Lu Bu, the god of war in the rebirth of the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 82, Cao Mengde cheated the sky and crossed the sea

(Happy birthday today...haha I wrote half a chapter more yesterday, and another half more chapter today, so there are two updates today, thank you for your support! Now I am finally happy to have two updates, this is the first update and I will send you a ticket~)

This change came suddenly, and it was not inferior to Cai Dianwei's violent rise just now.

Not to mention Lu Bu and others, even Dian Wei himself was stunned, and now it seems that he still has more issues to consider, because Lu Bu's Fang Tian painted halberd came fiercely. He didn't stop the attack, but continued to go down. At this time, Dian Wei's body was also coming towards Lu Bu, and there was no time to retract it.

However, Lu Bu blushed suddenly, as if he was very uncomfortable, but he gritted his teeth and persisted, and Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand suddenly stopped in mid-air, only a few feet away from Dian Wei's head , In the blink of an eye, at the same time, beads of sweat dripping down Dian Wei's forehead.

In any case, no matter how strong a person is, as long as he still has consciousness and emotions, it is impossible for him to remain indifferent when faced with the threat of death.

Of course Lu Bu would not kill Dian Wei, so he tried his best to restrain his attack, and took back Fang Tian's painted halberd. Of course, there was a price. , he himself is not easy.

Putting away Fang Tian's painting halberd, Lu Bu looked at Dian Wei for a while, while adjusting his frequency and breathing. As for Chen Gong and the others, seeing that the battle was over at this time, they naturally all gathered around him, and no one paid attention to Dian Wei. Wei, all looked at Lu Bu, "Is the general alright?"

Lu Bu shook his head, watching Dian Wei staring blankly at the short halberd in his hand, and frowned.

Dian Wei seemed to come back to his senses suddenly, saw Lu Bu looking at him with piercing eyes, gritted his teeth suddenly, threw the pair of broken iron halberds on the ground, bowed down and bowed down: "Dian has lost..."

Lu Bu took a breath and felt himself recovering. Seeing him like this, he just shook his head and said: "You are only disadvantaged in weapons, and I won you with the advantage of weapons, but I won't win with weapons, so we still haven't decided the winner... "But I sighed in my heart. Now I only have about [-]% of my original strength at most. If I met Dian Wei early and fought with him a few times, it would definitely help me a lot. Maybe I have fully recovered a long time ago. I have to follow the From Lu Bu's memory, Lu Bu should have been able to defeat Dian Wei. Of course, it would take three hundred rounds, and on the premise that Dian Wei's weapon was not so fragile.

Dian Wei, however, disdained his "compassion", and said with high spirits: "If you lose, you lose, no matter what the reason is. Besides, General Lu stopped temporarily just now, and it's considered a spare of my life. How could Dian be ignorant of good and bad Don't worry, Dian keeps his word, since he lost, he will naturally let General Lu deal with it."

Although Dian Wei has a straight temper, he is not an idiot. Of course he knows that Lu Bu has taken a fancy to his own value, but he also knows that this is not the way to go on. Just now Lu Bu has used force to convince him that it is not too much to say that he spared his life Besides, now that Lu Buken took the initiative to solicit, at least he valued him, and the opportunity he was given was even more rare. He was tired of living like this before, and he could definitely take advantage of it.

It's just that he still has some doubts about Lu Bu's identity after all, so he didn't make it clear.

Although Lu Bu didn't know what he was thinking, he could also see the hesitation hidden in his rhetoric, so he simply opened up and said, "I know Brother Dian still has concerns, but to be honest, if you really want to treat you Unfavorable, why do I need to spend so much effort? I alone is enough to control you, plus my subordinates, do you think you can still escape my palm?"

When Dian Wei's expression changed, he was about to get angry, but he had to say that Lu Bu was right in his heart. After thinking about it carefully, it was indeed the case. The scribe next to Lu Bu could just ignore it (Chen Gong expressed dissatisfaction: I am very useful!) , and the cavalry around him looked unusual, and Dian Wei could even feel a vague evil spirit.

Shaking his head, Lu Bu said again: "And I have to say it again, I don't want to deal with you, and my identity didn't lie to you. What I want is for you to submit to me. What I value is your force. I am helpful, and I can also tell you that you don’t have to worry about any government if you follow me, but you will inevitably go to the battlefield in the future, are you afraid?"

As long as he is a man, how can he not have a little ambition in his heart, especially for a person like Dian Wei who possesses special skills, his desire for the battlefield and fame is naturally stronger, coupled with Lu Bu's obvious stimulation, how can he say he is afraid?

What's more, those who know the current affairs are heroes, no matter what the situation is, I'm afraid it won't be worse than what I am now, so after thinking about it, Dian Wei finally bowed his hand, "Dian Wei, meet the general!"

The corner of Lu Bu's mouth hooked, Dian Wei finally got it...

Cao Cao hadn't appeared in the past few days, but Lu Bu sent people to watch closely at the Cao Mansion, and nothing happened, but Lu Bu and Chen Gong didn't dare to be careless in the slightest.

Dian Wei has been following Lu Bu these days, and finally bid farewell to his previous life. As for the arrest warrant and the like, Lu Bu's identity is there, who cares about it?

And once again, the news brought by Wang De revived Lv Bu and Chen Gong, who were indifferent on the surface and anxious in their hearts: the Xiliang soldiers sent by Wang De could not find a young man at the gate of the Cao Mansion. An item was found on his body, which was a piece of silk with words written on it.

"Oh?" Lu Bu and Chen Gong looked at each other, excitement flashed in their eyes, "What's written on it?"

Wang De replied: "This subordinate is a rough man who can't read, but I still brought that piece of silk cloth." As he spoke, he took out a small piece of cloth from his bosom, and Lu Bu took it excitedly, and found that it was still A blood book.

The content in it was similar to what I thought, probably where Cao Cao himself was now, and asked Cao Song and the others to join him immediately.

At this time, Chen Gong suddenly expressed doubts: "General, Gong suddenly felt that something was wrong. This Cao Cao is not such a careless person. He should not have imagined that we are also monitoring the Cao Mansion all the time. If it is so easy for us to Intercepting his message would be too small for him."

Lu Bu was about to say that he was injured now, and coupled with being alone and anxious, it is not impossible to make some mistakes, but then he thought that Cao Cao under his hands had been able to escape several times, and he almost caught himself because he fell into a trap Dao, this opponent must not be underestimated, otherwise he might suffer a loss at a critical moment, so he listened to Chen Gong's advice and told Wang De: "Continue to monitor, increase strength, and everyone will go to the main entrance together. The back door must be guarded, and if anyone comes out, you must follow closely, and you must know what they are doing..."

Wang De accepted the order with a bitter face, but Dian Wei, who was eating next to him, suddenly raised his hand and said, "General, since this is the case, why don't you just go in and find everything you want?"

Lu Bu and Chen Gong glanced at him, and directly regarded him as air. Feeling that he was being ignored, Dian Wei continued to swallow, thinking that eating was better than talking.

At this moment, Chen Gong said again: "General, Mr. Gong feels that something is wrong."

Lu Bu said angrily, "Are you feeling unwell?"

Chen Gong smiled bitterly and said: "I'm not joking, although we have been monitoring the Cao Mansion, but I always feel that we have missed something?"

Chen Gong's opinion still had to be listened to, Lu Bu also thought about it for a while, finally stood up, clapped his hands and said, "Could it be that this Cao Cao has fooled us all?"

"Cross the sea!" Chen Gong beside him also said so at this time, and the two said it in unison, although the content was different but the meaning was the same, they actually thought of going together.

Dian Wei looked at them curiously, but he didn't dare to speak casually anymore, it was still uncomfortable to be despised or even ignored by others.

And Chen Gong and Lu Bu looked at each other again, and they both saw that it was not good. If it was what they thought, then it was a waste of time waiting for someone.

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