Chapter 103 102. A Man Born Between Heaven and Earth

Ning An was still sitting on the ground and didn't get up, even the people next to him jumped up in shock, pointing at the majestic Lu Fengxian in the sky far away, with all kinds of envy in their mouths.

He looked calm, even a little disdainful.

Although this group of people's cultivation base is now higher than their own, they are all a group of people who have never seen the world, and their Taoism is not stable.It will be difficult to become a master in the future.

Ning An was not interested in sizing up Lu Fengxian with the others, because he and Lu Fengxian were the same people, and they both wanted to stab their adoptive father...

Looking at another self is really boring.

However, behind Lu Fengxian, when cavalrymen riding black horses, wearing black armor, and showing only a pair of eyes all rose together, Ning An finally stood up.

He was a little greedy for the cavalry behind Lu Fengxian.

These cavalry could crush some of the cultivators next to him just by their aura, and they were just one of Lu Fengxian's soldiers.

There are at least several hundred cavalrymen, which means that Lu Fengxian has gained a lot of benefits in the battlefield of the heavens, and he can already carry hundreds of people in and out at the same time.

It means that he has robbed a lot of heavenly luck in the battlefield of the heavens.

All luck, this thing is very precious, the more you get, the more people you will bring in in the future, which means that the overall strength of your side will be stronger.

This is not a battlefield for one person, it requires teamwork, and more people are a great advantage.


In the distance, Lu Fengxian waved the Fang Tianji in his hand and let out a roar.

He rode a red rabbit horse and led a group of cavalry behind him to sprint.

And the target is actually Ning An's side!
Everyone who was still watching the show panicked instantly when they saw this scene.

Someone also excitedly said: "Lu Fengxian is also here, which shows that the news about Zhanshen Feidao is true!"

God Slaying Flying Knife?

Ning An heard another piece of news, which seemed to be a magic weapon.

He didn't make a sound, and continued to listen to the discussion of the people next to him.

Soon, he had a general understanding.

There are all kinds of people in this battlefield of the heavens, and some of them are good at divination. After the divination person calculates that there will be a treasure in a certain place, he will not snatch it, but chooses to share the news. Sell ​​to other people, trade messages for useful items or spells.

They don't just sell to one person, they sell to many people at the same time.

However, the position of their divination is not necessarily accurate, it can only be said to be about five or five.

But this time, because of Lu Fengxian's arrival, the target is also here, so the people around him think that the divination person is right.

For everyone, this is a happy and painful news.

The happy thing is that the news I got is true, and the painful thing is that Lu Fengxian also took a fancy to this place, which means that there is a high probability that they will miss the baby, and they might die here.

Some people pondered for a while and decided to leave decisively, while some people gritted their teeth and decided to stay.

People who cultivate immortals are sailing against the current. If they don't advance, they will retreat. How can they shrink back because of some fear.

Thinking about Lu Fengxian, wasn't he just an ordinary person at the beginning, but later on, it wasn't because of his courage, daring to be reckless, daring to risk his life, and daring to stab his adoptive father... that he achieved today's achievements.

Those who stayed kept cheering themselves up in their hearts, and Lu Fengxian also led a group of cavalry to arrive here at this time.

Lu Fengxian's eyes were cold, and he glanced at the people who hadn't left. In order to preserve his strength, he didn't rashly order the people below to clear the field.

This battlefield of the heavens is really too big, and recklessly clearing the battlefield will only benefit those in the dark.

【Congratulations!You looted 158 aura points! 】

Ning An stared blankly at the message that suddenly appeared.

Then he soon came to his senses, and looked at Lu Fengxian with fiery eyes.

The only one who can plunder so much aura at once, and has the strength to provide so much, is the righteous father killer in front of him.

This is a super big and fat leek, and this wool, he is determined.

Ning An thought for a while, then immediately stepped forward, cupped his fists at Lu Fengxian and said, "I'm in Ning'an, I've heard of the general's reputation for a long time, and I want to worship the general, and I hope the general will not give up!"

Ning An's actions instantly silenced the surroundings.

Lu Fengxian was also taken aback, a smile appeared on his cold face.

He is a person who likes to be praised, so Ning An came out in front of so many people to admire his reputation, which is naturally a very face-saving thing.

You must know that no matter how strong or weak a cultivator is, they basically have a superior temperament, for fear that their aura will be affected because of their weak aura.

Immortal cultivators like Ning An are very rare.

However, admiration is admiration, he can't just accept Ning An, because his strength is too weak.

Although weak, but there is still some time before the opening of the treasure mechanism, so he might as well have some fun.

So, he glanced at Ning An, and said with a smirk: "Everyone says that I, Lu Fengxian, are a family slave with three surnames. What do you think of that?"

Hearing this, the immortal cultivators all around subconsciously leaned back. Naturally, they knew what it meant to be called a servant of the three surnames. He is strong.

Hearing this, Ning An's expression remained the same, he blinked, and immediately said: "A man was born between heaven and earth, how can he live under the people for a long time, the general is a hero of the world, like that Ding Yuan Dong Zhuo and his ilk, they are also paired with the general Tell me what to do? If I am under the command of the general, why do I need the general to do it myself? I can kill these treacherous people with my own hands, so as not to tarnish the general's reputation..."

Lu Fengxian, who didn't take it seriously at first, heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, he looked at Ning An seriously, and finally nodded: "Okay, you just follow me for now."

[Lu Fengxian's favorability towards you has increased a bit, current favorability: 1]

Ning An looked at this reminder and remained silent. He really deserved to be a slave of the three surnames, no matter how nice he was, he couldn't easily get his favorability.

But it doesn't matter, as long as he can improve his cultivation and find a chance to gather wool by Lu Fengxian's side, Ning An doesn't care, he's just a tool man.

The most important thing is that in the current four weeks, no one can fight better than Lu Fengxian, and this is still a free guard.

This is just an episode.

Next, everyone waited quietly in place.

Ning An, on the other hand, sat cross-legged silently by the side, watching the rising spiritual energy value and meditating.

Aura value: 3049/100000
This Lu Fengxian is really a qualified leek.

The calm did not last long. With the shaking of the earth's crust, many people realized that the treasure was about to be revealed.

Soon, Ning An saw a large pit appearing directly in front of him.

The pit is very deep and bottomless, but a road leading to the abyss can be seen.

After the deep pit appeared, some immortal cultivators couldn't bear it anymore and rushed down directly.

But they had just flown into the air, when a black tentacle shot up into the sky from the bottom of the deep pit, piercing through their hearts.

The black tentacles looked like some kind of refined plants, and the entire tentacles were covered with all kinds of thorns. It pierced through the immortal cultivators in the sky one by one like skewers, and it was so fast that it was impossible to dodge.

Countless cultivators screamed fiercely, and corpses fell to the ground one after another.

Ning An's expression also became serious. If he went up by himself, he wouldn't be able to get past the tentacles' defense at all.

He observed Lu Fengxian next to him again.

The latter was extremely calm from the beginning to the end. He seemed to have seen such scenes a lot. Even when the passage of the treasure was opened just now, he remained unmoved and stood quietly in place.

It was the appearance of the tentacles that made him frown slightly.

It can be seen that Lu Fengxian also felt that this tentacle was a bit tricky.

However, he didn't flinch. When those cultivators were frightened and dared not go forward, he took the rein and walked forward.

Fang Tianji waved a beautiful spear flower in his hand, bright red flames poured out from his palm in an instant, the whole bar of the painted halberd was instantly burned, and smashed directly towards the black tentacles.

Seeing this scene, Ning An turned his head silently, and said to the nearest black armored soldier, "I see that brother is very powerful, he must be a strong general in the army."

The soldier in black turned his head to look at Ning An, didn't speak, then looked back at the battlefield.

Ning An didn't give up, and took out a handful of pills from his bosom and stuffed them quietly, but the other party just glanced at them and didn't pick them up.

Lu Bu's army was strictly governed, and orders and orders were strictly prohibited. Obviously, the soldiers under him were not allowed to chat casually or accept gifts privately.

Ning An knew that this road was blocked, so he simply looked around.

Those immortal cultivators before were no longer calm at this time, and they all avoided far away, watching the situation on the battlefield.

Lu Bu clearly had the upper hand, and after a few moves, he chopped off the black tentacles.

Looking at the deep pit, Lu Fengxian fell into deep thought. Originally, he didn't plan to clear the field now, and needed to lure out the dark people. However, because of the appearance of the black tentacles, he, who has rich experience on the battlefield, knew that whether it was himself or the dark people, They would definitely think of filling the hole with these immortal cultivators, and they would not have conflicts with each other because of this.

So, he turned his head and glanced at those cultivators, and said coldly: "You guys come by yourself, or should I invite you down?"

What Lu Bu expressed was obvious, he needed these people to fill in the pits.

Ning An also understood the conversations of the immortal cultivators just now. They looked at him with malicious intentions, and what they said was similar to Lu Bu, trying to fill in the hole for him.

It's just that, now that their identities have been changed, it's not themselves who will be filled in, but them.

It's ridiculous to think about these people. They knew that they needed someone to fill in the hole, but they didn't leave when Lu Bu came just now, and they insisted on waiting until the crisis was imminent.

While Ning An was thinking, there was a sound of horseshoes not far away.

Then, a group of red-clothed and red-armored sergeants appeared, and the leading man was also dressed in a dignified manner, standing on a horse with a red tasseled gun in his hand.

"Lu Fengxian, please stay safe."

Ning An noticed that with the appearance of the red-clothed soldier, the immortal cultivators who watched were obviously relieved.

It seems that his guess just now was wrong. It's not that these people are stupid and unwilling to leave, but that they have descendants and cards, and they are also ordered by this person to wait here.

"Hong Qinhu..."

Lu Bu muttered to himself, then glanced playfully at the relieved immortal cultivators behind Hong Qinhu, and said with a smile: "You and I don't know what's under this deep pit, some people are always needed to fill it. Although you will eventually have a battle, there is no need for a conflict right now, why don't you let these people go down and fill up the pit before making any plans?"

"General Hong, absolutely not, don't believe the words of the slaves of the three surnames..."

When those immortal cultivators heard this, they immediately panicked and tried to dissuade them.

But Hong Qinhu glanced at them blankly, and said with a sneer: "Anyway, you have no use value, so you might as well make some contributions to the general."

Hong Qinhu's words undoubtedly sentenced them to death.

These immortal cultivators were completely panicked, and before they had time to curse, many of them turned around and ran away.

However, those red-clothed soldiers were already prepared, equipped with bows and crossbows in their hands, aiming and shooting directly towards the sky.

These bows and crossbows are not ordinary products.A streak of blood-red arrows pierced the sky, and the monks who had just flew not far fell down one after another, and then were lifted up by the red-clothed armor, and dropped into the deep pit one by one.

In the deep pit, as the corpses fell, there were sounds from time to time.

But Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu are experienced people, and they can already distinguish the situation below by their voices alone.

Compared with them, Ning An's gaze was more focused on the bow and crossbow on the waist of the red armored soldier.

These bows and crossbows are very unusual, they should be magical weapons and the like, and they can shoot monks down. What's more extravagant is that each of these red-clothed soldiers is equipped with one.

If the soldiers of Daning also had these bows and crossbows in their hands, their combat power would definitely be greatly improved.

Ning An glanced at the bows and crossbows with greedy eyes. The battlefield of the heavens is indeed full of treasures, and any soldier holds a magic weapon in his hand.

"Let's go, General Lu."

Hong Qinhu extended an invitation to Lu Fengxian.

No nonsense, he and Lu Fengxian have been hanging out on the battlefield of the heavens for so many years. After those immortal cultivators who filled the pit were thrown away, they have already judged the degree of danger below. Obviously, it has not yet reached the point where they cannot go down.

Lu Fengxian nodded calmly, while controlling the reins, he commanded the troops to enter the underground palace. However, when he saw Ning An, he said calmly: "You are not part of our army, you can't go, go back."

Ning An was also thinking about the treasure in the pit, and after thinking about it, Lu Fengxian interrupted him when he was about to speak: "When I first saw you, I was a little pleasing to the eye, but if you dare to talk nonsense, I will be talking to you now." Then cut off your head."

"Do you really think that just a few words can make this general look at you with admiration? People need to recognize their own position, you know?"

Lu Fengxian's indifference and arrogance made Ning An squint his eyes slightly. It seems that this tool man is not so easy to pluck his wool, so he didn't bother to continue making false claims. He calmly replied: "You seem to be a little too confident in yourself."

Hearing Ning An's answer, Lu Fengxian was taken aback. According to his impression of Ning An at the beginning, he was just a villain who was good at showing courtesy. Why did he suddenly become so stubborn now?

However, why should he?A little foundation cultivator?
[Lu Fengxian's favorability towards you has decreased, current favorability: -30]

Ning An received a reminder, and it was obvious that Lu Bu was very angry at this moment.

But he didn't care about it. A leek is nothing more than a bunch of useless data when it can't be harvested. Don't get used to it.

The indifferent look on Ning An's face instantly made Lu Fengxian lose face. He gritted his teeth, pulled the bowstring, and aimed at Ning An.

He pulled the bowstring, but didn't draw it, as if he wanted to see despair and fear on Ning An's face, hoping that Ning An would be as courteous as he was at the beginning and begged himself to spare his life.

But, none of these things, Ning An has always been looking at him calmly, that look, it seems that he is not looking at a person, but some kind of mischievous animal...

Why is he so calm?Why? !

Lu Feng asked himself first, he was so angry that he couldn't hold it anymore, the bowstring in his hand finally loosened!
An arrow light pierced the air, and the arrow light instantly penetrated Ning An's body, and the powerful spiritual energy instilled directly crushed him into powder!
When Lu Fengxian saw this scene, the expression on his face eased a lot, and he felt refreshed for a while.

Hehe, it's nothing more than a waste, so what can you do if you are stubborn?What can be changed?

Looking at the billowing dust, Lu Feng smiled first, then pulled the rein, turned around and rushed to the pit, and all the soldiers behind followed.

At this time, Ning An slowly got up from the ground, walked out of the dust, and his body recovered as before, as if he hadn't been hit by the arrow just now. That arrow did finish him, but unfortunately, he Come alive.

Turning around, he silently watched the figures disappearing into the pit.

A sneer appeared on the corner of Ning An's mouth.

This Lv Bu doesn't talk about Wude a bit.

This leek is not so easy to cut.

Since you can't cut it off, you can't squeeze the wool, and you want your own life, then just turn the table over.

Ning An turned around and walked towards a place with more traffic.

There are people from all ethnic groups in the battlefield of the heavens, and there is usually a market every other place.

In the market, items such as magic weapons can be purchased and traded.

Ning An didn't trade any items, but went directly to the Tianji Pavilion in the market.

It is said that in the battlefield of the heavens, there will be disciples of Tianji Pavilion in every market.

In Tianji Pavilion, news can be bought and sold.

Rumors on the battlefield of the heavens, you can't believe everyone's words, but only Tianji Pavilion can.

Tianji Pavilion already existed when the battlefield of the heavens appeared, and it has a good reputation foundation. Even if the last news is wrong, the other party will pay ten times the compensation.

"Are you here to buy or sell?"

The Tianji Pavilion disciple with a goatee sat in front of the stage, looking at Ning An with a smile.

Ning An said directly: "I want to sell news about Zhanshen Flying Knife."

The disciple of Tianji Pavilion smiled and shook his head after hearing this: "Your Excellency said this is no secret, sorry, Tianji Pavilion will not accept it."

Ning An lowered his voice: "Some people know that the news about Zhanshen Flying Knife is true, but does anyone know its current situation? Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu are both fighting for it now. Apart from these two, there is no one around. one person……"

When the disciple of Tianji Pavilion heard this, his eyes lit up immediately. He stood up, looked at Ning An carefully, and then said: "According to the rules of our Tianji Pavilion, you need to inform the news first, and we will send someone to check first, and then we can If it is delayed during this period to confirm the truth, but as long as the news is true, the Tianji Pavilion will not fail to recruit."

After hearing this, Ning An didn't have ink marks, and directly sold Lu Fengxian. He was the only one who came out alive. This news is exclusive to him.

What's more, what he really wants to sell is not only God Zhan Flying Knife, but also the news about Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu.

These two people are crazy people, and they offended many people in the battlefield of the heavens. Now that the two tigers are fighting, one of them must be injured. What will the people who usually have conflicts with them think when they get the news?
Ning An felt that, anyway, if he was himself, after learning about the enemy's situation, he would definitely not miss this golden opportunity.

Soon, after waiting for about a quarter of an hour, Tianji Pavilion confirmed that Ning An's news was true.

The disciple of Tianji Pavilion pinched his goatee and burst into laughter. He had a hunch that it was going to be lively now.

Whether it is Lu Fengxian or Hong Qinhu, there are really many enemies in the battlefield of the heavens. After the news about the two people's struggle spreads, there will inevitably be countless people who want to go and reap the benefits of the fisherman.

"What do you want in exchange?"

The Tianji Pavilion disciple looked at Ning An and asked.

Ning An thought for a while, recalling the crossbows in the hands of the soldiers under Hong Qinhu's command just now. He was deeply impressed by the power of those crossbows, which could greatly raise the lower limit of the soldiers' cultivation.

Therefore, Ning An directly raised his request.

The disciple of Tianji Pavilion thought for a while after hearing this, then turned around, took out a blueprint from a mechanism box and handed it over, and said with a smile: "Your Excellency just said it should be a keel bow, the power is really amazing, suitable for lieutenant officers and soldiers Wearing it, but its biggest difficulty is not with the blueprints, but with the materials used to make it.”

"As the name suggests, the dragon bone bow needs dragon bones and tendons to make it into shape, but the dragon clan has long said that whoever dares to use the body of the dragon clan to make a magic weapon will be immortal with the dragon clan. Therefore, those related to the dragon clan are handed down on the market now. Most of them are magical artifacts left over from the past, but now, few people dare to continue to use the body of the dragon clan to make magical artifacts."

After Ning An got the blueprint, he immediately put it away.

The keel is hard to find, because it will offend the dragon clan, but he doesn't care. If the day of crisis really comes, he can't care about the dragon clan. The first thing he has to do is to protect the people of Daning.

After leaving the Tianji Pavilion, Ning An saw that there were many strange figures in the Tianji Pavilion.

He guessed that Tianji Pavilion had already sold his news.

Now, many people are rushing to that pit.

Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu thought that if they killed everyone, no one would know the situation of the pit, but unfortunately, they had missed themselves.

Ning An didn't stay in the market for too long. Right now, he doesn't have the resources to trade many magic weapons. It can be said that this is the first time he came to the Battle of the Heavens, and he needs more experience to prepare for the next time.

Of course, this trip is quite fruitful, at least the blueprint for making the keel bow has been obtained.

In addition to the keel bow, he didn't intend to just give up on the God Zhan Flying Knife in the pit.

Although it is difficult to get the Zhanshen Flying Knife in the hands of a group of powerful immortal cultivators, it does not mean that there is no chance.

The advantage of other immortal cultivators lies in their strength, while his advantage lies in the ability to be unexpected, and the opponent would never have imagined that even if he was beaten to ashes, he would be able to revive him...


In the pit.

In other words, this is not a pit, but it looks more like it from the outside. In fact, there are universes underneath, which are magnificent underground palaces.

The underground palace has been around for many years, and the past of the underground palace is engraved on the murals covered with soil debris on both sides.

The original underground palace should belong to a country. Later, due to some reasons, the emperor of the country fell during his cultivation, and the country was invaded. When the situation was overwhelming, the new successor of the country pressed the mechanism and brought the enemy to die together.

When the underground palace sank, someone carved this mural. As time went by, after everyone died one after another, this place became history.

'God Slaying Flying Knife', this magic weapon is the natal magic weapon of the emperor of this country, and it is also left here.

Now the underground palace has sunk, but the organs left on the periphery still exist.

Both Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu tried to let the people below enter the mechanism, but the casualties were heavy, and the two sides no longer dared to advance rashly.

"General, the art of this mechanism corresponds to the five elements and gossip, and there are a few misplaced intentionally. The person who created the mechanism back then never thought that future generations would come out alive, so the way he designed has no way out. Even if he is proficient in the gossip People are helpless when they come.”

Beside Lu Fengxian, a soldier in black squatted on the ground, looked at the mechanism, and finally gave a conclusion.

The news that Hong Qinhu got was similar to that of Lu Bu. Both of them frowned and looked at each other.

At this moment, both sides regretted that there were too many immortal cultivators killed just now. If some were left behind, they could throw them in later to test the depth of the mechanism.

However, there is only a little bit of regret, because this institution is too big, and it feels like it can't be filled without tens of thousands of people.

If tens of thousands of people were recruited to test this institution, the news might have leaked out long ago.

At that time, it will not be just the two of them who will snatch the Zhanshen Flying Knife.

Since outsiders can't count on it now, they can only count on the opponent in front of them.

If you are killed, you can also throw the corpse into it to test and find a new way to survive.

Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu almost thought of this, and they looked at each other, with killing intent flashing in their eyes at the same time.



Inside the underground palace, the generals of the two sides roared angrily.

The cavalry of both sides officially launched a charge contest.

The underground palace is huge, dusty, and horseshoes are flying everywhere.

Lu Fengxian held the Fangtian Halberd in his hand, as if a demon god had come down to earth. He swung the halberd, and red flames radiated from his whole body, which seemed to be able to burn everything!
Hong Qinhu was not to be outdone, and the red tasseled gun turned out a series of gun marks in his hand. Those gun marks were like a brush, drawing a sky-swallowing tiger, with teeth and claws, and a bloody mouth, trying to swallow Lu Fengxian.

The soldiers under the two sides, the black armor and the red armor also officially met and fought!

In the entire underground palace, blood flowed like a river for a while, all kinds of shouts and killings continued, and corpses kept falling down.

On the periphery, immortal cultivators who had already purchased news from Tianji Pavilion sneaked in quietly.

Tianji Pavilion is based on the maximization of benefits, and under the deliberate publicity, the news is sold more and more, and the more it sells, the wider the market. In the end, there are huge crowds of immortal cultivators who come here.

The arrival of so many people at the same time finally caught the attention of Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu.

They stopped each other and looked at the flow of people at the entrance of the underground palace in shock.

Both of them had a lot of scars on their bodies at this time, and they were out of breath, a little unbelievable.

Obviously the news is well sealed, but before entering, the officers and soldiers were specially asked to look around to see if anyone was secretly watching, why is this place still exposed?

Lu Fengxian saw Ning An at the front of the crowd.

The latter was standing there, looking at him coldly, with a smile on the corner of his mouth.

How is he not dead? !
Lu Fengxian's eyes suddenly enlarged, revealing a stupefied expression.

The palm holding Fang Tianji also increased his strength. His current mood was very shocked and complicated.

He can be sure that he shot Ning An with an arrow with all his strength before.

"The slaves of the three surnames and Hong Qinhu were both injured. Everyone, if you have a grudge, you have a grudge. This opportunity is rare, so don't miss it!"

Ning An was in the crowd, screaming loudly.

When the immortal cultivators around heard this, although they knew that the person who yelled these words had bad intentions, their anger and hatred instantly overwhelmed their reason when they thought that their enemy was seriously injured and this opportunity was rare.

After spending so long in the battlefield of the heavens, the number of immortal cultivators offended by these two people is very large.

Now that they finally caught two people who were seriously injured, some people naturally don't want to miss it.

Immediately got up and rushed towards them.

All kinds of swords, shadows and knives flickered.

Countless Magical Artifacts flew against the sky, attacking Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu!

And Ning An quietly came to the side.

There is the only way to go deeper into the underground palace.

Some of the people who came here had a life-and-death feud with Lu Fengxian and the others, and some of them came here for the God-killing Flying Knife.

Standing in front of this mechanism stone road, some immortal cultivators couldn't bear it anymore and tried to take a step forward, but they were soon swallowed back by the mechanism's aura and disappeared directly.

The people behind didn't dare to step forward after seeing it, and they all stopped here.

"Boy, you go first!"

Behind Ning An, an old man with a hooked nose looked at him coldly.

Seeing that Ning An's cultivation was only foundation building, the old man obviously wanted him to be the last one to explore the way.

It wasn't just the old man who had this idea, but some immortal cultivators looked at him fiercely.

Ning An couldn't help but think of what Dugu Yuyun said to himself before entering here. In the battlefield of the heavens, everyone is an egoist. There are no friends here, only interests.

Regarding this, Ning An just chuckled, he knew that even if he refused, this old thing would push him down.

Besides, he never thought of refusing.

Others are afraid, but he is not.

With a relaxed face, he stepped on the mechanism road.

But luckily, he stepped on one of the tens of thousands of grid paths at random, but he missed the trap, and then continued to move down calmly.

The immortal cultivators at the back naturally lined up after seeing it, and followed one after another.

So many people followed one person for a long time, and attracted the attention of many people from the side. They didn't rush forward, but stayed there to observe.

Finally, when Ning An, the leader, stepped on three small paths in a row without incident, there was a problem in the fourth grid.

As soon as he stepped on it, there was a low growl from under the entire lattice road.

A stream of air gushes out quickly.

This air flow was like a sword light, killing him instantly!

The fragile body was directly split in half!
The people behind all showed panic after seeing this scene and dared not step forward.

He even wanted to turn around and retreat, but found that the road behind was already blocked by people.

And they were still there deliberately urging: "Don't stop, go quickly, or I will push you down!"

The cruelty of human nature is fully displayed at this moment.

The hooked-nosed old man who was following Ning An before saw so many people blocking him, he also realized that something was wrong, because he was too complacent just now.

Well now, how he persecuted Ning An at the beginning, now it's his turn.

Just when the hooked-nosed old man was thinking about what to do next, he discovered that Ning An, who had just been killed by the agency, appeared in his original position intact.

He even jumped to the next grid.

The next grid path is safe, and no mechanism has been triggered.

What's going on here?

Not only the hooked-nosed old man saw this scene, but also the other immortal cultivators looked astonished.

Ning An explained calmly: "It's fake, it's an illusion agency, this path is correct."

Hearing Ning An's explanation, many people showed suspicion.

But when they thought that Ning An was really fine, some people started to get restless again.

But the hooked-nosed old man had no choice but to shoot. He gritted his teeth, hoping that Ning An hadn't lied to him, then gritted his teeth and jumped on the grid that Ning An had just walked by.

The results are predictable...

There is no follow-up...

The airflow like sword light directly killed him on the spot.

Ning An, who had avenged his revenge, laughed, looked at the people behind, and said, "Who wants to continue?"

"Boy, you are cheating!"

"Bastard! This old man wants to cut you into pieces!"

The abuse kept ringing out.

With a cold face, Ning An glanced at these people: "Come to me if you have the ability, don't say anything harsh here."

Facing Ning An's provocation, some people continued to curse, but no one dared to step forward.

And the people behind are urging the people in front: "Hurry up, or I will push you!"

The hook-nosed old man was next to a middle-aged man.

With a confused look on his face, he finally looked up at the sky. The sky above was very wide. After thinking about it, he decided to take a gamble, got up with luck, and rushed out of the organ.

However, just as he got up, sword lights streaked across the air, and his entire body was directly divided into countless pieces.

The road to heaven is also impossible.

It means that either the people behind will retreat, or the people in front will continue to move forward until they die, or find their way into the underground palace.

But in the battlefield of the heavens, everyone is self-interested, how can the people behind retreat, they hope that the people in the front will use death to try to find a safe passage.

They will only urge the people in front to go quickly from behind, otherwise they will push them.

The people in front were forced to have no choice but to grit their teeth and move forward, and then paid the price of their lives.

Ning An, on the other hand, relies on the ability of constant resurrection to keep looking for a way out.

Every time he takes a wrong grid path and is obliterated, he will randomly jump to the next intersection when he is resurrected. If he makes a wrong jump, he will continue to be obliterated in place, and then go to find a new path.

In this way, there is always a safe way to try.

And the immortal cultivators behind couldn't learn this trick at all, they only had one life, so they couldn't try it at all.

Some people saw the clue, pointed at Ning An and said, "What is the origin of this kid? Why are there so many dead bodies?"

The body of death is a kind of magic weapon, which can block robbery for the master, but this magic weapon is extremely precious, and it is a one-time consumable, even those who are powerful do not have much in their hands.

But why does this boy in the foundation building period have so many in his hand?

Everyone couldn't figure it out, so they could only grit their teeth and curse.

As for Ning An, he was still trying.

Soon, the distance between him and everyone became farther and farther, and the people behind could only see his back gradually.

In this way, after countless attempts, the brand-new road finally came to an end.

Ning An came to a dilapidated palace. There was a throne in the center of the palace, and a white bone was sitting on the throne.

It seems that many years have passed, and there is still a thick layer of dust on the bones.

In front of the bones was a big box covered in dust.

Ning An stepped forward, not worried about whether there was any mechanism in the box, and just brute force opened it.

In front of him was a flying knife less than a foot long, lying quietly in it, the flying knife could not be seen to be made of any material.

When Ning An picked it up, it felt light and fluffy. It didn't look like a solid substance in his hand, but more like a ball of air was pinched.

It obviously doesn't have much texture, but it still has some touch...

A very contradictory combination.

Next to the flying knife, there is still a thick military book, the cover of which has been destroyed.

Ning An casually flipped through a few pages, which were filled with explanations of battle formations and a lot of professional knowledge, which he couldn't understand.

But it doesn't matter, I don't understand, but Yue Fei can definitely understand.

Ning An directly put away the thick military book without a name, and also discovered it at the same time.

The flying knife in his hand seemed to be moving?
It seems that it has been too long since I have been in contact with the breath of strangers, and it will take some time for the flying knife to be unsealed.

After being held by Ning An for a long time, the flying knife was slowly infused with a living body.

It started to vibrate.

Ning An's attention was attracted by it, and the flying knife came out of his hand and floated in front of his eyes.

A piece of information flooded into my mind in an instant.

God Slaying Flying Knife: [Using the spirit and soul as a guide, combining the swords into one, can kill three souls and six souls, and kill gods and Buddhas]

Crazy tone.

Ning An looked at the introduction and was a little surprised. In this small underground palace, a magic weapon is so rampant?
Although a lot of images about how to use the Zhanshen Flying Knife appeared in his mind just now, and the power is indeed powerful, but whether it has really reached the level it said, Ning An is not clear for the time being.

And now, he encountered a new problem.

I saw that the white bones sitting on the throne in front of him actually woke up.

The white bone frame loosened slightly, making a rattling sound, and then slowly sat up.

Green flames are beating in the hollow bones eyes.

It looked at Ning An, as if showing a smile.

The Zhanshen Flying Knife is not fake, but it is a trap. It is the escape route left by the original owner deliberately.

It lures the world to come in, just to take home and be reborn!
In Ning An's mind, he instantly understood the cause and effect.

Because, the owner of this white bone left a trace of consciousness in the God Zhan Flying Knife, and now, he is trying to take himself away!

PS: Thanks to the leader of Taoist priest 'Tianhai Xiangyun', I would like to add more chapters and send them together. There are [-] characters in total. I will try my best to continue to update the [-] words tomorrow. If you have tickets, please support them. Thank you very much!

 Thanks to Taoist 'Tianhai Xiangyun' for the 5000 reward, successfully promoted to leader!
  Thanks to 'Langhuan' and 'Mujiangyi' for the reward of [-] coins, thank you to everyone!
(End of this chapter)

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