Chapter 154. Chapter 153.

This black crow is not only a chatterbox, but also a fool.

Ning An silently thought to himself, with so many spiritual weapons out there, and the opponents are helpless because of the noise coming from your mouth, such an opportunity is right in front of you, and you still need to remind yourself.

This thing is really worrying...

The black crow shut up after hearing Ning An's words, and then spread its black wings and flew towards the group of monks who had lost their combat effectiveness.

These monks were all stained with the power of disaster. They were lying on the ground in pain, and some were still struggling, trying to get rid of this black fog-like thing on their bodies.

The black crow landed and stayed beside them, looking at them with blood-red eyes, and then said: "I'm hungry, I want to eat your spiritual weapon."

Hearing what the black crow said, the casual cultivators below who were already half-dead immediately subconsciously hugged the spiritual weapons in their hands, and then rolled over, pressing down on the treasures in their hands.

I'm afraid this is a fool...

In the distance, Ning An silently watched this scene.

This is simply telling the other party again, I'm going to kill you, get ready and run away.

However, although these monks held the spiritual weapons in their arms tightly, when the black crow opened his mouth, the power of disaster on their bodies seemed to be drawn by some kind of force, and then the whole person felt even more uncomfortable, their faces turned black, and their bodies were all shattered. Huddled in place, trembling constantly.

But the black crow was rejected, and began to babble: "I'm hungry, you don't give me food, you are too bad, why are you starving me, I will starve to death if I am hungry, I want food, I want food starving……"

"This thing, it seems a bit abnormal here..."

Ning An remained silent the entire time, not knowing how to describe Black Crow's performance.

Qin Huai Jun muttered softly at the side, and then pointed to his head with his finger.

Ning An squinted at him, but didn't speak.

Qin Huai-jun continued: "Are you sure you can control such an abnormal thing?"

If it was changed to something else, Ning An would definitely tell the other party confidently that there is no problem.

But looking at the black crow, he was silent...

On the other side, facing the black crow's nagging, the monks lying on the ground suddenly took the initiative to lift the spiritual weapon in their hands to the black crow, and they said with a bitter face: "Give it to you, I will give it to you, please don't Talk, or just kill me directly, don't torture me..."

"Yes, yes, I'll give you all of it, just don't open your mouth and just shut up. If it doesn't work, you can just kill me..."

These monks also looked crazy at this time, they scrambled to hand over the spiritual weapon that they had just regarded as a treasure to the black crow, for fear that this thing would start to chatter again after they were a step too slow.

Looking at this scene in the distance, Lord Qin Huai glanced at Ning An silently, and explained in a timely manner: "Surrender without fighting?"

Ning An curled his lips, and replied, "Well, in the end, it can be said that someone offered the spirit weapon on their own initiative, and it doesn't fight or snatch it..."

The two looked at each other, silent.

Over there, the black crow saw a large number of spiritual artifacts in front of him, colorful, and his blood-red eyes were almost squinting happily.

So many spiritual artifacts directly made it smile: "So many spiritual artifacts, it's so good..."

"Fuck, stop talking..."

"Shut up, big black crow..."

Just such a sentence instantly made those monks panic, and their faces were full of panic.

At the same time, the spiritual weapon in his hand stretched out to the black crow's mouth.

Seeing that these spiritual artifacts were already on the verge of his mouth, the black crow sniffed greedily, then opened his mouth wide, and directly devoured all the spiritual artifacts in front of him.

The piles of spirit weapons piled up like a mountain, but in front of the black crow, they were fading at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Soon, each piece of spiritual weapon slowly and completely disappeared in front of everyone's sight.

As for the black crow, after devouring so many spiritual weapons, there was no visible change in his body, except that the black mist on his body seemed to become more intense.

"Brother Black Crow, can we go?"

This group of monks looked at the black crow tremblingly at this moment, and they didn't want to stay in it for a moment now.

But the black crow didn't pay attention to their words, its blood-red eyeballs swept over everyone, and opened its mouth again: "And, and..."

Everyone: "..."

This crow is a dog...

Everyone cursed in their hearts, and then saw that the black crow wanted to speak again, and quickly took out some treasures from the storage ring.

They hadn't taken it out before, thinking that as long as the black crow didn't see it, it would be fine, but they didn't expect that people could still smell it by smell.

"Hehe, this black crow is really interesting. He is an expert in treasure hunting. In the future, he can help you find treasures everywhere, and everything is indispensable."

Seeing this, Mr. Qin Huai smiled and said to Ning'an.

Ning An nodded silently. He didn't expect Hei Ya to have this ability. Although his brain is not very bright, his ability is not small.

For example, the power of calamity that makes monks fear, and the voice that makes life worse than death, and now there is an additional treasure hunting ability, it is indeed a very good tool crow...

"Brother Black Crow, that's all there is, I've taken out all the stuff at the bottom of the box, please let me go..."

Those monks took out the last few treasures in the storage ring, and this time, they really emptied them.

They even took the initiative to turn around and said: "Don't hide and hide, you can't hide, don't you want to hear this person speak later?"

Hearing this, some monks in the crowd immediately changed their expressions, and then reluctantly took out a few spiritual artifacts from their storage rings and handed them over.

They threw all the spiritual artifacts in front of the black crow, and soon, another mountain of spiritual artifacts appeared. Although it was not as big as before, it was enough for the black crow to eat.

The crow's appetite was like a bottomless pit, and after taking a deep breath greedily, it devoured all the spiritual artifacts on the ground one by one.

This time, these monks obviously have nothing to hide. They found that as long as the black crow does not speak, the black mist wrapped around their bodies will not spread. If the black mist does not spread, they will not suffer, and their lives will be saved. .

If they save their lives, as long as the battlefield of the heavens is closed and they return to their respective worlds, the black mist will definitely lose contact with the black crow, and they will be fine.

So right now, just save your life.

"Brother Black Crow, I gave you all the spirit weapons. We haven't hidden any of them. Can we go now?"

The black crow didn't reply, it seemed that it was already full, and it lowered its head and stroked its feathers with its sharp beak.

Seeing this, the monks breathed a sigh of relief. It seems that now they are indeed all drained, and no one is hiding.

So, they began to nod and quickly backed away.Can't wait to get out of Asgard.


Seeing that everyone wanted to retreat, Ning An, who had been silent all this time, finally spoke.

Hearing this voice, the expressions of the monks changed. They were exhausted by the black crow and almost forgot the real protagonist.

This Ning An is the culprit. The black crow is not very smart and is easy to fool, but this one is not that stupid, and he is also the owner of the black crow.

Thinking of this, the cultivators immediately lowered their faces, turned around with pained faces, and looked at Ning An eagerly.

The leader of Sanxiu had a bitter face, and looked like he was about to cry: "Fellow Daoist Ning, all the spiritual weapons on our bodies have been handed over and offered, and none of them are left, what else do you want... ..."

They used to be Ning An's thieves, but now they have changed their names, and they are directly called Daoyou. After being educated by the black crow, they are much more honest, and they no longer have the intention of confronting Ning An.

Ning An squinted at them, glanced at the storage rings on their hands, and said softly: "Who said there is nothing left?"

The cultivator looked at Ning An and instantly understood what was going on.

He had a painful expression on his face: "Fellow Daoist, don't you even let go of the storage ring... There are no spiritual weapons in it, just ordinary medicine pills and spiritual mines..."

The black crow can sense the existence of the spiritual weapon, and if it doesn't speak, it means that there is really no spiritual weapon. However, the black crow doesn't like this storage ring, but Ning An does.

It's not mainly for the storage ring, but for the pills and spirit mines inside.

These are free medicine slaves and mine slaves...

Ning An smiled and said, "I'm not interested in anything else, I just like collecting these pills and spirit mines."

The rogue cultivators could tell that this guy was going to not let a single hair go unnoticed, to scoop them up.

But due to the might of the black crow, they had no choice but to endure the humiliation, silently took off the storage ring on their fingers, and handed it to Ning An.

There were so many monks, each with a storage ring in their hands, and soon, a small mountain was piled up in front of Ning An.

With a wave of his hand, all these storage rings were loaded into it.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work, everyone can leave."

Ning An looked at these food and clothing parents, said politely, and made a gesture of invitation.

Seeing this, those casual cultivators immediately retreated outside.

I'm afraid that something will happen to Ning'an later.

After all, those who can come to the battlefield of the heavens, there are not many good things...

Naturally, Ning An was no one. The main reason for letting them go was that these people didn't do him any harm, and they could help spread his reputation after returning.

In addition, you can also establish a good reputation for yourself in the battlefield of the heavens, so that all monks know that I am peaceful, as long as you hand over the storage ring, you don't have to kill...

In this case, when encountering an opponent who can't beat them in the future, they will not fight to the death, but will hand in the storage ring in exchange for a way out.

In this way, you don't have to worry about your opponent dying, and you can make a lot of money. Even after letting go this time, you might meet again next time, and then you can continue to squeeze the wool.

This way of making money must not be missed.

When it comes to plucking wool, Ning An believes that he will not lose to anyone who comes, and this experience has been accumulated by stepping on countless bones.

In other words, I am a peace-loving person and don't like to fight and kill.

At this time, the casual cultivators have already withdrawn from the fairy palace one after another.

In the entire Immortal Palace, only Ning An and his Daning soldiers were left.

Lord Qin Huai walked over, looked at Ning An, and said with a smile: "I never thought that you would have all the benefits of this trip to the Immortal Palace. After this battle, you will surely be famous in the Three Realms."

Ning An glanced at him and said with a smile: "That also proves that your vision is good. Joining me, Daning, will be the most correct choice for you."

Mr. Qin Huai did not deny it, he nodded: "Well, when the fog clears and the new world merges, if we can meet, I will definitely enter your Daning."

Ning An also nodded: "Okay, when the time comes, I will do what I say, and I will definitely find a way to heal the injuries in your body and restore you to your former strength."

Mr. Qin Huai laughed: "If someone else said this, I would not believe it, but if you say it, I will believe it!"

After the two exchanged words and words, they didn't say anything more.

Lord Qinhuai simply sat cross-legged: "The trip to the Immortal Palace is over. In a few days, the battlefields of the heavens will be closed, and you and I will be separated temporarily. I don't want to run away these few days, so I will meditate on the spot. "

Ning An agrees with Lord Qin Huai's words very much. If nothing else is said now, there must be many monks out there who want to kill him.

Relying on the black crow before, and the narrow terrain inside the Asgard can take advantage of it. If I go out, facing the siege from all directions, I really dare not guarantee that I can control those people outside like I was in the Asgard. damn.

So Lord Qinhuai's opinion is very good, Ning An agrees with it very much, and also follows in meditation practice.

After all, relying on this guy, he can provide himself with a lot of spiritual energy.

It's just a pity that the avatars of those big bosses have all died, and now the speed of aura looting has slowed down a lot.

In the fairy palace, it is impossible to break through.

However, although it was a pity that he could not break through, Ning An was very satisfied overall.

I have become the biggest winner of the Immortal Palace this time, and I have gained countless things. At the same time, I have also fulfilled the entrustments of the masters from all walks of life in Daning, and will bring back countless precious materials.

After the materials are brought out this time, the new gadgets researched by the masters will definitely enhance Daning's overall strength again!

three days later.

Ning'an, Lord Qinhuai and the officers and men of Daning below all practiced in situ for three days.

During this period, no one came in. Outside, those monks who left had long rumored that Ning An was a great demon king, a horrible existence that even the big brothers would worry about when they saw it...

In the past few days, Ning An has been practicing quietly. Until today, the battlefield of the heavens has finally ushered in the day when it will be closed.

A faint halo appeared in front of Ning An, and the strong suction force directly pulled him in, and a kind of Daning soldiers behind him were also pulled in.

And the black crow didn't seem to be affected, but it took the initiative to fly to Ning An's shoulder and stayed there quietly.

A halo also appeared on Qin Huai-jun's side, pulling him in. While being pulled, Qin Huai-jun did not forget to shout: "I hope we can meet soon next time!"

(End of this chapter)

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