When people were in Qin, they ruled the world

Chapter 137 The Future Lishan Imperial Mausoleum

Chapter 137 The Future Lishan Imperial Mausoleum (please subscribe)

"You know me? But why don't I know you?" Hearing Ying Zheng's words, Gongsun Li asked curiously.

"Your name is Gongsun Li, isn't it?" Ying Zheng said.

"You really know me! But, who are you?" At this time, Gongsun Li was already shocked. In this Qin country, there are people who don't know her, but know her.

Ying Zheng didn't pay attention to Gongsun Li anymore, she was just a little girl after all, Ying Zheng had more important things to do now.

Seeing that Ying Zheng ignored her, Gongsun Li couldn't help puffing up, obviously a little angry, but Hong Lian looked curiously at Gongsun Li who was a few years younger than herself.

How did the king know this little girl?A smile slowly appeared on the corner of Guren's mouth as he thought about it.

While Ying Zheng was talking about Lishan with Cai Ze and Mo Ban, Hong Lian quietly took Gongsun Li aside.

She wants to find out the details of the other party.

However, when Honglian boarded the carriage leaving Zhangtai Palace, she looked unhappy.


Since the beginning of Yingzheng's accession to the throne, this place has been positioned as the location of the mausoleum. Afterwards, more than a thousand servants and prisoners of varying numbers have served here all year round.

Ying Zheng didn't pay much attention to the matter of the mausoleum behind him. Therefore, the Lishan project has no sense of existence in Qin State.

But it is precisely this place that has no sense of existence that today welcomes more than a thousand armored soldiers to set up defenses.

At the northern foot of Lishan Mountain, nearly [-] people excavated the mountain in a huge construction site, and now they have dug more than two feet down the mountain.

Nearly [-] people were buried in the construction site. Although it was only early spring, these people were sweating profusely. Obviously, the intensity of the labor was very high.

On the construction site belonging to the prisoners, a young man in prison uniform was digging the ground with all his might. Unlike the numbness of other prisoners, although the young man's eyes couldn't hide his tiredness, there was a dazzling light in the depths. Obviously, his Internal strength has been cultivated to a certain level.

His name is Jing Ke, and he is the same young swordsman of the Wei Kingdom who came all the way to save his master, grandfather, and grandson, but was arrested before the gate of Xianyang city.

"These armored soldiers are the guards of Qin Palace?" Jing Ke vaguely cast his eyes on the armored soldiers who were holding their hands on the edge of the construction site, and got a guess.

Under Jing Ke's observation, two teams of armored soldiers rushed down to the construction site quickly, and then divided into two teams to build a pedestrian passage in the construction site. At the end of the passage, Jing Ke saw five people.

Two old people, a middle-aged man, a young man, and a young girl.

"Could it be Qin Wangzheng?" Thinking of a possibility, Jing Ke quickly lowered his head, he was afraid that he would not be able to conceal his murderous aura, so that he would be noticed by the other party, then he would be completely hopeless.

"Master Ban, is this the place you said you surveyed?" Ying Zheng looked at everything in front of him with strange eyes.

Even if Moban said before that there seemed to be a large number of crystal stones in Mount Li, Ying Zheng never thought that that place was actually where his mausoleum was.

One must know that although Wang Ling is big, Mount Li is even bigger, but right now, something that can only be explained by coincidence is happening.

"Yes, Your Majesty, it is here. I have done surveys in all directions here before, and the center of their common point is here. If there may be a large number of mechanism cores there, then It can only be here." Moban said excitedly.

"Is all of this God's will?" Ying Zheng looked at everything around him and fell into an inexplicable state.

He never thought about building such a large mausoleum in the original historical track, but now, it seems that he has to invest a lot of manpower at this time to dig.

Ying Zheng, who understands the value of mechanism skills better than anyone else, will not give up even if there is a one-tenth possibility of the spar under his feet.

"This is indeed a treasured place of geomantic omen. As a mausoleum, there is no more suitable place than here." Cai Ze said quietly, observing the trend of the surrounding mountains and rivers.

"You..." Mo Ban couldn't help but glared at Cai Ze, what was he trying to do, tearing things down?
"Master Ban, if you want to excavate the layer you mentioned, how many people will it take and how long will it take?" Ying Zheng, who had already made up his mind, asked.

"It will take at least tens of thousands of years of work." Moban replied after a little thought.

"Yes, but this matter should be classified as the top secret of our Qin State. Except for you and me, it must not be known to outsiders." Ying Zheng said.

Wait, four people?And me?Obviously there are five people, am I not human?Hong Lian, who was following Ying Zheng, couldn't help but pricked up her ears, and the breath between her nostrils couldn't help being thicker.

"Your Majesty is saying?" Moban asked excitedly.

"This is still where Gu's mausoleum is located. Gu will order to expand the construction scale of the mausoleum here, so as to deceive people's eyes and ears." Ying Zheng said.

"This is just right, Your Majesty. The Mohists are also very good at construction. Since it is to deceive people, it is natural to treat it as real. No one is more suitable than Master Ban to preside over the construction of the mausoleum." Gong Shuchou said The first sentence since traveling with Lishan.

"Master Ban, what do you think?" Ying Zheng asked.

"Your Majesty has orders, I shall obey them..." Mo Ban replied without thinking.

Although he knew that Gong Shuchou had no good idea, but in the current situation, if he could preside over the construction of the royal tomb, it would also be the excavation of crystal stones, which indeed met his current demands.

"Lishan, what's so strange about it?" Ying Zheng stepped on the ground, layers of spiritual power slowly spread out, and penetrated deep into the ground under his feet.

It's a pity that even with Yingzheng's spiritual power at this time, it can only penetrate the spiritual power to a depth of ten feet underground, and it is already the limit to go any further.

but.Ying Zheng's mind suddenly froze, and he felt as if he felt an inexplicable and weak force.

Maybe there really is a spar here, but what is the reason for its appearance?
In this world that can be traced back to the age of mythology, the energy of later generations has no basis for existence in this world. Is spar a 'special product' that belongs to this world?

How did they appear?
When one question found the answer in Ying Zheng's mind, another question also appeared, and this question was even more profound.

"Such a strong spiritual power, which has almost reached the threshold of a master who enters the Tao with spirit." Cai Ze looked at Ying Zheng strangely, and there was a lot of trouble in his heart.

In this world, people can cultivate their essence, energy, and spirit. Essence corresponds to the physical body, qi corresponds to the cultivation of inner breath, and god refers to spiritual power.

Whether it is strengthening the physical body, or training Qi, or cultivating the spirit, they can all aspire to the realm of a master.

Cai Ze, for example, practiced Qi to reach the state of a master. This is the path most people choose, and some people choose the path of cultivating the gods. For example, the Confucian Xunzi, although he has no physical strength and no strength to practice Qi, he still has a master. The strength of the opponent is only because the opponent has already practiced the gods to the limit, and the Taoist Zhuangzi almost practiced the way of cultivating the gods to an unknown realm. It is rumored that he can rewrite reality with spirit.

As for the body, it has already declined, and the strongest is no more than the armored sect.

Cai Ze thought about it, and looked at Ying Zheng more and more puzzled, because he saw the shadow of spiritual cultivation in Ying Zheng.

 I would like to thank book friends 2019····8123 and book friends 1574··3485 for their support.

(End of this chapter)

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