Chapter 97

"Fifteen million... dollars?"

After hearing Wen Dawei's words, Qin Xiaoqiong's voice changed. 100 million RMB is an astronomical figure for them, let alone 100 million US dollars!
But in the next moment, Qin Xiaoqiong returned to normal, and laughed and cursed with her big belly: "Just make fun of me, if the pictures drawn by our old Zheng are so valuable, our family would have become a ten thousand yuan household!"

When Wen Dawei heard it, well, his words were taken as a joke again, but he was used to it, so he didn't say much about it, but patted the cardboard box on the ground, and just wanted to talk about the color TV, he listened A series of hurried footsteps came from inside and outside the door, followed by a rough and anxious shout: "Dawei~~Dawei? Are you here?"

"I'm here!"

Wen Dawei didn't have time to introduce the Panasonic color TV, so he turned around and went out. Only then did he see Zhao Dong running over with sweat on his face, and Wen Dawei couldn't come forward to say hello, so he hurriedly stuffed the telegram into Wen Dawei's hand: "That foreign businessman named Weinberg I'm here in the provincial capital, and I'm anxious to see you, Secretary Shen has already gone ahead, let's hurry over there!"

Secretary Shen is Bureau Shen, the leader of a certain department in the Guizhou area. After the establishment of the Zhujiang factory, he was appointed as a senior party official of the Zhujiang factory.

No way, who made the Zhujiang factory a joint factory of the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, Yongjiang Province and the Marine Corps.

Although it is nominally a subsidiary of the Lidong Factory, it is actually a foreign exchange factory jointly established by the Southwest Ordnance Bureau, Yongjiang Province, and the Marine Corps under the joint leadership of the three parties.

Therefore, the leadership composition of the Zhujiang factory is relatively complicated. There is not only Zhao Dong from the Lidong factory as the factory director, but also Shen Bureau transferred from the Yongjiang side as the secretary. At the same time, there are military representatives sent by the Marine Corps in the factory. Lu Guowei.

But also because of this, the three parties reached a delicate balance in the Zhujiang factory, so that the real caller was Wen Dawei who led the entire foreign exchange earning plan.

This can be seen from the design of the entire leadership team. The huge Zhujiang factory has not appointed a deputy factory director other than the factory director and secretary, so Wen Dawei, the factory assistant, is like a beard.

As for the work of the factory director, secretary and military representatives, it is also very simple, that is, to coordinate the support of the bosses behind them, and then sit on the ground and distribute the money.

Because of this, Wen Dawei's autonomy in the Zhujiang factory is so great that even Ma Jun, the director of the Guizhou factory, said enviously: "Don't look at the Zhujiang factory. One, in the end, Wen Dawei, the little daughter-in-law, has the final say, and we don't think it's the daughter-in-law who is in charge of the house, but we actually have to look at the face of the mother-in-law above!"

So when encountering such a big event as a foreign businessman's visit, Zhao Dong, even the factory manager, can't make the decision, so he has to come to Wen Dawei.

However, Zhao Dong can also think about it. From the deputy director of the Lidong factory who has no real power, he became the director of the Zhujiang factory who also has no real power. Although he has no real power, the overall momentum is going upwards. If the guarantee is good, no matter how bad it is in the future, you can also mix with the department-level leaders of the bureau system to do it.

Therefore, while Zhao Dong was thankful that he had listened to his old teacher's words, he also made up his mind to continue to lie down in the Zhujiang factory in the future. Only in this way can Wen Dawei, a lucky star, let go of his troubles.

However, Zhao Dong could lie flat, but Wen Dawei didn’t have that luck. After glancing at the telegram, Wen Dawei turned his head to Zheng Dexing and Qin Xiaoqiong and said, “Say Cao Cao, Cao Cao will be here, brother Zheng, your design has worked.” , Now it seems that I underestimated before, and the base of 200 million US dollars is almost the same!"

Before the words fell, Wen Dawei followed Zhao Dong and left in a hurry, leaving only Zheng Dexing and Qin Xiaoqiong stunned in place, until Wen Dawei walked for a while, then Zheng Dexing remembered that there was a big object in the room, and hurried back to the room to find a solution Set it up without a place, so as not to affect Qin Xiaoqiong who is about to give birth.

As a result, not long after entering the house, Zheng Dexing sprang out like a burning rabbit, and then said to Qin Xiaoqiong in a voiceless voice: "My wife, Dawei...Dawei...Dawei sent Taiwan million households..."


In the reception room of a guest house in Yongjiang Province, the warm wind blows through the open window and the ceiling fan on the top rotates slightly. Accompanied by the warm decoration on the wall and a few flowers dotted here and there, it gives people a sense of comfort, tranquility and comfort. feel.

However, Weinberg, who was in it, was not in the mood to feel these things, and he didn't even bother to taste the imported coffee that he praised so much last time, so he paced around the room nervously.

At this time, the door was suddenly opened, and Wang Weichen from the translation department of China Merchants' Foreign Trade Department walked in. Weinberg hurried up to greet him: "Miss Wang, is Mr. Wen here?"

Wang Weichen's expression was a bit weird, it was hard to imagine that the young man who was in his house some time ago, flattering his father so much that he could handle Weinberg so deadly in front of him.

You must know that this is Weinberg, who has been dealing with China Merchants for two and a half years, and Weinberg, who often makes China Merchants suffer dumb, how does that flattering boy do it?
Thinking in his heart, Wang Weichen still replied in a straightforward manner: "Wen Dawei has arrived..."

"That's really great..." Hearing that Wen Dawei had arrived in the provincial capital, a relieved smile appeared on Weinberg's anxious face, and he quickly picked up the briefcase on the sofa: "Hurry up and take me to see him..."

"Mr. Weinberg..."

Seeing that Weinberg was more anxious than a monkey, Wang Weichen's face became even weirder: "It's like this, Wen Dawei is now accompanying the leaders of Zhujiang Factory to receive another wave of foreign guests, so..."

"Another wave of foreign guests? Who is it?"

When Weinberg heard that there was another wave of foreign guests, he followed the cat that stepped on its tail and asked eagerly, "Is it the Geely company?"

"This one……"

Wang Weichen froze for a moment, and then showed a professional smile: "I don't know the specifics!"

"Yes, it should be Geely Company, I knew they would take this step..."

Hearing Wang Weichen's answer, Weinberg sat back on the sofa and muttered to himself, but the next moment Weinberg also thought of something, and changed the topic: "But I believe that Geely will not be earlier than me. So their deal may not be concluded, I still have a chance...I still have a chance..."

He said and looked at Wang Weichen: "Miss Wang, please make an appointment with Mr. Wen for me, afternoon, evening, long as we can meet, any time is fine..."

Before he finished speaking, Weinberg took out 20 dollars from his pocket and stuffed it into Wang Weichen's small hand: "Please, Ms. Wang, if I can make an appointment with Mr. Wen, I will give you another 100 dollars!"

Wang Weichen didn't know how he got out of the reception room, holding the 20 dollars in his hand, his heart was beating wildly, he didn't expect to get paid more than one month's salary with one sentence, the problem is that this sentence is It's true. In fact, it's just a lie that Wen Dawei said to fool Weinberg. How can he still get the money?

Wang Weichen wanted to break his head but didn't understand what's going on here!

(End of this chapter)

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