The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 176 175. How can the Emperor of Heaven be invincible?

Chapter 176 175. How can the Emperor of Heaven be invincible?
The black dragon was born between the black clouds, accompanied by bloody light. Compared with the five-clawed golden dragon behind Ning An, it looked extremely evil, as if it had gathered all the resentment in the world.

While opening his mouth to swallow the clouds and mist, the blood-red letter twisted, and those blood-red eyeballs were daunting.

"Thief, you forced me, die!"

Xu Tianling, with disheveled hair, was insane. He made a lifting gesture with both hands, facing the sky, as if he was supporting the world.

The black dragon passed over his head, and directly and brutally aimed at the golden dragon hovering beside Ning An.

After sensing the aura of the same kind, the golden dragon was not to be outdone, and charged forward with a roar.

The golden light and the blood-red black light merged together, setting off a huge storm between the heaven and the earth.

The two dragons met and made the most violent collision.

The golden light and the bloody light were entwined, and the people below could no longer distinguish each other. They only saw a single storm point formed there, and various movements and violent noises came from it.

Ning An looked at it in surprise. In this main world, it is really rare for someone who can draw with Jinlong to check and balance each other for so long.

This can also show that although Xu Tianling took the path of evil spirits, forced a breakthrough, and his foundation was unstable, at least it was not without some effect.

Still got some strength-enhancing feedback.


Although Jinlong is entangled, what about Xu Tianling himself?

This black dragon obviously evolved through Heiyun and various means, it is considered to have borrowed the power of heaven and earth, and Xu Tianling himself is a dish...

Ning An smiled coldly, and the figure disappeared instantly.

When he reappeared, he had already appeared in front of Xu Tianling with a Fang Tianhalber in hand.

Without talking nonsense, Fang Tianji slashed directly at Xu Tianling's head.

Xu Tianling was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Ning An to take the initiative to attack him.

You know, he was the one who took the initiative just now.

Faced with Ning An's sudden attack, Xu Tianling was a little flustered, but his reaction was not slow. He flickered slightly, and almost at the same time, the halberd flashed, and Fang Tianling had already fallen.

A burst of blood splashed, and Xu Tianling let out a scream. One of his arms, unable to dodge in time, was cut off by Fang Tianhalberd.

Xu Tianling clutched his empty arm and looked at Ning An fiercely, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

Originally, his biggest hole card was the black dragon, but he didn't expect to be restrained by Ning'an's golden dragon.

And he himself was not Ning An's opponent at all, no matter in terms of momentum or strength, he was directly crushed.

This is different from Xu Tianling's original idea.

According to what he thought at the beginning, after leaving the customs this time, he would definitely be able to repel Ning State, kill Ning An, and then plunder all of Ning State's resources.

Before that, all the territories that Ningguo had conquered were only temporary.

But now, after realizing the reality, Xu Tianling didn't worry about it anymore, and turned around and ran away.

Ning An didn't expect Xu Tianling to run so simply.

Anyway, he is also a cultivator in the tribulation period. In terms of pure cultivation level, Xu Tianling should be able to crush all the cultivators in this world.

I didn't expect it to be so weak...

Seeing the back of Xu Tianling running away desperately, Ning An didn't chase him either.

Instead, he narrowed his eyes slightly, and the spiritual consciousness in his mind communicated with Zhanshen Flying Knife!

Zhanshen Flying Knife has not been used for a long time.

With Ning An's thoughts, the world was overshadowed, and the Zhanshen Flying Knife had already caught up with the fleeing Xu Tianling.

That illusory soul pierced directly into Xu Tianling's sea of ​​consciousness.

The flying knives scurry around in the sea of ​​consciousness, taking Xu Tianling's vitals.

With a flash of the knife, Xu Tianling's fleeing figure stopped suddenly, and then fell down with a scream.

He held his head in his hands, his face was full of pain, and he could feel a terrifying force moving back and forth in his body.

He tried his best to drive away this force, but in the end it was fruitless.

On the contrary, the flying knife became more and more active, cutting off all the dantians and some meridians in his consciousness sea!
In the end, the three souls and seven souls in the body could not escape, and were directly broken one by one by the Zhanshen flying knife.

Ning An stayed where he was, and sensed that the Zhanshen flying knife had killed Xu Tianling. At this time, the flying knife also returned to his body.

And the black dragon that had been entangled with the golden dragon in the sky also lost its vitality after Xu Tianling's death, and completely lost the viciousness just now.

The black light slowly faded away, as if it had become a nutrient, replenishing the golden dragon's spiritual power.

After the black dragon was wiped out, the golden dragon's figure gradually faded away in the void.

Ning An watched all this without saying a word.

This Dawei Tianlong was originally a golden dragon transformed by spiritual energy.

But now, it seems that this is more than just a mere illusion. The golden dragon gradually has a physical body, and it seems to have become a kind of spiritual creature, which may become stronger and stronger in the future.

"The Emperor of Heaven is mighty!"

At this time, after Ning An killed Xu Tianling, the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment immediately shouted, all of them looked excited and worshiped.

Ning An just smiled slightly at this and didn't say anything.

Just little Xu Tianling.

"Report to the Emperor of Heaven, our army has captured the city of Ping'an!"

Wang Jian came over at this time, clasped his fists and said.

Ning An nodded: "Have someone control the warehouse, and transport some important materials back to Daning."

Taking a country and then taking away the materials inside is a scene that often happens between countries.

Wang Jian was also very skilled in this, and nodded to express his understanding.

"Okay, everything is fine here, I will go back to the capital first, and wait for General Wang to return."

Ning An looked at Wang Jian with a smile, greeted him and left.

On Wang Jian's side, people immediately began to move the warehouse in Ping'an City.

Now he can't wait to rush back to Daning. This time he led the Suzaku Regiment to destroy Xu Guo directly, which is a great achievement.

His military exploits, Wang Jian, are bound to receive a wave of great growth.

"Erlang, work harder and return to the country to celebrate!"

Wang Jian yelled at the soldiers of the Suzaku Regiment.


Ning Guo, Ning An had just returned, and Guan Zhong immediately came to report.

He specially asked the eunuch to guard outside the palace before, and told him as soon as he saw the Emperor of Heaven came back.

Guan Zhong hurried to the palace, holding a thick bamboo tube in his hand.

Looking at Ning An, he immediately smiled and said: "My minister pays homage to the Emperor of Heaven, and congratulates the Emperor of Heaven on his return from victory!"

Ning An was taken aback: "I just came back, and I didn't tell the people below about the situation, how did you know you won the victory?"

After hearing this, Guan Zhong said, "How can there be any reason why the Emperor of Heaven will be invincible?"

Hearing Guan Zhong's flattery, Ning An laughed.

"Sir, you came here in a hurry this time, but you have something important to do?"

Back to the topic, Guan Zhong hurriedly sent the bamboo tube to Ning An: "To the Emperor of Heaven, this is the map of the surrounding situation compiled by the generals from all over the country. Please have a look."

Only then did Ning An remember that before he left, he asked Guan Zhong to inquire about the situation around Daning. This time when the new foggy world was unlocked, he met Xu Guo, a militant, and didn't know what was going on in the surrounding area.

Guan Zhong was very efficient in his work, and Ning An had already collected all the information after he left the palace for a while.

Open the bamboo tube, the current situation is densely written on it, and some maps are specially equipped for easy understanding.

Ning An glanced roughly and found that after the fog was unlocked this time, the number of countries that appeared in the surrounding area was dozens of times higher than before.

Moreover, there are at least seven or eight countries like Xu Guo.

After these countries have other countries around each other, they seldom want to fight on the spot like Xu Guo.

Most of them are collecting information from each other and getting to know each other.

Just like the battle between Daning and Xu Guo, it is now over, but the information must have been delivered to the monarchs of various countries.

This time Ning An personally beheaded Xu Tianling, the king of the state of Xu, and the soldiers of the Suzaku regiment were also undefeated in the next battle under the leadership of Wang Jian. The current world should be called unprecedented.

This information must have already spread to other countries, and Ningguo will definitely be listed as the number one enemy.

Guan Zhong waited for Ning An to browse through it, estimated the time, and thought that his Heavenly Emperor should have finished reading, and then he said: "Heavenly Emperor, now that you have returned from victory, your reputation must have spread among all countries. , and the Suzaku Regiment led by General Wang Jian must have made a great reputation for me, Daning, just like you."

"This battle will definitely promote our country's prestige, and make the enemy country fearful and dare not easily violate the border!"

"However... this will inevitably make all countries vigilant, and may even join hands to deal with Daning first, so I suggest that all borders should strengthen fortifications, and beware of enemy countries taking the opportunity to jointly attack."

Listening to Guan Zhong's words, Ning An knew that what he said was correct. Looking at Guan Zhong's serious expression, he smiled: "After listening to what you said, why do I feel like I did something wrong? It should be the same as winning..."

Ning An just wanted to liven up the atmosphere, joking around.

But Guan Zhong's face changed when he heard it, and he was terrified in his heart. He said quickly: "The Emperor of Heaven misunderstood, I don't mean that. It is a good thing for the Emperor of Heaven to come to the battlefield in person and show off our country's prestige. This battle has played out my Daning's will." The might of the army has deterred countless opponents..."

Seeing that Guan Zhong was eloquent and seemed to continue, and his tone seemed to be in the direction of Wei Zhongxian, Ning An waved his hands quickly: "Sir, I'm just talking casually."

Hearing this, Guan Zhong stopped talking, Ning An was unintentional, but he can't be regarded as unintentional, as a courtier, if a word is wrong, it may be a disaster.

You can't be careless because your own emperor is wise and powerful, knowing people and using them, this is absolutely unacceptable.

Ning An brought it back to the topic: "The surrounding situation is complicated now, sir, do you think we should be the main defender or the main attacker?"

Holding his long beard, Guan Zhong seemed to have had an idea, and immediately said: "My minister suggests sending an eloquent person to lobby in various countries first, to test the attitudes of various countries towards me, Daning, and then make a decision."

"If more than half of the surrounding countries are willing to make friends with me, Daning, then we will take the lead in defending, otherwise we will take the lead in attacking."

"We should make good friends with those countries that are willing to be friendly with us in Daning, and then adopt a strategy of long-distance friendship and short-term attack. With the bravery of our Daning soldiers, we will definitely be able to annex the surrounding countries."

Ning An nodded, he understood what Guan Zhong meant, he had a better relationship with his own family, Daning, and Daning himself was less threatened, so he could develop with peace of mind, sit and watch the fights between countries, and then reap the benefits of the fisherman.

If everyone has a bad attitude towards Daning, the longer the delay, the worse it will be, because they will definitely make small moves behind the scenes and unite to deal with Daning.

In this case, it is better to strike first and take down all these countries.

"Since this is the case, then the lobbyist will be dispatched by the gentleman. In addition, the policies for various countries will also be handled by the Military Aircraft Pavilion."

Ning An obviously intends to be the hands-off shopkeeper. There are too many countries around him now, and he doesn't have the energy to take care of each of them himself, so it's best to leave it to the Military Machine Pavilion.

"The minister obeys the order!"

Guan Zhong quickly replied that Zhang Yi was the first thing he thought of when he said to send lobbyists.

Su Qin and Zhang Yi are all talents who are good at debating, especially Zhang Yi, who is even more proficient in this way.

"Then Weichen stepped back first, and now I'm going to prepare."

Guan Zhong thought in his heart, then he bowed again and slowly backed away.

Ning An also sat down on the spot and began to meditate.


"Supreme Treasure, look, there is the Western Lingshan, Daleiyin Temple!"

Yellow sand is flying all over the sky, and the stone monkey is holding a lamp, staring blankly at the temple standing among the clouds in the distance.

Although the sky is full of yellow sand, it cannot cover the Buddha nature of this temple.

He could feel the bathing of the Buddha's light from a long distance away, and the sound of chanting sutras and chants came from the temple.

These voices seem to have some kind of wonderful ability, changing his thinking, making him believe in these Buddhas, believing that they are holy and noble.

But fortunately, monkeys are born with a firm mind and were not affected by these.

Instead, he became vigilant.

Sure enough, Ning Xianren was right, the monk of Daleiyin Temple has no good things, and he wants to control me before he arrives...

Fortunately, I kept one hand before.

The stone monkey felt rejoiced, held the lamp in his arms, and said: "Zixia, don't worry, I will find a way to rescue you."

When Zixia heard this, she shyly said: "Zhizunbao, you have to be careful, as long as you are fine."

The stone monkey hummed, and then moved forward.

Before taking a few steps, there was a sudden gust of wind ahead, and the monkey was instantly dazzled by the wind and sand.

It felt that there was something wrong with the wind and sand, and he was not an ordinary monkey. He possessed spiritual power, so how could he be blinded by some ordinary wind and sand. There was something strange in it.

Sure enough, just as the monkey guessed, he found that there was an extra river ahead.

It was not an ordinary river, but a magma with red sparks in it, and one could feel a burning sensation standing next to it.

And at this moment, a Buddha appeared in the sky above the magma.

The Buddha looked at the monkey with a smile and said, "Amitabha."

(End of this chapter)

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