The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 136 135. All Heavens Battlefield, Enter!

Chapter 136 135. All Heavens Battlefield, Enter!
The unique rays of light emanating from the Token of the Heavens enveloped Ning An, and as his thoughts turned, these rays of light also enveloped the thousand elite soldiers below.

A strong pulling force came, and Ning An and a thousand soldiers were pulled into the token at the same time.

Yellow sand is flying all over the sky, and occasionally there are people flying in the sky.

Ning An and the Thousand Guards appeared on the sandy ground at the same time.

This huge team of thousands of people was well-equipped and quickly attracted the attention of passers-by.

Ning An also quickly figured out his current location, the battlefield of the heavens, the second floor.

It is very close to the point where the Zixiao Immortal Palace was born on the first floor.

However, this distance advantage does not provide much convenience. After all, with their current strength, on the battlefield of the heavens, even if they enter the Zixiao Immortal Palace ahead of time, they still cannot get a bargain.

The battlefield of the heavens basically judges your birth position according to your strength. Although there may be some errors, it is definitely not big. , the overall strength can only be ranked to the second floor. You must know that there are nine floors in total in the battlefield of the heavens.

It can only be said that the battlefield of the heavens connects the heavens, and there are countless masters.

Under such circumstances, Ning An knew that even if he was the first to enter Zixiao Immortal Palace, it would be difficult to get out safely.

Now that the battlefield of the heavens has reopened, a large number of monks are rushing to the birthplace of the Zixiao Immortal Palace on the first floor, where most of the people from the battlefield of the heavens have gathered.

It means that if he goes to the battlefield of the heavens next, he will face countless powerful people, and it will be even more difficult to get a share of it.

So before Ning An entered the battlefield of the heavens this time, his thoughts were not Zixiao Immortal Palace.

He used reverse thinking.

Now the monks in the battlefield of the heavens have all gone to the Zixiao Immortal Palace, trying to get a share of it. At this time, there will definitely be a lot fewer people in other floors, and many resources and treasures will not be visited. Pay attention, at this time, if I take a thousand elites and wander around other layers, will I be able to get more benefits?

But the battlefield of the heavens is so big, it is not easy to get first-hand information, so Ning An directly started looking for the nearest branch of Tianji Pavilion.

In Tianji Pavilion, you can buy some useful news, as long as you can afford the corresponding value, there is nothing they dare not sell.

The Tianji Pavilion is indeed blooming everywhere in the battlefield of the heavens, and soon Ning An found a market, which indeed has a branch of the Tianji Pavilion.

He went inside alone, and all the thousand soldiers stayed outside and lined up.

Seeing someone coming in, the Tianji Pavilion disciples in front of the counter immediately stood up and welcomed them: "You are welcome to visit my Tianji Pavilion. I don't know if you are here to buy or sell?"

Ning An also got straight to the point: "I want to know the detailed location of the resource points that exist in each layer and have not been excavated yet."

Luban wanted ore, Bian Que wanted seeds, and Bole wanted the blood of spirit beasts. The masters of Daning had told Ning An thousands of times before they came, and Ning An naturally remembered them all.

Daning wants to be strong, other than his own monk strength, the other, the most important thing is these foreign things.

The disciple of Tianji Pavilion smiled and shook his head after hearing this: "I have a lot of resource points here, but I don't know which kind you want? I need a fellow Taoist to explain it in detail."

Hearing the meaning of this, Ning An knew that the Tianji Pavilion knew a lot of resource points, so many that it was unimaginable, but it was also true after thinking about it, the battlefield of the heavens is so big, and these resource points are also distributed everywhere, and even many resource points The resources in the point can still be regenerated, and it is impossible to dig close at all.

Ning An thought about it, and decided to come one by one: "I want a rare mineral resource point location, because I need these ores to make equipment."

After hearing this, the disciple of Jiji Pavilion pondered for a while, as if he was thinking about something, and then quickly nodded, turned around and opened a wooden grid, took out a piece of parchment and handed it over.

After the parchment was handed over to Ning An, the disciples of Tianji Pavilion said: "This is a spiritual mine discovered three years ago. Someone has mined the spiritual mine inside, and the purity is very high. For equipment, this purity is more than enough, this news is worth [-] spirit coins, please pay first."

One is very pure, and it is about the detailed location of the spirit mine, but as long as [-] spirit coins, Ning An knows that this news must have been sold by Tianji Pavilion countless times.

It's just that this mine should be very large, and the resources inside can be regenerated, so there must be a lot of people going there.

It might even spark some fights.

But this adventure is worth it. Nowadays, powerful and powerful people are vying for the treasures in the Zixiao Immortal Palace. These spiritual mines must be queued to the back. At this time, those who went to the Lingkuang to mine mines should have the same thoughts as me, and their cultivation base is not too high.

"Okay, thank you."

Ning An took the parchment, crossed [-] spiritual coins, and then turned and left Tianji Pavilion.

But when he was halfway there, he was stopped by the disciples of Tianji Pavilion behind him.

That day, the Ji Pavilion disciple held a wooden sign in his hand, and when Ning An had just transferred the spirit coins to him through the wooden sign, he had already known Ning An's identity in an instant.

There are records of all transactions in Tianji Pavilion. His records state that Ning An came to Tianji Pavilion last time and sold the news of Lu Fengxian and Hong Qinhu, and also exchanged for a dragon bone bow blueprint.

Tianji Pavilion is mainly based on business, so he called Ning An and said: "I saw that last time fellow Taoists came to my Tianji Pavilion to exchange a blueprint for a keel bow. Coincidentally, I also have a blueprint for a dragon bone armor here. I don't know. Are you interested?"

Dragon Bone Bow and Dragon Bone Armor, the names are matching, Ning An has already tasted the sweetness of Dragon Bone Bow, immediately stopped, turned to look, then nodded, and asked simply: "How many spirit coins? "

The disciple of Tianji Pavilion immediately laughed and said: "Our Tianji Pavilion is innocent. Last time, your Excellency used the news about Lu Fengxian in exchange for the blueprint of the keel bow. This time, you need [-] spirit coins to buy it."

One hundred thousand spiritual coins is not expensive, Ning An nodded, he did not expect that the existence with the same reputation as the Dragon Bone Bow would be so cheap, but it is certain, the disciples of Tianji Pavilion held this blueprint, I am afraid that they have sold it to many people .

Perhaps it was because of the speculation in Ning An's eyes.

The disciple of Tianji Pavilion smiled and said: "Your Excellency, don't think that the dragon bone armor blueprint of [-] spirit coins is cheap. First of all, we have indeed sold many copies of it, so the price will naturally be greatly discounted, but even if it is discounted, its The power is also there, and the real value is definitely not something that can be bought with a hundred thousand spirit coins."

"If your Excellency has produced the keel bow, you must know what I said is true."

Hearing this, Ning An immediately nodded subconsciously. Indeed, he had tasted the power of the keel bow, and it was worth it.

Seeing Ning An nodding that day, the disciple of Ji Pavilion smiled and continued: "The materials for the dragon bone bow and the dragon bone armor, I think someone should have told the fellow daoists last time that the materials they need are very sensitive, and they are related to the dragon clan. , now that the dragon clan is strong and domineering, many people are unwilling to offend, and those who have the strength to offend the dragon clan don't like this dragon bone bow. Therefore, after a long time, no one cares about this dragon bone bow, and the price is also low It came down."

"But its true value is definitely not something that can be bought with a hundred thousand spirit coins. Putting it in front of you, I boldly estimate that it needs at least 100 million spirit coins!"

100 million spirit coins, this number can really persuade many people to quit.

According to Daning, this is almost a year's production of spiritual coins, and this is the amount of spiritual coins produced when the people in Daning have a high degree of faith in him.

If it is placed in other countries with low faith, it will take at least several years to produce 100 million spiritual coins.

A lot can happen and a lot can change in a few years.

It can be said that if Ning An hadn't passed the arena of the heavens, it would be very difficult for Ning An to take out 100 million spirit coins.

Knowing the preciousness of the Dragon Bone Armor, Ning An no longer underestimated it, and nodded seriously, expressing that he had listened to the words of this Tianji Pavilion disciple.

The disciple didn't explain anything after seeing it, just smiled and made a gesture of invitation.

Ning An continued to turn and leave.

When I came outside the market, a thousand guards had been waiting for a long time.

Seeing Ning An come out, they all breathed a sigh of relief. If it wasn't for the emperor's order, they might have been unable to hold back after waiting for so long and would rush into the market to find out the situation.

If something happened to the Heavenly Emperor on the battlefield of the heavens, it would be their responsibility, and they would not be able to absolve themselves of the responsibility if they died a hundred times.

"Go here."

Ning An had already opened the parchment at this time, looked at the red marked position on it, and pointed with his finger.

The lieutenants in the back nodded without any doubts after seeing it, and then summoned the soldiers to set off.

Ning An put away the parchment map, and lamented in his heart that Tianji Pavilion is really a wealth of money, and he can easily earn so much spiritual coins by selling maps, which is simply impossible for others.

This matter, it is estimated that Tianji Pavilion can be done, after all, the reputation of so many years is here, and everyone believes in them.

If Ning An were to sell this map, let alone [-] spirit coins, even if it was [-] spirit coins, the other party would probably not believe it was true.

But if he really wanted to sell it, then Ning An himself knew that he would definitely sell a fake one.

In this battlefield of the heavens, people are not familiar with each other, and they wish that the other party will get fake news, so how can they sell real blueprints.

Under the leadership of Ning An, a large army of 1000 people marched forward with the goal on the blueprint in mind.

While marching, they met many monks on the road, most of them were single-handed, and they ran counter to Ning An.

They were going to the first floor, to Zixiao Immortal Palace, while Ning An was going to the fourth floor.

When these people saw Ning An, they also showed some curiosity. It is really strange that this thousand-man army did not go to Zixiao Immortal Palace, but went in the opposite direction.

But no one asked too much, and no one came up to provoke him.

Even if a thousand-man army is not very powerful in the battlefield of the heavens, it is definitely not easy to mess with.

And those who dare to provoke him don't bother to provoke Ning An, whether it would be of any benefit to him to kill them.

As for killing and seizing treasures, just these people, what valuable things can they have on them?

For Ning An, this journey was safe and sound.

Soon, he led the large troops to the target point on the fourth floor.

This is a very large mine with a length and width of at least ten meters.

Standing outside, you can also hear the sound of some spiritual mines falling to the ground.

He knew that someone was digging in it.

However, although this mine is large, its location is indeed very remote. If ordinary people do not have a map, they will rarely come to this place to see that it is a place with poor resources.

But in such a resource-poor place, such a mine of renewable resources was born.

Ning An didn't have ink marks, waved his hand, and immediately led a group of soldiers into the mine.

Inside, scattered, some monks were waving tools there, digging out pieces of spirit stone mines.

Seeing Ning An and others coming in, these monks who were alone subconsciously chose to stay away or avoid them.

In the mines, disputes are the least of them.

Because there are more ores here, and the resources can be regenerated, it is not unique, so most monks come here to dig mines honestly, instead of arguing with others.

Ning An glanced roughly, not to mention the inside, there were only a few people around here, and their cultivation bases were not low, most of them were in the Nascent Soul stage, and there was another monk who was at the Transformation Stage like himself.

None of these people was a threat to him.

Ning An didn't bother to provoke them, and directly asked the soldiers below to start looking for mines for mining.

These thousand elites had undergone all kinds of special training before they came. Not to mention knowing astronomy and geography, at least they knew how to distinguish the good from the bad with these basic materials.

A thousand soldiers searched for ore spots with higher purity in the mine, and then mined them.

Some soldiers were dissatisfied with these ore spots outside and felt that the purity was not enough, so they chose to continue searching.

About half an hour later, a soldier in the mine came to Ning An and reported: "I want to report to the Heavenly Emperor, I found a very high-purity mine inside, and the scope is very wide, suitable for a large number of people to mine at the same time. "

The higher the purity of the spirit mine, the better. Hearing this, Ning An immediately led the soldiers to rush there.

After hearing the soldier's report, some monks around looked at Ning An and advised, "Young man, are you new here?"

"Is there a red flag next to the mine that the soldier below you mentioned?"

After Ning An heard this, he turned his head to look. The soldier recalled it for a while, then nodded: "There is a red flag."

The cultivator who sounded the reminder said immediately after hearing this: "If there is a red flag, it should be Hao Tianwen's group. They have occupied that mine for a long time. You'd better not make trouble and find other people." .”

Hearing this, Ning An became a little interested: "Dare to ask you, what is the origin of this Hao Tian Wen?"


PS: Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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