(The two updates are over, the second volume is coming to an end, the final climax of this volume, please vote!!!~)

It is not an easy decision for Xu Rong to give up the defense of Gongxian County and retreat directly to Yanshi, because it means that, except for Li Ru and Lu Bu, all the defenders and opponents on Dong Zhuo's side can defend Luoyang. The cards to resist the coalition forces are all in this place, and everyone knows what they will face if they fail at that time.

But in the face of the worries and questions of his colleagues Yang Ding and Li Su, Xu Rong just said firmly: "Three days, as long as we persist in Yanshi for three days, the military adviser and General Lu will definitely come. How to solve this war."

What Xu Rong said seemed to be very confident, but Li Su felt that it was the truth. He might still have doubts about Lu Bu, but he had no doubts about Li Ru, although this was also because he had never met other top counselors. , but Li Ru's inscrutability has indeed become a deeply rooted image in the Xiliang army.

As Xu Rong said, the key now is what Li Ru and the others decide to do, but at least for now, the battle situation is still unclear, and no one knows yet.


Xu Rong is waiting for the counterattack prepared by Li Ru and Lu Bu, but it doesn't mean that he will put all his hopes on them. In fact, he is under a lot of pressure now, and of course it doesn't just come from the opposite side. The coalition forces, as well as the rear.

Luoyang has long been in chaos. Not to mention that the oppression of the coalition forces is not good news for many people, there are still people behind the scenes deliberately fueling the flames, causing waves of undercurrents to sweep towards the capital of the empire.

And there is no doubt that Dong Zhuo had an uncomfortable time during this period, especially since Li Ru and Lu Bu, whom he had hoped for, failed to hold the Hulao Pass, and secondly, they let the coalition forces come over and let them go. Drive straight in, under such circumstances, on the one hand, the pressure on Xu Rong in front has increased greatly, on the other hand, Li Ru's proposal to move the capital to Chang'an, which was originally rejected by Li Ru, made him bring it up again.

Relocation of the capital has always been a major event, and adequate preparations are needed in all aspects. Fortunately, as early as Wang Yun mentioned it before, he was already moved and arranged it quickly and made preparations in an orderly manner. Even the mother, daughter, and granddaughter He was sent to Hongnong, and obviously he also felt great pressure for the arrival of the coalition forces.

This kind of pressure, which reached its peak after the Allied Forces successfully captured the pass after the Battle of Hulao Pass, is now nothing but a cathartic collapse.

Of course, even so, Dong Zhuo himself was not in a hurry to leave, not even most of the civil servants in the court, they were all waiting, and Dong Zhuo was waiting, perhaps because he still had the last hope for Li Ru, for some reason, he I always think that when I was in Xiliang and Hedong, I had many crises, and even relatively speaking, I was facing a more dangerous situation than now. At that time, relying on his persistence and Li Ru's After giving advice and making plans, I finally survived time and time again. Could it be that now that I am powerful and powerful, I have lost the minimum courage at the beginning?

Thinking about it this way, at least he felt that he had more courage to face it.

What's more, going to Chang'an at this time may not be a good thing. You must know that the Xiliang Hanma side is still very noisy, and Duan Wei is not enough to calm down the scene. Lord Chang'an; as for the Yellow Turban Guo Tai in Hedong, Cao Xing had already beaten him without the slightest temper. Dong Zhuo didn't doubt that he was killed in the battle, so if it wasn't for the fact that there were not many troops transferred to Cao Xing to preserve his strength, he would have wiped out this mob group long ago. After all, the Bingzhou Army left behind by Lu Bu was also directly captured by Dong Zhuo He was transferred to Yanshi to be Xu Rong's reinforcements, and now there are more than 4 Bingliang troops in full formation, waiting for the arrival of the coalition forces.

At the same time, relying on the two counties of Hedong and Hongnong as their backing, it can also be said to be a bridge connecting Luoyang and Chang'an. Dong Zhuo has made all the preparations he can do, and now he just waits for further news from there.


In fact, Xu Rong didn't realize that he had overestimated his ability to hold out for a few days until he really faced the impact of the coalition forces. If it wasn't for Li Su's quick vigilance, the coalition forces might have taken Yanshi directly in the first half day , whether it is a battle of wits or courage, the allied princes who are desperate at this time will not be inferior to them, not to mention that they still have an absolute advantage now.

It has to be said that it may be due to the previous experience at Hulao Pass that the cooperation and tactics of the coalition forces in siege have become much more mature and more lethal. Their siege equipment is not lacking, and although Kong Rong The old and weak soldiers, Wang Kuang, Bao Xin, Zhang Chao and others are suspected of holding back, but they are still very good as cannon fodder for the siege. Anyway, there are elite soldiers from the Yuan family and Han Fu and others. It is impossible to resist by obeying orders. They use them to attract the "firepower" of the Yanshi defenders, and then the elite soldiers go into battle.

After only one day and one night, of the [-] defenders in Yanshi, more than one-third of them were casualties. The mild ones temporarily lost their combat effectiveness, and the severe ones died directly.

This is a cruel battlefield, there is no mercy and gentleness at all!

Under the violent attack of the coalition forces, Yanshi City is like a lone boat with no support in the stormy waves, and it is in danger of capsizing at any time. If it weren't for Yang Ding's rich experience in defending the city and Xu Rong's ability to dispatch troops, then In addition, Li Su went from side to side and carefully dealt with the coalition forces' methods. Whether they can survive the next day is still a question.

And this is already the third day!

On the tower of Yanshi city, it has been dyed red, and the blood seems to flow endlessly. Jun couldn't breathe at all, he hardly had a moment to rest, and now even hissing was a little weak, it was not that he had no fighting spirit, otherwise he wouldn't have fought until now, but his voice was going to be hoarse, and his arms were about to wave It hurts, but the enemy seems to be endlessly slaughtered.

The coalition army has a large number of people, whether it is cannon fodder or elite soldiers, they can afford it, and they even play a rotation system now, so that the Yanshi defenders can't get any rest at all. In this case, it is simply God's will To be able to support them until now.

And the three bloody figures at the most obvious position are also the benchmark of all the defenders at this time, their flags, but it is obvious that they are also panting from exhaustion, and Xu Rong's eyes are red, God knows this For two or three days he hardly closed his eyes.

"Maochang, what should we do? It seems that we can't hold on any longer, the gates of the city have been smashed to pieces..." What worries the three defenders the most is not the strength of their subordinates, but how much they can support until now. To be honest, they are all satisfied, but the defense of Yanshi City itself is not strong enough. With the various means of the coalition forces, it can be said that it is only a matter of time before the city gate is smashed, and it will not be long.

Xu Rong is also very helpless, but what can he do?

It's not that I haven't thought about rushing to repair the city gate these days, but the coalition forces have been attacking endlessly, and they can't even take a rest. Wanton destruction and interference, so there are now results.

Looking at the sky in the distance, and the calmness on the distant horizon, Xu Rong couldn't help but a deep worry flashed in his eyes: that's it, is it defeated?

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