Chapter 95
"What's wrong with that?"

Before Wen Dawei could answer, Zhang Mingli put the document handed over by Zhang Dequan back into her father's hand: "Take advantage of this opportunity and quickly settle the serious business with Aunt Wang. It's been so many years, Aunt Wang It's really not easy, how long do you want to delay her?"


Zhang Dequan blushed even more, looking at the document in his hand that the factory had appointed him as the manager of the Bamboo Products Labor Service Company, he didn't know what to say for a while.

Seeing this, Wen Dawei smiled and said to Zhang Mingli and Zhang Dequan: "Mingli, you accompany Uncle Zhang, and come back after I finish the rest of the work!"

After finishing speaking, she turned around and was about to leave. Zhang Mingli became anxious when she saw it: "I will deliver it after the meal, it's not too late!"

"For some matters, it's better to be sooner rather than later, and I'll feel at ease after finishing the matter!" Wen Dawei said softly, and then ran away without a trace.

"This kid Dawei is really promising!" Looking at the back of Wen Dawei leaving, Zhang Dequan sincerely sighed, but in the end his daughter rolled his eyes: "It's not promising, it's almost like a roundworm in your stomach !"

Zhang Dequan had already experienced too much embarrassment today, and this time was not bad, so he laughed a few times.

It's not the roundworm in my stomach, I really know everything I want.

The Bamboo Products Labor Service Company is a bamboo products processing factory founded by Widow Wang. However, there are many taboos in private factories these days, so they are affiliated with the Lidong Factory.

Therefore, the Lidong Factory has the responsibility of technical guidance and business support, so it is reasonable for Zhang Dequan to be sent there to be the manager. What's even better is that with this status, Zhang Dequan doesn't have to bear the bad reputation of being soft food, after all. The manager is half a level higher than the factory manager!

Of course, Zhang Dequan couldn't tell his daughter this, so he turned his head to look at the big box in the house, and asked casually, "Is this imported color TV more expensive than the black and white TV in our factory?"

"Expensive!" Zhang Mingli nodded.

"En~~" Zhang Dequan also nodded subconsciously, expressing his agreement with his daughter, and then put his hands on the packing box of the Panasonic TV: "The black and white TV in our factory costs 500 yuan a set, and this one costs 1200 yuan at least. !"

"Adding a zero after you is the original price of this TV!" Zhang Mingli said lightly, and then removed the cold dishes from the dining table, preparing to take them to the kitchen to warm them up.

Zhang Dequan didn't realize it at first, and he was still muttering: "Add a zero after 1200 yuan, how much is this?"

But she came to her senses the next moment, and her hand on the packing box retracted like an electric shock, and Zhang Mingli, who was heating up the dishes in the kitchen, heard an octave-high exclamation from the back room: "Oh my God, This is a Taiwan ten thousand yuan household!"

Zhang Mingli, who was heating up the dishes in the kitchen, sighed helplessly, and said to herself that it was fortunate that Wen Dawei didn't say that Wen Dawei had given away all the households with more than 120 million yuan, otherwise the old Zhang would have to chase his prodigal son-in-law back with red eyes!

But Zhang Dequan's ignorance of his son-in-law's prodigal family doesn't mean that other people don't know about it, not to mention that Wen Dawei distributed RB's original Panasonic color TVs to the cadres and workers in the heat treatment workshop.

Naturally, it caused an uproar.

You must know that although Lidong Factory produces its own TVs, few employees in the factory can buy them. Not to mention that there are few approved quotas. Even if there are quotas, the internal price is 450 yuan, which is not affordable for ordinary families. affordable.

The only ones that are close to the water are some damaged or malfunctioning defective products, but even so, the number is not many, so the penetration rate of TVs in the entire Lidong factory is not high.

So much so that if the employee's home is equipped with a TV, then this home will become a public theater, and it will be lively every day.

Under such circumstances, Wen Dawei drove a truck to deliver TVs door-to-door to the cadres and workers in the heat treatment workshop, and the deliveries were not ordinary black and white TVs, but all color TVs imported from RB. The whole factory exploded.

Needless to say, I am envious, but it is a 21-inch purely imported Japanese version of the original product. I heard that when it is powered on, the picture on the screen is just like a real person in it. I don’t know if it is the Lidong brand black and white TV set in the factory. Several avenues.

As a result, the children in the neighborhood immediately felt that black and white TVs were not good, and crowded their heads towards the homes with color TVs. Among them, many older girls and daughter-in-laws shyly followed, giving the heat treatment workshop those hormones to explode. There are many opportunities for single men in China.

This made many single young men in other workshops secretly regret, why didn't they go to the heat treatment workshop when they entered the factory?If I was not afraid of suffering and tiredness at that time, I would naturally have my own share in the color TV now, and the girl I have admired for a long time may be able to match me directly because of this!

If there is envy, there will naturally be jealousy and hatred.

For example, Ma Jun, Huang Zhiguo and others, when they learned that Wen Dawei distributed a 21-inch Panasonic color TV to every employee in the heat treatment workshop, their noses turned crooked.

Especially Zheng Yong, who has officially become the secretary of the Guizhou factory, almost lost his breath.

You must know that in order to prepare for the establishment of the Guizhou factory, Zheng Yong, as a well-known economist in the province, personally went to the relevant departments to run the process. Reach an annual output of 20 black and white TV sets, and maintain an annual output of more than one million sets after three years.

As a result, as soon as his words lingered in the relevant leaders, the Lidong factory began to use the color TV imported by RB as welfare.

If this reaches the ears of relevant leaders, why not take Zheng Yong's words as fart?
Of course, this is not the most important thing. The key point is that Wen Dawei's action won the hearts of many cadres and workers who chose to stay in the Guizhou factory, causing irreversible fluctuations.

As the saying goes, there is no harm without comparison.

In order to keep the backbone of the Lidong factory in the Guizhou factory, Zheng Yong personally drew a lot of big cakes, such as solving the work of the spouse, solving the enrollment of children, solving the support of the elderly, and even promised to give some core backbones to each of them. A Lidong TV set as a bonus for working in the factory.

It is no exaggeration to say that everything you can think of and what you can't think of will be clearly arranged for you.

But the result?

None implemented!
If there is no such thing as Wen Dawei, it will be fine, it is better to speak than to sing, the big guy will naturally choose a place that is closer to home and easier to commute to and from get off work.

But in the end, Wen Dawei actually gave each of the cadres and workers who went with him to the heat treatment workshop in Zhujiang an imported color TV.

What does this mean?
Wen Dawei is really a spit and a nail, he can do it if he says it!
An imported color TV worth more than 1 yuan can be paid as labor insurance benefits. What houses, tickets, and girls can’t solve it?
On the other hand, Zheng Yong didn't even give him the promised black and white TV set, but it's a TV set made by himself. If you can't get it out, who the hell would trust you?
Believe it or not, you old man!
(End of this chapter)

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