The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 170 169. Wang Jian breaks the city

Chapter 170 169. Wang Jian breaks through hundreds of cities

"Report! The enemy general, Wang Jian, has already captured 47 of our cities!"

"Report! The enemy general, Wang Jian, has already captured 68 of our cities!"

"Report! The enemy general, Wang Jian, has already captured 73 of our cities!"

In Xu Guo's palace, heralds frequently delivered news to the palace.

Every time it brings bad news, so far since the war with Daning, Xu Guo has not won a single battle!
Daning's coach, Wang Jian, has become the nightmare of every citizen in Xu country.

Xu Guo was full of bad news, full of despair.

In this desperate atmosphere, except for their Emperor who was still leaning on the bed with a calm face, in a remote corner, in a secretly built underground palace, a group of Taoists from the Yinhun Sect were as calm and composed as Xu Tianling.

"Liu Ming, did the Heavenly Emperor of Daning really say that? You quickly explain the cause and effect again, and speak carefully, without doubting a single word."

A dozen or so Taoist priests from the Yinhun Sect were sitting cross-legged, their Taoist robes were clean and there was a faint fragrance of Zen, and they were looking at their appearance, all of them looked like they had got a high profile. people's attire.

Only those who understand the Yinhun Cult will know that these Taoists can only be called demons, walking on an evil path, not those serious Taoists.

Liu Ming was breathing slowly at this time, and he survived a catastrophe in Ning An's hands, so he rushed all the way back to the Ghost Sect, because he got a lot of analysis from Ning An's mouth, and he was afraid that the Daxu territory was already full of Xu Tianling's ghosts. As a spy, he didn't return to the Yinhun Cult immediately, but stayed outside for a whole day.

After confirming safety now, return to Yinhun Cult and tell everything as soon as possible.

After listening to Liu Ming's words, the Taoists of Yinhun Sect became deep in thought.

They didn't expect that this seemingly incompetent Xu Tianling had been secretly scheming everything.

"Everyone, Xu Tianling must know everything about us now. We must speed up our progress, and we can't just sit and wait for death, or we will be wiped out by him sooner or later!"

Liu Ming looked at the people who were still thinking, and hurriedly stood up to persuade them.

The dozens of Taoists looked at each other, and then one of them shook his head and handed over a handwritten scroll: "Don't worry, just take a look at this..."

Liu Ming took the scroll in doubt, and when he saw the content on it, he couldn't move his eyes away.

As it got deeper, Liu Ming trembled all over. He held the scroll excitedly, regarded it as a treasure, and tremblingly said: " this the remnant of the Yinhun Dafa we practiced last time?"

The Taoist who handed Liu Ming the scroll nodded: "That's right, then do you know how we got this thing?"

Liu Ming shook his head suspiciously.

When he heard the reason from the Taoist on the opposite side, he panicked instantly: "This...isn't this a fake?"

"Yes, it's fake! It must be fake. Everything is faked by Xu Tianling. This person pretends to be a fool and wants us to relax our vigilance, and then uses this fake Yinhun Dafa to trick us into practicing. You know, this fake technique If you practice the Fa, you will definitely go mad and die, everyone, you can't learn it!"

The dozen or so Taoists looked at each other again, and then sighed softly: "Xu Zhi is also ours, he has been staring at Xu Tianling for a long time, even if Xu Tianling's stupidity is just pretending, but Xu Zhi did see that Xu Tianling held the This Yinhun Dafa has been practiced for a whole number of years."

"I've been thinking about this stuff for years, if it's fake, how could he do that?"

After hearing this, Liu Ming quickly said: "As the emperor of Daxu, Xu Tianling's disposition is naturally very comparable to others. In order to deceive us, it's not that he can't do it better!"

Looking at Liu Ming's appearance, the others sighed slightly and shook their heads. They all felt that Liu Ming was scared out of his wits. Now the entire Xu Kingdom, from the princes and nobles to the common people, has a lot of people secretly controlled by them. Too many to count.

Even if Xu Tianling knew everything, so what?They can overthrow his regime in an instant.

In addition, regarding this Yinhun Dafa, a Taoist said with a smile: "Liu Ming, don't worry, we are not stupid, you may not know, we have special people to experiment with these..."

Hearing this, Liu Ming was taken aback, but he quickly realized that he seemed to have heard before that when he got the Yinhun Dafa scroll back then, there were people in the sect who specially asked people to practice Yinhun Dafa, and then according to the practitioner's body To analyze the authenticity of this Yinhun Dafa based on the situation.

In the end, it was concluded that the first volume was true.

Now that they have the complete book, they naturally let the experimenter continue.

Those who try the elixir are called drug slaves, and those who try the exercises are naturally called gong slaves...

Yinhun taught these people that they all cherished their lives, and naturally they were unwilling to take risks, and they were all cautious.

Liu Ming breathed a sigh of relief at this moment, and nodded slowly: "Since someone is experimenting, that's good..."

The Taoist comforted Liu Ming and said, "Even if Xu Tianling is pretending, so what? At least he didn't find us at the beginning, otherwise he wouldn't let us act recklessly until today, hehe... Even if Xu Tianling has played all his cards, he can barely The self-protection old man is considered to be somewhat capable, so don't worry too much, the balance of victory is always in our hands."

Listening to the comfort of the elders in the church, Liu Ming nodded slowly, not as flustered as before.

After hearing Ning An's words at that time, he panicked for a moment. All he could think about was Xu Tianling's once wise and powerful appearance. At that time, the emperor of Daxu was really awe-inspiring...



As the sun set, Wang Jian planted the Daning army flag in his hand on the new city, and coldly spit out a new number.

In six days, he spent six days, leading the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment, and has taken down 96 cities in the Xu Kingdom!

The Xu country is very large, with no less than a hundred cities. After all, it is a country that has survived several times of integration. It is normal for its territory to be so large.

"General, we don't have many spirit stones, and we don't have enough arrows..."

A soldier of the Suzaku Regiment ran to Wang Jian to report the latest military situation.

Wang Jian frowned. The follow-up supply transportation was really too slow.

The speed can't keep up with his siege speed...

"Repair in place overnight."

In the previous few times, he rested in place for an hour. This time, in order to replenish supplies, Wang Jian chose to stay overnight.

He estimated that if there were no problems, he should be able to take over the entire country of Xu after the next batch of supplies arrived.

If he wins a country by himself, his prestige of Wang Jian will surely resound throughout Daning, and he will even be able to overwhelm Yue Fei and other generals.

Although they have a good relationship on weekdays, when it comes to who is Daning's No. 1 general, they have never been soft when fighting for the title.

Now if he can destroy a country alone, then it will definitely be his turn to be the number one general, unless next time someone destroys two countries like Xu Guo in a row.

Thinking of those colleagues, Wang Jian was a little ashamed. If it were someone else, he felt that he might not be able to complete it and surpass himself, but these guys are really uncertain.

Wang Jian sat in the tent, looking at the night sky, lost in thought.


Xu country, within the palace.

Xu Tianling lazily got up from the bed, looked at Xu Zhi in front of him, and said with a smile, "What happened to what I asked you to do?"

Xu Zhi's eyes were bloodshot, with a trace of morbid admiration and loyalty. He looked at Xu Tianling and said, "Your Majesty, after trying out the Yinhun Dafa, the members of the Yinhun Sect felt that there was no problem. Now they are all practicing."

Hearing this, Xu Tianling showed a smile: "Okay, very good, practice hard..."

Xu Tianling had a happy expression, returned to the couch, straightened his messy hair, and said, "That Wang Jian in Daning is not easy. He has already taken down the 96th city of our Xu country. If we continue at this speed, I'm afraid we won't be able to wait for the group of Yinhun sects." The Yao Dao has cultivated to the day when the Yinhun Dafa has achieved great success..."

"If you want to hold off Wang Jian's offensive, it will take at least three days. It only takes three days. After three days, if Xu Guo asks them to take it, I don't care..."

Xu Zhi's eyes were dull, he cupped his fists towards Xu Tianling and said, "This subordinate takes orders."

After finishing speaking, Xu Zhi left the palace, and then came to a closed place, he took out his token, and the guard immediately let him go.

The closed place looks like an ordinary hut from the outside, but inside there is a secret passage leading directly to the bottom.

Xu Zhi walked the secret passage skillfully, and soon heard the shaking sound of iron chains coming from inside, as well as bursts of crazy shouts.

As the pace progressed, Xu Zhi quickly saw groups of adult men with disheveled hair, their limbs were bound by various iron chains, and everyone's eyes were blood red, very much like Xu Zhi's appearance at this time.

Hearing Xu Zhi's voice, the leader slowly raised his head, revealing a terrifying face.

Looking carefully, it is Zhang Zhelai who was defeated by Meng Tian back then!
At this time, Zhang Zhelai and Xu Zhi glanced at each other, with paranoid madness in their blood-red eyes, people are not like people, ghosts are not like ghosts.

Moreover, there are many delicate tubes inserted into the skin surface of his body. These tubes are connecting to a blood pool. In the blood pool, some fragmentary limbs can be vaguely seen...

The scarlet and foul-smelling blood was continuously poured into Zhang Zhelai's body along the tube.

Not only Zhang Zhelai, but the people behind him all have some tubes stuck in their bodies, but it's not as exaggerated as Zhang Zhelai.

Regarding all of this, Xu Zhi was extremely calm. Now he belongs to the same person as Zhang Zhelai, a machine controlled by Xu Tianling, and will not cause any fluctuations for everything in front of him.

Seeing Zhang Zhe coming, Xu Zhi said softly: "Your Majesty has an order to let you resist Wang Jian's army with all your might for three days, regardless of life or death."

When Zhang Zhelai heard the word Your Majesty, madness flashed in his eyes immediately, and he also had the same pathological loyalty as Xu Zhi.

This kind of deformed loyalty can make them do anything for Xu Tianling.

"The last general Zhang Zhe came to take orders!"

Zhang Zhelai let out a low growl, like a hunting beast. He straightened his back suddenly, his limbs stretched around, and the iron chains on his body were instantly shattered by him!

And the soldiers below, like Zhang Zhelai, destroyed the iron chains on their bodies one after another.

Afterwards, under the leadership of Zhang Zhelai, they walked aside in an orderly manner, picked up their weapons, and walked out of the secret passage.


"General, the supplies are complete, do you want to go?"

When Wang Jian heard the words of the soldiers below, he immediately threw away the grass clippings in his hand. He stood up and looked in the direction of Xu Guo: "Continue, let's go."

Following Wang Jian's order, the drums for the expedition sounded again in the camp.

The soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment lined up in good spirits, put on their armor, and rushed towards Xu Guo again.

The flying boat covered the sky and blocked the sun, and shuttled through the sea of ​​clouds.

Soon, they came to Xu Guo's city.

The guards of the Xu Kingdom immediately panicked when they saw the flying boat in the sky, and resisted for a while symbolically. Seeing countless people dying under the arrows, they immediately retreated and fled in a hurry.

The soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment have long been used to this kind of situation.

None of Xu Guo's cowards can beat them.


On the flying boat, there was a deafening roar from the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment, and the soldiers of the Xu Kingdom below ran even faster.

This city was easily taken down like this, adding another touch to Wang Jian's record.

Just like that, the exact same scene was engraved again, and Wang Jian went down five cities in a row again!
Officially achieved the Hundred Cities achievement.

In this regard, Wang Jian was not satisfied and continued.

However, this time, it seems that there is a hard stubble.

"General Qi, we encountered stubborn resistance from Xu Guo. The soldiers below are very strange. After the arrows hit them, they didn't seem to cause any harm. They continued to resist there."

Sitting in the middle of the flying boat, Wang Jian, who hadn't paid much attention to the situation on the battlefield, immediately stood up when he heard this, walked to the bed, and looked down.

He saw a group of people, these people were very strange, the armor on their bodies was messy, all of them were disheveled, and covered in dirt, they looked more like a group of beggars than soldiers.

But such a group of beggars actually showed amazing fighting spirit, unlike those cowards in the Xu country who ran away when they saw Daning's flying boat.

They have been standing firmly on the city wall, resisting Daning's offensive.

"Use the spirit stone cannon to bombard it."

After seeing this scene, Wang Jian immediately ordered.

In order to save resources, in the face of those cowards, he had ordered not to waste the Lingshi artillery, and save it for use when attacking Xu Guojing.

He finally ordered to take out these powerful enemies in front of him now.

After hearing this, the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment immediately set up the fort skillfully and aimed it in the direction of Xu Guo. The flames lit up in an instant, and the artillery fire passed through the clouds and landed on the city of Xu Guo accurately!

After a roar of artillery, the smoke dispersed.

Those beggars from Xu Kingdom before were still standing firmly on the city wall without moving.

They even shouted provocatively at the soldiers of the Suzaku regiment on the flying boat.

"Damn it, the artillery can't even blow it up?"

The soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment were dumbfounded, this was the first time they had seen such a strange thing.

Could it be that each of these beggars has reached the Nascent Soul Stage?
(End of this chapter)

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