The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 179. Chapter 178. The most ruthless chapter, the most vicious beating

Chapter 179. 178. Speak the harshest words and receive the most vicious beatings

No one could have imagined that this Ningguo man would go back after saving people.

It was even more unexpected that he would dare to kill all directions in Mangkhut with a Fang Tianhalberd.

When normal people hear this, they all think that the storyteller is talking too much.

But the reality is that.

Ning An held Fang Tianji with a calm face, and there were corpses on the ground.

Ningguo's strategy has always been to try not to harm the people of the enemy country, not to kill prisoners, but to protect the population, so that it is convenient for him to cut leeks and practice.

But today, he no longer has this idea.

Since he didn't have this idea, he didn't have to worry about it, and he didn't need to trouble the generals to attack him. He went directly to the Mangzhu Kingdom and cut off the head of the mangzhu king who was warmly welcomed by him.

At this time, the Mangkhut country was in chaos.

Yu Wenxi has shaken Mangosteen for so many years, but no one has ever dared to be so presumptuous here.

But it appeared today, and this presumptuous person is quite powerful, so many monks dispatched by Mangchuk were all killed by the opponent.

Seeing the other party majestic and majestic, floating in the air, the Fang Tianji in his hand was filled with the blood of the mangzhu people, some people looked at it with hatred, and some people felt a little envious...

In the palace hall.

Yu Wenxi heard the subordinates say that a Ningguo man came outside, rescued the hostages, and killed many mangosteen masters. Judging from his appearance, he seemed to be heading towards the palace?

Hearing the subordinate's report, Yu Wenxi was stunned for a moment. He had just mocked the Ningguo people in front of him, saying that he would come to Mangosteen to take his head if he had the ability, but now the Ningguo people killed him outside the palace in a blink of an eye?

Looking at this posture, the people below seem to be unable to resist?
"They're all fucking trash!"

Yu Wenxi was furious, it was almost a slap in the face.

The huge Mangkhut Kingdom can't stop a Ningguo person?

"Your Majesty, please don't disturb me. I will go and chop off the head of the little thief outside to relieve your boredom."

Among the ministers, a mangosteen general came out. He was tall and tall, and he was wearing armor. Just standing there gave people a great sense of oppression.

This is the number one general of the Mangosteen Kingdom, Ahachier.

He is also the number one running dog under Yu Wenxi, and has made countless contributions to Mangkhut.

Yu Wenxi looked at this beloved general, filled with joy, and shouted: "Good! You are worthy of being my number one mangosteen warrior! My Hao Erlang, for me, cut off the head of that little thief in Ningguo. When you come back, you can ask for any reward." carry!"

Being beaten to the door by a Ningguo person, no one can stop him. Although he knows that there may be a group of rotten fish and rotten shrimp outside, it is normal to not be able to beat him, but Yu Wenxi still feels very uncomfortable. This is a big loss of face. , he desperately needs the people below to find it for him.

As for him doing it himself?
What a joke, the king of a country actually personally took action against a Ning countryman of unknown origin?That is not to be laughed at by the world.

Don't they all say that there is no one in Mangkhut?
"Don't worry, Your Majesty, you will come as soon as you go!"

Ahachier bowed on his knees, then stood up, and walked outside without looking back.

The ministers in the palace didn't say anything after seeing it. They knew the strength of the number one warrior in the Mangkhut Kingdom. He had won all his military exploits by himself, and His Majesty personally conferred his title.

He went out in person, so naturally he was able to catch it with his hands.

After Ahachier left the hall, the officials also fell silent.

I could only hear the sound of Yu Wenxi gnawing on the fruit in the fruit plate.

Everyone is quietly waiting for good news from Ahachier.

Yu Wenxi was bored, glanced at the officials, and said with a smile: "Sitting like this is also boring, come on, guess, just guess how the number one warrior in Mangosteen can kill that thief in Ningguo?"

Seeing Yu Wenxi speak, the officials below immediately became active.

A minister flattered his face and said: "Your Majesty, General Ahachier is my number one mangosteen general. If he takes action himself, he will be able to kill the Ningguo thief with one move!"

Although these words are flattering words, it is good to say, but Yu Wenxi still likes to listen, he laughed: "It's too exaggerated, since the Ningguo thieves can reach the front of the palace, they still have some strength. One move will definitely not work, guess again.”

Immediately another courtier said: "I guess three tricks are enough! After all, General Ahachier has fought in the battlefield for so many years, and his rich experience is beyond anyone's ability. Assassins are not to be feared."

Yu Wenxi nodded after listening: "Well, you old boy has some truths in what you say. It seems that you Han dogs are not all fools, hahaha..."

He was an old boy and a Han dog. Under such insults, the Han officials silently bowed their heads, resentful in their hearts, and even prayed for the expert from Ningguo outside to clean up Ahachier.

But they also knew that it was basically impossible for them to kill Ahachier just by thinking about it. This person's strength was second only to Yuwenxi.

Next, the ministers speculated for a while, and they all said it was good, coaxing Yu Wenxi to smile, and he was so happy that he couldn't keep his mouth shut.


Suddenly, a messenger shouted from afar outside.

Hearing this shout, the court fell silent again, and all the officials were taken aback.

Is this too fast?

This Ahachier had just left for a while, and someone outside came to report the result?Could it be that he really solved the Ningguo thief with one move?
This Ning country thief is not very good...

Those mangosteen monks outside were quite useless...

While the ministers were guessing, the messenger had already run to the front of the main hall, took a deep breath, and said in a panic, "Your Majesty, General Ahachier... was beheaded by the Ning people... "


Yu Wenxi stood up abruptly, he showed a shocked expression, thinking that he had heard wrong.

The officials were also dumbfounded, with a look of astonishment on their faces.

The messenger looked at the quiet hall and repeated what he said just now. This time, his tone was much slower and his voice was louder.

"Report to Your Majesty, General Ahachier was beheaded by the people of Ningguo!"

This time, both Yu Wenxi and the officials knew that they had heard correctly.

The number one warrior of the Mangkhut Kingdom, the invincible Ahachier, was beheaded with a single move by the Ning people outside? !
Even Yu Wenxi couldn't do this.

At this moment, all the officials felt a chill in their hearts.

But Yu Wenxi looked at the herald officer with disbelief still on his face, he roared angrily: "Dare to lie about the military situation, come here, drag this bastard down to me and chop it up!"

When disaster happened, the herald looked flustered and begged for mercy: "Your Majesty, I didn't lie about the military situation, but I told the truth. If you don't believe me, you can send someone outside to inquire now. Many people have seen it. , General Ahachier was indeed hacked by the Ning people holding Fang Tianji!"

This loud roar made Yu Wenxi dizzy for a while, and he sat on the dragon chair, his expression also seemed a little dull.

The number one warrior in my Mangkhut Kingdom, Ahachier who has made countless achievements, was actually beheaded by a Ningguo man?
"Your Majesty, please forgive me, please forgive me..."

Yu Wenxi was in a daze. His previous order had been conveyed, and a soldier dragged the herald out.

The herald let out a miserable roar, but Yu Wenxi was still in a daze, not caring about his life or death.

"Your Majesty, the origin of this Ningguo man is unknown and his strength is powerful. We are defenseless. He has already been killed outside the palace. I suggest that Your Majesty leave here for the time being..."

Some courtiers calmed down and began to persuade.

When Yu Wenxi heard this, he roared angrily: "Are you going to be frightened by a Ningguo person and run away from this palace? How will people in the world think of me after this word spread?!"

The officials looked at the angry Yu Wenxi, and were about to continue persuading him.

At this moment, a cold voice sounded outside the main hall: "Want to leave? Hehe, can you leave?"

A light shone from outside, and Ning An blocked the entrance of the main hall with Fang Tianji in his hand.

He stood there with his back turned to the outside of the hall, and he could see the blue sky and white clouds, and countless rays of light shone in. All the officials were dazed for a moment, unable to see Ning Guo's appearance clearly.

All he could see was the Fang Tianji in his hand, with blood dripping down continuously, staining the hall red.

How many mangosteen people have to be killed...

Sitting on the dragon chair, Yu Wenxi also felt this powerful coercion.

He had never encountered such a sense of oppression, and his instinct told him that he was far from being this person's match.

Yu Wenxi, who had always been domineering and domineering, lost his previous madness at this moment, and sat on the dragon chair without saying a word.

And Ning An looked at him calmly, with a slight hook on the corner of his mouth: "I heard that you want me to personally come and take your head?"

In this world, the person who just claimed to be Zhen was from Ningguo again, and in an instant, the Mangkhut courtiers thought of the identity of the person who came.

Great Ning Heavenly Emperor, Ning An!
This is the same as the Heavenly Emperor of Ning Kingdom, who broke into the Mangosteen Kingdom alone, and killed countless Mangosteen monks, and finally went to the main hall to confront the Monarch of the Mangosteen Kingdom.

This scene is so dramatic that storytellers dare not write like this...

Ningguo Heavenly Emperor is here, if he is missing, Ningguo will be in chaos...

There are still many people thinking this way, but who can subdue him?
Stronger than Ahachier is a product that can be hit in seconds.

Yu Wenxi also knew this. He pondered for a long time and gradually calmed down. Then, he rarely showed a humble and humble smile: "Your Excellency is Emperor Daning. He came from a long way away. I'm sorry."

"As for what your Excellency said before, I have never said it, and I don't know which yellow-mouthed child said it. I will ask someone to investigate it immediately. If found, I will definitely punish it severely!"

"Your Excellency came here alone this time. If you continue to fight with our Mangzhu country, it will only allow outsiders to gain the benefits of the fisherman. In my opinion, you and I should let go of our grudges and have a good talk. Between the two countries, we can cooperate. win……"

Yu Wenxi spoke very fluently, and the officials of the Mangkhut Kingdom were stunned for a while.

My Majesty is a little too real.

The tone and attitude of this speech are completely different from his previous style.

Obviously there are two people...

The officials of the Mangkhut Kingdom couldn't adapt to the changes in Yu Wenxi.

Because this is really a man who knows the current affairs as a hero...

And Yu Wenxi was still saying: "If your Excellency is determined to kill me, then I will definitely not wait for death. Although no one in my Mangosteen country is your opponent, this is the realm of my Mangosteen country after all."

"Over the years, I have cultivated many confidantes of dead soldiers. If you join forces with me, even if you can't kill Your Excellency, it will definitely cause you a lot of trouble."

"So even if your Excellency kills me in the end, if you are seriously injured for this, it will only put Daning in crisis, and the surrounding countries will definitely not miss this opportunity."

"Therefore, whether it is war or harmony, please think carefully."

Ning An looked at Yu Wenxi silently, listening to him making a long speech there.

I sneered endlessly in my heart, you were the one who talked before, and now you are the one who coaxes you, I let you finish talking, so why did I come to Mangkhut Country in person?
There is nothing good in this world.

Thoughts flashed through Ning An's mind, and finally looked at Yu Wenxi playfully: "Are these your last words? Are you done talking?"

As soon as these words came out, the court hall of Mangchuk Kingdom fell silent instantly, and the expressions of all the officials changed.

The smile on Yu Wenxi's face also slowly froze.

He admitted that he had paid the price for his previous madness, and he regretted it a little.

But he has already come to this point, the opponent is pressing every step of the way, he can't retreat, and there is no way out.

His eyes widened: "Okay! Since your Excellency doesn't know how to praise, then don't blame me for being cruel, at worst, you will die!"


Yu Wenxi let out a roar.Then, the whole hall shook.

The officials only felt a sudden tremor under their feet, and then, the floor tiles shattered one by one.

Then, men in black jumped out from the ground one by one. They held various magic weapons and slashed directly at Ning'an.

These men in black were all cold and ruthless, exuding a fierce aura of going to death. The courtiers of the Mangchuk Kingdom knew that they were the dead soldiers trained by Yuwen Xi, who had been hiding in the dark all these years.

Unexpectedly, their lair is actually under the main hall.

Yu Wenxi hid it really deep.

After seeing the men in black surround Ning'an, Yu Wenxi didn't want to fight Ning'an as he said before.

I saw that he took advantage of this opportunity to turn around and run away.

This is Yu Wenxi's current thinking to keep the green hills alive without worrying about no firewood.

He wanted to die, to protect himself, to live.

The ministers were also confused by Yu Wenxi's coquettish operation.

For a while, they didn't know which one was the real Yuwen Xi.

This strange disposition can no longer be distinguished.

But the officials are not fools, their own monarchs have taken the lead in running away, and they don't have ink marks, so they quickly follow.

And here, Ning An looked at the black-clothed dead men who surrounded him, and just smiled coldly.

The gap in realm cannot be made up by fearless life and death.

He holds the Fang Tianhalberd in his hand, and with his aura circulating inwardly, he waved it with one arm.

A golden light instantly illuminated the entire hall.

These dead men who surrounded them were instantly reduced to ashes under the golden light!

All this happened in just a few breaths of time.

Yu Wenxi didn't expect that these dead men only provided him with a few breaths of escape time.

(End of this chapter)

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