The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 127 126. The old man is reflecting recently

Chapter 127 126. The old man is reflecting recently
The aura shown by the real spirit and immortal made the people below daunted.

Countless people trembled, and the little thoughts in their hearts disappeared instantly at this moment.

A powerful True Spirit Immortal can suppress all small movements.

The top ten elders plus one chief steward have now lost five of them.

Ning An later filled the vacant position in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, and he can be regarded as one of the ten elders. There are still seven elders in total in the True Spirit Palace.

Since the establishment of the True Spirit Palace, the positions of the ten elders have always been as stable as Mount Tai.

But now, in just a few months, several people have been lost in succession.

What is the source of all this, everyone is very clear.

When the True Spirit Immortal was in good health, no one dared to have other thoughts, but it gradually changed later, and the people below had more thoughts.

Now, those thoughts are gone again.

The real spirit didn't even look at the three corpses on the ground, as if he had slapped three ants to death.

He slowly lowered his body and said calmly: "Clean it up, it's all gone."


The people below all responded after hearing this, and then some disciples began to come up to clean up, while others retreated.

No one dared to ask more about the cause of this matter, and no one dared to question it, it was just because the Palace Master in front of him was too strong.

It is so strong that the people below dare not raise any doubts.

The bedroom of the True Spirit Immortal had been destroyed, so he didn't stop there, turned around and walked towards another location.

Everyone watched his disappearing back, and the fear in their hearts eased slightly.

Yu Tianyun also came to Ning An's side at this time, and he didn't care who was distracted, so he asked softly: "You went to the Palace Master's bedroom a few days ago, what did you say? This matter should be related to you Bar?"

Ning An turned his head to look at Yu Tianyun, thought for a while, and then nodded: "Father, this matter is indeed related to me. The three elders went to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to look for me and wanted to go into the warehouse, but I refused. At that time, I was afraid of their revenge, so I went to report the matter to the Palace Master."

"Then the palace lord called the three of them over, and this scene happened in the end. I don't know the specific details..."

Ning An truthfully told what happened.

Yu Tianyun is also a smart person, and he quickly thought of more from Ning An's words.

Especially when he heard that the three elders asked Ning An to open the warehouse, he shook his head: "These three old things have lived in peace for a long time, people are so stupid, they actually want to get their hands on the Ministry of Internal Affairs."

"Now that the palace master is still alive, they are simply seeking their own death by doing this."

Yu Tianyun couldn't tell whether it was a sigh or gloating, he sighed after he finished speaking: "I didn't expect that the old man of the Palace Master has always been in good health, it is really a blessing for my True Spirit Palace..."

Ning An squinted at him after hearing this, and then nodded, "Yes, with the attitude of the old palace master, it seems that a breakthrough will happen sooner or later."

When Yu Tianyun heard this, the expression on his face was no longer calm, and immediately became gloomy, his eyes gleamed with unwillingness, but he was helpless.

After laying out for so long, I didn't expect that the real spirit fairy has always been pretending, his body is very good, and he showed an invincible posture as soon as he made a move, directly killing the three elders of the transformation stage.

The three elders of the Transformation Stage didn't even catch a move, the gap in strength was too great.

Ning An silently took out a ring from his bosom and handed it over: "Thanks to the support of the adoptive father before, now my nephew is the elder of the House of Internal Affairs, and has more or less rights in his hands. These things are not respect."

Looking at this storage ring, Yu Tianyun was taken aback for a moment, he was a little unaccustomed to this sudden change.

After listening to Ning An's words now, after thinking about it carefully, he found that this kid is now an elder of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and has real power, and he seems to have ignored this point all the time.

He glanced at the storage ring, and found that there were at least 20 magical artifacts inside.

This is a good thing!This kid has a heart!
Yu Tianyun's eyes lit up, a smile appeared on his face, and he glanced at Ning An with satisfaction: "Hehe, the old man will not be polite."

Ning An nodded with a smile, silently watching Yu Tianyun accept the ring.

By the way, he took a look at his favorability, and found that he had given away more than 20 instruments, but Yu Tianyun's favorability hadn't increased at all.

He sighed in his heart. Although he had expected it, the result was still a bit torturous.

The higher the opponent's cultivation base, the harder it is to gain favorability. He knew this before, but he has never given up. These magic tools can't improve the opponent's favorability at all. After all, they are all elders of the True Spirit Palace. There is much more to the world than oneself.

A mere magic weapon will indeed make them happy, but it's not enough to increase their goodwill. Moreover, each of these people has their own calculations and plans in their hearts, and they don't care about affection for a long time, and they are more interested in interests.

After Yu Tianyun accepted the magic weapon, he looked at Ning An and reminded him: "Although you are in charge of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, you should not go too far with some things and know how to do it in a low-key manner. Check it once, you have to pay attention."

Ning An nodded: "Father rest assured, my nephew knows it well."

Yu Tianyun nodded, and then left quietly.

Ning An watched his back silently, the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

This guy just took more than 20 magical artifacts from him, but his favorability didn't increase at all, he was simply a prostitute.

This guy can't stay. It seems that he doesn't even think about trying to win over the elders of the True Spirit Palace. The cost and effort are too high and it's not worthwhile.

So, it's best to kill them all.

Ning An turned around, didn't think any more, and returned directly to the House of Internal Affairs.

In the next few days, there will definitely be major changes in the True Spirit Palace.

Some people die, so naturally some people will rise to power because of it.

Everything is in the words of the true spirit and immortal.

The death of the three elders has caused the restless masters to busily destroy the evidence and handles in their hands.

The strength displayed by the True Spirit Immortal has completely shattered their illusions.

While destroying these handles, they also cut off the connection with those outside forces. Regarding this, the real spirits and immortals also turned a blind eye.

He was very clear about his physical condition, and he also knew that the people below had some thoughts, but after he struck down the three elders, he was no longer able to continue to strike.

Because every shot is consuming his Yangshou.

He didn't have much lifespan, and he tried his best to extend his life every day. At this time, there was no chance for him to squander it.

This time Thunder attacked and killed the three elders in one fell swoop to serve as a deterrent, so that he can practice and recuperate with peace of mind.

But this time's deterrence alone is not enough, he has to show a better posture.

Therefore, the True Spirit Immortal directly ordered to convene the people's council.

This kind of high-level council of the entire True Spirit Palace has not been held for a long time.

This time everyone is very clear in their hearts, knowing that the real spirit must have something to say.

Three days later, everyone gathered together again.

But what made them feel relieved was that the handles they had destroyed seemed to be very clean, without leaving any mistakes, otherwise they would not have been safe and sound for the past three days.

The location of the parliament is in front of the palace rebuilt by the real spirit and immortal.

There was a large courtyard where all the people gathered.

Everyone was quiet when they arrived, not daring to make unnecessary comments, for fear that disaster would come out of their mouths.

Ning An also arrived at the scene of the parliament.

When he came, more than half of the staff had already gathered, all elders and deacons.

After waiting for a while, after everyone arrived within the agreed time, the True Spirit Immortal finally appeared.

It was different from the old man with white hair and beard, who looked like he was about to enter civil engineering last time.

This time, the True Spirit Immortal was dressed in clean and tidy clothes, with divine light in his eyes, hale and hearty, with a steady pace when walking, and a straight waist, like a young man.

The washed white hair and the corner of the clothes moved with the wind, looking full of the demeanor of that worldly expert.

"Meet the Palace Master!"

In the courtyard, everyone stood up, clasped their fists and roared.

The True Spirit Immortal smiled slightly, with a confident and calm face. He took the main seat prepared for him, sat down slowly, and then waved his hands: "Everyone, please take a seat."

Everyone sat down one by one.

The True Spirit Immortal swept across the audience, his eyes flickering, no one dared to look at him.

He laughed and said, "The old man called everyone here today to explain what happened a few days ago."

"The three elders, Li, Tian, ​​and He, wanted to plot evil when the old man was seriously ill, but the old man noticed it in time and stopped him. That's why there was that bad scene that day, and everyone saw the bloody side. , is the old man’s fault.”

Hearing the words of the True Spirit Immortal, the people below fell silent, their hearts trembled, and many people quickly said: "These three elders are usually under the care of the Palace Master, but now they are really wolf-hearted and want to plot against the Palace Master. !"

"That's right, these three old men are disloyal and unrighteous, I wish I could cut them into pieces!"

"The palace lord was joking. For these three rebels, it should be like this. How could it be your fault..."

Everyone's words were full of flattery and awe, and they changed from the lazy look they had a few days ago.

The True Spirit Immortal continued to smile, looked at the attitudes of the people below, and continued: "I don't know how many people like these three elders are still in my True Spirit Palace, but what happened, the old man is really It's so sad."

When the True Spirit Immortal was full of grief, the conversation suddenly changed and became sharper. He swept across the crowd, "In the past few days, someone below has sent some letters one after another, or left some evidence, saying that it is my true spirit." In the palace, there are still some rebels who have not been eliminated, involving a wide range of things..."

Hearing this, the elders below were all shocked, and none of the elders present was clean.

At this time, the real spirit and immortal made it clear, is he planning to settle accounts?
So what should they do?Revolt?But the strength gap between the two sides is a bit big.

They still remember the scene of the three elders being slapped to death by the True Spirit Immortal three days ago, and it lingers in their minds for a long time.

After the Lord sat down, the True Spirit Immortal did not continue talking, but clapped his hands.

Soon, disciples on both sides brought a mahogany box one by one. After the box was opened, letters were neatly placed inside.

The True Spirit Immortal picked up a letter casually, and he shook it in his hand, but did not open it.

Looking at the people below, he said: "You are all old people who have followed this old man for a long time. You have been born and died for my True Spirit Palace all these years. Without you, the current situation of True Spirit Palace would not exist."

"It can be said that it is not the Palace of the True Spirit that created you, but you that created the Palace of the True Spirit!"

"When someone sent a letter before, the old man was very angry at first, and he also listened to the sender's words. For the rebels, no one will be left behind!"

"However, the old man has been thinking calmly for a few days recently, why are there so many rebellious people in my True Spirit Palace? The old man thought, is it my fault?"

"If one or two rebels, then I don't have to think so much. However, so many letters mean that so many people have some opinions on this old man. So, could it be that this old man really did something wrong?"

"After thinking about this, the old man became less angry and began to reflect."

"So, the old man decided not to open these letters, but to destroy them directly! The old man also let go of the past, and will never bring up old accounts in the future. You don't need to worry about other things in your heart. I just hope that everyone can be the same as before. Do your best for my True Spirit Palace."

The True Spirit Immortal looked sincere, looked at the crowd, he finished speaking word by word, and then in front of the crowd, with the spiritual energy in his hand fueling the fire, he burned the box containing the letter in front of him on the spot!

Seeing the raging fire, the elders below were all relieved. What the real spirit and immortal said just now made them extremely nervous, for fear of being identified at the scene.

But fortunately, the law does not blame the public, and the Palace Master doesn't seem to want this matter to continue to expand. After all, there are too many people involved in the matter. If all the people in the letter are found out, the foundation of the True Spirit Palace will be shaken.

After all, the operation of the entire True Spirit Palace depends on them.

After the fire burned all the letters to ashes on the spot, the elders below no longer had any rebellious intentions in their hearts. Since the palace master is as strong as before, they have no extra thoughts , I plan to go back and be the same as before, honestly work for the True Spirit Palace, and don't think about anything else.

Ning An has been standing silently in the crowd, taking a panoramic view of everyone's expressions and the performance of the real spirit and immortal, not missing every detail.

He keenly sensed that there was a problem inside.

Based on his understanding of true spirits and immortals, it is absolutely impossible for him to give up so easily. If he really did, it would mean that there is something wrong with his body.

On the surface, it seems that the law does not blame the public. In order to take the overall situation into consideration, the True Spirit Immortal decisively cut off the previous fetters, just for the stability of the True Spirit Palace, but in fact, this is just the performance of the True Spirit Immortal. .

His body should really be dying.

(End of this chapter)

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