Chapter 111 110. I was in awe when I first saw Mingjun (wanzi update asks for everything)
Qiu Shan's betrayal directly overthrew the layout of Dong Lin and Zuo Zhu.

On the plain, inside the military tent.

Dong Wuji, the monarch of Donglin, and Zuo Qianshan, the monarch of Zuozhu, are calling their generals for a temporary meeting.

In front of the sand table, several people had gloomy faces and remained silent for a long time.

Zuo Qianshan took the lead to break the calm: "Qiu Shan country betrayed its covenant, hateful! Brother Dong, in my opinion, Qiu Shan should be destroyed first!"

Dong Wuji narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked at Zuo Qianshan with disdain. How could such a brainless person be the king of a country?
However, he still gently persuaded him: "Brother Qianshan, this matter cannot be done. Our primary enemy is still Daning. Qiushan is only a small area, so we can clean it up at any time. If we abandon Daning and ignore it, we will attack Qiushan with all our strength. If so, Daning will be the last one to pick up the bargain.”

Hearing Dong Wuji's words, Zuo Qianshan calmed down slowly, mainly because Zuo Zhu and Qiushan Kingdom were feuds and mortal enemies, and the two sides had long-standing grievances, so he became confused after hearing that Qiushan had reneged on the covenant.

Now that he is awake, he no longer mentions this matter, and instead said: "Now that Qiu Shan and Daning join hands, it may not be so easy for us to win."

Dong Wuji smiled after hearing this: "Brother Qianshan, don't worry, I have already prepared."

Seeing Dong Wuji's confident appearance, Zuo Qianshan pondered for a while, and asked, "Could it be that Brother Dong wants to take this opportunity to take Yumen Pass?"

Dong Wuji shook his head: "The Yumen Pass is guarded by the famous Daning general Meng Tian. This man is a first-class handsome man. The Meng family army guarding the Yumen Pass has 50 people. Our Donglin Kingdom only has a million troops in the country. The army guards the border, and there is not enough manpower, so how can we get down to Yumen Pass."

After hearing this, Zuo Qianshan wondered: "Since people in Donglin can't move, why does Brother Dong look confident?"

Dong Wuji stood by the sand table, pointed to the north of Daning, and said with a calm smile, "Brother Qianshan thinks that I am just leading the alliance between our three countries? Hehe, in fact, I have already sent someone to contact Beihai Kingdom Now, the Beihai Kingdom must have started attacking Yanmen Pass in Daning."



Ning An took the latest information from the northern border and put it in front of the generals.

[Beihai country is attacking! 】

"The North Sea country took the initiative to come to Daning to make friends with me and discuss trade matters. I didn't expect to join hands with the Donglin country to offend my Daning in the blink of an eye."

Ning An sat on the main seat, looking at the sand table, calm and unhurried, not at all worried about Beihai's attack.

He is now the king of a country, and he must not express his thoughts in his heart, he must be able to show his emotions and anger.

All the generals below were silently looking at the sand table and did not speak. The specific situation of the Beihai Kingdom is still unclear to everyone. Daning is currently doing his best to resist the invasion of the coalition forces, and he has no ability to divide his troops to help Yanmen Pass defend against the enemy.

At present, everyone is waiting, waiting for the latest information from the north. According to the usual time, it should be here soon.

About a quarter of an hour later, a herald rushed in with the latest information.

Ning An took it, and after reading it, he asked the account holders to pass it on one by one.

As the oldest military general, Yue Fei reported: "Beihai sent 100 million troops to attack Daning by warships, but Tian Dan, the guard of Yanmen Gate, is not good at water warfare, and our army has no one capable of fighting at sea. Therefore, Yanmen Pass is currently in a passive defensive posture."

Several generals in the army nodded, and what they saw was similar to Yue Fei.

Su Qin, who was pinching his long beard, frowned at this time and said: "It's not just that simple, the letter also mentioned that the Beihai Kingdom lined up in a row with soldiers and Yanmen, but they have not launched an attack for a long time. According to the report of the spies, it seems that they are preparing for the attack on the boat." What are you wearing?"

All the generals in the tent looked at each other, and the Beihai Kingdom didn't attack, so what were they planning to do?

Su Qin glanced at the crowd and said: "I dare to ask you generals, if our army stands on the flying boat but does not attack the enemy army, what should we be doing at this time?"

Several generals thought for a while, and then said: "It should be to prepare the military affairs, get things ready, and then launch a fierce attack."

Su Qin nodded: "The power of my Daning keel bow is well known in the world. If our army is besieging but not attacking, then the biggest possibility is that it is preparing the arrows needed for the keel bow. Now that Beihai is not attacking, it may also be preparing A sharp weapon that can break through the city."

Listening to Su Qin's analysis, several generals in the army nodded.

Ning An smiled slightly at this time, with a relaxed expression: "I, Daning, have the Great Wall. No matter what powerful weapon the Beihai Kingdom has, it would be whimsical to break through the city gate. You generals don't need to worry about other things. When we fight against the coalition forces, we will fight for the best." Annihilate the enemy army as fast as possible!"

Thinking of the Great Wall in Daning, the generals also breathed a sigh of relief. Indeed, the role of the Great Wall has already shown its advantages when it resisted the Golden Horde at Yumen Pass last time.

Even if the Beihai Kingdom has a powerful weapon now, as long as Tian Dan guards Yanmen Pass and does not leave the city, it will be even more difficult for the other party to break through the protection of the Great Wall.


The discussion in the tent was quickly interrupted by the sound of horns outside the camp.

Yue Fei and the others got up quickly: "The coalition forces are attacking."

Bai Qi sternly said with a stern smile, "Well done, this battle Bai will definitely make the coalition army fearful when they hear of my name, Daning."

Inside the military tent, several generals in Daning were full of fighting spirit and showed no signs of fear.

Ning An also set foot on the city wall of Shanhaiguan with them.

The city wall stretches for hundreds of miles and protects the entire south of Daning behind it. On the city wall, soldiers of various regiments in Daning stand on the top of the wall holding weapons, and their keel bows are pointed in the direction of the enemy from afar.

Donglin Kingdom and Zuozhu Kingdom, with a total of 400 million troops, were crowded with people, stretching as far as the eye can see, and they all arrived at Shanhaiguan at this time.

On the other side of Qiushan, people had been sent to report as early as when the coalition forces launched an attack.

According to the strategy, Qiu Shan will sneak attack the rear of the rebel army at the most suitable time.

Ning An wasn't worried that Qiu Shan would continue to jump at critical moments, because the opponent didn't have the capital. If Daning perished, it would be Qiu Shan at once. Anyone who wasn't a fool would know how to choose.


Under the city wall, the coalition forces beat drums, flags danced, billowing dust and smoke rose with the sound of violent running, the dust filled the air, and the entire sky was covered, only some bright light penetrated in.

Facing the massive attack, all the soldiers in Daning were calm and fearless.

After going through all kinds of battles, everyone has grown up, whether it is in character or cultivation, they are no longer the immature rookies who joined the army at the beginning.

Wu Qi, Yue Fei, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, these four strong generals in the army each commanded an army. They had a clear division of labor, took their time and commanded the soldiers under their respective banners skillfully.

Ning An also came to the city with Fang Tianji in his hand, silently watching the coalition forces below.

At this time, the coalition forces had already arrived at the city, rose from the sky, and flew towards the city wall.

"Fire arrows!"

On Daning's side, the soldiers had already prepared their keel bows, and countless arrows were shot forward.

The coalition forces rushing to the front fell one by one, and the latter continued to advance, rushing towards the city wall.

However, in the face of the protection of the Great Wall, the coalition's offensive was futile.

It can only charge in from the narrow opening.

The officers and men of Daning guarded the entrance, with the aura of one man guarding the gate.

The two sides saw each other on the city wall for half an hour, and the corpses had piled up into mountains.

After Daning soldiers sacrificed, the Great Wall will suck their flesh and blood into the city wall and turn them into a blood-red barrier to protect the defense, as if telling other living soldiers that I am with you.

"There is a problem with this city wall."

In the direction of the coalition forces, Dong Wuji looked at the situation of the city wall and found something was wrong. There was no way to pass through the city wall, so he could only go through that specific opening, and there was no reason to attack it for an hour.

You know, the difference in strength between the two sides has more than doubled.

Zuo Qianshan also noticed something was wrong, and he said seriously: "My people inquired about the news in Daning before, saying that Daning is surrounded by the Great Wall guards, it should be a magic weapon in the hands of the king of Daning."

Dong Wuji's eyes lit up when he heard this, "If we can capture Daning and get this treasure, it will definitely strengthen our overall strength."

Zuo Qianshan chuckled and didn't answer, not to mention that he hasn't taken it yet, if it is really taken down, then who will the Great Wall be given to?To you Donglin, or to me Zuozhu?
The battle continued for another half an hour, and the coalition forces were still stuck in place, unable to break through the city wall of Daning, and more and more corpses were piled up, causing more and more casualties.

Dong Wuji finally couldn't bear it anymore, he pulled out a long spear and said: "It seems that I will go out in person, otherwise, if this continues, the loss of our army will only increase."

Seeing this, Zuo Qianshan quickly persuaded: "These two armies are fighting, how can there be any reason for your own king to end in person? If something happens, the soldiers will definitely be in chaos!"

Dong Wuji chuckled, took out a elixir from his bosom, and swallowed it in front of Zuo Qianshan. After the elixir entered his stomach, a domineering and violent aura instantly rose from his body.

His temperament changed, and he looked towards Zuo Qianshan: "Who do you think can hurt me now?"

Seeing Dong Wuji's temperament suddenly changed, Zuo Qianshan stared and exclaimed: "Yuanying stage? Brother Dong, you actually broke through?"

Dong Wuji smiled and said: "It's not that simple, but it's just a temporary improvement of cultivation with the help of a elixir. Although there will be some side effects, as long as you can win Daning, it's worth it."

Zuo Qianshan didn't talk anymore, he just breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, Dong Wuji only temporarily broke through to the Nascent Soul stage with the help of the pill, otherwise, he would face greater pressure in the future.

Now that Dong Wuji is temporarily promoted to the Nascent Soul stage, if he can kill a few Da Ning fierce generals, the coalition forces will definitely increase in momentum, but otherwise Daning will fall sharply, and the chance of winning this battle will increase by at least [-]%!
At this time, Dong Wuji had already twisted his spear and flew towards the head of Shanhaiguan City.

In order to boost the morale of the army, he waved his spear and shouted towards the top of Shanhaiguan City: "Dong Wuji is here, the enemy general dares to come out and die?!"

Dong Wuji?
Hearing the loud and clear roar, the soldiers on both sides who were fighting were taken aback for a moment, and then came to their senses.

This is the king of a country in Donglin, and he ended up in person like this?
On Daning's side, when he heard Dong Wuji's name, Bai Qi's eyes lit up suddenly, and he didn't care about the enemy army on the city wall, so he just flew away with his sword.

Bai Qi came to Dong Wuji with a murderous look on his face: "Bai Qi, the commander of the Baihu Battalion in Daning, is here to take your life!"

Looking at Bai Qi, Dong Wuji's eyes flashed with admiration, and he said with a smile: "General Bai is really a strong general, why don't you abandon the dark side and turn to the bright side, and join my Donglin? I will treat him as a national soldier!"

Bai Qi laughed, and swung his sword towards Dong Wuji: "The little Donglin barbarian is also worthy of Bai Qi's surrender?"

Donglin barbarians?

Hearing this address, killing intent flashed in Dong Wuji's eyes, and he stopped trying to persuade him to surrender. His long spear danced and turned into countless spear shadows to stab Bai Qi.

Bai Qi swung his sword again and again, and a phantom of a white tiger appeared behind him. The cold sword shadow was hidden between the blades. Every time he swung his sword, there would be a roar of the tiger.

After several rounds of fighting between the two sides, Bai Qi has gradually shown signs of decline.

This Donglin Monarch is actually a Nascent Soul Stage cultivator?

Bai Qi was puzzled. When they met for the first time, the aura on the other party's body was obviously more like that of the alchemy stage.

After all, he had seen with his own eyes what the cultivation base of the Nascent Soul Stage was like. His own Heavenly Emperor was like this. His cultivation base was unfathomable, so how could he be as weak as Dong Wuji.

Dong Wuji looked at Bai Qi's startled eyes, and didn't know what the other party's true thoughts were, thinking that his cultivation had already made the other party timid.

He sneered and said, "If General Bai is willing to surrender to Donglin now, what I said just now still counts."

Hearing this, Bai Qi snorted in disdain, and slashed away with the long sword in his hand again, the shadow of the sword flickered, revealing his murderous aura.

"I don't know what's wrong!"

Dong Wuji was furious, and he added some strength in his hand, the spear was no longer stabbed, but smashed instead.

In his hand, the spear seemed to be the heavy hammer, hitting Bai Qi's head head-on.

Bai Qi was not slow to react, and immediately raised his sword across his chest, holding the hilt with one hand and the tip of the sword with the other, blocking the spear's attack.

But the gap in cultivation base also made Bai Qi feel uncomfortable, his whole body was suppressed by this long spear, he fell directly from the air, and fell towards the ground.

Dong Wuji didn't give up, as if he wanted to give Bai Qi a blow, he wanted to smash him into the sand and bury him alive here.

The spear continued to drop down.

"You fought desperately for your king, but what about others? You can only hide behind and watch you die. Is such an incompetent king worthy of your service?"

Dong Wuji didn't give up, and tried to continue to persuade Baiqi to surrender.

But Bai Qi held the long sword and resisted this huge force with all his strength. He blushed and couldn't speak. He just looked at the ferocious expression and seemed to want to curse.

"Oh? What's wrong with serving me?"

Suddenly, a voice sounded, and Bai Qi suddenly felt his pressure drop dramatically.

Then he saw a Fang Tianji protruding from the side, and with a light shake, he easily picked up the long spear that had suppressed him for a long time.

All of this is performed with ease, as if it is not worth mentioning.

Dong Wuji was taken aback for a moment, only feeling a violent breath coming from nowhere, he hurriedly backed away, looking at Ning An vigilantly.

The short fight just now made him understand the opponent's strength, the real Nascent Soul stage!
"Meet the Emperor of Heaven! Thank you, Emperor of Heaven, for saving your life!"

Seeing Ning An, Bai Qi hurriedly prayed.

Ning An picked him up and said with a smile: "General Bai has worked hard, I will personally take off the head of this man, and relieve the general's hatred."

Just now, Ning An has been watching the duel between Dong Wuji and Bai Qi, but if a general wants to grow, he must go through a life-and-death battle, so Ning An has been watching from afar and has not made a move.

When it was estimated that it was about the same time, he was worried that something might happen to Bai Qi, so he didn't continue to stimulate Bai Qi's potential and came to rescue him.

King against king, general against general, as it should be.

Ning An stood holding a halberd, covered in golden light, as if a god from the nine heavens had descended to the mortal world.

Just his imposing manner suppressed Dong Wuji, unable to move.

Dong Wuji panicked a lot, and he no longer had the confidence he had when facing Bai Qi just now.

He was sure that if he resisted, he would surely die.

He regretted it a little, regretted why he took the initiative to come out to fight the generals, and just shrank back, watching the soldiers in front charge, wouldn't it be fine, why did he make trouble for himself...

It's all right now, he was suppressed and couldn't move, and he didn't even have a chance to escape.

"How do you want to die?"

Ning An held Fang Tianji with one hand, leaned behind him, and looked at Dong Wuji indifferently.

Dong Wuji was flustered, his eyes rolled around for a while, and finally he suddenly dropped the spear in his hand, and knelt down on one knee: "When I first met Mingjun, I was already in awe, and I dare not blaspheme, Dong Wuji is willing to surrender!"


Ning An held Fang Tianji and stood in the air, silent, letting his clothes dance in the air.

Bai Qi on one side was also stunned, looking at Dong Wuji who was kneeling on the ground foolishly.


The war is over, hilariously over.

In a big battle, the two sides invested a total of 600 million troops, and the result was achieved in less than two hours.

Dong Wuji directly led the army to backstab, and the army of Donglin State swung its sword at his ally Zuozhu State.

Zuo Qianshan, the national army of Zuozhu Kingdom, was cursing at first, but under the threat of fear and death, he soon followed suit and surrendered directly just like Dong Wuji.

For this war, Ning An can only feel that the strength of a monk can indeed override all affairs, so when there is nothing to do, don't go out to fight casually, unless you are stronger than the other party Make sure that the other party is not pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger.

Now is the era of immortal cultivators, strength is paramount, everything is possible, just like today, winning the war is too easy and indescribably ridiculous.

In contrast, the previous few times were not as easy as today.

But it is also understandable. After all, not every king of the country ran out to fight for generals as foolishly as Dong Wuji, or it cannot be said that Dong Wuji was stupid. He just overestimated his own personal bravery.

He thought that there were no Nascent Soul cultivators in Daning, and after using the elixir to temporarily improve his cultivation, he naturally wanted to make the most of it while the effect was still there.

If you can hack and kill a few more enemy generals on the battlefield, it will be a profit.

But unfortunately, he met Ning An.

If there is no Ning An, then maybe Dong Wuji has already dealt with Bai Qi, and maybe the ending will not be as it is now.

The last point is that Dong Wuji is really spineless.

To put it bluntly is to be able to bend and stretch, and to put it bluntly is to just survive, regardless of everything.

But for this kind of person, Ning An likes it very much, because it is easy to win over.

Sure enough, Dong Wuji was different from Li Zhang of the Southern Tang Dynasty.

When Li Zhang took refuge, his friendliness was a negative number, he would never die, but Dong Wuji's friendliness was still [-] points.

Ning An was surprised by this.

So instead of following Li Zhang's old path, he directly bombarded Dong Wuji to win him over.

With all kinds of big cakes and promises, Dong Wuji's friendship was successfully brushed up to the full value, along with several leading generals of the Donglin Kingdom, and then let Dong Wuji and the others return to the country to continue to rectify the country. Find an opportunity to completely merge into Daning.

The same is true for the Zuozhu country on the other side. Since then, the coalition forces that have been established for several days and have been on the battlefield for less than two hours have disintegrated like this, and they have taken refuge in Daning.

This also dumbfounded Qiu Shanguo who was rushing to help Daning Road.

Originally, they were worried that Daning would not be able to stand up to the offensive of the two countries, but they heard that Daning had won, and that Donglin and Zuozhu directly surrendered on the way when the reinforcements reached halfway.

At first, the people of Qiushan Country thought it was a rumor and a strategy of the coalition forces, but when they personally sent people to check it, the result they got was actually true.

For a while, the people of Qiu Shanguo couldn't turn their minds around. Regarding what happened, it was too dramatic and nonsense.

According to the normal way of thinking, Qiu Shanguo thought about joining him, and fought back the coalition forces with Daning, and then the coalition forces retreated, and Daning himself was seriously injured. A weakened version of the keel bow, so as to survive and slowly develop national strength.

However, the ending was so unexpected, so unexpected...

The monarch of Qiushan Kingdom silently looked at the sand table in the temporary military tent. Now, his Qiushan Kingdom has been surrounded, not to mention Daning, a Zuozhu could easily crush himself to death...

After thinking about it, the monarch of Qiushan Kingdom looked at the ministers below and said softly: "Surrender..."

"Your Majesty is wise..."


When Ning An in Shanhaiguan was discussing with several generals who would send troops to take down Qiushan, the envoy of Qiushan Kingdom had already arrived one step ahead, saying that the monarch of Qiushan Kingdom had submitted the letter of credence and surrendered...


Everyone in the Daning army tent was silent for a while.

Then, Zhang Yi stood up and said with a smile: "The Emperor of Heaven has a benevolent heart. He is the most benevolent king in history. drop."

Listening to Zhang Yi's words, Ning An was speechless. There was a big hole in her heart but she didn't know where to spit it out.

After being silent for a while, Ning An said: "The teacher returns to court."




After hearing the news that the Heavenly Emperor had returned from a great victory and was invincible on the battlefield, and that the soldiers of Daning had returned home with great victories, many people spontaneously lined up on both sides of the streets in the city to welcome the return of the soldiers.

From the first day of the war to the present, there have been great victories every day, and every day is a good news. The people of Daning have established a firm belief in their hearts. Their Daning, led by the great emperor of heaven, will continue to maintain an undefeated victory. record.

Back in the palace, before Ning An, who had just held the court meeting, had no time to speak, a herald rushed in shouting the good news.

Good news again?

In the court hall, the ministers were stunned for a moment, and then all of them were full of smiles, good news, no matter what it is, as long as it is a good news, everyone likes to hear it.

Ning An took the letter from the eunuch and opened it to check.

It was indeed a good news, it was passed by Tian Dan from the Yanmen gate guard.

After reading it, he asked the eunuch next to him to recite the good news and inform the officials.

Tian Dan was guarding Yanmen Pass, and because he had no navy or warships, he stayed in the city to resist the attack of Beihai Kingdom.

Just as Su Qin guessed at the beginning, each of the warships of the Beihai Kingdom has been improved. They are equipped with various magic weapons, which can be activated with spirit stones, and eject extremely powerful flame bombs.

The flame bomb fell on Yanmen Pass and was blocked by the Great Wall. Even so, Daning soldiers still lost a lot.

Tian Dan didn't want to stay in the city and be beaten all the time, so he temporarily recruited manpower to train the water army. After training for a period of time, he began to drive the simple warship temporarily made by Tiangong Pavilion with spirit wood, and headed towards the Beihai Kingdom outside the city. The navy attacked.

The river outside the Yanmen Pass couldn't withstand the storm inside with the cultivation of the foundation stage, so the soldiers hid in the warships and attacked the opponents.

However, whether it is the strength of the water battle or the power of the warship, Daning is far inferior to the Beihai Kingdom. This time, the tentative battle ended in Daning's failure.

But Tian Dan did not give up. He quickly thought of a new way. After deliberately going out of the city to fight with simple warships several times in a row, and after being defeated every time, he also made the Beihai Kingdom feel frivolous.

Later, the Beihai Kingdom stopped destroying Daning's warships, but kept these warships, decomposed the spirit wood on them, and transported them back to China, preparing to rebuild new warships.

After grasping the mentality of Beihai country's greed for petty gain.

When Tian Dan fought for the last time, he dispatched all the simple warships in the city at the same time, and all of them were equipped with mechanism wooden oxen, which were equipped with flame-throwing instruments activated by spirit stones.

After these warships left the city, the Beihai Kingdom did not destroy them as before, and waited for the warships to approach and prepare to be dismantled...

These Daning's simple warships became life-threatening spells, and the mechanism inside was directly triggered!

Countless fire bulls rushed out of the cabin of the warship and rammed into the warship of Beihai Kingdom.

On this big river, the ships of the Beihai Kingdom are connected end to end, lined up in a dense row on the surface of the river. At the same time, after dozens of warships caught fire, they quickly began to separate the connected chains, but the chains were all made of special spiritual mines. , It was not so fast at all, and with the ferocity of the fire, it was too late for everything. In the end, the fire burned more and more vigorously, forming the elegant demeanor of burning a battalion for eight hundred miles above the river!

The Beihai Kingdom suffered a disastrous defeat!An army of one million was directly defeated by Tian Dan's Fire Bull Formation!
In the court hall, the officials listened to the eunuch's chanting, their faces were full of excitement and pride.

Finally, they didn't care about the rules anymore, and discussed this matter one after another.

Ning An, like the officials, was shocked by Tian Dan's ability.

This Tian Dan really deserves to be called a famous general.

In marching and fighting, the ability to adapt to changing situations is far beyond ordinary people.

One must know that Daning had no professional navy and no suitable warships, but even so, Tian Dan was able to counterattack the Beihai Kingdom and achieved such a big victory.

"Reward! General Tian is both wise and brave, and I want to reward him!"

Originally, the record of Bai Qi, Li Mu and others this time was already outstanding enough, but I didn't expect another even better Tian Dan.

Whether it is Bai Qi or Li Mu, they can win the opponent. In addition to their own excellent military capabilities, they also rely on the keel bow produced by Daning Tiangong Pavilion, so they can be invincible on the battlefield.

But Tian Dan was different. This time, he almost did not rely on too much external force, and relied on his personal strategy to defeat the Beihai Kingdom, and caused the Beihai Kingdom to suffer such heavy losses.

After this battle, whenever the name Tian Dan is heard in Beihai, it must be Xiao Er Zhi Cry.

"The reason why I, Daning, was able to win this battle is all because the officials did their best, and the soldiers were brave and united. According to the records of my achievements in Daning, after the war, there is only one person missing."

As Ning An spoke, he looked at Shang Yang among the officials.

Seeing Ning An looking over, Shang Yang, who had a rigid and serious face, immediately said: "My minister will definitely do the calculations carefully, and I will never miss out on the meritorious soldiers of my Daning!"

Ning An nodded and continued: "When I set up the cabinet and the military cabinet, I originally thought that there would be only six places, but after this battle, I found that I have a lot of talents in Daning, and only six places are not enough. To encourage people with lofty ideals, I will remove the quota limit for the time being, and anyone who has the merits of destroying the country can join the cabinet!"

"According to my decree, Bai Qi, Wang Jian, Li Mu, Meng Tian, ​​Wu Qi, Tian Dan, and Lian Po are all warriors of my Great Ning, and they may enter the Military Pavilion!"

In this battle, except for Lian Po who has been guarding Qinling Pass and has no fighting power, the others have achieved solid results. The ministers of the court and the central government bowed down one after another, saying that the Emperor of Heaven is wise.

Except for Yue Fei who was the first to join the Military Machine Pavilion at the beginning, the other fierce generals have been staring at this position. This is the supreme honor, the greatest recognition of the Emperor of Heaven, and the proof of Daning's meritorious deeds.

When Bai Qi and the others saw that they had finally joined the Military Machine Pavilion that they believed in, they paid homage one after another: "I will thank the Emperor of Heaven, and I will do my best until I die!"

Ning An smiled and nodded, and continued: "Su Qin and Zhang Yi, the two gentlemen have advised me, Daning, in this battle, and you can join the cabinet."

After hearing this, Su Qin and Zhang Yi also had a burst of joy on their faces, and quickly knelt down to thank them.

The ministers of the DPRK and China saw envious expressions on their faces when they saw the civil servants and military generals being appointed wantonly.

Who wouldn't want to be defeated in the cabinet?
Ning An looked at the officials again, stabilized his mood, and continued: "In this battle, I have calmed down the southeast and southeast of Daning, and now only the northwest and northwest are left. Do you have a good plan?"

Hearing the emperor's questioning strategy, all the officials below frowned and thought about it.

In the end, Guan Zhong, the head of the civil servants, stood up and said first: "I would like to report to the Emperor of Heaven, if the Beihai Kingdom is not eliminated, it must be a serious problem. I suggest that Tiangong Pavilion should build ships first, and at the same time drill the navy, and wait for our army to be strong and strong in the future." , you can send troops to Beihai and wipe them out in one fell swoop!"

"As for the south, there are mountains and dangerous mountains surrounded by miasma, but the flying boat can resist the miasma, and the lieutenant can drive the flying boat over these mountains first, and then make a decision after finding out the situation behind it."

Guan Zhong's words were immediately approved by the officials, and they all nodded to express their feasibility.

Ning An also nodded slightly, but he was a little troubled: "Although our soldiers are unparalleled in bravery, none of them are good at water combat. Do you have any recommendations?"

Facing Ning An's question, the courtiers looked at each other, and finally shook their heads helplessly.

Ning An was a little dissatisfied with this: "I, Daning, have such a vast territory and a population of tens of millions, can't I find a general who is good at water warfare?"

Daning has come all the way, from the beginning to replace the Great Zhou, to the annexation of seven countries, the destruction of gold, and the annexation of sixteen countries. Population data, when the time comes, Daning's population will inevitably lead to another big breakthrough.

But just like that, the whole country couldn't even find a single talent for water warfare, so Ning An was naturally a little bit reconciled.

In the end, it was still Guan Zhong who spoke, and he said: "I would like to report to the Heavenly Emperor, although Daning has a vast territory and a wealth of talents, many talents are buried among the people, why not build more recruiting halls in various places to attract talents? "

"Among the tens of millions of people, there must be people who are good at water warfare."

Recruitment hall...

Hearing Guan Zhong's suggestion, Ning An's eyes lit up.

Indeed, the land of Daning is constantly expanding, and the talents of the Seven Kingdoms alone are obviously not enough. If a recruiting hall is opened, it will definitely attract many talents to join, and among them, great talents who are good at water warfare will definitely be found.

Therefore, Ning An did not hesitate, and immediately said: "Then, according to Mr. Guan's suggestion, I will immediately spread my will to build recruiting halls in various places, and I will definitely reward those who recommend meritorious service!"

"But if you dare to fish in troubled waters, don't blame my butcher knife for not being sharp enough."

When Ning An finished speaking, his tone was full of warning.

He knew that although he could ensure that the ministers in the court were loyal and willing to do things with all their heart, but many decisions changed when they came down.

Since ancient times, corrupt officials have been unavoidable. After the recruitment hall is established, there will definitely be corrupt officials who will insert their children into it to pass the exam.

It’s fine if there are real talents and real learning, but if they are all fake, and the real talents are squeezed out instead, then what’s the point of the recruiting hall.

Therefore, after Ning An warned, he also ordered Guan Zhong that after the Recruitment Hall was established, a group of officials would be dispatched to review and review every once in a while.

Guan Zhong repeatedly assured that recommending talents is a top priority for a country, and he will definitely do his best to make the recruitment hall fair and just, and become a real talent center in Daning.

Ning An nodded in satisfaction, then exchanged with the officials for a while before retreating.

After retiring from the court, Ning An rushed to Tiangong Pavilion immediately.

The post-war results this time were very rich.

Flying boats, artillery fired by spirit stones, barbed wire fences separated by spirit stones and spirit mines to protect the city walls, and warships, etc., are all things that Tiangong Pavilion will develop next.

Knowing that Lu Ban was busy with business, Ning An specially ordered that Lu Ban not be required to attend the court meeting, and if necessary, Zi Destroy would send someone to invite him alone.

Naturally, Lu Ban was also very happy about this. He was devoted to the study of craftsmen's crafts, and he was really not interested in court meetings or anything like that.

"My humble minister pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven."

Ning An has been here for a long time, and has been silently watching everything in the Tiangong Pavilion. Lu Ban only noticed Ning An at this time, and hurried up to pay homage.

Ning An smiled and waved his hands: "Gong Lu is busy first, don't worry about me, I'll just take a look."

Lu Ban was also polite, nodded, and continued to walk to a flying boat, holding some tools in his hand, tinkering with it.

Ning An glanced at the flying boat. He should have been shot down. Lu Ban is repairing and restoring it. However, the restoration seems to be different from the original one.

Ning An was a little curious, and couldn't help asking: "Gong Lu is restoring the flying boat?"

After hearing this, Lu Ban immediately put down the tools in his hand, and said with a smile: "I report to the Emperor of Heaven, it is indeed a flying boat, and it is indeed recovering, but I found that although the flying boat is good, it still has some shortcomings, so I boldly tried to modify it. Just a little bit, maybe it will have some miraculous effects.”

Lu Ban deserves to be called Lu Ban, he can always draw inferences about the affairs of these craftsmen, and he doesn't need outsiders to remind him at all.

As if afraid that Ning An wouldn't understand, Lu Ban pointed to the four corners of the flying boat and explained: "Please look, the emperor of heaven, the four corners of this flying boat are very important and the weakest link, so I deliberately put them inside." A layer of dragon bone is embedded, and the outer part is also covered with scales, so its protection will be greatly improved."

Ning An nodded and said, "Then why don't you embed your whole body in the keel?"

After hearing this, Lu Ban smiled bitterly: "Reporting to the Emperor of Heaven, I also think about it, but I only have one Jiaolong Lake in Daning, and the output of keel and dragon scales is only so much, and I need to make keel bows in large quantities. These materials are not enough at all. ah……"

Hearing Lu Ban's explanation, Ning An immediately realized that, indeed, he just forgot about it.

If there are good materials, who doesn't want to use more, but the key is that the materials are limited.

Dragon bones and dragon scales are even rarer than those spirit wood spirit mines.

Now that Daning has occupied so many countries, it has also harvested a lot of resource points, and there is no shortage of spiritual wood and spiritual mines for a while.

However, there is still only one Jiaolong Lake.

The only expectation now is probably the mountains to the west. I wonder if some useful and rare materials can be found in the mountains after the subsequent flying boat passes over the mountains.

After all, the ministers have analyzed it before, and generally in such a harsh environment, there must be many precious medicinal materials or rare materials.

At least, the probability of appearing must be much greater than the other three sides.

Therefore, now Ning An pinned all his hopes on this.

After the court meeting ended, Daning sent spies to drive the flying boat to the mountains to the west as soon as possible. Now, he is waiting for the result.

Ning An pondered for a while, greeted Lu Ban, and then turned to leave.

While waiting for the news, he still did not forget to practice, and was going to go back to continue retreat.

Now that the territories on both sides of the southeast are taken, as soon as the credentials of these countries arrive, they will be completely merged into the territory of Daning, and he can plunder more spiritual energy at the same time.

 Ask for tickets every day~
(End of this chapter)

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