What Wang Yun said in his mouth, the incident of Lu Bu comatose in bed in May and June of the sixth year of Zhongping is the latest chapter that happened shortly before Lu Bu was reborn.

It stands to reason that with Lu Bu's terrifying physical quality, it is actually not easy to feel tired, let alone pass out for no reason. Although he is not on the verge of death, Lu Bu knows that the original him is indeed dead, otherwise he would have passed out. There is no own current possessed rebirth.

This incident happened really strangely, and I didn't find many clues from the inherited memories, I only knew that I fell off the horse for no reason, and then fell into a coma.

Originally, Lu Bu had never suspected Dong Zhuo and Li Ru. After all, he heard the conversation between them when he was in a coma. From the words, he could tell that Dong Zhuo really cared for the younger generation like a foster father. I feel that at that time Lu Bu had no idea of ​​breaking up with Dong Zhuo at all, and even thought of helping Dong Zhuo wholeheartedly. This is also one of the reasons why he would do his best to hunt down Dong Zhuo knowing that Cao Cao assassinated Dong Zhuo. After all, he is no longer the original Lu Bu. Knowing that the kindness of dripping water should be reciprocated by the spring, Dong Zhuo will naturally repay Dong Zhuo well if he treats him well.

If it keeps going like this, maybe Lu Bu will not always think about making his own arrangements now.

But then some behaviors of Dong Zhuo and Li Ru made him feel a little suspicious, so he deliberately checked their actions before that day, as well as what he did at that time, in order to analyze whether there was any connection between them.

In the end, he found that half a month before this incident, that is, in the middle of May of the sixth year of Zhongping, something really happened—this world is somewhat different from the history. Dong Zhuo entered Luoyang in July of the sixth year, and Dong Zhuo finally entered Luoyang in August, but here it was advanced to April, and Hanling Emperor Liu Hong also died in April, and Han Shaodi Liu Bian ascended the throne at that time, but failed. Avoid the chaos in Luoyang.

These things that happened in the first place were actually very trivial. If it was the original Lu Bu, he would have ignored it, but now this Lu Bu has the heart to think about it, and naturally he sees a different side.

At that time, Lv Bu had been relying on Dong Zhuo for a while. During this time, the two of them got along like a father and son, but they were not real father and son after all, and Lv Bu's temperament was arrogant, and Dong Zhuo was not bad at all. It is conceivable what kind of collision will happen when such people get together. If it weren't for Li Ru interspersed in it, conflicts would have erupted long ago.

At the same time, what Dong Zhuo couldn't stand the most was Lu Bu's control over the Bingzhou Army. Although he defected to Dong Zhuo, and the Bingzhou Army also belonged to Dong Zhuo's team, Dong Zhuo always felt very uncomfortable when he went to the Bingzhou Army barracks several times, because those soldiers obviously He still treats him as an enemy, even if he doesn't, he is very indifferent, but Lu Bu is indifferent to this, which makes Dong Zhuo feel very annoyed, and he pretended not to understand his hints several times, and the two broke up unhappy .

For a person like Dong Zhuo who has a strong desire for power and great ambitions, he can't stand the sand in his eyes, and he can't tolerate his subordinates having higher control over the army than himself, even his own son. What's more, Lu Bu is just a adopted son. At this time, Lu Bu doesn't know what he is thinking in his heart, but it will definitely not be a good thing.

At this moment, Li Ru found an opportunity to invite Lu Bu to his house, in the name of discussing matters. Although it seemed that nothing was discussed in the end, he gave Lu Bu a few jars of good wine. Although Lu Bu is not an alcoholic But I also drink it often, and there is no one who refuses good wine, so naturally I take it back with disrespect.

And half a month later, Lu Bu fell into a coma from a horse. Before that, all the wine was naturally drunk. If you combine these two points, Lu Bu's guess is not impossible. After all, Li Ru There is indeed some research on the art of qi and yellow. No one can say whether there is anything in the wine, and the motive is very simple. If you drink the wine he put in something, if your health is weaker, you will die right away, even if you remain in a coma , It is undoubtedly of great benefit for Dong Zhuo to master and merge the state army.

If you want to find out who harmed you, you always have to think about who will benefit the most from harming you. There is no doubt that although Lu Bu is usually arrogant and arrogant, he has not offended anyone to death within the scope of Luoyang, so he finally locked the target of suspicion It is the son-in-law Dong Zhuo and Li Ru.

The secret conflict with them has gradually intensified, and now Lu Bu has also secretly begun to develop his own power. This factor has played a big role in promoting it. After all, no one can tolerate a person who has a bad intention for him always pressing on his head Let alone Lu Bu.

However, not many people knew about this matter, and many people only thought it was an accidental event and didn't think too much about it. Wang Yun's contact here already surprised Lu Bu.

Now that it's all over, Lu Bu knows that he can't do it anymore if he doesn't make a statement. Although he still wonders why Wang Yun has always been so scheming, why he suddenly became so radical, but he can't think of what can cause such a change. It's different now than it was in history.

It should be known that in history, Dong Zhuo was defeated by the Dong Lianjun and moved westward to Chang'an. The combination of these two things made him almost defeated again and again. When he left Luoyang, he directly set fire to most of Luoyang's palaces and temples. At that time, all the buildings within [-] miles of Luoyang were destroyed, and no chickens or dogs were left, causing complaints from the people and the family. At that time, Dong Zhuo had already provoked the anger of the sky and people. With such a background, Wang Yun was able to get a lot of money. With the cooperation and the successful recruitment of Lu Bu, all the plans were finally formed, and then they were successfully implemented. As for Li Jue's attack on Chang'an, it was beyond his control.

But now is different from history, Dong Zhuo's prestige is in full swing now, although Wang Yun is also preparing secretly, but as Dong Zhuo's status becomes more and more stable, some people in their circle are shaken, which is why he seems a little eager for success now reason.

"Situ is right..." Lu Bu nodded and said, "Since everything has been said, Lu Fengxian has nothing to hide. Although he thinks he is not a good person, if someone wants to harm him, he will not be indifferent. Dong Zhuo not only usurped The country bullies the king, and has always coveted the military power of the Bingzhou Army in my hands, and regards me as a thorn in my side, and I wish I could get rid of it quickly."

Lu Bu was also a little risky. If his words were spread, it would be difficult for Dong Zhuo to explain, but when he heard Wang Yun's ears, he immediately laughed.

However, Lu Bu then said solemnly: "But Lu Fengxian still wants to say that it is true that I like Diao Chan, and everyone is suitable for beauty, and I, Lu Fengxian, can't help it, and the pearl and golden crown is also very fond of me. First of all, I love it very much. But how much I can gain is based on giving, and Dong Zhuo's strength is really not something I can compete with."

Wang Yun stroked his beard and said, "If it's just me or Fengxian alone, of course it won't work, and you and I are united, wouldn't it work too?"

Lu Bu shook his head, "Dong Zhuo is very ambitious and suspicious. Not only me, but Li Wenyou is also guarded by him. There are countless guards around this person, and the swordsman Wang Yue is also with him. It is very difficult to deal with him, even if you want to assassinate him, it is not an easy task, and there is only Wang Yue alone, and Bu dare not win lightly."

Now that Lv Bu made it clear, Wang Yun was relieved a lot, "Feng Xian can say this, which makes me feel ashamed. Just now, it seems that I used the heart of a villain to judge the belly of a gentleman."

Lu Bu waved his hands and said, "Situ Fang is a real gentleman, but Bu is just telling the truth. How dare you speak nonsense in front of Situ Langlang?"

The second half of the sentence is really nonsense, a bit of a joke, Wang Yun naturally didn't take it seriously, he was silent for a moment, then suddenly asked: "Lu Fengxian, can I trust you?"

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