(Thanks to the book friend "Auden the Great" for the reward and support, sorry for going to bed late, this is the first update just now, Lu Bu is about to start a counterattack, and everyone should vote hard!)

During the moment of waiting for the rescue, Lu Bu's heart suddenly became extremely calm, and the faces of the soldiers he still remembered, some of whom he didn't even know the names of, gradually flashed before his eyes. crying, or howling, or various other emotions.

But the only thing that is more consoling is that although it is death, they can at least die in the joy of drunkenness instead of bloody battlefields and prolonged pain, although this can only be regarded as Lu Bu's self-comforting imagination.

Lu Bu felt that anger was far away from him in an instant, because he knew that he could be angry in this situation, but he couldn't be carried away by anger, otherwise he would fall into Cao Cao's first trap, and maybe the second time.

Even if it's just for revenge, you have to keep calm first.

"General Lu..." Outside the pit, the voice from the Xiliang army came, and then Lu Bu saw a rope being thrown down, and heard it say: "General Lu, we are pulling on it, hold on tight!" Come up on the rope!"

The light in Lu Bu's eyes flashed, and he suddenly laughed in a low voice: "What's the matter even if it's fake, don't I, Lu Bu, still be afraid to try it again?" After speaking without hesitation, he grabbed the life-saving rope and wrapped it around his hands. for a few laps.

The superior asked again: "General Lu, are you holding on tight to the rope?"

"Pull it." Lu Bu's answer was very simple, and then he felt a huge pulling force coming from the other end of the rope. Of course, Lu Bu himself would not just wait for others to rescue him, but would use this pulling force to jump upwards. , with both feet on the earth wall of the pit, the upper part is pulling him and the lower part is also climbing. At this time, the smooth earth wall can no longer cause him any trouble, and his body has been taken out after a while. Big pit.

Then Lu Bu jumped, and when he landed, he had already left the big pit. He threw the rope aside, glanced around, and saw that there were two light-colored "lands" on both sides of the pit, with ropes on them. , obviously this is the trap that Cao Cao and the others specially set up to defend themselves.

Then Lu Bu turned his head again and looked at the battlefield where the Xiliang cavalrymen were confronting the officers and soldiers.

The officers and soldiers on Cao Cao's side had the superiority in numbers, but the battlefield was never a battle of numbers, and it was even more impossible for these officers and soldiers to compare with the Xiliang cavalry, so there was no suspense about the situation at this time. Next, the officers and soldiers led by Cao Cao could not even organize an effective defense except to fight and retreat.

The leader of the Xiliang cavalry at the side came forward and asked, "General, what about these officers and soldiers?"

Lu Bu sneered, "What else can I do, kill them all!"

Although these people were bewitched by Cao Cao and others, Lu Bu didn't have the kindness that those who don't know are innocent. If he hadn't been rescued just now, he might have died at the hands of one of them soon.

The Xiliang army general's eyes lit up when he heard that, Lu Bu's words were just right for him, a bloodthirsty red light flashed in his eyes, and then he shouted at the Xiliang cavalry who came to rescue Lu Bu: " Brothers, everyone, those who kill traitors will be rewarded for their merits..."

The soldiers of Xiliang suddenly agreed. On the other hand, the officers and soldiers of the county government at Cao Cao’s side saw this scene, and they were easily charged and breached by a dozen cavalry just now. With some prestige and Cao Cao's support behind them, they had already dispersed at this time.

However, although it is not far away at this time, Cao Cao can naturally see this point. It is very important for soldiers to use their lives and morale in front of the army. At this time, the morale of one's own side is drained. It is unrealistic to stop the counterattack, and even defense is dangerous. After all, the Xiliang iron cavalry is famous for its powerful charge, and the terrain here is flat, which is suitable for them to play.

But Cao Cao is Cao Cao after all, he is not afraid of chaos when he is in danger, and shouted to the officers and soldiers around him angrily: "Ants are still stealing their lives, let alone us waiting? Since you have offended Dong Guo thief and his lackeys today, there is still a way out if you fight to the death. I can only be slaughtered in vain..." As he spoke, he ignored the reactions of the others, raised the Seven Star Sword, and rushed directly to the front of everyone, and even raised the sword to kill a Xiliang cavalry rushing over.

Seeing Cao Cao like this, these officers and soldiers who felt that they were forced into a dangerous situation felt a sudden burst of energy in their hearts, making them seem to have a power that they didn't normally have in an instant. Cao Cao's words were right. In their hearts, no matter what kind of person they are, before they die, the energy that explodes with desperate efforts cannot be underestimated. What's more, although these officers and soldiers are not as good as veterans like Xiliang cavalry, they are still young and strong. Especially the old saying that when you meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, and it is even more so that those who are afraid of being in a daze, those who are in a daze and those who are afraid of their lives, these officers and soldiers are rushing forward completely at this time, just to be able to fight for their lives, and these are all It was Cao Cao's influence on them.

The power of role models is infinite, seeing this, Lu Bu couldn't help secretly praising Cao Cao for being able to do this at such a time, but the more he admired him, the more he would kill him.

When Lu Bu mentioned Fang Tian's painting halberd, he was also the first to rush in front of these officers and soldiers, and he hit the ground head-on, the county lieutenant of Guancheng County.

The other party rushed over with a big knife in his mouth, shouting angrily. Lu Bu sneered, his eyes full of contempt. This contempt undoubtedly angered the other party, but so what if he was allowed to get angry?

At the next moment, Lu Bu taught him a bloody lesson, full of anger does not mean he can fight back. Fang Tian's painted halberd danced wildly again in his hands. Lu Bu's halberd technique is now close to the peak state of the past. One blow out, but there is no way that the opponent can block the ground, not to mention that it seems simple, but in fact, all his moves have been counted as a powerful move that seals off the retreat, that is the power of the halberd. When it was sent to the county lieutenant, it was enough for him to suffer.

The county lieutenant looked brave, but in fact he was not an enemy of the congested Lv Bu at all. Lv Bu stabbed him with a single blow, and Fang Tian's painted halberd pierced through his ribs, and he was shocked and died on the spot. The corpse was directly picked away.

After stabbing the Guancheng county lieutenant to death easily, Lu Bu continued to move forward without stopping. At this moment, Lu Bu was like a butcher, killing people without blinking an eye, blood spattering every three steps.

Kill, kill, kill!

There has never been such a deep and violent killing intent in his heart, but those lives harvested by Lu Bu seem to be non-existent in his eyes, because at this moment he only sees one person, one figure, right in front of him, his In the direction that his eyes always noticed, the person standing behind was looking at him with a sneer.

There were shouts of killing all around, and the lives of these officers and soldiers were waiting to be reaped. Even if Cao Cao boosted morale, how could they be the opponents of the Xiliang cavalry who had experienced many battles and were more powerful immediately?

On the other hand, Cao Cao was sneering, watching Lu Bu charge towards him, but he didn't show the slightest fear, but in fact, even he had fear and retreat in his heart at this moment, but he couldn't show timidity, he knew Now he is standing on the side of these officers and soldiers, but he has become their backbone, especially when Yuan Cheng, the Guancheng county lieutenant, has died, these officers and soldiers have already regarded Cao Cao as their new leader invisibly , he is now more like their benchmark, their banner, if even he retreats and falls, then these people who have no backbone will soon disperse, and Cao Cao has absolutely reason to believe that that kind of The situation is even more unfavorable to yourself, and it will only make you die faster.

He has no choice now, but God knows how long these officers and soldiers will be able to stop Lu Bu even if the stalemate continues like this.

Especially if Lu Bu's deterrent power in their hearts exceeds their own desire for life, once they feel completely hopeless and impossible to survive, then Cao Cao can no longer count on them.

But as the battle continued, he didn't dare to stay any longer. Those officers and soldiers didn't realize that Cao Cao had already unknowingly retreated to the back of them at this time, and there was a big maroon horse beside him, He jumped on the horse's back, gripped the rein tightly, turned the horse around and galloped wildly.

Under such circumstances, how dare Cao Cao stay here; now that the situation has been completely reversed, he has no other choice but... to escape!

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