Zhang Liao was in his room, sitting on the couch for a long time, quiet and silent, his heart was full of discomfort, the dim candlelight reflected on his face, it flickered even more, he couldn't see any expression or mood. .

Zhang Liao is eight feet tall, with a face like purple jade and eyes like stars. He can be regarded as a handsome man. However, his appearance has never been important to him. Hou Huo, the champion of the Han Dynasty who sealed the wolf and lived in Xuxu, was as sick as he was. He expelled the border soldiers, served the court, relieved the worries of the border people, and dedicated his strength to the expansion of the country.

However, the current situation cannot be controlled by others. Zhang Liao is in the Bingzhou Army, and after Ding Yuan's death, Lu Bu is the supreme commander of the Bingzhou Army. I chose the former, but I also never forget the latter.

What a pity!

Zhang Liao couldn't help but think of Lu Bu, who is now the commander of the Bingzhou Army and his immediate superior.

He wasn't under Lu Bu's leadership at all, and he was under Ding Yuan's subordinates and Lu Bu's three of them like Zhang Yang. It was only by chance that he was put under Lu Bu's tent. Of course, his relationship with Lu Bu has always been good.

However, Lu Bu's temperament can sometimes be unbearable. To put it mildly, he is called a man of temperament. Two surrendered and one died in battle. It can be said that as long as they are not loyal to the party like Cao Xing and Gao Shun, even a loyal person like Zhang Liao will eventually give up the righteousness of the master and minister and the festival of loyalty. It is conceivable that Lu Bu To what extent.

But just now, when he had just returned from Li Ru's place and returned to the barracks, he ran into Gao Shun Gao Shufu, and according to what he said, it seemed that the Lu Bu he had seen now that he was awake had become different.

After Lu Bu visited the camp once, he went back first, but when he heard that he would come again at night, Zhang Liao guessed that he was probably looking for him specifically.

Zhang Liao knew that Lu Bu had awakened a few days ago, but he didn't go to see it for various reasons during this time, and I'm afraid this is what some people want to see. When you wake up, you become a different person.

Maybe he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, but based on what Gao Shun said, no matter how sincere Gao Shun was, Zhang Liao couldn't accept it for a while, and he didn't know whether it was because of Lu Bu's sudden change or something else.

It is undeniable that Zhang Liao's heart wavered once, and even now he has not settled down. He realized that he was suppressing himself in the past, but at a certain moment, for example, he knew that Lu Bu had fallen unconscious. From then on, Zhang Liao felt as if he had let go of some kind of psychological shackles, a little relaxed and a little ready to move.

Of course, Zhang Liao also has a certain degree of loyalty to Lu Bu, but more often he feels like Lu Bu's shadow, and the day of Lu Bu's existence is like a mountain pressing on his heart and shoulders all the time, insurmountable and unrepeatable, what's more important What's more, I still can't get rid of it.

Maybe because of the oath, maybe because of other things, Zhang Liao felt that he was very tired. With his ability, even if he really went to the Xiliang Army, Dong Zhuo and the others would be happy. Although the Bingzhou Army and the Xiliang Army belong to Dong Zhuo now, But the difference between closeness and closeness can be seen by everyone, but Zhang Liao still can't get over the hurdle in his heart.

Perhaps the loyalty to Ding Yuan is more and more real, and Ding Yuan is indeed a good lord, which fits the image Zhang Liao portrayed in his heart. It is a pity that Ding Yuan was stabbed to death by Lu Bu, but Zhang Liao couldn't hate Lu Bu, so He can only blame Dong Zhuo, so he has some complaints about Dong Zhuo, but he also knows that this kind of thing can't be explained clearly or it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, he is not that kind of unwise person.

If Gao Shun is a taciturn person, then Zhang Liao is a cautious person. He is not timid or seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages. He just knows the importance and can put it down.

But now that Lu Bu is awake, what Gao Shun said to him just now, and what Li Ru said to him in the past few days, are always lingering in his mind. .

Until the last moment, he suddenly stood up, and then, as if he had made up his mind, he dressed neatly and prepared to head towards the barracks.

Zhang Liao is not currently living in the military camp, but in a courtyard in the northern suburbs of Luoyang near the military camp. The courtyard is very large and empty. This was one of Dong Zhuo's first rewards to Lv Bu, but later Dong Zhuo rewarded Lv Bu again in order to win Lv Bu over. Give Lu Bu a new house in Luoyang City, which is still under construction, and Lu Bu was taken to Li Ru's office due to physical problems some time ago, so that he can be taken care of by Li Ru, who has the art of Tongqi Huang. This house is currently Zhang Liao and Wei Xu, Song Xian, Hao Meng and other Bingzhou generals lived here.

Of course, as usual, there will be several generals patrolling the camp every night. Tonight is Wei Xu and Song Xian, while Zhang Liao, Hao Meng, Cheng Lian and even Cao Xing will be in the next few days. Cao Xing is actually a general of Hao Meng, but Because of his excellent bow shooting, he was appreciated by Lu Bu at the beginning, and his status was a bit special. Cheng Lian was the captain of Lu Bu's personal army, and he is currently idle.

As for that guy Gao Shun, he led the "special forces" of the Bingzhou Army into the camp alone. He had to practice for a while every day, and he often took them outside the barracks to practice on the ground. use.

In the current Bingzhou Army, Zhang Liao also has a good relationship with Cao Xing and Gao Shun. Although he has friendship with the others, but they are just acquaintances, Wei Xu and others may not understand him, especially him and Dong Zhuona. The fact that they got very close made them feel dissatisfied all the time, but why did Zhang Liao think highly of them?

But what would Lu Bu think of himself?Zhang Liao didn't believe that Lu Bu would not know about his recent whereabouts, especially since he already knew that he had a good relationship with Li Ru, so what would he think now?

This is indeed a problem, and it is also what worries him the most, but since a decision has been made, there is no need to hesitate too much. His temperament is very calm and cautious, but it does not mean that he has no courage, it is just that he He is a rigorous person, he will not do things rashly, but once he makes up his mind, he must be decisive.

It's just that he never expected that as soon as he arrived at the door, he saw that familiar face and heard that familiar voice: "Wen Yuan?"

The person in front of him, with a face like a crown of jade, eyes like stars, nine feet in length, with awe-inspiring tiger steps, and extraordinary heroism, was exactly the Lu Bu he was looking for.

Lu Bu was taken aback when he saw him, then smiled and said, "Wen Yuan, Bu is going to look for you, think you should be here now... Zi Jin was waiting outside, but he didn't expect to meet him as soon as he came in. What a coincidence."

Yes, it is indeed a "coincidence"!Zhang Liao's face changed slightly, and then he smiled wryly in his heart. For some reason, he suddenly felt guilty in front of the other party with those eyes watching him.

"General... Liao..." To calm down, Zhang Liao bowed to him and was about to say something, but Lu Bu was already one step ahead to help him up, and then with a mysterious smile on his lips, he whispered in his ear: "Wen Yuan doesn't need So... there are a lot of people here, let's find a secluded place, and discuss something with you..."

(2012.3.28. Modification completed)

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