The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 151. 150. Top Spirit Weapon, Royal Dragon Robe

Chapter 151. 150. Top Spirit Weapon, Royal Dragon Robe
Hei Wu continued to chase Ning An, and the death of Master Heilong didn't seem to have made the disciples of the Black Dragon Sect want to avenge him.

At most, they just swear a few words in place.

This is the cold heart of most immortal cultivators, outsiders are not surprised when they see it, they are all used to it.

Seeing that the rest of the Black Dragon Sect did not continue to follow him, Ning An lost his worries and continued to lead the Daning soldiers to run.

This road has never stopped, and wherever it goes, there must be a sea of ​​blood...

The name Ning'an was already equivalent to the God of Plague at the ruins of Zixiao Immortal Palace.

Now, this god of plague has not forgotten his goal, Tiangong!
As long as he doesn't get rid of this black mist for a day, Ning An will not stop for a day, and he will always be on his way here.

The most fortunate thing is that although the black mist swallowed many creatures, there has been no progress in terms of speed.

As long as you don't get close to it, you won't be pulled in by its own suction.

Ning An took advantage of this to jump left and right in Zixiao Immortal Palace.

He didn't forget the way to Xiangong, he always remembered it.

Find the intersection and break in directly.

The Immortal Palace is the same as the previous Sanqing Temple. In order to reduce conflicts, these big factions are consciously separated and avoid encountering each other.

As for what you can get inside, that's up to everyone.

This time, the intersection chosen by Tiangong is also directly connected to the warehouse in Zixiao Xiangong.

Inside, they found a large warehouse with countless spiritual artifacts piled up in it. Even though these spiritual artifacts had been buried for countless years, they could still feel the strong spiritual energy inside after they got close.

Under the cover of boulders and broken wood, in those gaps, there are countless smooth flows. After approaching, the prickly people can't open their eyes.

"Haha, Magical Artifacts, so many Magical Artifacts!"

"Get rich!"

"You are stupid, why are you happy? This was discovered by Tiangong, not you..."

"You are so stupid, this treasure house is so big, there are countless magic weapons, so many people have come to Tiangong this time, how can they have the time to clean up these rubble one by one?"

"This warehouse is so big, it will be enough for us to reduce some leaks later."

When Ning An entered this cave, he could hear similar discussions from afar.

Every monk who entered here had an excited look on his face.

If it were not covered by these gravels, then perhaps all the treasures here would be swallowed up by Tiangong.

But precisely because there are many gravels here, Tiangong did not dare to use brute force to move these gravels away, so as not to damage the spiritual weapon inside.

In this way, these casual cultivators were naturally given a chance.

So, they are quite optimistic now.

But this optimism didn't last long, they saw Ning An leading the black mist rushing in.

The cultivators on the same line as Ning An had no time to react and were directly swallowed by the black mist.

After the others reacted, they hurriedly dispersed to the surroundings, leaving Ning'an far away.

Then, when some casual cultivators from outside entered here, they saw Ning An and immediately told everyone what happened at Sanqing Temple.

As soon as the old gentleman of the Sanqing Temple was enlightened, the rest of the people immediately dispersed as if seeing a plague god, and looked at Ning An as if they had seen a ghost.

On the other side of Tiangong, the leader is a middle-aged man, wearing a golden dragon robe, looking very luxurious, he is the ruler of Tiangong, the Jade Emperor.

Hearing the Heavenly Soldiers and Generals below talk about Ning'an, the Jade Emperor immediately became thoughtful.

Then he was not as careless as Laojun and the others, and he did not want to kill the danger in the cradle like the real black dragon.

Instead, order the heavenly soldiers below to avoid this thief as much as possible, and it is the best policy to collect the spiritual weapon buried under the ruins.

The Jade Emperor came this time only to ask for money, and did not plan to deal with Ning An.

Compared with the Jade Emperor, Ning An is more single, and has no desires or desires. This time the goal has been achieved, and he can return to Daning with a batch of special materials.

Now he just wants to save the lives of Daning soldiers.

So we must guide the disaster behind us to Tiangong.

So, as before, when Ning An saw Tiangong and his party, he took the initiative to rush towards them.

As for the Heavenly Palace, they had already been ordered by the Heavenly Emperor. When a group of Heavenly Soldiers saw Ning An rushing towards them, they dispersed from a distance, and then each cleaned up the rubble that was pressing on the magic weapon.

These gravels are all the walls of the warehouse where Zixiao Immortal Palace used to store magic weapons.

It's not an ordinary thing, ordinary strength is not enough to consign it, and it is not appropriate to use more or less strength, as it will easily damage the spiritual weapon buried below.

Therefore, they are all manipulative techniques and cautious.

So the overall progress is not fast.

And Ning An was also keenly aware of this. Although these heavenly soldiers avoided him, he could always guide the black mist to rush over when a group of heavenly soldiers had just carried the rubble halfway.

This practice must have offended Tiangong to death, but Ning An couldn't care less.

Coming to Zixiao Immortal Palace this time, I have already offended too many people.

One is also offended, and both are the same, it doesn't matter.

Moreover, this battlefield of the heavens has always been characterized by egoism...

Although Ning An is a newcomer, he can still carry forward the friendly culture of his predecessors.

"Ning'an thief, do you want to stay with me forever in Tiangong!"

On the other side, the Jade Emperor avatar did not expect this thief to be so cheap, and cursed angrily.

When Ning An saw the Jade Emperor breaking his defense, he ignored him. At this time, no matter what the Jade Emperor said, he turned a blind eye.

Anyway, we have come to this point, so why worry so much.

Seeing that Ning An didn't listen to his advice, the Jade Emperor gritted his teeth angrily, the black mist followed Ning An all the time, and the thief was extremely cunning, as hard to catch as a loach.

He watched it for a long time, but in the end he could only curse.

Seeing that the Jade Emperor, the boss of Tiangong, had broken his defenses, the casual cultivators in the distance also felt a lot more comfortable.

Moreover, Ning An is now focused on leading the black mist to Tiangong, which has also provided them with many opportunities.

People with Tiangong attract Ning An's attention, and they can dig treasure here with peace of mind.

Ning An doesn't care about the Jade Emperor, he is just wasting time, waiting for the battlefield of the heavens to close, and then everything will be over.

However, as he jumped back and forth in the ruins, he clearly felt that the Yin-Yang Lingzhu on his body was not safe.

This thing itself is a gold-swallowing beast, and now it is in such an environment, it is instantly attracted by these magic tools buried underneath.

Then, it started to operate on its own, and these magic tools buried under the time seemed to have eyes, and all of them rushed towards Ning'an.

Seeing that the spirit weapons under the entire ruins were attracted by Ning An, everyone couldn't sit still.

Everyone is here to make a fortune, what does it mean for you to take it all by yourself?
Although I don't know what method this thief used, but by doing so, he touched everyone's cake.

Now, no one can remain calm.

Cursing and cursing with the people in Tiangong...

Ning An was also very surprised, this Yin-Yang Lingzhu is really not good, no wonder Lord Qin Huai was willing to give this thing to himself before, to be honest, if he went to a big faction in the future, wouldn't this bead directly take away the law of other people's warehouse? The device is all sucked away?
Can the owner of this bead leave that sect alive?
Seeing Ning An looking towards him, Qin Huai-Jun curled his lips, feeling a little grateful in his heart. Fortunately, this thing is in Ning An's hands. If he continues to stay with him, he will come here with Ning An this time. Then I reckoned that I had already been chopped into pieces by everyone.

After all, there was no black mist following him behind him, and he couldn't be like Ning An, who had this thing protecting him in disguise.

But thinking about it from another angle, he was quite envious of Ning An.

Holding the Yin-Yang Lingzhu in his hand, and with the help of the black mist to 'back him', he can plunder these magic weapons without any restraint.

Zixiao Immortal Palace is an ancient sect. Although they didn't know why they fell, they didn't even take away these magical artifacts, and they were buried here together.

The entire magic weapon warehouse of Zixiao Immortal Palace should be able to feed the Yin-Yang spirit beads, right?
Lord Qin Huai looked at the pearl in Ning An's arms, thinking silently.

Ning An was still walking in the sky, followed by the black mist, with the Yin-Yang Lingzhu in his arms, and everyone was looking at him, always feeling like a wolf in front and a tiger in the back.

However, if you think about it carefully, if you can gather and absorb the magic weapons of the entire Zixiao Immortal Palace, then this feeling is quite good...

It is also worth mentioning that the Daning soldiers who have been following Ning An have formed a tacit understanding. Like Lord Qin Huai, they have been closely following Ning An, never falling behind, and always keeping a distance from the black mist .

In this way, there is no need to worry that other monks will threaten Ning An with the lives of Daning soldiers.

Therefore, they can only continue to curse below as before...

"It's strange, what is there on this thief's body? It can not only attract the black mist to pursue it, but also absorb all the spiritual weapons buried under the ruins..."

"Furthermore, these spirit artifacts can avoid the squeeze of the ruins independently, and can easily pass through the gaps, and then gather on this thief..."

The Jade Emperor watched silently from the side, observing Ning An all the time, but unfortunately he couldn't find any clues after watching for a long time.

He didn't know what secret was hidden in Ning An, even though he was well-informed, he also became curious and greedy for the mysterious treasure in Ning An.

Although he is a big man standing in the pyramid of the world of cultivating immortals, but at this time he also began to think about how to have the opportunity to go to Ning'an's small world...

Various emotions were brewing in the Jade Emperor's heart.

These emotions were overwhelming, and finally, he couldn't bear it anymore.

If this kid is allowed to run away this time, then the next time I want to meet again, I don't know when it will happen.

And this opportunity is rare, all the bosses are not here, and he and this kid are here, the opportunity is absolutely once in a lifetime.

So, after the Jade Emperor thought about it, he finally couldn't help it, and did it!

A stern look flashed through his eyes, and the Jade Emperor soared into the air, with five-clawed golden dragons rising behind him.

If you look carefully, you will find that these five-clawed golden dragons all jumped out of the dragon robe on his body!

It is the magic weapon of the Jade Emperor, Yulongpao!
It is also a well-known top spiritual weapon in the world of cultivating immortals.

There was a lot of commotion on the Jade Emperor's side, and many monks were attracted.

They looked together.

Above the sky, there are a total of seven five-clawed golden dragons!

These golden dragons are like golden chains, entwining the Jade Emperor in them.

Then, without the slightest bit of ink marks or carelessness, the boss directly controlled the golden dragon, waved his arm, and slammed it towards Ning An!

Feeling the sound of breaking wind coming from behind, Ning An quickly turned his head to look.

What he saw were the seven five-clawed golden dragons roaring towards him with brilliant golden light.

This random golden dragon is about the same size as his Dawei Tianlong, let alone seven.

It is simply blotting out the sun.

The powerful aura formed by the seven golden dragons seemed to be able to destroy the entire ruins, and the frightening might even frightened the monks below to run away.

In normal times, seeing such a situation, Ning An would have no choice but to wait for death.

but now.

He had no fear on his face, he laughed, and he was another unbelievers.

I saw that he twisted his body slightly and turned an angle.

This angle is very tricky, just such a slight movement, the position of the body changes instantly.

Ordinary people can't understand the tricks in it, but Ning An is very clear, because the connection between the black mist behind him and what he only sees is more like an invisible thin line.

This thread seemed to be tied around his waist. Whenever he moved, the black mist connected to the other end would also sway.

Thus, the scene on the field changed to Ning An gently moving a few steps to the left, and then the black mist also moved a few steps to the left.

In the end, it turned into a black mist and blocked Ning An's back, protecting him tightly, and at the same time exposing his back to the seven five-clawed golden dragons...

This weird and unbelievable painting style made all the monks on the field stunned.

The Jade Emperor on the opposite side also froze, opened his mouth, and felt a bad premonition in his heart.

Then, they saw that the seven five-clawed golden dragons that were still charging roared and rushed towards the black mist.

But the black mist didn't move. After the golden dragon approached, an invisible aura emanated from its body, as if it had turned into a bottomless black hole, swallowing all the golden dragons in it!

At the same time, after the five-clawed golden dragon was swallowed by the black mist, everyone heard a bang, and the dragon robe on the Jade Emperor was shattered!
A top-notch spiritual weapon was destroyed like this!
Everyone was shocked, and the Jade Emperor was also shocked.

He came here as a clone, and the dragon robe on his body is still on his body. Why is this side affected?Will it be broken directly?
The logic here is completely unreasonable...

Seeing the broken and damaged Yulongpao, the Jade Emperor showed an extremely painful expression on his face.

Then he glared at Ning An and yelled, "Ning An's thief! You want to die! I will tear you to pieces!"

(End of this chapter)

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