The mobile immortality game was realized by me

Chapter 182. Zhang Yi's Envoy to the Countries

Chapter 182. Zhang Yi's Envoy to the Countries
"True? To tell the truth, sir, is he cursing the king to die?"

Yue Daheng still suppressed his anger. It has to be said that what Ningguo did in Mangkhut before had brought very good results.

No matter how you say it, Yue Daheng is also the majestic emperor of the Mongolian country. He was able to hold back his anger after being cursed by an envoy from another country in such a large audience. Apart from his good self-restraint, it was thanks to Ning An's previous use of force to subdue people.

Zhang Yi looked at Yue Daheng holding back his anger, smiled slightly, and said calmly: "I am not cursing the king, but the Thirteen-Nation Alliance, which seems to be very powerful, but in fact, everyone is at odds with each other. Folks, how do you think the odds of winning this kind of alliance against my Daning army will be?"

Zhang Yi's words were very clear and loud, and the Mongolian ministers in the entire hall could hear them clearly.

Yue Daheng also fully understood what Zhang Yi meant.

After talking for a long time, going around, what curses, what about ascending to the sky as soon as possible, these words are in disguise to tell them that the alliance is not advisable.

After guessing Zhang Yi's intention, the Mongolian ministers were not as angry as before, and calmed down a lot.

This Zhang Yi came to be a lobbyist.

The anger on Yue Daheng's face also gradually disappeared. Looking at Zhang Yi, he said calmly: "The king does not deny that Ning is strong, but no matter how strong Ning is, it is only one country after all, and our army of thirteen countries is united. The manpower or the elite will definitely crush you, and it is really hard to say who will ascend to the sky first in the end."

Listening to Yue Daheng's words, Zhang Yi smiled and clasped his fists together: "Our enemies of Ningguo, every opponent before fighting us, they are as confident as your king, but what about afterward?"

"Your Majesty, did you not see the former Xu Kingdom? Mangzhu Kingdom? Or the Yan Kingdom and Xichu that were just destroyed? Don't these prove the strength of my Daning?"

"I would venture to guess that even the Thirteen-Nation Alliance would not be able to take down both Yan and Western Chu in such a short period of time."

Zhang Yi's last words were not to say how powerful Ning State was, but to say that the alliance of the Thirteen Kingdoms was a mess.

Yue Daheng understood this truth.

Indeed, this so-called alliance was only established to deal with Ningguo. Everyone is not on the same page, especially the leader, Yuan Guo. tactics.

As Yuan Guo is like this, the other allied countries are naturally also harboring ulterior motives, secretly planning their own interests.

Yue Daheng didn't say this kind of alliance on the surface, but he was very clear in his heart that it really wouldn't last long.

But even if it doesn't last long, at least it shouldn't be a problem to face Ning Guo head-on with superficial strength.

But after hearing Zhang Yi's words just now, and thinking about Xu Guo and Mangzhu Country's fate, Yue Daheng began to feel uneasy again, losing the confidence he had just now.

It was not only Yue Daheng who was not confident, but the officials of the Mongolian Kingdom were also beating drums in their hearts, especially after learning the news that the Yan Kingdom and the Western Chu Kingdom were destroyed at the same time.

Whether it is Yan State or Western Chu, neither of them is weaker than Meng State.

But just like this, in the face of the two-way battle of Daning, it only lasted for a few days?
Mongolia is so close to Daning, if they join forces to attack Mongolia, can they last for three days?
During the period of being attacked, go to the other twelve countries of the alliance to ask for help?
With these people's selfish character, I'm afraid that not only will they not send troops to save Mongolia, but they may even hold fire behind their backs, making Mongolia insist on fighting against Daning for a while, and then they will make some small moves behind their backs to seek more many benefits.

On the surface, maybe they will stand up and accuse Ning Guo of attacking Mongolia for no reason...

That series of tragic endings has already formed a picture in Yue Daheng's mind.

Looking at the quiet hall, Zhang Yi knew that all the officials were thinking, so he struck while the iron was hot: "Everyone, since ancient times, none of the alliances have been able to persevere to the end. The most terrifying thing in people's hearts is greed. Recently, they are our good neighbors. Since ancient times, there has been a saying that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors. Don’t you help your neighbors, and instead join others to attack your neighbors?”

"You must understand the reason why the lips are dead and the teeth are cold. If I, Daning, are really defeated by the alliance, then how much do you think the Mongolian country that is closest to the Ning country will not be coveted by these countries?"

Zhang Yi's words made the whole court of Meng Kingdom fall silent.

Many people lowered their heads, and those who had previously clamored for an alliance against Ning also began to waver.

The main reason is that the recent actions of the coalition led by Yuan Guo have chilled them too much, and they no longer have any hope for this alliance.

Now that Zhang Yi said this again, the weight in his heart has begun to move closer to Ningguo.

"Your Majesty, Mr. Zhang's words can indeed be considered carefully..."

At this time, among the Mongolian ministers, an old minister stood up and bowed to Yue Daheng.

In front of Zhang Yi, it was difficult for him to say some things, but the hints in the words were already very obvious.

Seeing that someone took the lead, many ministers in the group of ministers soon stepped forward. From the hint at the beginning, it gradually became an explicit statement. In the end, they almost told Yue Daheng directly that we would not end this alliance.

Yue Daheng looked at the ministers and remained silent. It was these people who clamored for an alliance before, and now it is these people who say no alliance.

To put it bluntly, it is called judging the situation, but to put it bluntly, it is sloppy, falling on both sides.

However, Yue Daheng also had to admit that after hearing Zhang Yi's words, his mood was the same as that of the officials.

In the end, he looked at Zhang Yi: "I wonder if sir can stay in Mongolia for a few days? I will give you an answer in three days."

Zhang Yi smiled slightly when she heard this, clasped her fists in her hands and said: "Of course it doesn't make sense, but this time it's not just Zhang who is going to the various countries. I, Daning, have many people like Zhang who went to the other twelve country……"

"I'm short of wit, I'm not as quick-witted as those gentlemen who have been sent to various countries, so I can't guarantee whether they have convinced their goals..."

"My Heavenly Emperor said before this visit that among the thirteen countries, it is enough to win over half of them. After all, I, Daning, always need to bring some deterrence to the surrounding countries. There are fourteen countries and fifteen countries alliance..."

Zhang Yi's words sounded obviously threatening, but it made people have to think carefully.

Yue Daheng looked at Zhang Yi in surprise. There are still many great talents here in Ningguo?

With so many talents under his command, how can His Majesty the Heavenly Emperor of Daning not be unified?

Yue Daheng was surprised, and said to Zhang Yi again: "Sir, please sit in the backyard for half an hour. It only takes half an hour, and I will definitely give you a reply."

The change from three days to half an hour was because of Zhang Yi's short words.

These words made Yue Daheng worried. He was afraid that because time dragged on for too long, some people in the other twelve countries would choose to surrender first, and in the end, Mongolia would become another target of deterrence.

Zhang Yi saw that her goal had been achieved and she was no longer threatening, so she got up and left immediately.

As soon as he left, the Mongolian ministers in the court began to discuss one after another, and they boldly raised the words that they had concerns just now and dared not say.

Yue Daheng looked at the officials and said, "Do you have a good strategy?"

Immediately below, a courtier said: "My lord, the situation is pressing now, and this alliance has come in a hurry. The hearts of the countries are not in harmony, and it is difficult to become a big weapon. And this Ningguo is full of talents and powerful, so it is better to choose Ningguo. Form an alliance in exchange for greater benefits!"

"After all, Ning Guozhi is in the world. In order to win more allies, the emperor of Ning Guo will definitely not do such a thing. If he helps Ning Guo break the alliance this time, our Mongolian country may get a lot of benefits. ..."

At this time, the Mongolian court looked like a vegetable market. The ministers were discussing and bargaining, and various strategies came out of their mouths.

At this time, most of the people are maintaining a concept, that is, not to form an alliance with the Thirteen Nations, but to form an alliance with Ningguo, and the speed must be fast, and they must dare to be ahead of other countries, and it is best to be the first to seek refuge with Ningguo.

Yue Daheng watched the ministers scrambling for the first place, he sighed softly, after all, he established the Mongolian Kingdom with one hand, he knows how to employ talents, and treats people of insight well, it would be a lie to say that he has no ambition.

But the national strength is limited, the number of wise men in the court is not many, and there are even fewer fierce generals who can fight.

Compared with Ning Guo in this way, no matter how ambitious he is, he can only accept his fate.

After Yue Daheng heaved a long sigh, he looked at the officials and said, "Since all the lords think so, then this king has complied with your wishes..."

"Your Majesty Yingming!"

After bursts of wise shouts, Yue Daheng invited Zhang Yi to the hall again.

Zhang Yi, full of confidence, looked at Yue Daheng with a smile, and there was no victorious gesture on his face. Instead, he was the same as before, respectful, neither humble nor overbearing.

This made Yue Daheng feel much better.

He looked at Zhang Yi and said: "This king has just discussed with the ministers of the DPRK. The hearts of the thirteen countries are not in harmony, and they are all fighting on their own. If Mongolia continues to join hands with the thirteen countries to attack Daning, we will only lose in the end. It hurts the common people of the two countries. Therefore, in order to reduce unnecessary casualties, Mongolia is willing to withdraw from the Thirteen-Nation Alliance and form an alliance with Daning. I also hope that Mr. Wang will take back the words of this king and tell Ning Tiandi that Mongolia China is willing to form friendship with Daning forever!"

Zhang Yi kept her head down, showing no signs of emotion or anger.

After listening to Yue Daheng's words, Zhang Yi smiled in his heart. He knew that Yue Daheng still wanted to save some face, so he directly forcibly pulled the people of the two countries out.

But don't tell if you see through.

On the contrary, Zhang Yi bowed to Yue Daheng very seriously, and said loudly: "Your Majesty is merciful to the common people in the world, and he does not want the people in the world to suffer. Zhang Yi admires it very much. If all the kings in the world have such a benevolent heart as the King, there will be no more It is a blessing that the people can live and work in peace and contentment when the war breaks out!"

Hearing Zhang Yi's cry, Yue Daheng's mood became much happier, and a thorn in his heart was pulled out a lot.

Even, looking at Zhang Yi's serious expression, he himself believed what he just said...

The Mongolian ministers also looked at Zhang Yi, and their faces flushed with excitement when they heard the latter's words.

Because they felt that the reason why Yue Daheng formed an alliance with Ningguo was because of their persuasion.

It was because of their persuasion that Yue Daheng's title of benevolent king was achieved. This shows that, like Yue Daheng, they also have the same kindness in their hearts...

Zhang Yi silently glanced at the excited state of the Mongolian officials, curled his lips, and then coughed a few times.

After attracting everyone's attention, Zhang Yi said to Yue Daheng: "Your Majesty, I have something else to do. I hope your Majesty can promise."

Seeing Zhang Yi's politeness, and thinking that Zhang Yi's lobbying may be needed in the future alliance with Ningguo, Yue Daheng immediately replied politely: "Although sir, as long as it can be done, I will do my best."

After hearing this, Zhang Yi said, "It's not a big deal, it's just for the common people in the world, in order to reduce the casualties of innocent people, please don't announce the news that you have formed an alliance with me, Daning..."

"Your Majesty can continue to pretend to stay in the Thirteen-Nation Alliance. On the one hand, you can secretly pass on the news to us. On the other hand, the Thirteen-Nation Alliance will not be angry and attack Mongolia because of the departure of the King. In this way, the people of Mongolia It will avoid war persecution, and save a lot of people from sacrificing..."

"I, Daning, have other envoys from different countries. At this time, some of them should have chosen to cooperate with me, Daning, like Mongolia. At that time, I will contact other envoys, so that all countries will not reveal their cooperation with me. In this way, the Alliance of Nations will surely be caught by surprise, and the world will be settled in one battle!"

Hearing Zhang Yi's words, Yue Daheng understood that Ning Guo wanted to backstab their former allies who had turned to them.

Although it sounds immoral, just now Zhang Yi directly suppressed the banner of the common people in the world.

Therefore, for the common people in the world, and for innocent people to be spared from the baptism of war, they had no choice but to agree to do this unethical thing...

"Okay, then according to what Mr. said, the alliance between Mongolia and Daning will not be announced to the public for the time being, but will be done secretly. When necessary, Mr. will inform..."

After hearing this, Zhang Yi bowed again: "That's very good, then I will take my leave first, and I will pass the news back as soon as possible..."

"Okay, thank you sir."

After Zhang Yi finished speaking here, she withdrew from the Mongolian Palace.

In a place where no one was around, a smile finally appeared on his face.

Successfully divided Mongolia in the Thirteen-Nation Alliance, and this task can be regarded as a small part of completion.

Meng country is just the beginning, next, he is going to Zhao country.

He wants to persuade King Zhao to form an alliance with Daning just like Meng!
The thirteen-nation alliance is inherently divided, as long as he finds a weakness, he will surely be able to divide the thirteen countries step by step.

This kind of credit is not lower than those generals who fought on the battlefield, and even higher.

(End of this chapter)

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