My template is really center

Chapter 19 The new season's Huskies team lineup!

Chapter 19 The new season's Huskies team lineup!

Chapter 19 Huskies lineup for the new season!

"No, I really didn't lie to you. Besides, even if you didn't make it to the NBA, believe me, with your talent, you can definitely make a name for yourself in other professional leagues.

For example, European basketball leagues, such as China's CBA, etc. Although the income of players in these leagues is not as good as that of the NBA, if they play well, it is not a big problem to earn a million dollars a year! "

Then, no matter how Xu Lang and Romar tried to persuade Wang Sihua, Wang Sihua always treated liars.

Don't agree, don't respond, ignore!
In the end, seeing that this guy just didn't want to stay on the basketball team, Xu Lang and Romar thought together a little bit, and felt that forcing Wang Sihua to play might only be counterproductive.

Therefore, after the two discussed, they changed their strategy.

"Well, you've come anyway, and you've seen that we've only retained six regular players and four substitute players this year."

"Since you have passed our test and entered the ranks of official players, why don't you stay and experience it? Even if you don't play, it's good to come to us for free exercise occasionally!"

"Free fitness", four big words flashed in Wang Sihua's mind immediately.

"It seems to be pretty good. I'm still thinking about when I'll find a part-time job in a gym to take advantage of fitness opportunities!"

Although Wang Sihua has always aimed to become a wise scientist in life, in Wang Sihua's view, no matter how wise a scientist is, he must have good enough physical fitness to support his scientific career.

Therefore, Wang Sihua has never stopped doing various exercises, including playing basketball and going to the gym often, although he went there as a staff member.

After Xu Lang saw that Wang Sihua was moved by his proposal, he immediately said!
"Okay, that's it. Anyway, you are mainly afraid that the basketball team's training will affect your studies. I am your substitute player.

You don't need to spend too much time on basketball team training, you just need to give me your class schedule and study timetable, and we will arrange time for you to train. "

"I promise it won't affect your class and study, and our basketball team still has a half-award chance. Later, I will apply with the coach and the higher-ups, and I will give you this spot directly!"

With that said, Xu Lang was about to push Wang Sihua to the coach's office to fill out the form.

"Hey, hey, I haven't agreed yet..."

Although Wang Sihua said that he hadn't agreed yet, but after he heard that he could exercise for free and that someone would make a special training plan for him, which would not affect his class and study, he already wanted to agree!
Then, after Xu Lang said that he would give him a half prize for sports, his eyes lit up!

In the end, after tossing for so long, Wang Sihua still stayed on the basketball team, and after getting Wang Sihua's class schedule and study time that night, Xu Lang and the relevant trainers began to make a training plan for Wang Sihua for the next semester !

In fact, since the team has six main players who are sure to occupy a lot of playing time, the newcomers Wang Sihua who entered the bench list will not get much playing time in the first year.

Therefore, although it seems that Wang Sihua has half joined the basketball team, in fact, there is no difference between joining the basketball team and actually joining the basketball team!

And after this team's public recruitment, the Huskies also determined their main player list.

Huskies starting lineup:

Center: Joan Bruce, Strength: D+ level (c level)
Power forward: Yi Jianlian, strength: c+ (b+)
Small forward: Xu Lang, strength: c+ level (c+ level)
Shooting guard: Jerry Gerrard, strength: d+ grade (c- grade)
Point guard: Roy, strength: b-level (a-level)
Sixth man: Bobby Jones, strength: d+ level (c level)
Substitutes: Wang Sihua (level c+), Carey Bryan (level c-), Eric Sen (level c-), and several other players.

(Note: The upper limit of potential is inside the brackets, and the current level of strength is outside the brackets. These players who are on the bench have not started to train well, so there is no evaluation of their strength level for the time being!)

Brian and Eric were the other two guys Xu Lang discovered during his public recruitment that had reached the level of professional players.

It's just that unlike Gerrard, who is seriously partial to science, these two are players with normal talents reaching C-level!

The so-called normal talent reaches c-level, in other words, these two players have no characteristics, that is, they can be stars among amateur players, but it is difficult to touch the professional player circle in this life.

Of course, although it is impossible for these two people to start their basketball careers, for the Huskies, these two people are enough to support the team's bench lineup, and they can even become the team's starters after training in the future.

At the same time, it can also be seen from the final starting list that Gerrard was not placed on the bench as originally planned.

Instead, he directly became the starting shooting guard for the Huskies in the new season, that is, Xu Lang, who was originally scheduled to be the starting shooting guard, was squeezed into the small forward position!

Of course, this is a joke. Gerrard was mentioned in the starting lineup, which was proposed by Xu Lang. The reason is very simple. Gerrard's flaws are so obvious that even if he is placed on the bench, he will become a Defensive weakness.

Especially in the training match, as long as Xu Lang and others play against Gerrard alone, they can easily penetrate the defensive line of the substitute lineup.

Moreover, because Gerrard is used as a core scoring point in the bench lineup, when he has no other teammates who can help attract the defense.

Xu Lang only needs to stare at Gerrard's shots on the offensive end, and he can directly completely block the offense of the bench lineup!

Therefore, after many considerations, Xu Lang finally suggested to Romar whether to put Gerrard in the starting lineup for a try.

Then, Romar, who put Gerrard in the starting lineup just with the mentality of trying, got an unexpected surprise.

Gerrard is unexpectedly in tune with several players in the starting lineup, and the problem of being amplified by wireless has also been improved.

After all, in the starting lineup, Gerrard is just a pitcher, the offensive end is a fixed point of involvement, and the defensive end only needs to defend the opponent's weakest offensive player.

This allowed Gerrard's shooting threats and defensive flaws to be played out and covered up, respectively.

In addition, after Bobby Jones was demoted to the bench, the Huskies team, which was completely dominated by rookies, had an old man with rich game experience sitting on the bench.

Therefore, after such an exchange, many problems of the Huskies team have been solved.

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(End of this chapter)

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