(Personally, I think the plot of the next episode is well arranged—although it is based on passages from Romance, I have also adapted it and written it with great care, so... how about some recommendation tickets?

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Cry for support! ~)

After Lu Bu left, the middle hall of Cai's mansion fell into silence. The father and daughter faced each other, but neither said a word.

Cai Yong, whose face was slightly red from drinking for a long time, sighed, and said, "Why Zhao Ji?" Hearing his tone of voice and looking at the expression in his eyes, at this moment there was still not a little bit of drunken insensitivity, but he was clearly sober Can't wake up anymore.

Cai Yan kept her head down, and even at this time she did not raise her voice when she was answering, and said, "Father's intentions are clear to Zhao Ji, and Zhao Ji just wants to do her best to do something for her father."

Cai Yong twitched the corners of his mouth, feeling a little bit bitter, and finally lost interest and said with the wind: "It doesn't matter, just do what you like, I'm sorry for my father."

"Father, you don't have to say that," Cai Yan replied again, and slowly raised her head, two tear stains had already hung on that pretty face, "This is what Zhao Ji can do for her father at last." Bar……"

In that voice, there was reluctance and a little resistance, but in the end it all turned into a helpless succumbing to reality, intertwined with Cai Yong's repeated sighs, and lingered for a long time in the middle hall of Cai's mansion in the evening... …

On the other side, when Lu Bu returned to his home, it was already late at night.

The late summer night in Luoyang is full of coolness and sadness, just like the eerie silence in Luoyang at this time, and Lu Bu's mood at this time.

Meeting a beautiful woman and listening to a good song is always a joy in life.

And even though it was only the first time today, it was just that side, a few words, and the qin music, but that face swayed in front of his eyes and came to mind all the time, and that verse of music lingered in his ears for a long time.

Lu Bu knew that this imprint had been left in his heart, and perhaps it would slowly disappear over time, and the feeling at that time would no longer be there, but it would also be more likely to turn into a mellow strong wine, the more tasted, the more flavorful it would be, or if it was over time No matter how time intersects, it may be more profound after a long time.

But he knew that the current self was not suitable for thinking about these children's love. The real turmoil in September was about to start. To be precise, it would not be a few days. The long-term world situation, and before the biggest test comes, the most important thing for him is to recover his strength and even be able to go to a higher level.

Lü Bu had recently started to practice with Zhang Liao, and Xiliang Army Hua Xiong would occasionally look for him. Now the relationship between the two has gradually become familiar, and perhaps it is just in response to the sentence that they don't know each other; Zhang Xiu later left Luoyang to return home. His uncle Zhang Ji is going there, and as for Xu Huang's... Lu Bu still has lingering fears when he thinks of Xu Huang going crazy with his double-edged axe. Yes, that's probably the case, so there is no need to provoke them in ordinary discussions.

However, it was precisely because of Xu Huang's madness that time that Lu Bu almost became crazy. Although he was not really crazy in the end, the benefits to him were obvious-no doubt, after Xu Huang's battle, he once again "Breakthrough", and after that time, after directly stepping into the threshold of a super-class military general, he slightly overwhelmed Xu Huang.

If you want to count as the fastest breakthrough, I am afraid that there are very few people who can compare with Lu Bu. Of course, his situation is special. This body strength was originally his, but now he has recovered to [-]% to [-]% of his own strength, which is not surprising. .

Then the next period of time may be the calm before the storm. After that encounter with Cai's mansion and being slightly tempted, life that seemed to have just had a turbulence just now returned to calm, and everything seemed to be going on in such a peaceful and stable way In the past, if September of the first year of Zhaoning or September of the sixth year of Zhongping never came.

After all, August has dissipated all of it, exhausted the last ray of heat from the sun in late summer, and the climate in Luoyang has gradually begun to officially enter the early autumn.

Those maple leaves may be the first to feel the blush of autumn, and they have long since disappeared, and the most intuitive feeling of people is probably the weather that is gradually tinged with coolness.

This autumn in Luoyang is destined to be unsettled, but in fact, from the very beginning of this year, it has not been very peaceful at all.

In April, Emperor Lingdi Liu Hong passed away. The two empress dowagers, Empress Dowager He and Empress Dowager Dong, had several confrontations over their heirs. In the end, Empress Dowager Dong was killed by General He Jinjiu, and Empress Dowager He's son Liu Bian became emperor.

Then there was chaos among the eunuchs and relatives of the palace, the uncle He Jin was killed, and Zhang Rang and other servants were wiped out. Yuan Shao and others rushed into the palace but found that in exchange for an even more chaotic palace and court, Dong Zhuo entered the palace. Luoyang.

In the name of King Qin, this Xiliang prefect who is "expert in the civil war and outside the war" changed his face after entering the imperial city. , to deceive civil and military officials, and not to respect the courtiers to do the things of the powerful officials.

And if it was just a small section before, then on this day, all of this has reached its peak like a volcano that has been smoldering for a long time and suddenly erupted.

In September of the first year of Zhaoning in the Han Dynasty (the sixth year of Zhongping), in Guiyou, Lu Bu's long-awaited Dong Zhuo Conference Bailiao finally kicked off.

The banquet was held in the General's Mansion that Dong Zhuo now occupies. At that time, all the civil and military ministers of the imperial court had received invitations. It seemed to be up to them whether they came or not. But with Dong Zhuo's current power in Luoyang, I am afraid that few people can really bear it. consequences that will come.

On such occasions, Lv Bu was naturally used by Dong Zhuo as a banner to intimidate. Although few of these courtiers really knew Lv Bu and knew his majesty, I believe they would not want to know.

And early in the morning, Li Ru led Lu Bu here, and guards were arranged inside and around the mansion. At this time and this occasion, especially thinking about what will happen today and the turmoil that will be caused by it, defend here Sophistication is of course a must.

Dong Zhuo, as the master, should have greeted him at the door, but his status and power were enough to surpass the courtiers. Naturally, this task fell on the shoulders of Li Ru, the son-in-law, and Lu Bu, the adopted son.

After a while, courtiers gradually came to the banquet, one came and a second came, and the second came and then a third, gradually making the empty gate gradually lively. From the quiet of the gate to the buzzing of people and then to the overcrowding, it is almost just a few blinks of an eye.

Such an effect, of course, is not because Dong Zhuo's banquet has any good things, it is simply that most people are afraid of Dong Zhuo's current momentum, and to put it bluntly, they are afraid that he will retaliate afterwards. Of course, this does not mean that they succumbed to him. Otherwise, Li Ru doesn't need to worry about any changes in today's banquet.

And the most direct consequence of this is that Li Ru and Lu Bu, who are responsible for the task of welcoming people at the door, are extremely busy.

As for dealing with people, Lu Bu's theory can be said in one set, but after all, he doesn't have much experience, and Li Ru has also considered this point, so everything is still based on him, welcoming, sending, and being courteous. Even if Lu Bu just listened, he felt that Li Ru's eloquence was really good, he was more quick-witted, and he was even better at controlling the atmosphere, so that these visitors could enter it with a smile.

However, he himself is not idle, at least he should make a gesture of welcome, not to mention that all the guards in the mansion are under the supervision of Lu Bu today, so he must always pay attention to the situation, and if someone reports something strange I also need to take a look. Fortunately, Dong Zhuo's prestige or fierce reputation is now too strong in Luoyang, so there is really nothing unusual in this situation.

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