The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 158 157. In this world, no one enshrines the golden body of the monk...

Chapter 158 157. In this world, no one enshrines the golden body of the monk...

After Wei Zhongxian finished speaking, Ning An completely understood what he meant. He saw the black crow chirping non-stop, looking energetic.

So I wanted to turn waste into treasure, let the black crow go to the mine, and then use the sound to vibrate to obtain the spiritual mine inside.

This can save a lot of expenses, and secondly, it can also consume the energy of the black crow.

Ning An glanced at Wei Zhongxian appreciatively.

This guy really has a good brain, and he can think of so many things in an instant.

"Very well, Wei Zhongxian, then I will entrust this matter to you and let you complete it."

Ning An looked at Wei Zhongxian and said.

The latter was obviously taken aback when he heard this.

Since ancient times, which Ming monarch would hand over the affairs of the court to the eunuchs, wouldn't this be said to death by the courtiers.

Those who can do this are basically faint emperors. The rule of wise emperors has always been that eunuchs and harem should not interfere in the affairs of the court.

But what Ning An did, in Wei Zhongxian's opinion, is obviously not a faint king, but definitely a wise king with a strong right wrist.

But this time, an eunuch like him was actually allowed to personally intervene in the mine, which made him incredible.

Wei Zhongxian is not Ning An, so naturally he doesn't know Ning An's methods.

As far as Ning An is concerned, as long as you are loyal to me, if you think about Daning and have the ability to do things, then you can naturally reuse them.

Wei Zhongxian has achieved all three, even if he can't achieve it, there are ways for him to achieve it.

And Wei Zhongxian didn't know all of this, he just took it as Ning An's trust in him.

He was very grateful in his heart, and knelt down on the ground again: "Thank you, slave! Even if you are smashed to pieces, you must repay the trust of His Majesty the Emperor of Heaven!"

Seeing Wei Zhongxian kneeling down and bowing at the slightest disagreement, and being so emotional, Ning An was also slightly startled, this guy is so good at licking...

However, he didn't say much, but turned his head to look at the black crow sitting on his shoulder, and said, "You heard it just now, I'm going to let you go to the mine to help."

Hearing this, the black crow quickly said: "No, I won't go, I want to follow the master."

The ugly voice combined with a natural force of disaster made all the eunuchs below tremble, with pained expressions on their faces, but they didn't dare to show it, they just lowered their heads and endured it.

Although he hasn't been in contact with the world for long, Ning An knows the crow's pissing nature. On the surface, he is loyal, but in fact he is thinking about the spiritual weapons in the warehouse.

The black crow who smelled the spirit weapon must have been thinking about it all the time.

Therefore, Ning An said directly: "If you perform well in the mine, I will reward you heavily, just like the rewards in the battlefield of the heavens."

Hearing that Ning An mentioned the battlefield of the heavens, the same reward was still the same, and the mountain of spiritual artifacts immediately appeared in the black crow's mind.

Its red eyes instantly regained energy, and suddenly lit up: "Okay, the master does what he says, and I will obey the master."

Seeing that Black Crow agreed, Ning An smiled slightly.

This guy really doesn't have a good brain, even if it doesn't go to the mine and insists on staying by his side, it's impossible for him not to devour those spiritual weapons in the future.

Because this black crow is a powerful booster, feeding it with spiritual weapons can make it even stronger, so Ning An will naturally not prevent it from swallowing it.

Fortunately, this little thing has never been very smart, and he believed everything after a few words.

Ning An didn't say anything more, but just looked at Wei Zhongxian again.

Wei Zhongxian understood, nodded quickly, then took a light step forward, stretched his shoulders towards the black crow, and said with a charming smile: "Next, the servant will personally guide the envoy to the mine, and I hope the envoy will move."

Wei Zhongxian was the first to address the black crow as an envoy, and this flattering ability made the eunuchs below feel their scalps go numb.

This Wei Zhongxian, he was so good at licking that they didn't know what to do. They just felt that they still had a lot to learn.

Wei Zhongxian knew in his heart that the people below must be beeping himself in his heart, but he didn't care. From their point of view, this was a not-so-intelligent black crow, but he was more loved by the Emperor of Heaven.

But in Wei Zhongxian's view, this black crow is related to his future future.

Because next, in the mine, he will have to cooperate with the black crow for a long time.

If you don't please this ancestor, then the effect in the mine will not be good in the future, which will definitely affect your position in Ning An's mind, then you will have a bad impression that you are not good at doing things, and his official career has come to an end .

Therefore, in the next few days, he must stabilize the black crow and please him, at least he must not let the black crow get in the way while he is in charge of the mine.

Ning An didn't have that much thought at all, he just thought that Wei Zhongxian was good at flattering, so he nodded and waved his hand to signal him to go down.

And the black crow also flew onto Wei Zhongxian's shoulder, and left with him.

Ning An silently watched the back of the black crow disappear before his eyes together with Wei Zhongxian, thinking in his heart that the black crow eats too much, and must speed up the progress in the future to create more spiritual weapons.

However, it is definitely not enough to rely on forging alone. It is still necessary to conquer the heavens and rob other forces. Only in this way can a large number of spiritual weapons be obtained to maintain the appetite of the black crow.

While Ning An was thinking about future plans.

On the border of Daning, Yumen Pass.

A soldier quickly came to Meng Tian, ​​who was in charge of guarding the Yumen Pass, clasped his fists and said, "General Qi, there is a change at the border. It seems that the fog is disappearing!"

Hearing this, Meng Tian suddenly put down the military book in his hand, stood up, shook his cloak, and said: "Lead the way!"

Meng Tian has been guarding Yumen Pass for so long, and every day he sends soldiers to patrol the border to see if there is any change in the disappearance of the fog.

Because according to previous experiences, as soon as the fog disappears.There must be a border with other forces, and then there will be another battle.

Therefore, Meng Tian never dared to neglect such important matters.

Now after hearing the news, he rushed to the border to check as soon as possible.

Soon, when he came to the Beacon Tower, Meng Tian held the Tiangong Mirror newly developed by Tiangong Pavilion in his hand, and pointed at the direction of the abnormal movement to wait and see.

Under the blessing of spiritual energy, he quickly saw the abnormality of the abnormality through the mirror of the heavenly mirror.

As the soldiers said, the black mist there is indeed slowly disappearing and fading away.

"Send my order, the whole army is on alert, and at the same time, let someone send the news back to the capital to inform the Emperor of Heaven!"

After Meng Tian saw this scene, he didn't hesitate and gave the order on the spot.

The soldiers below immediately went down to prepare.

Now the speed of news transmission is very fast, the soldiers can travel in the air, and with the help of tools from Tiangong Pavilion, they can reach the capital in just half an hour.

But even so, Ning An still felt that it was slow, and at the same time informed Lu Ban of the actual process of the mobile phone.

Now Luban is developing a new type of sound transmission for thousands of miles, which can achieve the effect of instant transmission.

When the news reached the capital, Ning An was practicing in seclusion, and now he is only a little bit away from the breakthrough.

So after getting the news, he immediately sent an order to the Military Aircraft Pavilion to keep an eye on the movement of Yumen Pass, and at the same time, the other borders should also strengthen their guard.

Because in the past, when the fog was unlocked, the border was lifted at the same time, but this time it happened to be only Yumen Pass, and everything was a bit abnormal.

Ning An doesn't know what the rules for unlocking the fog are, but every time after unlocking, when it borders the world behind the fog, the difference in strength between the two sides is not too big, at least it will give you a chance to deal with it.

But this time, only the Yumen Pass was unlocked. Is it because the opponent this time is much stronger than before?

Ning An guessed in his heart, and did not stop practicing. According to the current state, he will be able to break through in about three days.

Three days is enough for many things to happen.

Among the vast heavens, the Western Buddhist Kingdom, the Great Leiyin Temple.

The Tathagata Buddha sits on the lotus throne with a golden body of Zhangba, and on both sides of him are monks of different shapes.

The entire hall was very quiet, and everyone seemed to be practicing with their eyes closed.

Suddenly, the Tathagata Lord Buddha sitting on the Lord's seat opened his eyes slightly, revealing a kind gaze. He pinched his fingers and smiled slightly: "Amitabha, the time has come. The stone monkey came to the world. It is about the beginning of my long-term Buddhist plan." .”

Hearing the Lord Buddha's words, the monks on both sides below opened their eyes one after another, and looked at them together. They also knew about the long-term plan of Buddhism, and they all participated in the discussion and analysis.

Hearing this now, there is a look of anticipation in his eyes.

The Tathagata Buddha was much calmer, looked at the monk beside him and said, "Anan, Kassapa, can you detect where the stone monkey landed?"

Anan stepped forward, clasped his hands together and worshiped: "To the Buddha, the lotus mirror is already being searched for, but it will take some time."

The Tathagata Buddha nodded lightly: "The vast heavens, it's okay to wait for a while. After all, I have been waiting for so many years. All monks sit here with me and wait together."

After hearing this, the monks below said one after another: "We will follow the Lord Buddha's will."

The monks stopped talking and fell into silence again.

There was no sound in the hall, and everyone was waiting quietly.

After a sun-moon rotation in the mortal world, Anan's voice came out: "To the Lord Buddha, there is a vision in the lotus mirror. I must have found the place where the stone monkey was born."

In the main hall, all the monks looked over again.

The Tathagata Buddha immediately said: "Then open the mirror and let the monks see it in detail."


Anan nodded, then walked to the middle, clasped his hands together, and then opened them slightly, a golden Buddha's light flashed in his palms, and then he saw a golden lotus rising slowly.

Inside the golden lotus, a mirror image appeared, and what was reflected was a huge boulder.

All the monks looked curiously. They had been preparing for this stone monkey for a long time, and today they finally saw the true face of Mount Lu.

Under the attention of the monks, the image is also accelerating its evolution at this time.

A brief reflection of everything this boulder has experienced over the years.

From falling quietly from a piece of five colors, to floating among the vast universe, absorbing the essence of the sun and the moon every day, and experiencing countless rupture crises, it finally came into the world safely.

At this time, the boulder had fallen between a mountain and a river, and it was slowly taking shape every day in the wind and rain. Inside the boulder, a spiritual consciousness was slowly being born.

The monks stared at this scene without taking their eyes off it.

At this time, a group of people suddenly appeared in the image.

It seems to be dressed up by a group of soldiers, which country they should belong to.

These soldiers also discovered this boulder and were watching curiously from a distance.

Seeing this scene, the Tathagata Buddha hurriedly said: "Kasyapa, quickly find out the exact location where this boulder landed, and then descend my Buddhist golden light miracle to protect this boulder and prevent outsiders from approaching it."

The golden light miracle of Buddhism refers to the sudden arrival of Buddhist bosses in temples enshrined in the mortal world or other worlds, making those people think that it is the manifestation of the Buddha, and they will be in awe.

Then some benefits will be given to these people to do things for Buddhism.

Because the heavens and myriad worlds are currently under blockade, and Buddhism cannot go to these worlds, so this method can only be used to remotely control everything.

Fortunately, a long time ago, when the heavens and worlds were not blocked, Buddhism had already given alms everywhere. Like Taoism, it has cultivated a group of loyal believers in all worlds.

These believers recite scriptures and chant Buddha every day, and they are extremely loyal to Buddhism, so as long as there are miracles, they will firmly believe in it and serve Buddhism wholeheartedly.

This is the usual measurement in Buddhism, Venerable Nakassapa nodded quickly, and then took out a palm-sized golden body from the storage ring.

Looking carefully at the golden body, it was somewhat similar to his facial features.

He held this little golden body and pointed it at the lotus mirror. As long as someone in this world enshrines him, then he can communicate with the other party through the golden body.

However, after Kasyapa took out his golden body and shone it on the lotus mirror for a long time, there was no movement...

He didn't believe in evil, and tried a few more times. Finally, his face turned red and he bowed to the Tathagata Lord Buddha: "I report to the Lord Buddha, I am ashamed, and there is no one in this world who enshrines the golden body of the little monk..."

Hearing Kasyapa's words, other monks also cast sympathetic glances.

Venerable Kasyapa's name is somewhat resounding in Buddhism anyway, and it shouldn't be so unknown in all worlds. This face is really embarrassing.

Venerable Anan on the side smiled and said, "Then let the monk try."

As he said that, Anan confidently took out a small golden body that was somewhat similar to himself, and then, like Kasyapa, sensed it in front of the lotus mirror.

However, no matter how he tries, the final result is exactly the same as Kasyapa...

Seeing this, Kassapa on the other side felt a lot better. Brothers in trouble are better than carrying the burden alone.

Seeing that Venerable Anan had no effect, the other monks in the hall were also a little more surprised, and then they all took out their golden bodies to try.

But the end result is the same, no response.

"Presumptuous, in this world, no one respects my Buddhism?"

Some monks couldn't help shouting and cursing on the spot, and they were no longer as personable and kind as before.

In this world, there must be their temple, and their golden bodies can sense it, and the temple also needs to have a certain reputation, otherwise it is useless for a few people to visit a lonely temple in the mountains every day.

In the current situation, it is obvious that no one enshrines them.

Seeing this scene, Lord Tathagata couldn't bear it anymore, and slowly took out his golden body.

(End of this chapter)

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