(I'm so tired, I didn't take a breath, I quickly wrote and posted it, I have to go to sleep to get enough energy later, I have to go to class tomorrow, I'm depressed--this is the update for today, everyone knows, right? Sweat that! Yesterday’s Chen Gong accepted it seems a bit abrupt, but I said it was temporarily subdued, I will not scribble, there must be a gradual process of Chen Gong’s psychological change later, and he will definitely follow Lu Budi sincerely in the end, you don’t need to worry about reading it Arrived; besides, it's the time of the fierce general, everyone guess who will be accepted this time...)

Chenliu is a good place, and there are many characters. Some princes, civil servants and military generals in the Three Kingdoms period either came from here or were related to it.

Originally, Liu Xie was first named King of Bohai, and then King Chenliu in July, that is, the king of Chen Liuguo. Be sure to understand this.

However, both Lu Bu and Chen Gong had planned that Cao Cao's destination would be Chenliu. Lu Bu still refused to give up the last chance to kill Cao Cao, so Chen Gong and others could only follow.

When Lu Bu, Chen Gong and his party arrived here, it was already the afternoon of the second day after that.

Wang De and other Xiliang cavalry are now only looking forward to Lv Bu's lead. In fact, there is nothing they can do. They have reached this point because of Lv Bu's hand.

As for Chen Gong, although he could only be said to be temporarily obeying Lu Bu, he still seemed to do his best to help him. Together, he helped him track down Cao Cao and help him check for gaps. It is of course a good thing to have such a counselor by his side.

The first thing Lu Bu did when he came to Chenliu was to find the Cao family, which is the so-called Cao family of the Chenliuhao family.

The Cao family's foundation is in Qiao County, but here in Chenliu, Cao Song has been staying here since he retired from the position of Taiwei, and it can be regarded as operating for many years. The reputation of the local contacts is excellent, and this Chenliu's Zhang Miao and Cao Cao also have a good relationship. Although this guy has betrayed Cao Cao in history, the situation is different now, especially when the princes everywhere are faintly dissatisfied with Dong Zhuo. At such times, Lu Bu did not dare to touch that fragile nerve lightly.

Of course, if you wait outside, you can't find Cao Cao's whereabouts. As for Cao's mansion, you can't trespass and you can only visit on your own initiative.

For a reason to visit, it was enough troublesome enough, and finally had to be a businessman from other places, and came to deliver a famous assassin to visit.

The status of merchants in this era is generally not high. This is a ready-made social phenomenon, but of course Lu Bu and Chen Gong will not discriminate against merchants. On the contrary, Wang De firmly opposed the establishment of merchants at the beginning, thinking that it was simply Humiliated, he had no choice but to twist his thighs with his arms, and he couldn't resist Lu Bu's insistence, so he had no choice but to obey.

As for the Cao Mansion, Cao Song was originally a half-businessman, and he was able to expand the Cao family to its current size. He dealt with a lot of businessmen, and he would not show any contempt and arrogance, so there is no need to worry about this aspect. Being made things difficult.

It's just a pity that for some unknown reason, the group was welcomed into Cao's mansion, but they never saw a real person in charge. They sat in the lobby for an afternoon, and finally had nothing to gain and were really bored, so they had to leave.

This time, the group stayed in the post house in Chenliu County. Although it was easy to expose their identities, it might be more troublesome if they lived in other places. In the end, they could only choose the lesser of two evils.

In Lu Bu's room in the post house, Chen Gong and Wang De were discussing with him what to do next. In fact, Wang De was just an audience, and he usually didn't speak.

When it came to today's situation, Wang De asked, "Will Cao Cao stop coming to Chenliu?"

Lu Bu laughed and said, "Cao Mengde is panicked like a bereaved dog now, so it is even more impossible for him to change his route easily. However, if he arrives in Chenliu, it is not impossible for him to hide carefully and not show up. But old Cao Cao and his family are all in Chenliu now. , I don't believe that he doesn't care about anything, he doesn't care about his old father..."

Chen Gong shook his head and said: "A hero can achieve great things. In the past, the great ancestor Liu Bang could sit and watch Xiang Yu cook his father and accomplish the great cause of the Han Dynasty for 300 years. Looking at it from the palace, then Cao Mengde also has the appearance of a hero. How could he be killed because of his kinship? Big mistake?"

Lu Bu thought that Cao Cao's view of family affection is really different from others. In history, he massacred the city after capturing Xuzhou because his father was killed by Tao Qian. It must have been caused by the anger of his father's killing, and Cao Cao's sympathy for the people around him His attitude is also very different from that of Liu Bang. It is really impossible to compare him with Liu Bang.

After all, Liu Bang is a successful man, no matter whether he relied on luck or timing, or he really has some special talents that are not understood by ordinary people, but Lu Bu doesn't like this person very much; but Cao Cao is different, even now the two Although he is a mortal enemy, it does not prevent Lu Bu from admiring him.

Of course, Chen Gong's ability to say these words shows that he has a lot of grudges against Cao Cao, and Lu Bu also feels that he wants to really subdue him. It might not be a good way to start from this aspect, after all, Cao Cao is the first one that Chen Gong recognized. If he is allowed to completely reject Cao Cao, he will have the opportunity to "take advantage of the emptiness".

Of course, he has plenty of time, and he is not in a hurry. The most urgent thing is to find out where Cao Cao is.

There was no need to go to the county government office. Chen Liu had already left the range where Dong Zhuo's power could radiate. Here, Lu Bu and the others could only rely on their own strength.

After waiting for half a day like this, Lu Bu naturally asked Wang De to arrange those Xiliang soldiers to monitor the Cao Mansion's every move. Although this method of waiting for rabbits was too rustic and stupid, it was the only way they could implement it now. , to deal with that cunning guy Cao Cao, maybe this stupid method is more effective.

Of course, both Lu Bu and Chen Gong believed that it was impossible for Cao Cao to show up in person, but they would definitely try to find a way to get in touch with the people in Cao's mansion, so keeping Cao's mansion in check and following the clues would not make it impossible to find Cao Cao.

Staying in the post house all day is also boring. Now Lu Bu finds that he is getting restless. I am afraid that those people in the previous life will not think that he is the "lazy rabbit" (nickname in the previous life) who is not comfortable at home. Looking at the helpless Chen Gong and several Xiliang soldiers who were entangled by him, Lu Bu walked on the streets of Chenliu, experiencing shopping in this era.

Chen Liu's business is very developed. Although it is incomparable to the prosperity of Lu Bu's previous life, the street vendors, street shops, and pedestrians come and go. In the past stormy years.

"General Lu, someone seems to be selling tiger skins over there..." A Xiliang soldier's call in Lu Bu's ear finally brought him back to reality. look over.

Sure enough, I saw a simple stall not far away, selling tiger skins. Lu Bu had sharp eyes, and it was easy to see clearly. Unfortunately, the tiger skin looked old and incomplete. I don't know if it was the hunter's fault, or The wrangler's fault, or both—both in one.

It stands to reason that tiger skin is considered a rare item, even though this tiger skin is not good, but there is no one around this guy to patronize.

Although he was reborn for so long, this was the first time Lu Bu saw this kind of scene. After observing it for a long time, he came to this person's stall out of curiosity.

At this time, when he got closer and took a closer look, he was even more surprised by the man's appearance. His skin was sickly yellow, his eyes were as big as copper bells, his nose was straight, his mouth was big, and his lower lip was even more Cracks, especially the two canine teeth that should add cuteness but now make him look a little "yellow-faced fangs". In a word, this person is not only ugly, but also horribly ugly.

It's no wonder that there was no one around him for so long, but Lu Bu was more interested in him, because the other party gave him a strange feeling that he could attract him.

Chen Gong and the others obviously didn't understand that Lu Bu was here. It was really his appearance that made people feel flustered, which made the two of them feel faintly uncomfortable, and they didn't want to stay by his side for a long time.

Suddenly Lu Bu's eyes lit up, pointing at the pair of iron halberds beside the man, he smiled at Chen Gong, "I know who this man is?"

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