Chapter 166. 165. Three Generals
On the city wall, Ning An and Meng Tian understood instantly when they heard the call of the messengers. No wonder Zhang Zhelai had been delaying the time below. He wanted to attract their attention here, and then the real main force would attack the south of Daning. Shanhaiguan!

But Xu Guo didn't expect that Daning was not only strong at Yumen Pass in the east, but Shanhai Pass in the south was also guarded by the famous general Wu Qi. The soldiers of Daning he trained were not weaker than Meng Tian's Mengjia army.

In the previous conflict, after Daxu suffered a defeat, their military division immediately analyzed and guessed that Yumen Pass should be the main force of Daning, the strongest.

Based on this estimate, other levels should be weaker.

They can let people hold back the main force of Yumen Pass, and then take the opportunity to lead the army to attack Shanhai Pass.

Da Xu's people are calculating like this, and they all feel that this plan can be achieved.

As a result, he was directly beaten by the Daning military soldiers led by Wu Qi at Shanhaiguan...

Instantly taught to be human.

Daxu's side is suffering now and can't explain it.

I thought that my country was already very strong, even if the mist was unlocked, those next to me would definitely not be able to beat me, so when they saw Yumen Pass before, they were not afraid, just like before, once the mist was unlocked, they would say nothing, Attack directly.

In the past, they were victorious, and they had the last laugh.

But today, with the continuous loss of battles, countless people were killed and injured.

"General, something is wrong!"

Xu Guojun camp, Zhang Zhe came here to receive the latest information from the soldiers below.

After hearing that the main force of the Xu Kingdom had suffered a defeat at Shanhaiguan and lost countless losses, he panicked instantly.

A sense of despair rose in my heart.

"Before the Ningguo thieves have reacted, order the withdrawal immediately!"

Zhang Zhelai reacted quickly, worried that Daning would send an army over to suppress the situation as soon as he received the news.

You know, his bluff here is mainly because the other party doesn't understand his information, so he pretends that there are many people behind him.

At present, the main force in Shanhaiguan will not be able to hide their defeat for a long time, so they can only withdraw their troops.


The messenger immediately went down to deliver the order.

Zhang Zhelai also started packing in the main tent, ready to leave.

However, just as he moved, he heard the sound of drums beating outside the camp.

not good!Daning is marching!

They have received the information!
Hearing the sound of the drum, Zhang Zhelai was in a hurry.

He didn't have time to tidy up his appearance, so he rushed out and called his lieutenant.

"You lead a team to block first, and the others follow me to quickly lead the main force to retreat!"

Hearing Zhang Zhelai's words, the lieutenant who was ordered to stay felt desolate.

At this time, if they stayed behind, they would definitely die. If Zhang Zhe came to do this, he would abandon them.

But the military order was like a mountain, and they didn't dare to resist, so they could only embrace the order, but their hearts were full of misery and resentment.

Looking at the back of Zhang Zhelai who hastily led a large number of lieutenants away.

The three lieutenants who stayed behind looked at each other, and one of them said: "The ones Zhang Zhe came to take away are those who often curry favor with him and have a good relationship with him. The three of us don't talk to him very much on weekdays, so he wants to borrow This opportunity to get rid of us."

"Two brothers, are you willing to accept your fate like this?"

Hearing this, the other two were aroused with anger in their hearts, and shook their heads: "Damn Zhang Zhe, bastard, let us die after we die, and he leads people to escape!"

Another lieutenant general also said: "Zhang Zhelai is the chief general. If we don't obey orders, we will definitely be charged with disobedience to military orders. In other words, if we evacuate now, even if we return to Daxu, the end will be difficult. die."

"In this case, two brothers, let's just turn around and join Daning directly!"

"You have also seen that Daning is obviously stronger than Daxu. Whether it is Yumenguan or Shanhaiguan, we are the ones who lost the battle. Daning will definitely defeat Daxu in the future."

"It just so happens that Daning doesn't know much about Daxu's information. If we surrender, they will definitely welcome us. In addition, we are the first batch of defectors. They must be thinking about attracting more Daxu talents in the future, and they will definitely treat them well. I'm waiting!"

After these words, he immediately got the support of the other two lieutenants.

One after another said: "Okay, then I will go down and talk to my brothers, and when I see Daning's soldiers and horses, don't resist, just surrender!"

After the three of them finished discussing, they immediately scattered away.

Zhang Zhelai and the others fled with the main force, and those who remained were all three of their cronies.

So after going down, the subordinates were called together, and after explaining the cause and effect one by one, the officers and men of Daxu below also had a look of displeasure, and all of them cursed Zhang Zhelai for not being a thing.

As the chief general, you can't lead by example, and you are still here to let them die. Since you are not benevolent, you can't blame us for being unrighteous.

If so, under the persuasion of the three lieutenants, the soldiers under them also agreed to surrender.

the other side.

Ning An and Meng Tian led the Meng family army into the temporary camp set up by Da Xu.

The deeper you go, the more you can discover the weakness of this camp.

The crowds of people created before are all fake.

However, this time the attack was very easy, so easy that Ning An and Meng Tian wondered if it was a fraud, if there was an ambush inside, otherwise the soldiers outside would not resist, and would either turn around and run away, or just put their hands together. Hug your head and surrender.

Daning never killed those who surrendered.

Because there are still many mines that need these miners.

"Report! Report to the Emperor of Heaven that three enemy generals were found ahead. They led a team and said they wanted to surrender!"

Hearing what the messenger said, Ning An and Meng Tian looked at each other, and then smiled: "Okay, bring them here."

Soon, the three bound Lieutenant General Xu came to Ning An.

After learning Ning An's identity from the soldiers of Daning, the three of them hurriedly bowed after they came: "The general of the sinful country pays homage to the Heavenly Emperor of Daning!"

The three of them cooperated very well, and they didn't have the same kind of shouting and shouting at the beginning when they conquered other countries like before, and grandpa never frowned.

The three lieutenants of Da Xu cooperated and informed Ning An of the cause and effect.

Hearing these words, Ning An understood why the three surrendered so painfully.

The orderly next to him just briefly reported the situation on the battlefield, and he could tell that the three of them were not lying.

Meng Tian also said disdainfully at the side: "This Zhang Zhe is a rat. As the commander-in-chief of the first army, he actually let his subordinates die and ran for his own life first. Hehe, such a person is also worthy of being a general. Daxu really has no one."

Hearing Meng Tian's words, the three lieutenants quickly responded: "That's right, General Meng, you don't know that this Zhang Zhelai has no skills at all. The reason why he was able to be a general in my Daxu is because he has a The younger sister who is as beautiful as a flower is the concubine Zhang Gui who is loved by Emperor Da Xu."

"It is precisely because there are people in the court that Zhang Zhelai, a idiot, can be entrusted with an important task."

Hearing this, Meng Tian became even more disgusted with the emperor of Da Xu: "Employing nepotism, even if this Da Xu meets us, he will perish sooner or later!"

Ning An nodded silently, looked at the three of them, and said with a smile: "I am very pleased that the three generals can abandon the dark and turn to the bright. I wonder how well the three generals understand Daxu's national conditions?"

Hearing this, the three of them knew that the business was coming, and it was time to show their value. They nodded quickly: "Qi Tiandi, the three of us are all natives of Daxu, and we know a lot about Daxu's situation." Clearly, we are willing to tell you everything and tell His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor! I only hope that the Heavenly Emperor can take us in and give us a place to stay!"

Hearing what the three of them said, they were still born and raised in Daxu, Ning An narrowed his eyes slightly, and smiled, showing no signs of happiness or anger.

A trace of disgust and murderous intent flashed in Meng Tian's eyes.

Although Zhang Zhelai did something wrong and betrayed the three of them, they were born and bred in Daxu. Although their emperor was absurd, at least he didn't let them down, and even appointed them as a lieutenant general.

But these three people, in order to survive and revenge Zhang Zhelai, actually sold Da Xu so simply. If Meng Tian was replaced by him, he would leave Da Xu directly at worst and never come back, but he would definitely not betray him. Such a disgraceful thing for the country.

For the actions of these three people, Meng Tian was extremely displeased, but he also knew that these three people were needed now, so he didn't show it, but turned his head slightly to the side, not looking at these three people.

Ning An could tell from Meng Tian's micro-expression that he understood Meng Tian's character and his current thoughts.

So, he walked up to the three of them and untied the ropes for them himself: "The three generals have worked hard, please hurry up, there is no rush about Da Xu, I will ask the three generals to take them down to wash up."

Seeing that Ning An, the king of the country, actually lifted the rope for them himself, and comforted them, the three of them were overjoyed. This time they really followed the right person. The Heavenly Emperor of Daning is really wise.

After the three left, Ning An said to Meng Tian, ​​"I don't know whether these three surrendered for real or pretended to surrender. General Meng can take this opportunity to send someone to Daxu to secretly collect some information, and then use it to have a conversation with these three. Make a match, and if it is correct, go to these three people to find out more information."

Meng Tian nodded solemnly: "The last general takes orders, so let people go down and prepare."

Ning An nodded, and said again: "Well, let the soldiers set up camp here tonight and have a good rest. We will continue to march tomorrow. Remember to contact the rear, and the supplies will not be interrupted."

Now that there was a conflict with Da Xu, Ning An naturally had no intention of stopping the war, and he wanted to kill Da Xu directly with all his might.

Da Xu took the initiative to provoke, and if he could not be punished, then those countries next to him might follow suit and come to bite Daning one after another.

As the commander-in-chief of an army, Meng Tian naturally knew the importance of supplies, he immediately clasped his fists in response, and then withdrew.

And Ning An waited quietly in the tent, and some officials in charge of recording were called to the side. When the three deputy generals arrived, they would transcribe the news and send it back to the capital.

Soon, the three generals from Daxu had finished washing and came out refreshed.

"I'm waiting to meet the Heavenly Emperor!"

The three of them bowed in front of Ning An together.

With a respectful expression, he obviously regarded himself as a courtier of Daning.

Ning An knew the careful thoughts of these three people, and what seemed to be a casual sentence was actually testing his own attitude, wanting to see whether he would accept them or not.

If they accept it, then they will naturally tell everything truthfully. If they don't accept it and just use it, then these three people must hide some careful thoughts.

Regarding this, Ning An didn't say much, but smiled and raised his hands to signal the three of them to stand up, with a gentle smile on his face all the time: "The three generals, please get up quickly, if you can win Da Xu this time, the three A general should remember the first merit."

Hearing Ning An's personal statement with a gentle expression, the three of them were relieved when they saw it, and they no longer worried about anything.

Immediately inform everything about Da Xu.

On the one hand, the official in charge of transcribing carefully transcribed everything. If he didn't hear clearly, he would ask questions and then correct it again.

The three of them wanted to serve Daning wholeheartedly and make great contributions, so naturally they were not the slightest bit impatient and told everything seriously.

From the beginning of the establishment of Daxu, to which opponents they met, to what adventures they encountered later, or which opponents they killed, etc., they all told them in detail.

Ning An has also been listening by the side, and from the conversation between the three, it can be heard that the emperor of Daxu had some skills when he was young, and he also knew the principle of meritocracy.

So in the beginning, the whole Daxu was thriving, developed rapidly, and the national power was strong, which wiped out many surrounding countries.

Only later, with the growing strength of the country and the continuous expansion of the territory, they won consecutive victories outside.It also made the emperor of Daxu feel proud.

His daily style also began to become a bit extravagant, he began to collect beauties from all over the country, he began to like to keep some flattering villains around him, he began to become moody, and he didn't like to listen to those honest and harsh words.

Anyone who dared to make him unhappy would directly order to drag it out and chop it up.

When these methods have not encountered a powerful enemy, the various drawbacks have not yet been exposed.

But now that it has met the opponent of Daning, this once powerful country is destined to decline.

Ning An never interrupted what the three of them were talking about, and just listened quietly from the side.

These three people are also human beings. Although they were dissatisfied with some of the actions of the previous emperor, they did not dare to express it in words, for fear that Ning An would think too much.

So they all avoid the important and ignore the less important. It sounds like the three of them sold all of Da Xu's information, but in fact they seemed to be forced to do nothing. Zhang Zhelai was forced to go to Liangshan.

In short, it is to show an attitude, they are right, they are forced!

(End of this chapter)

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