the cadres and workers of the Lidong factory who passed by were scared and hid far away. There was no way that they were all leaders, and they were all angry.

Didn't see that Guo Tao is still lying in the factory health center now!
But the other cadres and workers are fine, but it is difficult for the young and old in the heat treatment workshop. You must know that their backbone, Wen Dawei, is at the center of the storm. Looking around anxiously.

However, just as the scene was gradually falling into a free fall out of control, Wen Dawei finally spoke: "Leaders, chiefs... listen to me, listen to me!"

The several leaders who were arguing stopped when they heard the words, and looked at Wen Dawei in unison. The meaning was obvious. If you have something to say, hurry up and fart, I haven't enjoyed this round yet.

Wen Dawei didn't keep it secret, and immediately said cheerfully: "All the leaders and chiefs think highly of me, Wen Dawei, just because the 'high-end' razors I Wen Dawei made are worth exporting to earn foreign exchange..."

As soon as these words came out, Deputy Director Wang and the others didn't speak, but the old faces showed a bit of embarrassment.

They took a fancy to Wen Dawei not because he was good-looking, but because Wen Dawei had mastered the core technology of the "high-end" razor, an epoch-making product that could accomplish the feat of earning foreign exchange.

One can imagine the value of someone who even foreigners have to pay high prices to dig.

But "high-end" razors are light industrial products after all. Although they can earn foreign exchange, the output value may not be very high. One family may barely use it. If several companies share it together, it is estimated that the soup will not even be enough to plug the teeth. Because of this, Deputy Director Wang and others competed fiercely for talents.

However, Wen Dawei's next words completely overturned the cognition of the three people, especially Yang Dong opened his mouth in shock: "Wen Dawei, don't be joking, 1000 million in three years is still US dollars, what you said is to make the cake bigger." I agree, but this is not really making cakes, but setting up a factory!"

"Director Yang, do you think I'm joking?" Wen Dawei said seriously, "If everything goes well, it won't take three years, maybe one year to complete the goal of earning 1000 million US dollars!"

"I think it's still three years for you, 1000 million US dollars is not a small number!" Lu Guowei shook his head, always feeling that the amount of 1000 million US dollars made him a little dry, and Song Zhe on the side nodded in agreement: "We It's better to be conservative and don't rush in!"

"That's right!" Deputy Director Wang nodded in the same way: "And we don't know the recognition of 'high-end' razors in the international market, so, Dawei, you must not make such a guarantee!"

"Can it be recognized? Don't we have a ready-made one here now? Let him go to our temporary production line to see the quality?" Wen Dawei responded with a smile.

Deputy Director Wang was taken aback when he heard the words: "Ready-made? Who?"

"Winberg, who else?" Yang Dong glanced at Deputy Director Wang contemptuously, but Deputy Director Wang didn't take it seriously, and instead asked, "Let him watch the temporary production line...won't be caught by that foreigner?" Have you looked at all the core technologies?"

"If he has the ability to make people pregnant at a glance, why is he running a trading company? Besides, the person who can understand our equipment is probably still in the womb!" Wen Dawei said with a smile.

Hearing this, Deputy Director Wang and others nodded: "Okay, then do it like this!"


At the same time, in the Lidongchang guest house, Weinberg was listening to the interpreter he hired from Hong Kong Island talking to him about the strange scene in the reception room just now.

"You mean, the workers here made trouble just now?" Weinberg looked at the Hong Kong interpreter in front of him.

The interpreter on Hong Kong Island quickly nodded: "Isn't that right, the mainland is like this, not only poor, but also the quality of people is extremely low, how can such a place have the kind of world-advanced technology you mentioned, I see your razor The shaving knife is imported from Hong Kong Island by China Merchants, and then pretends to be domestically produced. There is no way that people in the mainland are like this, they like to slap their faces to pretend to be fat..."

(End of this chapter)

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