The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 174. My Heavenly Emperor is a Saint Alive

Chapter 174. My Heavenly Emperor is a Saint Alive
In order not to resist the order, the deputy general imitated Xu Zhi's previous practice, killing chickens to make an example of monkeys, and using blood to establish his prestige.

Looking at the soldiers lying in a pool of blood, the lieutenant stood with his sword in his hand, and shouted almost frantically, "Who dares to disobey the military order, stand up without fear of death!"

The remaining soldiers saw their former comrades lying in a pool of blood, they were out of breath, they were all silent, and closed the city gate without saying a word.

Such a scene happened almost simultaneously inside the four gates of Ping'an City.

Under the suppression of iron and blood, all four gates have been closed, and the people outside the city realized later, wondering why no commander came out to teach them how to dig pits and how to set traps, only then did they realize that behind them The gates should be closed.

There are not many fools. The people outside the city suddenly realized something, and they all began to rush to the city gate, shouting to open the door.

The first to leave Ping'an City, the people on the periphery of the crowd saw the movement behind them, and after asking, they learned that the city gate was actually closed.

Now Ningguo's army is on the way not far away, and the city gate is closed again.

This is cutting off their way of life!

At this moment, countless people in Xu Kingdom panicked. They began to push the city gate frantically, trying to open it.

And the lieutenants in the city had already prepared for it. On the city wall, there were soldiers standing at this moment, all holding bows and crossbows, aiming at the city.

The adjutant shouted from above: "Anyone who dares to attack the city gate will be killed on the spot!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand: "Anyone who is five meters away from the city gate will be killed without mercy and shoot arrows!"

The soldiers on the top of the tower hesitated for a while after hearing this. The crowd below is so crowded that they can't see clearly, but who can guarantee that there will not be one or two relatives of their own family underneath.

Seeing the soldiers hesitating, the lieutenant general froze for a moment, and drew out half of his sword from his waist: "Do you think this general's sword is not sharp enough?"

Hearing this, the soldiers immediately thought of their colleagues who had just fallen in a pool of blood, so they couldn't control them any more. They bit the bullet and shot arrows directly towards the town near the gate of the city.

Countless arrows rained down from the city tower, and a large piece of the people who were pushing the city gate fell down in an instant.

Seeing so many people lying on the ground and bleeding all over the place, the people below came to their senses and panicked for a moment. They no longer dared to push the city gate, and many people retreated one after another.

"Dog officer! If you do this, aren't you afraid of being blamed by His Majesty!"

Some people pointed at the adjutant on the wall and cursed.

When the adjutant heard this, his heart burst into flames. Isn't it the one sitting in the palace who made such a commotion today?

He gritted his teeth and said, "Blame it? Hehe, I don't even think about who gave the order."

Although the words were not spoken directly, the hints were obvious.

The people below are not fools. After thinking about it carefully, this little adjutant is indeed not so courageous, so, it should be the one in the palace who ordered it?
The people were shocked and angry, and they couldn't figure out why the man in the palace became so mad.

The lieutenant on the tower silently watched this scene without saying a word. Now that the trouble has reached such a point, it doesn't matter whether Xu Guo wins or loses in the end. He thinks about making preparations early.

After a moment of silence, he immediately said to the person next to him: "You quietly contact the generals Xia Zhang and Wang, and tell them that I have something important to ask them."

The generals who asked his cronies to contact were the generals guarding the gates of each city. Now that this is the case, he naturally wants to unite everyone to find a way out.

Now Xu Zhi is watching, and he secretly doesn't know if there are any cronies of the current emperor, so they need to be careful. The adjutant thought in his heart that he would unite with these generals and open the city gate to surrender at the critical moment.

I have thought about the reasons and excuses, but I can't bear to see the people outside the city being hurt, and I am afraid that the soldiers of Daning will kill these civilians, so for their safety, I have to wait until I have to open the city gate to surrender...

Of course, the premise of all this is that Xu Zhi is not present.

Now that Xu Zhi is staring, given the strength gap between the two sides, it is difficult to do all this under his nose.

And Xu Zhi also faithfully carried out Xu Tianling's orders, monitoring the situation of the four gates without moving. He wanted to guard Xu Tianling for three days.

at all costs!

Outside the city, flags danced and roared loudly.

Under the deafening drumbeat, the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment, led by Wang Jian, had already reached the city of Ping'an.

Now they are less than a kilometer away from Ping An City.

When he saw the dense crowd of people outside Ping'an City, Wang Jian was a little confused.

These people don't look like Xu Guo soldiers who are good at fighting, and they don't have the aura of cultivation. Even if they have some, they are very weak.

"Go, send someone to talk about the situation."

Wang Jian did not launch an offensive directly, but asked his cronies below to investigate.


The soldiers of the Suzaku regiment are also used to this, they have special spies to find out the unknown situation.

Even the spells that these spies practice are based on speed.

Soon, after waiting for about a quarter of an hour, the cronies came back to report.

"General Qi, our people have inquired about the latest news, saying that the generals of the Xu Kingdom deliberately tricked these people out of the city, just to prevent us from attacking..."

When Wang Jian heard this, his eyes opened slightly, and the breath came directly to his heart, and he almost couldn't hold back the curse.

This shameless and despicable act is really disgusting.

Using the people of his own country to resist the enemy's offensive, this is the first time Wang Jian has encountered it in the years of fighting on the battlefield.

It is extremely ridiculous for a ruler to use the lives of innocent people to protect himself instead of protecting the safety of the people below him first.

"Hmph, Yangmou..."

Wang Jian muttered viciously.

The cronies next to him couldn't help asking after hearing this: "General, what should we do?"

Wang Jian pondered for a while, then sighed: "This is the power of Yangmou, even if you know it, so what, you still have to jump into it..."

The confidant immediately understood what Wang Jian meant when he heard this, and clasped his fists together and said, "Then this subordinate will guide the people of Xu Kingdom and secure them in the barracks."

Wang Jian nodded: "Well, pay attention to see if there are any soldiers from the Xu Kingdom among these people, and remember to check whether these people carry weapons on them. If you find them all, confiscate them. killed."

Wang Jian gave the order coldly.

Since the founding of Daning, the people-oriented policy is not wrong, and it is not wrong not to kill ordinary people in the enemy country, but the premise of all this is that the other party will not pose a threat to its own soldiers.

Otherwise, Wang Jian would not ignore it for the sake of so-called benevolence, righteousness and morality.

"As ordered!"

The confidant quickly retreated, Wang Jian stood there and pondered for a while, not knowing that someone had come behind him.

Ning An silently walked behind Wang Jian: "What's going on."

Hearing this familiar voice, Wang Jian was shocked, and quickly turned around and said: "The last general pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven!"

Ning An waved his hand: "In special times, there is no need to be polite."

Wang Jian also didn't have any ink marks, and directly informed the situation on the battlefield one by one.

Ning An frowned after hearing this: "It sounds like it's not just as simple as letting the people below block our army's offensive, this Xu Tianling, I'm afraid there is another trick..."

Wang Jian was stunned, and looked at the dense crowd outside Ping'an City, so he whispered: "The Emperor of about..."

As Wang Jian said, he made a movement of dropping a knife in his hand.

The main reason was that when he heard his own Heavenly Emperor say that Xu Tianling still had plots, in order to prevent future troubles, Wang Jian's heart immediately became murderous.

Seeing this, Ning An smiled and shook his head: "General Wang, don't worry, let him do whatever tricks Xu Tianling uses, and I have my back."

Hearing this, Wang Jian was instantly relieved.

If the Heavenly Emperor says there is no problem, then there must be no problem.

Ning An continued to smile and said, "However, I have to thank Xu Tianling for giving us so many people, but it saved us a lot of trouble."

Wang Jian also smiled after hearing this: "Yes, even if the capital of Xu State was captured, those people must still have a sense of belonging to Xu State, and will definitely regard us Daning as an enemy, and want to eliminate this barrier. It's simply not possible without four or five years."

"But now Xu Tianling has dug his own grave and pushed the people under him to our side with his own hands. He has lost the hearts of the people. After taking Ping'an City, the people of Xu Kingdom will definitely remember the kindness of the Emperor of Heaven and be grateful for the grace of heaven and earth not to kill. Daning must have a strong sense of belonging to me.”

Ning An also nodded after hearing this. Wang Jian was right.

Now he doesn't have the energy to win the loyalty of each and every one of the people, and then win them over. After all, the population base is too large now, even if he spends all his wealth, he still can't win them over.

So at present, these ordinary people are being courted by normal methods, such as reducing taxes, distributing supplies, finding good teachers to train their children, and so on.

But these will take some time to see results.

Now, these practices of Xu Tianling will save Daning a lot of things, and will easily win over these common people.

Sure enough, he followed the eyes of Ning An and Wang Jian.

On the battlefield, after receiving the order, the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment immediately lined up in an orderly manner, and then someone specially assigned to guide the people outside the city of Ping'an.

First, he expressed to them that he had no malice, and then he told me that Emperor Daning had a benevolent heart, and that it was a saint alive.

Don't be afraid, we won't hurt you.

Now please cooperate well and follow us to the military camp. After taking down the city of Ping'an, you will all be my citizens in Daning, and we will treat you equally.

These words dispelled the doubts of many Xu country people who were in a panic.

They were already unarmed, so facing the soldiers like Daning, they were naturally terrified to death.

Now I heard the words of the soldiers of Daning, saying that if they don't hurt them, they will have a chance to survive, and they can join the powerful Daning Empire, and they will be treated equally in the future.

In an instant, they scrambled to follow the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment and entered Daning's barracks.

Regarding this, the soldiers of Daning were silent. These people are really big-hearted, so they are not afraid to trick them together and kill them conveniently?

If you directly raise the butcher's knife, it will definitely cause fierce resistance, so normally speaking, the best strategy is to lie first and then kill...

It's also fortunate that the Emperor of Heaven didn't have such thoughts, otherwise these people would have died countless times.

Of course, it can also be understood that Xu Tianling lost the support of the people and disappointed the people below. As soon as they heard that they could leave the country of Xu, they forgot everything, and there was no need to be on guard.

Soon, a group of people from the Xu Kingdom went down to the barracks under the guidance of the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment, and they were all divided into the same place for the time being, surrounded by soldiers from Daning to guard them.

Before they came, they had to hand in their weapons, and if they refused to do so, there must be a problem. Whether you were protecting yourself, or Xu Tianling was inserted inside to make trouble, the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment didn't have the heart to check it.

After repeated warnings were useless, he was killed on the spot.

Even, he deliberately yelled that Xu Tianling deliberately placed people here in order to make the people of Xu country hate Daning's soldiers.

In the past, the people of Xu country would not believe this, but now, everyone hated Xu Tianling in their hearts, no one did not believe it, and they all cursed Xu Tianling together with the soldiers of Daning.

At this time, in Ping'an City, seeing the harmonious scene below, the soldiers guarding the city were dumbfounded.

Even his eyes flickered, and he was a little ready to move.

Xu Tianling's actions these past few days have already chilled their hearts. Now that they see Daning treating their people so favorably, their thoughts will inevitably become active.

Thinking of taking refuge in Daning like these common people...

"Master Xu, some people in the city are rioting..."

This is, a soldier guarding the city walked up to Xu Zhi to report.

Xu Zhi frowned: "What's going on? Wasn't it good just now? Besides, the first batch of people who went out of the city have already left. Aren't they still staying in the city? No one is forcing them to leave. What's going on?"

The deputy general looked a little embarrassed after hearing this, he hesitated for a long time and couldn't speak.

Xu Zhi didn't have that patience: "Say, don't dawdle."

The deputy general nodded yes, and then said softly: "My lord, those people are not complaining about us throwing them out, but why we didn't continue to open the city gate and send them out like before..."

The lieutenant general didn't finish the rest of the sentence, but Xu Zhi already understood what he meant, and was speechless...

This is because the group of people before have been treated kindly, so the people behind will naturally think about it...

Xu Zhi was silent for a moment, calculating in his mind.

It's only been a day and a half now, and there are still many people in the city.

Daning has been guiding the people of Xu country, and there is no offensive, and the two sides are in harmony.

This is indeed a good way to delay time.

After thinking for a long time, Xu Zhi said directly: "Then satisfy them, send them out, and let them seek refuge in Ningguo."


When the deputy general heard this, he was immediately dumbfounded. He thought that Xu Zhi would be furious and order the arrest of those who took the lead in making trouble, but unexpectedly, he waited for this sentence.

Listen, is this a human language...

(End of this chapter)

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