The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 133 132. This red-haired monster is not my adoptive father

Chapter 133 132. This red-haired monster is not my adoptive father
This fifth thunder calamity did not give the real spirit immortal a chance to breathe. When the brewing reached its peak, the thunder disaster came and smashed hard at the top of the real spirit fairy's head!
The red eyes of the True Spirit Immortal looked at the sky. He was not complacent because he tore up the thunder calamity just now. On the contrary, he was more aware of the power of the next thunder calamity.

He raised his head to the sky and roared, a cloud of red mist erupted from his body, just like his current skin, bright red and strange red.

This cloud of red mist wrapped his body in it, forming a kind of natural shield to protect his body.

Thunder tribulation descended and hit the red mist.

The True Spirit Immortal threw out a large number of magical artifacts at the same time, and each magical artifact was destroyed by the thunder robbery, and Hong Wu quickly faced the thunder robbery.

After the red mist protective cover encountered the power of thunder, cracks appeared on the surface immediately, and it looked like it was about to burst at any time.

However, its tenacity exceeded everyone's expectations, and it actually lasted dozens of breaths!

These tens of breaths of kung fu are incomparably precious to the true spirit and immortal.

Taking advantage of this time, he began to pour the pill into his mouth recklessly.

Even, taking advantage of this opportunity, he turned his head to Ning An who had been watching from below and said, "Ning'er, you went to the Treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs for my father, and brought all the high-grade panacea inside to help me!"

Being called Ning'er by a monster covered in red, Ning An only felt numb and chilly...

He wished that the True Spirit Immortal would save him sooner, so why would he find some panacea for him, but he still nodded: "Good foster father."

Seeing that Ning An agreed, the True Spirit Immortal smiled with satisfaction. He really deserves to be his most loyal adoptive son. It is his honor to be the first to eat him after the old man cultivates into a true fruit.

After Ning An agreed in the crowd, he didn't leave. He just took a few steps back to hide himself deeper, and then continued to wait and see.

The disciple of the True Spirit Palace on the side asked suspiciously: "Elder Ning, why don't you go to the warehouse?"

Ning An looked at him silently: "Why should I go?"

The disciple was stunned: "Didn't the Palace Master let you go just now?"

After hearing this, Ning An glanced at the real spirit fairy in the sky, and shook his head calmly: "That's not my foster father, my foster father is not this red-haired monster."

Hearing this, the disciple was not stupid, and immediately understood Ning An's thoughts, but he didn't dare to speak out, for fear of being killed.

Just muttering in my heart, none of the ten elders under the palace lord, plus this adopted son, is really loyal to him, and now everything is reversed...

Thinking about it this way, it might be that the Palace Master himself has too many problems, otherwise why would he rebel against him...

The fifth thunder tribulation, the True Spirit Immortal, still blocked it, but his physical condition was even worse.

Without giving him a chance to breathe, the sixth thunder tribulation has come again.

Seeing this scene, the True Spirit Immortal felt a little desperate.

This endless thunder calamity keeps falling, when he is the head, even if he is not hacked to death, he will be consumed to death.

Elixir, he needs elixir.

In desperation, the only things that can give him a sense of security are magic tools and elixirs.

The best magic weapon in the entire True Spirit Palace is on him, so now only the pill is left.

He turned his head to look at Ning An, and found that the kid was still standing there motionless.

Didn't he go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to get the elixir? Why is he still here?
The True Spirit Immortal was a little puzzled, and a bad thought immediately came to his mind.

What does this kid want?

Although he was uneasy, the True Spirit Immortal still pretended not to know on the surface, but instead showed a kind expression, and said to Ning An: "Ning'er, have you brought the elixir? Go and run for my father. Father has survived this thunder disaster, and he will definitely be rewarded!"

No one is a fool, and the following disciples have seen the clues, this Ning An, like those elders, may have different intentions.

It's time, and it's too late for the real spirit and immortal to come here to paint big cakes.

But Ning An once again surprised everyone by turning around and leaving, heading in the direction of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Is this big cake a success?

Not only the disciples of the True Spirit Palace, but also the True Spirit Immortal was taken aback when he saw it. He tried to say this, but most of his heart was inclined to Ning An not to listen to him. This kid is also a rebellious person. Aberdeen, same as those elders.

It's just that my pie now looks like it's been painted?

True Spirit Palace looked puzzled, but there was no time to be distracted and think about other things.

Because the sixth thunder tribulation has already rolled in.

With a strong force, he slashed directly towards the top of his head.

The True Spirit Immortal threw out a bunch of magic weapons again, swallowed a mouthful of pills, let out a roar from his mouth, raised his hands to the sky, and once again resisted the thunder calamity.

Lei Jie slashed at his body, like tens of thousands of boning knives cutting back and forth on his bones, all kinds of pain clearly stimulated every nerve in him.

Now every minute and every second is a torment for the True Spirit Immortal.

But he didn't give up, he was still struggling, and he kept stuffing the elixir into his mouth, and he was renewing his life.

The thunder calamity was fierce, and he also became impatient, shouting: "Ning An, why haven't you come yet!"

As if hearing his roar, Ning An slowly flew towards him in the distance.

Seeing Ning An's arrival, the True Spirit Immortal's face was filled with joy. As long as he survived this layer of thunder, he could get a lot of pills from Ning An's hands later. If you are lucky enough to pass through the next level of thunder tribulation, you will continue to pass through the subsequent ones, and this is how you will pass the nine thunder tribulations...

Fantasy is beautiful, but reality is cruel.

The True Spirit Immortal discovered that Ning An was actually approaching him.

"Don't come here! It's dangerous here!"

The real spirit and immortal immediately scolded loudly after seeing it.

The danger is certain, and Ning An will definitely not be able to withstand the power of the thunder calamity after he gets close. If it is normal, then this kid is so close to him, he can't care about it, and he doesn't bother to care about it.

But now, this kid is carrying the life-saving elixir he needs, so he can't die yet.

If he died, the elixir would also be destroyed under the thunder calamity, so how could he continue his life by relying on the elixir.

However, Ning An didn't seem to have heard his roar, and was still approaching carefully. The closer he was to the center of the thunder calamity, the denser the scattered thunderstorms would be, and occasionally some would fall and hit his side.

Ning An's current cultivation is not bad. In the stage of transformation, he can dodge scattered lightning strikes without any problem.

He quickly approached the center of Lei Jie, and instead of advancing, he looked at the True Spirit Immortal and said with a smile: "Father, I have brought you medicine."

After hearing this, the True Spirit Immortal hurriedly stopped: "After the thunder calamity is over, throw it in. If you throw the elixir in now, it will only be destroyed by the thunder calamity!"

Ignoring the True Spirit Immortal's reminder, Ning An took out a black iron needle, smiled strangely at the True Spirit Immortal, and then threw the iron needle in his hand towards the True Spirit Immortal.

The True Spirit Immortal is fighting against Lei Jie with all his strength, and he doesn't care about other things at all.

When he looked at the thing Ning An threw over, he was a little puzzled, what kind of thing is this?Isn't it medicine?
Is it a magic weapon?But he has all the highest-grade magic weapons in the treasury of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so what the hell is this?
When the iron needle was thrown, it was not destroyed by the lightning. It landed beside the True Spirit Immortal, and the tip of the needle was inserted into the ground, standing upright.

The True Spirit Immortal glanced at him after approaching, and this glance scared him out of his wits.

Then he yelled at Ning An: "Ning An Shuzi! Shameless villain, I misjudged you! If I can get out alive, I will definitely chop you up!"

The disciples of the True Spirit Palace outside didn't know why the True Spirit Immortal was so angry, and they all looked curiously.

After all, just now this one was yelling Ning'er one by one, his feelings were very sweet, why did he suddenly turn his back on him.

At this time, the sharp-eyed disciple had already seen the thing beside the True Spirit Immortal. He was speechless for a while, and after a long silence, he said to the disciple next to him: "That is the lightning rod..."

Everyone: "?"

At this moment, everyone understood why the True Spirit Immortal scolded Ning An so severely. If it was them, they would also scold Ning An.

It's fine if you don't help at this critical moment, but you still harm others?
He was clearly carrying the thunder tribulation and would perish at any time, but this kid was really afraid that the true spirit immortal would not die fast enough, so he threw a lightning rod over.

Guys, which side is this on?

The disciples of the True Spirit Palace felt that Ning An was a little scary at this moment, and their thoughts were too vicious.

This is simply a funeral for the True Spirit Immortal, hoping that he will die immediately.

On weekdays, the one who played the role of father's kindness and son's filial piety in front of them every day, now that he is well, it belongs to his own people who are the most ruthless in stabbing knives.

Everyone was thinking wildly for a while.

The True Spirit Immortal at the center of the Thunder Tribulation was feeling extremely uncomfortable at this moment.

Originally, the sixth thunder tribulation was extremely powerful, and he couldn't resist it, and he still counted on Ning An to send a pill to continue his life.

As a result, the elixir didn't come, but instead a lightning rod, Fang Yuan and the like, those scattered lightning were instantly attracted together, and all the thunder and lightning hit him.

The power is even stronger than before!

Under these fierce bombardments, the elixir on the True Spirit Immortal was gone, and he didn't even have a chance to breathe right now.

He finally couldn't hold it anymore.

"This old man has been cultivating immortals for countless years, but he didn't expect to die at the hands of a villain today! This old man is unwilling!"

A thunderbolt hit the dantian of the True Spirit Immortal, and the sound of breaking followed.

The aura of the True Spirit Immortal declined instantly, and he was countless years old. He was bent over, and he couldn't stand upright. The lightning strikes struck his body, and his skin and bones began to crack.

He knew that his time limit had come, and the Thunder Tribulation still failed after all.

Before dying, he could only let out this unwilling cry.

The Palace Master is down!

The palace lord is really dead!

Although many disciples had already made this preparation in their hearts from the beginning, they were still extremely shocked after witnessing it with their own eyes.

The master of the True Spirit Palace, a big boss who has been in the world of cultivating immortals for countless years, has led the disciples below to witness the glory of generations.

But now, like an ant lingering against Lei Jie, he ended up dying in the end.

While most of them sighed, some disciples turned their attention to Ning An.

A trace of cruelty and greed flashed in their eyes.

Ning An has the entire House of Internal Affairs in his hands, which is the richest part of the True Spirit Palace.

In the past, when the palace lord was gone, he was the adopted son of the palace lord, and no one dared to do anything to him, but now that the palace lord is dead, wouldn't this opportunity come?
Now that the lord of the True Spirit Palace is dead, and all the elders have been killed by the lord, and the dragons have no leader, shouldn't it be a big one at this time, and then carve up the treasures in the House of Internal Affairs and go their separate ways?
"Ning'an dog thief, you are the adoptive son of the palace lord, but you are unkind and unrighteous. You killed your own adoptive father. I will avenge the palace lord!"

Some disciples took the lead in booing among the crowd, and soon got the approval of batches of disciples.

Countless people gathered around and looked at Ning An ferociously.

Ning An laughed immediately after seeing it, and snapped his hat. Isn't this his favorite method?

However, these disciples never imagined that they were not in the Nascent Soul stage, but in the Transformation Stage, and they were cultivating side by side with the elders of the True Spirit Palace.

Especially after the palace lord and elders are all dead, his combat strength is undoubtedly the first in the True Spirit Palace!

"You rebels seduce foreign enemies and persecute the palace master. As the son of the palace mistress, I will definitely clean up the real spirit palace and avenge his old man!"

Ning An's aura was released all over his body, and the violent spiritual energy turned into a strong wind, forcing everyone around him to retreat.

After feeling this violent breath, the disciples beside him were all shocked, the stage of transformation? !

Ning An is actually at the stage of transformation!

This time, no one dared to think about Ning An anymore, some disciples took the lead in running away, and then more and more disciples followed.

Others directly gave up on besieging Ning'an, but took advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters and rushed towards the House of Internal Affairs.

They wanted to take advantage of Ning An's absence from the House of Internal Affairs to pry open the warehouse door of the House of Internal Affairs and empty out the treasures inside.

However, when they felt the House of Internal Affairs, they found that the disciples of the House of Internal Affairs were not as flustered as they imagined, nor did they open the warehouse to snatch the treasures in advance, but stood there in unison, guarding the gate of the House of Internal Affairs, coldly watch them.

This Ning An is actually so good at winning people's hearts that so many disciples of the House of Internal Affairs work hard for him!
The besieging disciples were shocked again, but they still gritted their teeth and said, "Brothers, I can't control that much anymore. There are only so many people in the House of Internal Affairs. Let's all charge together! Wealth is right in front of us!"


All the disciples shouted in unison, preparing to attack the House of Internal Affairs together.

However, at this time, the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall of the True Spirit Palace arrived.

This group of disciples who were also taken as pawns by Ning An instantly cooperated with the disciples of the House of Internal Affairs and surrounded the disciples who were trying to besiege the House of Internal Affairs.

The deacon of the law enforcement hall stood at the front, looked at these people coldly, and said: "You traitors, you are a traitor, kill them!"

With an order, the disciples of the Law Enforcing Hall took the magic weapon that had been prepared long ago, and orderly manipulated a series of auras to attack!

These disciples, who had originally formed a temporary team to make a fuss, were not the opponents of the disciples of the Law Enforcement Hall who had been prepared for a long time, and they were killed and injured in an instant!
The rest of the people did not think about resisting, but hurriedly looked for a way out.

(End of this chapter)

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