Lu Bu, the god of war in the rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 36, The First Emperor's Edict

(Second update, please~)

Just went to Lu Zhi, and all the officials pleaded for him. Although Dong Zhuo hadn't spoken yet, it was obvious that under the circumstances, he couldn't insist on going his own way, so it seemed that he was about to spare Lu Zhi's life temporarily, but there was another The bird in his early years bumped into the muzzle of the gun, and it was Kong Rong.

Kong Rong (153-208), courtesy name Wenju, was born in the State of Lu in the Eastern Han Dynasty (now Qufu, Shandong Province). He was a writer at the end of the Han Dynasty. The twentieth grandson of Ni, the son of Kong Zhou, the captain of Taishan, and the younger brother of Kong Bao, who worked in Yuzhou.

Kong Rong had few talents and was diligent and studious. He was called handsome together with Pingyuan Tao Qiuhong and Chen Liubianrang. Later, he "opened Situ Yangci's mansion" during the reign of Emperor Ling and officially started his official career. He was responsible for impeaching corrupt bureaucrats. Lu moved to the Northern Army Zhonghou, Huben Zhonglang and other positions.

Kong Rong is now 36 years old, and he is not confused at all, but his temperament has not restrained at all because of his age. On the contrary, because of the turbulent wind and rain at the end of the Han Dynasty, after the death of Emperor Ling, there were successively the troubles of eunuchs and relatives. And now Dong Zhuo's powerful ministers are rebelling, making Kong Rong, who has always claimed to be for the country and the people, and cares about the country, heartbroken. Today's banquet pointed directly at Dong Zhuo's outbreak. All were released.

And when he said this, everyone at the banquet was shocked. Whether it was Dong Zhuo, Li Ru, Yang Biao, Huang Wan, Lu Zhi, etc., they all seemed to know him again. No, it should not be said that it was a new recognition, but I didn't expect Kong Rong to have such courage.

On the other hand, the three princes of the current dynasty, Taiwei Dong Zhuo, looked at the officials with tiger eyes, and his eyes were full of fierce lightsaber with silver frost, showing his arrogance; Sikong Yang Biao sat aside, drinking alone, ignoring foreign affairs; Surprised, bitter, and heartbroken, but there is still no meaning to stand up.

Most of the other ministers even changed their faces with anger in their hearts, but they didn't move their bodies, let alone say it out of their mouths.

Only after Lu Zhi stood up, in line with the principle that the law does not blame the public, everyone stood up to intercede for him, but it seemed that Dong Zhuo's mention just now had been selectively forgotten and evaded, and it was at this time that Kong Rong stood up.

Yang Biao opened his eyes, Huang Wan frowned, Lu Zhi praised him, and all the officials retreated. As for Dong Zhuo...

Unexpectedly, facing Kong Rong's direct doubt this time, Dong Zhuo was not as angry as before. Instead, he took a sip of wine, and then slowly took out a thing from his bosom.

That thing looked like a piece of silk, but it was rolled up at this time, and it could be seen that its base was still bright yellow.

What color is bright yellow?It is the color of the royal family, and this kind of silk can be said to be used exclusively by the only person in the world, that is, the emperor. The emperor used bright yellow as the background to issue imperial edicts. Now that Dong Zhuo took out this, could it be...

"You know, what is this?" All the officials were guessing. Dong Zhuo had already spoken, but there was silence in response. After all, everyone really didn't know how to answer, because they didn't know what he wanted to say. I really don't know what he is holding in his hand.

Although some people have already seen the appearance of that thing, and have vague guesses in their hearts, they dare not act rashly at such a juncture, so as not to suffer disaster. Didn't they dare to draw their swords directly when facing Lu Zhi and Dong Zhuo just now? .

"This is the last emperor's edict!" Dong Zhuo didn't care about everyone's silence, he suddenly stood up, holding the edict high in his right hand, staring at everyone sitting down with wide eyes, not angry.

He only heard him slowly say: "Before the death of the first emperor Xiao Huangmen Jian Shuo, he risked his life to protect him, and finally he was not discovered. It is recorded in it that when the first emperor was dying, the edict was passed down to the prince Liu Xieshu."

The officials were shocked again, shocked again and again, although it was not as good as before, but they were stunned for a long time before they reacted.

Then there was a bang in the banquet hall, and there was a lot of discussion, but none of the people who really questioned Dong Zhuo... er, no, there were. Naturally, someone stood up at such a time, and sneered with disdain: "Since everyone said that until Jian Shuo He was not found by anyone before he died, so how did Lord Taiwei find it? This kind of excuse is too rough."

Dong Zhuo noticed that the person who spoke was far away from him. He was Yuan Shao, a lieutenant of the Chinese Army, a descendant of the Yuan family, the fourth generation and third prince, and one of the "eight lieutenants of Xiyuan" of the late emperor Liu Hong. He was quite popular and regarded as an outstanding young generation in Luoyang. Cai Jun, sitting under the ministers at this time, after all, no matter in terms of seniority or official position, he is indeed far behind the seniors present here.

The move of Jian Shuo's name doesn't seem to have the corresponding effect, but this is also expected, after all, the rebellion of the ten permanent attendants is too impressive among these courtiers, and no one will have a good impression of those eunuchs , but Dong Zhuo doesn't care so much, as long as it is beneficial to himself, it doesn't matter if it is used.

And Dong Zhuo knew that Yuan Shao was one of the so-called aides of the general's mansion who advised the general He Jin to kill the ten permanent servants, so he naturally had a taboo against Jian Shuo, and Dong Zhuo was probably the only one in the eyes of the people in Luoyang. It is normal for someone who is not a good believer to be suspected.

But this time, he neither lied nor forged, but had facts.

Lu Bu also found out through Li Ru that Hanling Emperor Liu Hong didn't know what was in his mind, but actually left a will on his deathbed and handed it over to his closest and trusted little Huangmen Jianshuo. That Jian Shuo, Zhang Rang and others were like dogs, and he was included among the eunuchs who entered the palace to be exterminated. As a result, no one thought that Jian Shuo did not take out the will until his death, and later it was only by chance It fell into the hands of Dong Zhuo.

It was also Dong Zhuo who sometimes came in and out of the palace uninvited, so there was no need to say anything about what he wanted to do. Li Ru gave Lv Bu a wink that said, "You and I are both men and should understand." Lv Bu nodded to express his understanding, and Li Ru continued softly. : "Father-in-law got this edict was purely accidental. No one thought that Jian Shuo would throw such an important thing directly in the palace of King Chenliu, and it was still under the bed of King Chenliu..."

Hearing this, Lu Bu understood that the case on the bed is usually rarely heard of people hiding things. It is not a special blind spot, but it is easy for people to fall into the blind spot of thinking. This Jian Shuo is a bit witty, I guess I knew I couldn't beat He Jin and others, so I left it to Liu Xie, but I didn't expect that the clever little Liu Xie didn't find out, but Dong Zhuo accidentally found out, so he naturally took it himself. Thinking of this, Lu Bu couldn't help but Some emotion.

And since Dong Zhuo was confident, he would not be intimidated by Yuan Shao's mere words, and said with a sneer, "So what if I invite Cai Feibai to recognize and engrave one or two?"

But another person said: "Cai Feibai has a false name, and you are just the same as the Taiwei. If he comes to recognize him, who can believe him and who can obey him?" Temper, not to mention that he is a direct person, so it is naturally unacceptable to this kind of groundless slander.

But before he could refute, Dong Zhuo spoke again: "Then it is according to Yushi Zhongcheng's will, who can take this position?" It can be heard that he is also suppressing his anger at this time.

It was Yushi Zhongcheng Han Fu who spoke just now. Seeing that he was not in a hurry, he replied with a smile: "If you follow someone's opinion, this matter will naturally be countless. Jian Shuo is also a thief who ruined the country, and his words must not be trusted. , he has access to the Chuanguo Yuxi, and he has deepened the handwriting of the late emperor. It is not difficult to forge a so-called edict. But even so, there will always be flaws. How about order?"

"Where is Taishi Ling'an?" Dong Zhuo suppressed his anger, but Han Fu said with a smile: "Taishi Ling writes and writes history, he is more than twice as strong as those who try to catch fame and fame, and his demeanor is a role model for our generation, so there is no doubt that there will be hidden traitors." Take it up, try to convince people."

Cai Yong's expression on the side was even more ugly, and while he was talking, someone naturally went down to invite Tai Shiling.

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