When people were in Qin, they ruled the world

Chapter 113 Monarch and Minister and Father and Daughter

Chapter 113 Monarchs and Subjects and Father and Daughter (Monthly Ticket 100 Plus Changes)

"Your Majesty?" Ying Zheng's answer clearly did not reassure Meng Ao.

"General, it won't be too long, it only takes three years." Ying Zheng said.

three years?Three years later is the seventh year of Qin Wangzheng, twenty years old?Crowning age?marriage?pro-government?
Thinking of all the things at this time, Meng Ao completely calmed down, he found that he had lived for so long, and he was not as calm as Ying Zheng.

Three years later, it is very stable and very good.

"In this way, the minister will feel at ease." Meng Ao said.

"The general can take care of his health for the time being. In the next three years, there will definitely be a war involving the seven countries. How can such a war be less of the figure of the general." Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty, are you talking about the union?" Meng Ao said solemnly.

"Not all the six nations are mediocre. How can they not see the current crisis? If it weren't for this year's locust plague, next year might be a year of great war. However, because of the locust plague that has affected the four nations this year, they don't have enough money." Power starts a war." Ying Zheng said.

"Your Majesty's words are right. This year has been like this. Next year, the countries in Shandong can recover from this locust plague, and they will have the power to launch a war in the next year." After Ying Zheng's prompt, Meng Ao immediately thought of going out the concept in it.

"General, after some things need to be considered, the next year's war is not only a war, but also a test, a war that can truly see the strength of our Qin generals. In that war, we must fight with all our strength. In my Qin army, no general can stay out of it." Ying Zheng said.

"Yes, I will live up to Your Majesty's expectations and find out for Your Majesty a general who can fight well." Meng Ao said.

Meng Ao knew that he had been in the position of general for a long time. After all, he was too old. If it wasn't for Ying Zheng's reason, he was ready to disarm and return to the field at this time.

And now, Meng Ao has another reason to persist, so how could a war sweeping the world be without him.Treating that war as the curtain call of his life, his combat career in this life was completely complete.

When the monarchs and ministers of Xianyang Palace were talking, the same scene was happening in Wei Palace thousands of miles away.

"Sikong, I heard that you are going to send your daughter to the state of Qin?" Wei Wangzeng, who had just succeeded to the throne, asked suspiciously to Wei Yong, who had fulfilled his mission.

"Report to Your Majesty, there is indeed such a thing." Wei Yong replied without hesitation.

The speed of Wei Yong's answer and the decisive attitude made Wei Wangzeng think of a sentence in a trance: a gentleman is magnanimous, and a villain is always close.

But, is Wei Yong a gentleman?
"I just want to hear Sikong's explanation." Wei Wang suppressed the suspicion in his heart.

"Your Majesty, this matter started from Lu Buwei, Prime Minister of Qin." Wei Yong said calmly.

"Lu Buwei?"

"Yes, it is precisely because of Lu Buwei. Lu Buwei is worried that there are too many people from Chu in the Prince's Palace, and he wants to balance the power of Chu in the Qin Palace, so he needs to join other countries in the Qin Palace besides Qin and Chu. People." Wei Yong explained.

"I can understand the reason for Sikong's words, but why is it Sikong's daughter and not our princess of Wei?" Wei Wangzeng said.

For the marriage between the two countries, the princess is the most suitable candidate. Only when there is no one of the right age among the direct blood of the royal family, will the offshoot of the royal family be considered, and Wei Yong's line is the offshoot of the Wei royal family.

But in the current palace of Wei, there are more than one or two of Wei Wangzeng's adult sisters or soon-to-adult daughters. Even if they want to marry Qin, they should be those princesses, not Wei Yong's daughters.

Although Wei Wangzeng knew that even if such a thing really happened, he might not be willing, but whether he wanted to or not was his own business, but what Wei Yong did exceeded this limit.

"Because Lu Buwei wanted to win over the minister. He knew that the minister had only one daughter, so he took it for granted that as long as he controlled the minister's daughter, he could let the minister do things for Qin, but..." Wei Yong paused when he said this down.

"But what?" Wei Wangzeng asked.

"However, Lu Buwei is an old, treacherous and cunning person. Of course, he can't do things so simply. He knows that even if the minister will not serve Qin because of this, after this incident, the king will definitely suspect the minister. In this way, the minister can no longer I have served the King, so whether I will serve the Qin State in the future or not be able to serve the King in the future, for Lu Buwei, it is a guaranteed business." Wei Yong said solemnly.

"However, this has nothing to do with whether Sikong agrees to Qin, right?" Wei Wangzeng didn't say that he was so easy to be fooled.

"Yes, you can't hide everything from your majesty, and my ministers really have their own difficulties. However, my state of Wei has the Qin army oppressing the country, and Lu Buwei is in a state of distress. How can I dare to delay the important affairs of my state of Wei because of the happiness of my daughter? Therefore, I have no choice but to agree to Lu Buwei." Wei Yong said solemnly.

Wei Wangzeng was indifferent, obviously thinking about the truth and falsehood of Wei Yong's words.

"Your Majesty can put aside the dignity of the king and negotiate peace with Qin, but it's nothing for a minister to abandon a daughter." Wei Yong stated calmly.

And Wei Wangzeng was finally a little moved.

"Besides, Lu Buwei really thought that this would allow the minister to serve the state of Qin, so he underestimated the minister. Before the country, what is a daughter? Suspicion." Wei Yong said, looking at Wei Wangzeng with burning eyes.

Seeing Wei Yong's sincere and frank look, Wei Wangzeng's expression changed.

This is a person who seeks the country with sincerity. Of course, Wei Wangzeng will never admit it. Wei Yong's words are right in his heart, and he feels a little smug because of Wei Yong's flattery.

"Sikong is suffering, but Gu is not suffering. If everyone in the Wei Kingdom can understand the painstaking efforts of Gu and Sikong, why can't they be united and stand firm in this chaotic world? However, those people only It’s ridiculous to disregard the interests of the country for the sake of one’s own name, and to ridicule us for our short-sightedness.” Wei Wangzeng resonated emotionally.

Gu and Wei Sikong are the same, they both carry forward with heavy burdens for this country.Wei Wangzeng said to himself in his heart.

In Wei Wangzeng's place, he not only successfully survived the crisis, but also Wei Yong, who took advantage of the situation and gained a wave of goodwill, left the Wei Palace and returned to the mansion contentedly.

However, Wei Yong did not return to his favorite study, but came to the courtyard where his daughter lived.

"Father." A twenty-year-old woman appeared in front of Wei Yong. This age is not young for a woman who has not yet married. She is Wei Yong's only daughter, and her name is Wei Yong. slender.

Wei Yong looked at his daughter in front of him, slightly disappointed. Although Wei Xianxian had a good appearance, it was only good. The gentle Wei Xianxian could only be regarded as a beauty, but that was all. is not lacking.

Fortunately, although Wei Xianxian's appearance is not too outstanding, he already has a peaceful and quiet temperament. Wei Yong, who has also passed through the youth stage, knows very well that such a gentle big sister who is a few years older is very important to a How attractive it is to a teenager.

"Well, you're going to Qin soon, do you know?" Wei Yong said.

"My daughter has heard some rumors." Wei Xianxian replied without sadness or joy.

"Well, you won't be able to stay at home for too long, so be prepared." Wei Yong rarely showed his father's kind smile.


(End of this chapter)

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