The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 106 105. Scarlet Great Wall, 8 monks who destroyed Jin Kingdom

Chapter 106 105. The Scarlet Great Wall, Eighteen Monks Who Destroyed the Golden Kingdom
After leaving Jinshan Temple, Ning An returned to the main hall, but he didn't stay too long. The character stayed in the main hall and hung up the phone to continue practicing. In reality, he finally became active.

Recently, he has been indulging in the game world for too long, and he almost can't tell which is reality and which is a game.

Contact with the outside world has also been cut off for a long time.

Since the last time I handed over the qi training method to Wu Zhao, the Federation has no energy to focus on myself.

Now, all the people are cultivating immortals.

Ning An got up and walked to the window, watching the warm golden sun shine into the room through the window, making it feel warm.

He hadn't felt such a warm moment for a long time.

After casually finding a sofa in the house to lie down, Ning An turned on his phone and flipped through the information from the outside world.

[Thanks to Mr. Ning An]

[How did Mr. Ning An get the Qi training method]

【Is Mr. Ning An really a person from our planet】

[All people enter the era of cultivating immortals]

[Qi training method has been popularized all over the country]

[Federation officially established Cultivation Cultivation Tutorial Class to help students who are slow in their practice to make up for free]

【Haha, fellow daoists, do you still remember me?I am the mighty Tianzun who made the great wish at the beginning, I have successfully established the foundation, and next time I will resound through the Three Realms]

[Under the guidance of Mr. Ning An, the Yaozu has formally cooperated with us humans. We have successfully counterattacked the crack. This is the first time humans have counterattacked the crack in hundreds of years.]

[The crack counterattack has made great progress, and the future of mankind can be expected]

Ning An lay slightly sideways on the sofa, sliding the phone screen with one hand, and pressing the other hand under his buttocks.

Even though he is already an old monster in the Nascent Soul stage, this habit still hasn't been changed.

Half of the posts I found were about myself, and most people are now very curious about me, wondering if he is a fairy descended from the world, or some powerful reincarnation...

Others are discussing how to build a foundation, how to practice, and the cram school that cannot escape no matter how the world changes.

In addition, because of what he said last time, the demon clan has already cooperated with humans and started to fight back against the cracks, and the effect seems to be quite good.

It is estimated that it will not be long before humans can regain their territory, and everything is slowly getting better.

After making up for the recent lack of news about the outside world, Ning An put away his phone and started to practice in the game again.

In reality, because it is not within the scope of Ningguo, there is a distance limit for plundering spiritual energy, and many people have not even arrived at the foundation building, so staying in reality will only affect the speed of his cultivation.

Back in the game, Ning An spent a month peacefully.

During this month, apart from occasionally flipping through the phone in reality to check the latest news, the rest of the time was spent frantically harvesting leeks in the game.

However, during this period, some soldiers stationed on the border of Ningguo also reported that the black fog in some places was slowly decreasing on the border of Daning.

It is estimated that it will not take long for the black mist to dissipate completely.

When Ning An heard the news, he immediately ordered the border to strengthen patrols and vigilance. This time, he didn't know what he was facing after the fog was unlocked.

The first time was Mount Shu, and the second time was Jiaolong Lake and the Seven Kingdoms. The number of scenes unlocked by the mist has increased many times. This third time, there may be more...

"Report to the Emperor of Heaven, Guan Zhong asks to see you."

Outside the hall, an eunuch interrupted Ning An's thoughts.

For the talents of the Seven Kingdoms, Ning An had specially greeted them before, if he wanted to see him, the eunuch would just let him know, as long as he had time, he would meet them.

He pays special attention to the talents of the Seven Kingdoms.

But after a month, no one came to see me, as if they were all busy with their own affairs, and Guan Zhong was the first one.

With a head of white hair and wearing plain clothes, Guan Zhongbing straightened his body and bowed respectfully to Ning An: "My humble servant pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven."

Ning An sat up straight, with a smile on his face: "Excuse me, sir, is there something important to discuss today?"

Guan Zhong put down his hands, and nodded slightly: "To the Emperor of Heaven, it has been more than a month since I joined the household department. These days, I have been looking at Daning's current situation, and I am so heartbroken that I can't sleep at night."

Ning An was taken aback for a moment, these literati liked to speak politely, they even beat around the bush, and their tone was extremely exaggerated.

He, Daning, is clearly thriving now, but why did he become heartbroken in Guan Zhong's mouth...

But Ning An wasn't angry either, he was a person who listened to good words, if the other party was talking nonsense, it wouldn't be too late to pull them out and chop them up.

So, he looked at Guan Zhong seriously: "Sir, you have something to say."

Guan Zhong nodded, pinching his white beard, and said: "Although I have been working in the Ministry of Officials recently, I still took a special look at other departments. In the end, I felt that the division of labor in each department was not clear, and there was no priority between top and bottom, and it was chaotic. "

Ning An thought about it carefully, and found that what Guan Zhong said made some sense.

The reason why he can become the king of Daning is because Zhou Emperor rebelled and he was forced to punish rape and eradicate evil...

From the very beginning, he managed the entire Ning country in order to better provide himself with aura and allow himself to cut leeks better.

He doesn't know how to manage a country at all, he does everything he wants, and the subordinates are not based on ability, but on whoever is loyal to him.

As for the latter, except for his intervention and deployment in the military, the rest basically maintained the original situation.

As for the original officials, they used to manage the mortal world and ordinary people, but now that Daning is a country of cultivating immortals, the mortal world is obviously outdated.

But all of this, he has not changed, and is still developing.

Now that Guan Zhong said these words, there was chaos from top to bottom, and he agreed with them.

Therefore, Ning An couldn't help but nodded.

After seeing it, Guan Zhong continued: "If a country wants to maintain its operations, the most basic thing is to count the population. However, Weichen saw that the population list of the Ministry of Household Statistics only indicated 2000 million, but did not indicate the 2000 million. How many are young and middle-aged people? How many are old and young?"

"And the number of foundation establishment is marked as 600 million, which also does not indicate the ratio of young and middle-aged to old and young."

"If there is no detailed population statistics, then how will we issue corresponding training formulas in the future? Take the Iron Back Kung Fu popularized by General Yue in the army as an example. If it is directly promoted in the country, the body of a young child will He Gengu is not suitable for cultivation at all, if you rashly set the rules and let the people below practice, destroying the young Gengu, wouldn't you be digging your own grave?"

Ning An listened to Guan Zhong's words silently, and also realized the seriousness of the matter. If he still couldn't get rid of the mentality of cutting leeks, then the development of Ning State and various disadvantages would definitely show up one by one in the future.

Now Ningguo's management is in a state of chaos, with no priority, which greatly wastes resources. Even if they cut leeks, these are not well-developed leeks, and they will still affect him.

Therefore, Ning An listened to Guan Zhong's words, and nodded: "Sir, what you said makes sense."

Seeing that Ning An had listened to his words, Guan Zhong smiled gratifiedly, then nodded, and continued: "Recently, the Emperor of Heaven asked his subordinates to distribute herbs and elixir to the people below to help them practice and build a foundation as soon as possible, but Although the officials at the top are meticulously fulfilling your orders, when the pills are distributed to the bottom, there are layers of deductions. Many officials below are filling their own pockets. In fact, there are not many pills distributed to the people. .”

"That's why Weichen suggested that in the future, every elixir issued should have a clear account record, clearly recording the whereabouts of the elixir, and every once in a while, officials from the court should be sent to visit secretly, so as to Make sure that the pills are distributed to those who need them."

Guan Zhong's words startled Ning An instantly.

He didn't expect that there would be corrupt officials filling their pockets now?

He has always been the only one who can pluck other people's wool, but there is no reason why anyone can pluck his own wool.

He gritted his teeth and said bitterly: "I will definitely let people investigate this matter thoroughly, kill one of them, and will not tolerate it!"

Guan Zhong nodded, and bowed again: "As for the large-scale planting of herbal medicine, I am against it."

Ning An was stunned: "Why do you object, sir? If the people of Daning want to quickly build a foundation, the assistance of herbal alchemy must be a necessity, and it will consume a lot in the later stage."

Guan Zhong said with a smile: "The Emperor of Heaven only thinks of the immortal cultivators who have succeeded in establishing the foundation, but has he ever thought of ordinary people who have not succeeded in establishing the foundation?"

"Daning now has a population of 2000 million, and only 600 million have succeeded in building the foundation. What do the remaining 1000 million people rely on to maintain their rations? Besides, the Emperor of Heaven will definitely fight in all directions in the future and absorb the population of various countries. Now the heavens Among them, there are many mortal countries, after these countries are brought together, what will these mortals eat?"

Ning An calmed down slowly, and kept nodding his head: "Sir, what you said makes sense, but I thought it was too simple. This time, I should give my credit to you."

Guan Zhong didn't pay too much attention to the matter of the first merit. He continued: "In addition to population and food being the foundation of a country, a strong country also has an indispensable and important part of the law."

"Nowadays, foundation builders in Daning and ordinary mortals are in a polarized situation. No matter where the foundation builders go, they will be respected by others, while mortals have to bear a lot of pressure. They also make mistakes, and the foundation builders can be exempted from responsibility." , while mortals are still the same as before."

"If you can't treat people equally, wouldn't the laws of that country be like that child's plaything?"

"That's why I suggested that Daning need to strengthen and implement a new set of laws to restrain those foundation builders and treat them the same as ordinary people. Only in this way can the emperor of heaven stabilize the hearts of the people and make them fear."

Ning An nodded again, his expression becoming more serious, completely gone from the casualness just now.

This Guan Zhong is really a great talent.

After thinking for a while, he asked again: "I'm not good at a country's management and policies. Do you have any recommendations, sir?"

Guan Zhong said with a smile: "Whether the king of a country is good or not is mainly reflected in whether he can listen to good advice and manage talents reasonably. It is enough for the Emperor of Heaven to have these two points."

"The Emperor of Heaven asked the minister if there was anyone he could choose, and the minister could propose two people for the Emperor's reference."

"The way of doing business is to make the country rich and the people strong. Fan Li is far above his ministers. He clears up the laws and perfects the laws. He is fair and just, and Shang Yang is unmatched. These two are the candidates recommended by the ministers. The specific details need to be carefully identified by the emperor to prevent the ministers from being old and dim." , talking nonsense."

Guan Zhong recommended two people, Fan Li and Shang Yang.

Ning An knew how powerful these two were, so he nodded slightly and didn't say anything more.

At the same time, a direct order was issued to transfer the two to the Ministry of Households and the Ministry of Punishment respectively.

After the transfer order was issued, Ning An looked at Guan Zhong again, and said the thought that had arisen in his heart just now: "I am going to set up a cabinet, select six cabinet elders, and take turns on a monthly basis. The duties are above the six ministers, and assist me in governing Ning country. , I would like to invite Mr. to join the cabinet as the first cabinet elder, I don't know what Mr. will do?"

Guan Zhong, who has always been calm, was taken aback when he heard Ning An's words, and his eyes showed a hint of surprise. With his political foresight ability, he can naturally see how much power this cabinet has, which is equivalent to controlling the economic lifeline of the entire country. , but there is the reality of the prime minister.

Didn't Guan Zhong become an official just to express his ambitions? After hearing Ning An's words, he immediately knelt down and said: "I am willing to obey the emperor's order, and I will die!"

Ning An immediately helped Guan Zhong up personally, and he smiled with satisfaction.

In order to better provide himself with high-quality leeks, a great talent like Guan Zhong is absolutely indispensable.

And with the full value of loyalty, there is no need to worry about the problem of too much power.

In addition to setting up a cabinet on the civilian side, he also plans to set up a military cabinet on the military side.

The separation of civil and military rights can better control various departments.

In the future, the cabinet will be in charge of internal affairs and provide logistics, and the military cabinet will accompany him to fight in the heavens, expand his territory, and harvest fresh leeks.

Ning An fantasized about the bright future, and the smile on his face became more and more unstoppable.

Guan Zhong lowered his head, maintaining a respectful posture, and his face was also full of smiles. Of course, he was happy to be able to enter Daning to display his talents and devote all his life's learning.

"Report to the Emperor of Heaven, Lu Ban, the owner of the Tiangong Pavilion, asks to see him."

Outside the hall, there was an eunuch's announcement.

Ning An immediately waved his hand: "Pass."

When Guan Zhong saw it, he cupped his fists and said, "Emperor Heaven, that humble minister will retire first."

After receiving the promise, Guan Zhong stepped back slowly, and greeted Lu Ban who came in with a nod.

Lu Ban was holding a flat plate in his hand, on which was a bow.

When he came to Ning An, Lu Ban smiled and said: "I report to the Emperor of Heaven, I have lived up to my entrustment, and have successfully perfected the keel bow by using the muscles and bones of the dragon. Today, the Gongge is mass producing this thing. In time, I, the generals of Daning There must be a hand in hand."

The Dragonbone Bow has finally been developed.

After hearing this, Ning An hurried forward to pick it up.

On the surface, this keel bow does not look much different from ordinary crossbows, but you can feel the obvious difference when you hold it in the palm of your hand.

First of all, it is very thick, and ordinary mortals, even if they have infinite strength and can open a five-stone bow, don't want to pull it easily.

Secondly, its material is made of the keel and tendon of the dragon, which is very tough, and the force it shoots is definitely not comparable to that of ordinary bows and arrows.

Ning An has seen these bows and crossbows with his own eyes in the battlefield of the heavens. In the hands of monks, they can instill spiritual energy. When an arrow is shot, even if an ordinary monk can block one or two arrows, it is difficult for the densely packed arrows to fly down. Parry.

This is a bow and crossbow that even monks would be afraid of. Even if they meet a high-level cultivator, as long as the bow-holder is not low-level, he can also instill more aura and shoot arrows to threaten the opponent.

It's just that this kind of arrow shoots slowly, and it is very difficult for a cultivator to be hit after a high level of cultivation. By the time you shoot it, the opponent has already dodged.

Therefore, if one wanted to inflict damage on advanced cultivators, one would either shoot arrows in batches to block the opponent's rear, or exchange for more precious and rare materials to make more powerful bows and crossbows.

It's just that when it comes to the later high-levels, it seems a bit wasteful to use these precious materials to make the bows and crossbows in the hands of soldiers.

The overall evaluation is that it can be widely promoted in the military in the early stage, but it will be a bit tasteless later, unless there are more materials in hand, and it can be directly replaced with a more advanced one.

"Lu Gong has worked hard."

Ning An held the keel and looked at it for a long time before putting it back on the flat plate.

Lu Ban laughed and said: "The Emperor of Heaven entrusted me, and I dare not be negligent for a day. These days I am also trembling and unable to sleep. Fortunately, I finally lived up to the entrustment..."

Ning An nodded empathetically: "Gong Lu's hard work these days will never be in vain. When our Daning soldiers sweep the sky in the future, these sharp weapons will surely shine!"

"Then Weichen is waiting for that day."

There was a trace of longing in Lu Ban's eyes, and then he bowed and retreated.

Ning An returned to the dragon chair, thinking about the next plan.

Daning currently has these capable ministers to assist him politically, and his future development will surely flourish.

And what he has to do is, as Guan Zhong said, listen to good words and let the courtiers display their talents reasonably.

The rest, of course, is cultivation.

After dealing with the court affairs, Ning An continued to practice in seclusion.

The number of people who have successfully built foundations in Daning is increasing every day, and the aura he plundered is also increasing.

Name: Ning An

Cultivation: Nascent Soul Stage
Aura value: 18596/1000000
Even though Da Ning's monks are basically in the foundation building stage, and each of them doesn't provide many aura points, the advantage in numbers is too great. After a long time, they have successfully plundered more than 1 aura points.

It's only a few days' work.

In the past few days, apart from practicing, Ning An also paid special attention to one thing.

On the border of Daning, there are guards who will send people back every day to pass back news about the fading of the black fog on the border.

The black fog on the border is decreasing every day, and no one knows what is behind it.

In this regard, while strengthening the defense of the border, Ning An urged Tiangong Pavilion to transport the produced keel bows to the border as soon as possible to equip the defenders.

The Tiangong Pavilion is coordinating with the Ministry of Industry. Naturally, following Ning An's order, they work overtime every day for production, and then the monks will fly over there.

In the past, manpower and horse-drawn carts were used to carry them, but now the Ministry of Industry has replaced all of them with foundation-building monks to carry them by air. The speed and efficiency are many times higher than before.

On the sixth day of retreat, Ning An finally got the latest news from the border.

[The Golden Horde invaded our Daning border!Outside the Yumen Pass, there are countless camps, the number cannot be counted]

Ning An looked at the information in his hand with a serious face, and immediately continued to look it up.

Now the black mist outside Yumen Pass on the border of Ningguo has dissipated. This time, more countries and plains have appeared.

According to current statistics, there are a total of sixteen countries!

And this Golden Horde was established by the Jin people, and it is also the strongest existence among the sixteen countries.

Because between the sixteen countries, a plain appeared, and a kind of spiritual fruit grew in the plain.

The number of these spiritual fruits is huge, and both mortals and foundation builders can swallow them.

After eating it, the cultivation level will be improved, and it can be swallowed in large quantities without any side effects.

It just so happened that the location where the Spirit Fruit Plain appeared was the closest to the Golden Horde Khanate.

The Golden Horde, which itself is strong and strong, immediately occupied the Lingguo Plain, and then picked a large number of them for the people to eat.

With the assistance of the spiritual fruit, the overall strength of the Golden Horde has also been improved again, but they are dissatisfied with this, and began to launch invasion wars against neighboring countries.

The other fifteen countries were already weaker than the Golden Horde, and without the support of the Spirit Fruits from the Spirit Fruit Plain, the gap in national strength widened as time went on. In the end, they were defeated by the Golden Horde Khanate. He bowed his head and proclaimed himself a minister, and paid a large amount of herbs every year to seek peace.

Daning is not the only one concerned about the black fog on the border.

The Golden Horde Khanate also began to pay attention to the situation on the border when the black mist faded. Now that the black mist has dissipated, there is a country called Daning and a checkpoint city called Yumen Pass on the border. Therefore, He took the initiative to attack.

They have all inquired about it, and Daning is just a country that has just come into contact with cultivating immortals. Many people in it are still ordinary people, and they started later than their Golden Horde Khanate.

Moreover, their Golden Horde has spiritual fruit support, and the overall strength of Daning is definitely not as strong as theirs, so they are full of confidence in this invasion, and they feel that they can easily win Yumen Pass, just like they did against the other ten before. Same as the five countries.

Ning An didn't get much information about the Golden Horde for the time being, and the two sides are now inquiring about each other.

This wave of Golden Horde's offensive is more like a test.

If the enemy dares to test you, it means that he thinks you are not strong.

Ning An felt that this time, the Golden Horde must be dealt a head-on blow, so that they can remember.

The Golden Horde was a country established by the Jin people, and Ning An directly issued an order without even thinking about it.

"Come here, pass on my will and order Yue Fei to lead the Qinglong Battalion to Yumen Pass immediately to resist the Golden Horde Khanate."

Ning An remembered that Yue Fei had a talent called Alien Killer.

And the Golden Horde is a golden man, who can just give full play to his strengths.

Knowing and using it well, this is the most basic point that a qualified emperor should possess.


On the border of Daning, Yumen Pass.

Inside the main camp of the Golden Horde Khanate.

Wan Yan looked at the soldiers on both sides, and said: "The Great Khan gave me three days to lead the army to take down this Yumen Pass, but everyone has followed me to fight in the north and south, and you have been born and died for many years. It is my Dajin who is the bravest My dear Haoerlang, so, in order to let the people of my Dajin experience the bravery of their warriors, we strive to take down the Yumen Pass within one day!"

"Everyone, are you confident?!"

Wan Yan's voice was very loud, and the transmission was very far away. In the main camp, all the soldiers stood up and shouted: "I will definitely take Yumen Pass within a day!"


The attack horn sounded in the camp of the Golden Horde Khanate, accompanied by the sound of heavy drums.

Countless Jinren soldiers charged towards Yumen Pass.These golden men all had wild smiles and ferocious faces. They traveled across the sixteen countries without any disadvantages, and they had long since developed the belief that they would win. In their eyes, Daning was no different from those soft-footed shrimps in other Han countries.

But don't say it, these soft-footed shrimp domestic women are really good, tender and juicy...

Thinking of the women of the Han people, the smiles on the faces of these golden people became more and more obscene and rampant. When they looked at the opposite city wall, their eyes revealed cruelty, and they thought viciously in their hearts, killing your men, robbing your women, and turning you all into My dakin' slave.

After the jade gate was closed, Meng Tian, ​​the guard with a serious face, looked coldly at the Jin men attacking from below the city.

Even though the flags were flying in the Jin State camp and the army was overwhelming, so densely packed that you couldn't see the end, he still had no fear on his face.

Meng Tian, ​​who was favored by the king and trusted by the emperor of heaven, was ordered to guard the Yumen pass. Even if the number of defenders was far smaller than the attacking golden men, he was confident that he could resist this attack.

"Meng's army obeys orders! We are ordered by the Emperor of Heaven to guard Yumen Pass and entrusted with a heavy responsibility. No matter how powerful the enemy is, we will never take a step back. The city is alive and the city is dead!"

Meng Tian held the gun in his right hand and leaned behind him.

Behind him is the most elite army at Yumen Pass, the Meng Family Army!
Facing the encouragement of the general at this time, every soldier's face was full of fighting spirit, his eyes were firm, and he looked coldly at the attacking golden man below.

"Bows and arrows are ready, listen to my orders!"

Meng Tian waved the spear in his hand.

The soldiers of the Meng family army immediately took out their keel bows, loaded their arrows, and were ready to go.

Seeing the golden man under the city getting closer and closer, he waved his spear again and shouted, "Shoot the arrow!"

Forbidden by orders, the generals of the Meng family army did not hesitate at all, the bow string of the keel bow was loosened, and countless densely packed arrows flew down.

These arrows are all made of hard iron stone, otherwise it would be difficult to support the impact of the keel bow.

General Meng poured aura into the arrows, sending out a violent impact.

The Jinren soldiers rushing in the front row were immediately lifted up by the powerful arrow current.

Under that violent impact, one arrow can pierce through more than a dozen golden soldiers at the same time!

Blood splattered all over the place.

The commander of the Jinren also noticed the abnormality. They have been on the battlefield for so many years, and they have never seen such a sharp weapon.

However, they were aggressive and fierce by nature, so they gritted their teeth and continued to beat the drums.


"Kill! Kill all Han Chinese!"

"The general has an order to break through the Yumen Pass and slaughter the city for three days!"

The morale of the Jin people was boosted again, and the impact was even more violent.

But Meng Tian remained unmoved, stood on the city wall, and continued to command calmly.

Because of the gap in numbers, some Jin people have already started to ascend the city.

After the foundation was established, these golden men no longer relied on the ladders, but rose directly from the sky and flew to the top of the city.

This means that the difficulty of defending the city is far greater than before.

However, when these golden men approached the Yumen Pass, the Great Wall played its role.

Ribbons of light red aura rose directly along the Great Wall, straight into the sky, forming a natural barrier.

When the Jinren soldiers approached the city wall, they clearly felt a huge resistance.

They tried to lift into the air, trying to get over the top of the city, but found that the higher the lift, the stronger the resistance of the barrier outside the city wall.

They were forced to start landing helplessly, looking for the most suitable point to rush up the city wall.

But it was densely packed with people, and they could only squeeze and push one by one from the back.

Meng Tian also discovered the magic of the Great Wall. His eyes lit up, and he swung a spear in his hand and killed a golden man who rushed forward: "Meng Jiajun, listen to my orders, get close and kill!"

On the city wall, the soldiers of the Meng family put away their bows and crossbows, hung them on their waists, and began to fight with weapons.

After the close combat, both sides suffered injuries.

But on the side of the Mengjia army, because the Daning army has begun to popularize the Iron Back Art, their physical defense ability is far greater than that of the Jinren.

Even if there are many Jin people besieging, before the soldiers of Daning fall, they will burst out the blood burning technique, activate the potential in their bodies, and continue to fight the Jin people desperately.

On the city wall, more and more soldiers fell, some from the Jin people and some from Daning.

Every time the soldiers of Daning fell, the blood flowing out of their bodies would bathe the city wall.

The Great Wall seems to be able to feel their unyielding and anger, absorb the blood, and integrate it with the city wall.

After being infused with the blood of the Daning soldiers, the Great Wall has undergone another transformation, and its protective ability has become stronger.

Even the generals of Daning felt that their blood energy was rising, their strength had increased, and their fighting spirit had become more high-spirited.

The Daning soldiers who died before seemed to have turned into military spirits to accompany them to continue fighting.

Meng Tian was also keenly aware of this. Looking at the fallen Mengjia army soldiers, his tiger eyes overflowed with tears, and while waving his spear, he shouted: "Mengjiajun, fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

On the city wall, countless Meng family soldiers shouted.

With the support of the army soul, they fought more and more fiercely, repelling the golden men who rushed up the city wall first.

The Jin people who traveled across the sixteen countries had never seen such Han people who were not afraid of death. They began to show fear, and their offensive became weaker and weaker.

Until, there was a sound of soldiers ringing behind him.

The golden men immediately retreated like a tide, and the fierce offensive finally stopped.

The generals of the Meng family army also got a respite.

Meng Tian looked at the corpses on the city wall, densely piled up like a mountain, he remained silent, silently looking at the setting sun in the sky.

In the main account of the Jinren.

Wan Yan was furious, he did not expect that the first attack of the brave Jin warriors would fail, and according to statistics after the battle, the Jin soldiers suffered at least 3 casualties in this battle.

It is equivalent to losing [-] foundation-building monks.

Wanyan Th gritted his teeth, coldly glanced at the generals below, without saying a word.

The battle just now has made all Jin people realize that Daning is different from those Han people in the past, they are not soft-footed shrimps.

"General, the bravery of the generals of Daning does not mean that their chief generals are also brave. The subordinates suggest fighting generals!"

"That's right, all of us Jinren warriors are good single-handed players, and we will definitely be able to unscrew the dog's head of the Han general in Daning!"

"If the Han generals don't dare to fight, it will definitely hurt their morale. The next time we rush to the city again, we will definitely be able to take down Yumen Pass in one fell swoop."

Wan Yan looked at the excited soldiers below, he thought for a while, and then smiled slyly: "It's okay to fight generals, but we must win, so I'll send a letter to Da Khan, asking for support, and fight for generals to be generals on the same day." Ning's guards will be taken down!"

When the officers and soldiers heard that Wanyan Th was going back to rescue the soldiers, their faces immediately became unhappy, and they immediately asked the reason, but Wan Yan Th was not replying, just kept sneering.

Yumen Pass.

Meng Tian received Jinren's request to fight for generals, he thought for a while, and finally decided to accept.

Hearing that Meng Tian promised the Jinren to fight for generals, the lieutenants of Meng's army all objected.

They feel that relying on the natural danger and protection of the Great Wall, they can completely resist the Jinren's attack, and there is no need to take this risk.

What's more, the overall foundation of their Daning soldiers came later than that of the Golden Horde. Although General Meng has built the foundation for more than a month now, he still has no advantage compared to the Jin people.

Meng Tian explained: "I agreed to fight the generals to delay the time. I got the will of the Emperor of Heaven, saying that he has sent General Yue to lead the soldiers of Qinglongying to support us, so now every delay can delay the Jinren's siege. With time, the casualties of our Daning soldiers will be reduced."

Hearing that Yue Fei of the Qinglong Battalion led troops to support them, the eyes of the officers and men lit up: "The Qinglong Battalion is the head of the four battalions in Daning, and it was the first team to follow the Emperor of Heaven in the southern and northern wars. It has not lost a single one so far. The main general Yue Fei is said to have broken through to the alchemy stage, if General Yue can arrive in time, the golden man will be defeated!"

Meng Tian nodded: "That's why we have to delay the time and reduce casualties."

The time of the golden man's fight was set very quickly, just an hour later.

This time, not only the Jin people came, but also fifteen other countries that had bowed their heads to the Jin people.

The monarchs of these fifteen countries have all received orders from the Great Khan of the Jin Dynasty, asking them to each send a monk of the formation period to the border to fight against Da Ning.

A monk in the alchemy period...

When hearing this request, the monarchs of these fifteen countries all looked bitter, because, with their national strength, it is not so easy to cultivate a monk at the alchemy stage.

So in the end, among the fifteen countries, only three countries each had a monk at the alchemy stage, while the strongest of the other twelve countries were only at the breakthrough point approaching the alchemy stage, and their cultivation still remained at the foundation stage .

On the side of the Golden Horde Khanate, a total of three alchemy monks were dispatched.

The defeat of Yumen Pass directly made the Great Khan of the Golden Horde aware of the seriousness of the situation. The impact is absolutely huge.

Therefore, this battle must be won.

On the side of the Golden Horde and the other [-] countries, a total of six monks in the alchemy period and twelve monks in the foundation period were dispatched.

These 18 people are among the most powerful beings in the sixteen countries.

On the Yumen Pass side, after Meng Jiajun got the news, they dissuaded Meng Tian again, suggesting that defending the city is the best choice.

I believe it won't be long before the reinforcements from the Qinglong Battalion will arrive.

However, before the reinforcements from the Qinglong Battalion arrived, an old Taoist arrived at Yumen Pass first.

The two strands of snow-white hair on the temples of the old Taoist are matched with the flapping corners of his clothes, and the imperial sword volleys in the air and closes the jade gate.

Meng Tian recognized the person who came at a glance, it was Dugu Yuyun, the head teacher of Shushan Sword Sect.

He has heard that this one in front of him seems to have reached the Nascent Soul Stage?
Dugu Yuyun looked at Meng Tian and said with a smile: "I heard that General Meng is in some trouble, so I obeyed the order of the Emperor of Heaven and came to help."

Seeing Dugu Yuyun, Meng Tian heaved a sigh of relief and nodded, "Headmaster Dugu said that the Jinren united with fifteen countries to issue an order to fight generals, and the last general was preparing to lead people to fight, but because the opponent had six alchemy I'm a monk, so the end of this trip will be very stressful..."

Dugu Yuyun chuckled, pinching his white beard: "General Meng, don't worry, the Golden Horde monks in the alchemy period can be solved by a veteran alone. Please wait a little bit, general, and return when I go."

After finishing speaking, Dugu Yuyun directly stood in the sky with one sword and one person, and flew towards the main battlefield.

All the soldiers of General Meng climbed onto the city wall immediately.

On the main battlefield, the eighteen monks from the Golden Horde are ready to go.

Seeing an old Taoist flying directly from Daning, they were taken aback for a moment, and then the leader of the alchemy cultivator laughed and said, "There is no one in Daning? You dare not fight, so you sent an old man to die?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that the old man was already close, and when he was about to say something, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. He found that he could not detect the old man's cultivation.

Not good, there is fraud!
Are there monks above the alchemy stage in Daning? !

The expression of the leading golden man changed drastically. Now that they just bordered Daning, a lot of information they got was incomplete. They didn’t know that there were monks above the alchemy stage in Daning. They only knew that Daning not long ago The Seven Kingdoms have just been unified, and many of them are ordinary people in the country, and there are not many foundation-builder monks. The guard Meng Tian this time is just a small foundation-builder monk.

Why did an old Taoist who was suspected to be above the alchemy stage suddenly appear?

Don't allow the leading golden man to think too much, the next second, he was scared out of his wits.

I saw the old man let out a low shout, put his two fingers together, and a flying sword sprang out from behind him.

The flying sword was shining with all kinds of brilliance, and shot directly at them.

These flying swords were extremely fast, they couldn't dodge, and were killed on the spot!

Eighteen monks from the Golden Horde Khanate were instantly killed by a veteran Yujian from Daning. Suddenly, there was no sound on the battlefield.

Daning's morale is high, while Jin Guo's side is full of bad news.

Next, a scene that made them even more terrified appeared.

I saw that the gate of Yumenguan was opened.

In addition to the guarding Meng Family Army, the Qinglong Battalion led by Yue Fei also arrived.

The two armies joined together and launched a counterattack directly towards the Golden Horde with a fierce offensive.

The Jin people whose morale had plummeted were suddenly attacked by the Qinglong Battalion, and the situation immediately became one-sided.

And that Yujian veteran also took advantage of the victory to pursue, one person with one sword, directly rushed into the master account, and killed the golden leader Wanyan Thor on the spot!

The morale of the Kingdom of Jin plummeted again, and Daning's offensive was further expanded.

The chief general Yue Fei even said bluntly: "Kill into the capital of the Golden Horde Khanate, and capture the Great Khan of the Golden Horde alive!"


Golden Horde, mostly.

Jin Guo Da Khan Wanyan Jian was alone in the study, the door was quiet, no one dared to approach.

From the unfavorable situation on the front line to the news of the defeat, Wan Yanjian never saw the subordinates again.

At this moment, he was sitting and standing in an extremely weird posture.

From his mouth, two different voices came out.

One was his own, and the other seemed to be some old monster possessing him.

"Trash, even an ordinary Ningguo can't handle it, so what's the use of keeping you?"

Hearing this cold voice, Wan Yanjian was so frightened that he fell to his knees: "Master Immortal, please give Xiao Wang one more chance, and Xiao Wang will definitely turn the situation around."

The cold voice said disdainfully: "It's up to you? Hehe, my Black Spirit Palace has laid so many chess pieces in the mortal world, and you are the most useless one."

"No, there is another man named Zhou Cheng, who is the king of the Great Zhou Kingdom. As a result, the formula we passed down was killed before he could practice it."

"Wait...Da Ning... Da Zhou... I just remembered that the new king of Daning, Ning'an, seems to have been a courtier of Zhou Cheng in the first place, and finally sought power and seized the throne, replacing Zhou Cheng, and established Daning .”

"Bastard! This son ruined my deployment of the Black Spirit Palace, I will never let him go!"

"As for you, let me use this body to its final use first..."


PS: It’s Monday, and the votes are cleared. Book friends who have votes, please vote, thank you~
(End of this chapter)

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